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Monday, December 31, 2007

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"Please letme see thesebeauties."

The come isstarting to boilup from mynuts, and Iyell "I'm gonnacome! I'm gonnacome!" His fistis beating onhis dick sofast it's ablur. "C'mon mancome on!," Iyell. "COME ON!I'm COMING!" Kapow!!I'm coming sohard I thinkI'm gonna pass out. I've gothis head inboth my hands,and when Iyank my dickout,

"Shall wetry it," I"I hope so",answer Amy....

I noticedbecause I sawhim smile atthe girl inthe booth nextto his. Sheblushed since shewas conspicuously watching him as hemoved towards her.

"Areyou alright, love?"He asked, hisdeep voice booming in her enhancedhearing.

Indeed shedid. From thenon, I wasat her housethree or moretimes a weekand auntie didnot go out.We were inbed together. Shewas doing theteaching and Ithe learning. Aftermy nervous beginning,I went ahead fast.

It was onlyas she finallyreached the greyline of shopsthat masqueraded asa town centre that she realisedher complete lack of a purse.Amy leant back against the nearestwall and shuther eyes, allowinga second towallow in herdespair. It wasn'tfair; she washaving a shittyenough day asit was. Shedidn't deserve tohave to gohome to fetchher purse.

Rolling offof Jim's face,you let yourselfslowly return fromthe plateau ofpleasure you hadreached.

"Mmmmm. You don'teven want toknow." Becca teased and smiled.

So, whenshe found sixor seven sheetsof paper foldedup in hispillowcase, she suspectedthat their contentswere questionable, especiallyas she couldsee that theyhad unfolded andthen refolded anumber of times(as if hekept re-reading whatwas written onthem).

Now thatyou know aboutSkye let metell you aboutan incident whichhappened a monthago. We wereat a partywith about 50of our friendsand everyone washaving a goodtime. We wereall drinking fairly steadily and althoughno one wasdrunk, some werea little underthe weather. Theseparties, like most,tended to separateinto men groups and women groups and although weall tended towander between thegroups they remainedmostly single sex groups. The exceptionwas usually changed when Skye wasaround. It seemedthat all ofthe men andwomen wanted tobe near herand she wasalways very popular.When we hadfirst courted Iwas insanely jealous of the attentionshe gave toother men andparticularly the attentionthey gave toher! She wasalways the lifeof the partybut very earlyon I learnedthat she haddeclared herself mywoman and nobodywas likely tochange that. Itherefore relaxed alittle and justwatched in amazementas she wanderedaround and talkedto everyone. Anyway,at this party,I lost Skye for quite awhile. The homewhere the partywas being heldis very largeand also haslarge grounds whichcontain a swimmingpool and allmod cons. Itis not unusualfor me tolose Skye becauseshe often driftedoff in thecompany of othersand would becontent to sitfor a whileand discuss allsorts of things.

Shefelt the coolnessof Miriam's hairteasing at herinner thighs, feltthe slippery heat of the woman'stongue as itparted the cushionylips of hersex, to lickferociously at everydelicate fold ofglistening pink.

Ilooked from thecontrols to him,and sat back on my buttockswith parted legs,bracing myself withmy arms behindme. He turnedto me, kneeling,to reveal theprominent bulge downthe leg ofhis shorts. I'dtruly wanted toavoid this, atleast before theparty, yet ithad been aweek since I'dhad any sexualcontact with aman – arecord period ofabstinence for meover the pastmonths – andmy head wasswimming with vividmemories of hisnaked, muscular body.The sight ofhis swelling groinmade me tingleand glow, yetI tried tostem my excitementby scooting backward,away from him.

"Who cares, withall of thatmoney" Ginger replied.Both giggled. Theyknew that theywould probably findout real soon.They dozed offand had wonderfulwet dreams.

Thethird guy gets on top ofme and slideshis cock intomy pussy. Hestarts thrusting intome hard andfast really giving it to megood.

"What," Johnasked. "At fiveoÍclock?" The studioaudience tittered onceagain.

She thought backto how ithad all started.Tom had beenworking hard athis new joband was puttingin ten andtwelve hours aday six daysa week. Hewas exhausted whenhe came homeand as aresult their sexlife had gonefrom marvelous tozilch. She hadn'tbeen laid inso long shewas afraid herpussy might growshut. Desperate toturn things aroundshe had goneto Frederick's ofHollywood and purchasedenough sexy lingerie to turn ona platoon ofmen. She hadsent the kidsto her mother'sfor the nightand when Tomhad come homethat night shehad greeted himat the doorwith a martiniand wearing onlyhigh heels anda few blackpieces of almostnothing. He hadtaken the martiniand walked pasther asking, "What'sfor dinner?" Stunned,she had runcrying to herbedroom.

askedas I pointedto the whirlpool.

Thesaliva wasn't greatlubricant, but Lindadidn't care. Asthe women continuedto cheer heron, kissing andcaressing her body,Linda began tohump at thecock in earnest.The warm, hardshaft burned asit rubbed againstthe insides ofher ass, butit only addedto the sensationsthat throbbed throughher body. Whenshe finally felthot cum erupt into her assas spurt afterspurt of jizzfilled her bowels,Linda allowed herselfto be lowered,exhausted, to thefloor. One womaneven licked herass clean, herlong tongue snaking into the stretchedopening.

"Where areyou going?" Pamsaid.

"Tough talk fora fuckin' pussy!"I was gaspingfor air, butrefused to givein.

Meredith showed up at Kara'sdoor promptly atsix. Erin, theau pair, openedthe door andsmiled. "Hi, youmust be Meredith?"

Youkiss me passionatelyand tell methat today Iam going toovercome my insecurities.You want meto feel comfortablearound you, securein my ownskin. You knowhow I currentlyfeel so unsettledabout my body,how I compareit to yoursthat I viewas so exquisiteand flawless. Ilook at myown body andfeel only shame.

"Why not? Laura,it's just anothertype of barter,in a mannerthat doesn't compromisethe basic principleswe hold dearas a couple.Pa will neverhave intercourse witha woman andI will neverhave intercourse witha man. Butwe will useother methods tosurvive."

I thought Iwas hearing herkeep that monsterin her throatover a minute;maybe over two;but at somepoint I realizedshe was backto licking andsucking it again,I heard afew smacking lips on his shaft."Do you wantit again, Daddy?"she purred betweenlicks. I didn'thear an answer,but a secondlater he gruntedagain from deep,I knew shewas taking himback down herthroat. What aprofessional, almost. Thebed was reallyshaking now ashe had hisdick stuffed intomy daughter's mouth,and from hiswhining and gruntsI knew hewas trying tofight off anorgasm. I mean,who wouldn't havecum by nowwith his cockthat deep ina young woman'ssexy mouth? Hewas really gurgling loudly, probably wincingand eyes rolling to quell theclimax he wantsto have, andCaitlyn was milkingit out withher experienced mouth and throat.

Rebecca Barkerwas in thesecond year ofher college studies and intended togo to universitywhen she turnednineteen years old in three monthstime. Rebecca wasfive feet twoinches tall andhad shoulder length fair hair. Rebeccawas a ratherplump girl whowore glasses andhad braces onher teeth.

"I'drather have someprivacy. Is itat all possibleto meet withyou in youroffice?" He agreed,although once morethe stutter cameout and Icould sense hisnervousness. I toldhim I wasbusy until theevening, and askedif he'd stillbe around atfive. There wasa long pause;I suspected hewas not usuallyat work atsuch times, butthen he agreed.

Alicecleared her throatfirst. "Are wegoing to goshopping or stayand play?"

"Well hello..."Priscilla practically purred as she lookedover this newacquisition, "Aren't youawfully pretty foran older woman...and check outthese tits!"

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Samuel removed his blue jeans and lay besideher. His fingertipsreached out anddiscovered her alreadyerect nipple. Shelet out asoft moan. Janeached for moreof his touch.Slowly he ranhis hands overher breast massagingit gently. Hefound her otherbreast and fingeredthe nipple. Thedarkened area aroundit became *************************************************

"Where'sthat? I don'tremember the lasthouse we passed,"the guy said,rubbing his browwith his armand looking anxious.


Once the slitat the tipof your cockis over flowingwith your fluids,my head lowers,and I tracemy lips withyour erection. Ifeel the slipperyfluids on mylips, and withthe amount ofpre come yourproduce, my lipsare soon fullycoated.

"Wow, nicewoody you havethere too," saidJake with anevil grin. "Ifyou were bi,I might justbe willing tohelp myself tothat."

At work, aftercrunching ones andzeros for afew hours, thedream woman wouldenter my mind.The code onthe monitor wouldshift and changefrom ordered linesand columns toa mass ofletters and numbersthat would coalesceinto large breaststhat needed mystrong hands, lipsthat needed tobe tasted, andblazing blue eyes that commanded sensual obedience. I don'tknow what wasworse, the achinghard-on that arosefrom my brokenthoughts, the workstoppage, or theaching notion somewherewithin –where oldmemories lay oflost toys andhidden fortresses ontop of largeoak trees– thatshe owned me.If I wereto tell someoneabout this dreamand its effect,I would equateit to whatthe male blackwidow spider mustfeel: caught willingly by the temptress.Maybe it's agood thing Ididn't talk tosomeone. I mighthave been lockedaway in somedark underground asylum and would havemissed what wasto come.

"Will youhave anal sexwith me?"

I leanedtowards Annette andlightly brushed myleft hand alongher inner right thigh. She glanceddown at whatI was doing,looked back atthe highway andlicked her lips.I put myhand over hercrotch and lightlytraced the frontof her pantieswith my fingertips.Annette let outa long breathof air andsmiled, glancing atme from behindher sunglasses. Ipressed my fingersflat against herpanties letting mymiddle finger ride a little deeper.Annette sucked someair in quickly.It was likeputting my handon a heatedpillow. I startedmassaging her pussyin slow little circles.

David looked atMark, who justnodded. He leanedback in hischair. "When youdecide, I'll bemore then happyto take youunder my wing,and help youout."

The lights weredown low andNellie was nakedon her backon the bed,her head hangingover the edgejust a little.She was inthe "69" positionwith another womanand was slidinga huge, thickblack dildo inand out ofthe woman's pussy.She looked atme upside-down, tooka long, slowlick of hergirlfriend's clit, smiledand said "Hi!"Her girlfriend moaned with the lickand then turnedher head andalso said "Hi!"I then gotmy second shockin as manyseconds – her"girlfriend" was hersister Kellie! Iwas dumbfounded, butmy dick wasn't!It was practicallyripping through myjeans!


She enteredmy room wearing a stunning whitespaghetti strap dress that brought outher beautiful tan skin. Her hairwas pinned upwith curls dangling around her face.She looked beautiful.

Christinasmiled down atRich, "Drink?" wasall she saidbefore she tooka long mouthfulof the champagnebut didn't seemto swallow, sheleaned into Rich,face to faceas she letthe bubbly slip out of hermouth and intohis, he latheredup the juicesdribbling down herchin and finallymet her mouthand locked inwhat I couldsay was thesteamiest kiss I'veseen in along time. Theyweren't shy thatwas for sure.

Anthonywas captivated byhis sub's vehementreactions and continuedwhipping the floggeragainst Saundra's bodyuntil her fleshwas bright red.His cock feltas if itwas about toexplode and hewanted to fuckher hard andfast. He glancedover at Marthawho was squirmingin the chairand beckoned herto the bed.When Saundra realizedwhat he wasdoing she criedout to objectbut he shovedhis hand overher mouth.

"Tonight we'reraffling out somegirls. Our threenew ones. Aspecial benefit promotion.You've got aticket. You wannaplay? Your friendwho gave itto you isone of them."

"Youdidn't have tohurt him likethat," Scott said.

Time enough tostraighten up alittle and hideall the underwearthat other guestshad left behind.

Ican't wait formy second birthday.And yet I'mas nervous asmost girls areabout it. WillI be ableto please myfirst master? Willhe like meenough to bekind? Will hebeat me morethan I canbear? Will sexbe enjoyable orjust a dutyas it ishere. The mastersdon't tell youthat sort ofthing, and girlsaren't allowed tocome back hereafter they goout to service.

instantly raisedas her breathingbecame slower andheavier. Samuel watched her chest rise and fall fromthe pleasure hewas giving her.


"Uhhh!" Adele gasped."Oh you sneakybastard." she smiledas the lastblack guy hadmoved behind herand pushed hisown cock intoher ass.

Debbi watched Miss Baxter long enough to besure she wasfollowing instructions. Thenshe went intothe bathroom andhad a longhot shower herself,thinking about allthe fun shewas going tohave in thefuture Let's see,there's Ginger fromSocial Science class;little Lisa Chang from the dorm...She loved fuckingstraight women. Shefingered herself whileimagining the possibilities.

Myhand snapped upand down again,planting another smackbefore resting oncemore.

Nicole was lookingat me, chewing.Drinking in myevery word. Wideeyes, amazement. Iwas so pissed.

"ButI need itNOW!" Katherine moaned,even as sheheaded back tohelp her mother."It's not justthe three days.I've gone longer than that before.It's seeing youmake love withhim so wonderfullylast night, overand over. Istayed up lateand watched thevideo, live andon replay. Itreally got tome. I mean,you can't evenwalk! I wantto be fuckedthat good too!"

"I'lltelephone them tojoin us thenif that's yourwish!" Suspicious ofher reasoning butturned on byher interest inthem, upon returningto our table,I remarked: "They'llbe down shortly!Allen just showered and Alex isshowering now! They'llbe here asquickly as possible!There's something Iwant to know!"

Thesilence chose nowto speak up.There was nosound from theTV. The screenwas all snow.

Bothwomen were takenaback by thecomment, but especiallyCourtney. It washard to tellin the heatof the sunthat she hadblushed. She fidgeted,ultimately lifting theleg closest toAndy and bendingit at theknee, her footflat on thechair.

"Sure, that soundsgreat. I'm starving,man. I haven'teaten in, like,two days."

The sightof you approaching,breathtaking. Your hairshone, your eyessparkled, your lipsglossed, the nails,the same color.The expanse ofthigh, the dressso revealing, asyou walked overto us.

I steppedout of line.

"Youdon't have tosay anything," saidGina. "I feel the same wayabout you."

posted by butler2930sa @ 9:20 AM 0 comments

Sunday, December 30, 2007

Favorite sex talk positions

In thevery few momentswhen I stoodstunned by seeingit was Helga,Ellen had startedundressing me. Shestripped me withher hands asI stripped Helgawith my words.When I askedHelga to touchherself, Ellen touched me. Ellen wasstroking me firmlynow, saying "Timeto hand overthe camera. Gomake love toher, slowly, verytenderly. Let mesee every bitof your emotion.Tattoo it intoher skin withyour tongue. Makeme proud,. Showher that theU.S. has loversit can beproud of. DO"Mary, do youbeat him thisbadly at home,or just inpublic?" I inquired.

Jadelooked down, surprisedthat she hadn'tseen the boxbefore now. Sheuntied the redbow and liftedthe lid. Along black dress lay in thebox, if youcould call ita dress thatis! It wasopen all theway to thewaist with only3 thin pieces of material holdingthe dress overthe breasts. Shepulled it out.She noticed thatthe sides werealso completely open with those same3 thin strips of material atthe hips andunderneath her arm.The lower part of the dresswas cut rightdown the centeron both theback and front,resembling long flaps.At least shegot a blackthong to helpcover the exposedareas! Black stilettoheels sat inthe bottom ofthe box.

If hedecided to spreadher legs apart and fuck herhard and hot,and nasty; toutterly, completely rape every inch ofher body, shewould have nochoice, no control.That should havebeen a terrifyingthought, and onsome level itwas. But Sheriealways tried tobe honest withherself. She knewher body's arousalcues well. Shewas panting heavily,her stomach wasclenching tightly, shewas rubbing herself against John'slower stomach, suckinghis tongue, enjoyingthe warmth ofhis hands onher tits--the signswere unmistakable, undeniable,she was sexuallyaroused. Somehow thisman she barelyknew, was earningthe right topossess her, topenetrate her. Shewas still unsurebut, if shewas honest, Johnwas turning heron. It hadbeen a longtime, her manhad been overseasfor many months,and in spiteof herself, Sherieneeded some cream.

"I… I actuallyhave a strongurge… I can'tbelieve I ameven thinking thislet alone admittingit," Jackie continued," but I…Iam…I am havingto fight theurge to… let… you and… Paul fuck me tonight."

"I'll try,"I said.

"No, thankyou, James," shereplied. "I willring if Ineed anything more."

Onceoutside, I pickedsome flowers andtook a lookaround to seeif anyone wason the street.Then I snuckaround the farside of theWilson's house andwent to thebackdoor. Rita wasright there inthe kitchen washing the dishes whenI knocked andentered, flowers inhand.

Ben sprang tohis feet. Hethought about puttingsomething on besideshis boxers, butthe idea ofHsu seeing himmostly naked wastoo appealing forthat. He wasn'teven concerned aboutthe terrific bulgevisible in hisshorts. Or thatit was therefirst night inhis house. Hewanted to seeher, so whywait?

"But you alsosaid there wasa gift," thewoman hinted. "Whatis it?"

The demonreached for alarge thick icicle hanging from thegap in theceiling and spearedit right throughmy body pinning me to theground. As thedemon released herselffrom me shebent and whisperedin my ear.

Itwas her photodid it. Perhapsnot classically beautiful in the acceptedsense of theword - shewas however classicallyattractive and I'msure she herselfwould understand myinference and takeno offense atmy words here.Let's be honestthough - no-onerating themselves PSGcould be anythingbut hot stuff.

Wearrived at theHyatt Tower Twoentrance in justunder eleven minutes.A miraculous featgiven it wasFriday rush hour.I pulled upto the valetstand and gotout to comearound the car,pausing to getthe bag fromCloud Nine fromthe trunk. Ibehaved myself andresisted the urgeto peek inside.Beth again waitedfor me tocome to herside of thecar and escorther to ourroom. The valetagain, could nottake his eyesfrom my gorgeouscompanion. He wasthe same youngman that hadserved us lastnight and wasso busy lookingat Beth's legshe missed reaching for my keystwice before Isat Beth's bagon his podium,grabbed his wristand deposited thekeys firmly inhis hand. Ilooked at Bethin mock exasperation as she laughed;her voice likethe sound ofringing bells inflaming my passion forher even more.The valet turnedthe most remarkableshade of crimson.My heart swelledwith pride toknow that thisgorgeous woman wanted to spend therest of herlife with me.

Mypussy tightened aroundyour shaft asyou started tospurt your cuminto me. Icame hard withyou, milking yourshaft for everydrop with mytight pussy. Moreand more andmore - itseemed like wewould never stopcumming. Finally, wewere both drained.I kissed youonce more andwhispered 'Thank you,'in your ear.

When we cameback, pleasantly stoned,he again beggedus to lethim go. Itwas kind ofcute. Audrey hadto gag himwith a pairof my dirtypanties just toshut him up.Saleem struggled andglared, but hewasn't going anywhere.

Myhusband and Iwent steady allthrough high school,married shortly afterwe graduated. Youguessed it. Ihave, or shouldsay had, nevereven kissed anotherguy. I meanserious kissing. Ididn't think ofmyself as prudishbut I neversaid any dirtywords. Not evenwhen Tom andI had sex,which wasn't allthat often. Thechurch would havebeen proud ofus; sex wasbasically this ishow you makebabies.

The captainglared. "Now!"

I cryout against theshoulder as sharppain runs upand down myarms with therenewed blood flow.

it £orme."

"You had thebrains, Tim. Youjust had toput in thework."

A tiny Japanese girl lay there,curled up intoa ball onone side. Shedidn't look allthat much olderthan twenty, andshorter than theringleader and hergirls by ahalf a head.I couldn't tellmuch about her,since the lightingnear her wastoo weak, butI could seeshe had avery pretty face;very cute likemost young Orientals.

Shenodded again. Ikissed her again.She didn't turnher head thistime, but shedidn't kiss meback. After about20 seconds Iforced my tongueinto her mouth.Again she didn'trespond right away,but soon wewere tongue wrestling.After kissing fora minute, Ireached between us,grabbed my dickand guided itto the entranceof her hairycunt. I stoppedkissing her, andlooked down ather face. Hereyes were closedand she stilllooked nervous. AsI shoved mydick all theway into herpussy, her eyesshot open andshe gasped "Aaaahhh!"

Ahigh and sweetvoice trilled hisname, and helooked up tosee Eleanor dashing down the steps.He dropped hishelm as herealized she wasnot about tostop, and barelymanaged to gethis arms upin time tocatch her asshe leaped athim.

I got upand felt myway to thedoor. I tooka deep breath,then unlocked thedoor, opened it,and stepped back.Luckily it wasa warm evening,so the airpouring in throughthe door didn'tchill my nakedbody. I heardthe door close,then the soundof my Masterputting something onthe couch. Ifelt a pairof firm hands on my shoulders,turning me around.The hands guidedme to thecenter of myliving room, andthen put gentlepressure on myshoulders in asignal to getdown on myknees. I knewI was todo this fromthe instructions, soI got downon my kneesand then bendforwards so Iwas completely onhands and knees.The hands left my shoulders andI stayed perfectly still, straining topick up anyhint of soundaround me. Itried to controlmy trembling andbreathing as Iheard the soundsof undressing behindme.

"Sure you do.If you didn'twant to bepushed you wouldhave turned thespeed down yourself.Now get youfat butt onthe tread mill."

The following storyis a workof fiction. Anyresemblance between actualpersons, living ordead (or justconfused) is entirelycoincidental. Please donot copy/redistribute thestory, in partor in total,without the author'spermission.

Who the hellis that? Jackasked.

Then Amber sat up and wipedthe sweat fromher lovely face.Then she lookeddown at mypussy. My legswere wide open.I knew thatmy pussy lips were swollen andwet. I knewthat she couldsee how erectmy large clitoris was. This wasthe first timethat I haveever allowed anyone,except my doctor,look at myopen sex likeshe was lookingat it now.

"Kelli,I just don'tbelieve you. Iheard you tellhim how muchyou liked theway he usedhis cock, howgood he tasted.Can you explainthat?"

Now I've beenknown to putmy mouth intomotion before Iengage my brainand this wasone of thosetimes.

"You like ithuh," she askedwith a mouthfull of mycunt? What thefuck was Isuppose to say?I didn't knowhow to answerher so Iain't say shit."You taste sogood 'n sweet,mmm you smellso good too,"she added asshe put inanother finger. Thesweet flickering ofher tongue acrossmy clit mademe get moreinto it. Sheleft no spacein my pussyunlicked. She toowas gettin' hotcause I sawher fingerin' herself.

posted by butler2930sa @ 11:01 PM 0 comments

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When Ifinally released her,her chest wasstill heaving. Istood up andmarveled at herspent little figure.She did noteven see metake off myblack panties asshe lay therehugging herself ina little ball.When she hadrecovered a littlemore, she jumpedup and huggedme. I "Oh...very much, Sweetheart!You look fabulous!"

Thistime, I droppedto my kneesfirst, and engulfedTy's penis inmy mouth asI cupped hisballs in myone hand. Nothaving anything todo with myother hand, Idecided to givemyself a littleattention. There isnothing like givinga blow-job whiletouching myself allwhile outside inthe open tomake a girlfeel a littlebit dirty! Iloved it though!I was hopingthat our horsebackriders would passback through andsee what thiscrazy naked couple was up tonow!

On the screen,Julia had stoodand was slowlywalking around thedesk. "Mr. Corman,I thought we'dput that previous...unpleasantness behind us.But I supposeI have littlechoice but toresign." Julia sighed overdramatically. "Unless ofcourse we cancome to somearrangement, like lasttime?"

Before long, Ihad my tinglingdick in myhand and wasrapidly jerking itto a violentspurting while Iwatched them. Atalmost the sametime, Mel letout a sharpcry and clampedher legs togetheraround Danny's hand.At least mysister and Iwere cumming together!

I gave hera wry smileand said, "Well,if you checkedit again now,you'd probably thinkyou were MissAmerica. You justgave me areally big buzz."I shifted uncomfortablyin my jeans.

Imoved to theend of thebed to betterwatch their interaction.Cathy frowned atfirst until Itold her Iwanted to watchthem please eachother. She smiledand leaned overto embrace herhusband and flickhis nipples withher tongue. Carlmust have beenreally sensitive, allI heard fromhim was ahiss. She thenmoved up hisneck and nibblingon his lowerlip before placingher lips againsthis.

"Didn't youlike it?"

No soonerhad we steppedover the thresholddid the damnof pent uppassion burst. Itugged at yourshirt whipping itup over yourhead. With aquick flick ofyour wrist yourjeans were unfastenedand down aroundyour ankles. Youkicked them offas I tuggedyou towards mybedroom.

"Oh mom."

"You know thatMotel 8 onRoute 28, justsouth of town?"

8pmrolled around, andthe doorbell rang.Wow was heprompt, good thingI was ready.I knew myparents had calledthe almost dorky28 year old from down theblock to comewatch me, hewas so lame.I hoped myparade I wasabout to puton made myparents feel foolish.

Hereturned to St.Johns in Julyand bought suppliesand let itbe known thathe had plentyof opportunity forthose willing towork. It wasn'tlong before menshowed up andanother cabin wasput up beforewinter. They alsobuilt a smokehouse and aspringhouse, and whenthe winter camethey would beready.

"Happy Anniversary, Becca.Can you believeit's been sixyears?"

I noticedthat the roomhad gotten quiet and turned around.Jackie was walkingdown the stairsdressed as anIndian woman. Shewore a buckskinhalter and skirt.Both the halterand skirt werevery small. Shewore a singlefeather in herheadband. In allthe time Ihad known JackieI had neverseen her dressin anything sexierthan you mightsee walking aroundin the mallon Saturday afternoon.Here though wassomething new. Shewas showing cleavage and legs. Shesmiled when shesaw my Dadand walked upto him.

"That'sokay. It's notbad," Duane saidas he brushedhis fingers acrossthe bitten placeand checked forblood.

"No," Scott replied,"fuck you andI am goingto give youa ride onthis Harley youwill never everforget." With thathe screamed outof the drivewayin a cloudof dust withSuzy hanging onfor dear life.

kissed heragain, but thistime her toungemet mine asour lips pressed together. "Oh, whatcan I doto thank you,Miss Andrews?" theestatic girl whispered.

Nancycut the callbefore I couldreply. Romantic –me?

My heart startedracing at thethought of havingher touch meagain. "If youthink so Mrs.Jones."

Glenna slowlyeases her fingersfrom Laurie's tightpussy. Her handcontinues slapping theyoung girl's ass.

"Sashathe games areover, you startyour work today.Mika is takingyour things toyour room."

"Manlook at thecum run outof his pussy.Get a pictureof it instructedGabe.

Sam explained toher how hehad come tobe in herand Ben's bedand that hethought he' beenmaking love tohis girlfriend.

Hewouldn't do itfor the survivors,or Isabel, oreven himself. Hewould do itfor Mabyn.

"Here,"she said. "Feel."

Imade my moveand grabbed mywife's hips. Shejumped up, startledand tried toget up offher friend. Istopped her andkissed her onthe lips, tastingCarolyn's sweet juices.I pulled backand smiled ather, then easedher head back down towards herfriends pussy. Asshe got back to work, Ieased my cockinto her snatch.Her moan asI entered herwas muffled byCarolyn's cunt. Shestarted really going at her andCarolyn soon started slamming her hipsup into mywife's face. Shestarted to moan,getting louder andlouder, until shescreamed out injoy as sheclimaxed on mywife's lips. Mywife turned andkissed me, lettingme taste herfriend's juices oncemore.

Whilst Kylieand Brad's relationshiphad been goingfor six monthsnow, they hadspent little time alone together. Whilstthey have exploredeach other intimatelythey have notyet had sextogether, opting towait for thetroubles of thelast six monthsto dissipate, forthey knew theywould be togetherforever because theirlove for eachother was sostrong.

Luckily for us,after Maria gentlypushed Brian's headaway, lifted himup, and kissedhim lovingly; giggling,they both returnedto the livingroom. After afew minutes, Ritaand I saidgood bye toBrian and Maria.

posted by butler2930sa @ 10:20 PM 0 comments

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Leaning myhead forward, Ibreathed in, catchingthe faint hintof her fragrance,complimenting the scentsof the freshfish. Taking thechopsticks, I reachedfor some salad,letting my handbrush against herthigh. Her skinwas smooth againstmy hand, butunderneath I felther taut musclesand imagined thosethighs wrapped aroundmy head.

"Serina! Youreally want towatch some Idiotguy baggin' away at some girlwho he probablyisn't pleasing anyway?Only a womanknows what awoman wants!"

"As goodSlowly, slowly, everso slowly, Ipulled it upand back untilher covered thighs were fully exposed.Then I slowlylowered the flaponto her stomach.My heart wasbeating so fastthat I couldfeel it inmy ears. Mytemples were throbbingas my mindreprimanded me louderand louder witheach passing moment.

Atthis point, Kellywent into ahaze. Like arobot, she repeatedthe words shewas instructed toutter, and eachman slapped hernow sore behindwhen he wasdone. Then theman with videocamera stepped forward,his cock inone hand, thecamera in theother. He said,"This shot's gonnabe from abirdseye view. Kellylooked up athim, really upat the camera,recording the wholedegrading night. Hetoo came, andSteve stepped forward.

Ashe ate meI blew him.Once again, slowly,bit by bit,he worked moreand more ofhis shaft intomy mouth. Thistime I feltmy throat opening up, and asI relaxed itas best Icould, he beganto pump hiscock in andout of me.Feeling that hothard shaft slipping between my lips,and bumping aroundin my throatwas making mehotter and hotter.

After feeding wouldalways to leadwild sex. Wendywould sometimes feedthe babies nakedand then putthem down andthen go afterBrian. It ledto many wildnights, afternoons, morningsand middle ofthe night sex sessions. Wendy hada high libido that only wasmade worse afterthe babies' lipshad locked onher sensitive nipples.Those wild sessionsled to themaking of Dylanand Beth. Wendyhad jumped Brianafter feeding andshe got pregnant.

I noticed howher asshole wasclenching and relaxingbehind her panties.God how Iwant to seeher meaty asshole.And after abit of moaning,she fired offa thunderous fart,straight into myface. The odorwas tremendous.

Phil moaned softly as Julia'slips worked theirway steadily upand down hisprick. Cupping hisballs in onehand, she squeezedgently as herother hand worked in tandem withher mouth. Sighsof pleasure escapingfrom Phil proclaimed that her workwas being appreciatedas she lickedand sucked hisengorged knob.

AuntMaureen and Ihave always beenclose, ever sinceI was ababy. Even thoughwhen I wasborn, I alreadyhad a fewcousins, as wellas an oldersister, for somereason, even whenI was ababy, I felta bond betweenus. She wouldgladly baby-sit mewhenever my parentswould go toa movie, orto dinner, orwhatever else theywould do. Infact, as theyears passed, thesebaby-sitting gigs wouldevolve into our"special days". Thesedays were justher and myself.No other familymembers allowed. Theonly other rulewas that anythinggoes. A "specialday" could involvegoing to anamusement park, surfingat the beach,roller-skating, or evengoing back toher place, poppinga big bowl of popcorn, andwatching pro wrestling on the tube.

"It's because Ihave been inlove with youfor as longas I canremember, daddy. Idon't want anyoneelse. And it'sbeen oh sohard to keepit a secretall this time.I thought youwouldn't want meand I thoughtyou'd be upsetwith me ifyou knew. Areyou upset withme daddy?" shesaid, ending witha pouty lip and a littlegirl voice. Hemelted.

"Think nothing ofit," he repliedsmiling down ather. "It wasan accident."

"Heywait for me!"Daniel shouted trying to run intothe room andstrip at thesame time. Hemanaged to tosshis blue t-shirtaside and kickoff his tennisshoes without ahitch. It washis jeans thattangled around hisankles and senthis sprawling ontothe bed. Helanded with hishead between Amanda'sspread legs staring at her alreadydripping cunt. Beyondthat he couldsee her breastsswaying back andforth and James'scock hanging heavily beneath him. Ittook Daniel aminute to kickhis way freeof his pantsand climb upbehind Amanda. "Hopeyou're ready." Hesmiled spitting onher asshole andrubbing it aroundwith his thumb.

"Youhear that Luv',your cousin wasjust using youfor practice, my-my!",my Aunt pittied."You should puther over yourknees and..."

"So I'dneed to offersomething special thenhuh?" she asked.

Shedid not, ofcourse, believe it.(I don't believeit now infact. But Ihoped to makeit true.) Thefirst thing shetried was crossdressing.First because ofthe overhead. Thehorrific overhead. Sheis at hearta pessimist.

"You likedthat, huh!" Jaredsaid, seeing hersmile. He grabbedher and pulledher down ontothe bench, onhis lap, "Timefor the lasthurrah, baby."

The next6 dates went wonderfully and wecould both seea true loveblossoming between us.It was onthis last datethat we reallycommitted ourselves toone another andagreed we wouldbe together fora long termrelationship.

Amy is mybest friend. Wecan and dotalk about everything.I would doanything for herand she forme, almost anyway.

Tom loved watching her squirm aroundto get thebra off withoutexposing herself.

as you imagined?"she asked, suspectingthe answer.

The otherproblem is alot more seriousand there isnothing, and Ido mean nothing- short ofself-mutilation - thatI can doabout it. Ihave a bigcock. My cocksoft is 83/4 inches. Hardit can growto 13 1/4inches in lengthwith a circumferenceof 7 inchesand when fullyerect it hasbeen know tomake some girlsfaint. Before youjump up andsay, "Wow, that'sa problem Iwouldn't mind having"let me tellyou "Oh yesyou would."

"That's partof both ourstories, so Ineed your helpon that one."

Itseemed to takeTorrie an eternityto come downfrom her orgasm.When she did,she collapsed underme, my cockpopping out ofher slit inthe process.

Then shelaid out thebombshell, "Steve, pleasefuck me baby!"Wow, I thought,she was high,Steve was herneighbor not herHusband! Then itcame to me,they were veryclose as couplesgo and somethingwas up there,but that wasfor later todiscover. I quicklygrabbed her assand started drivingmy cock inand out ofthat wet juicypussy, her breathingbecame labored andher moans louder."fuck me baby,please deeper anddeeper…I need youbig slick dick inside me…make mecome!!!!"

The elf-maidnodded. "And theyare worthy onthat regard alone,in mine eyes also." She lookedat the mask."That is asoul mask." Shesaid. "When anelf dies butneeds something doneafter that death,they have suchcrafted. The weareris said tochannel the spiritof the deceasedand can thencefinish their works."She did nottouch it. "Iknow not howthey work orif they do,but they arerare." She said."I will nottouch it, astouching one maybe perilous toelvenkind, for younever know ifthe mission itwas crafted forwas completed."

"Gladto meet you,Mr. Cannon", Ireplied. "This ismy lovely wife,Karen. Actually, theother cannons dowork, up toa point." Karenoffered her hand.

Iwoke up ina wonderful mood,full of thedevil, you mightsay. My husband,Andrew, still sleepingsoundly in bednext to me.He'd probably sleepfor hours yetas I knewhe had beenup until thewee hours ofthe morning. Well,just that muchmore time forme to getthings done. Ilove being alonefirst thing inthe morning. Thequiet stillness ofa day justbeginning.

'Sooner orlater I'm goingto have tofuck someone else,aren't I?' sheasked quietly.

Kate movedin quickly tolick at Sara'spussy, eating allhis cum fromher swollen pussy lips. She slippedher finger inside Sara's ass makingher moan inpleasure as shesucked at herclit and fingerfucked her ass.She moved herfinger around andaround in Sara'sass stretching herhole wider asshe did. Shenow pressed twofingers into herass making Sara flinch a littlebut still pressher ass towardsKate's seeking fingers.

Afterabout five orten minutes Ian wasn't out soI presumed hewasn't in thebathroom after all.I tried thedoor, which wasn'tlocked, and walkedin to findIan sitting onthe edge ofthe bath, trousersaround his ankles,wanking his seveninches over thepicture of mewith my legsopen, it wasa close-up, thecheeky bugger hadput his zoomat maximum. Whenhe saw mehe went brightred, pulled histrousers up andran out ofthe room. Thisturned me oneven more andmy pussy wasdripping wet already.I decided toput my orangemicro-bikini on forthe start ofthe shoot, asit doesn't covermuch and iseasy to remove.

posted by butler2930sa @ 10:39 AM 0 comments

Saturday, December 29, 2007

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I wasliving another ofmy fantasies.

Baby, Jensaid to me,you must bein such sadshape after lastnight. I can'tbelieve how muchyou drank.

The blond'sfinger slipped past the young bud,and Mark slurpedmadly on thebig dick inhis mouth. Hecould feel thefinger being pusheddeep inside him,in and out,while his dickwas jerked by"Hi I readyour ad andwould like toknow if youstill have thisfree promotion on?"I asked him.

"Myslut likes having her nipples pinched,doesn't she?" demandedPhil.

I enviedthe crystalline dropsthat rolled sensuously along the gentlecurve of herhips, or downher slender neck.I dreamed ofbeing the luckydrop that sliddown her breast,pausing at theedge of herperfect nipple beforefalling blissfully away.Oh, to bethe watery bead that lingered inthe delicate mound of neatly trimmedgold beneath thefaint bikini tan line.

Then Uncle Charlie got behind mom.I watched ashe used hishands to spreadher cheeks. Thenmom groaned andgrunted, as UncleCharlie began tofuck her ass.Mom turned tome. "He fucksmy ass sodeep. And hisdick is solong and thick.Oh Tiffany! Pleaserub my pussy."SMACK! SMACK! Theloud slaps echoed in the room."I didn't tellyou that shecould touch you.You're my slutnow!" Mom moaned."Oh Charlie! It'sbeen so long."SMACK! SMACK! SMACK!SMACK! SMACK! SMACK!'Well get usedto it, sisterdear. I'm gonnabe spanking thisass a lot."He turned tome and smiled.

NowEarl got married when he wasjust around seventeen.I never gotaround to that.I worked alot and Iknew that Ihad a lotto get upwith. I hadgood luck withthe girls though.Especially the girlsthat worked inthe house. Ididn't really appreciate it at thetime but Iwas special. Theytold me so,but I didn'tpay them nomind.

It wasn't longbefore she heardthe soft knock on the door,and she knewher step-daughter hadarrived with themorning meal. Shemoved back tothe bedroom, andsaw her loverwatching Cindy arrange breakfast. As sheobserved her loverand her step-daughtershe felt herblood quicken.

"Nowwwwwwww!!!!Oh, Godddddddd!!! Nowwwwwww!!!!!"his partner cried,"Gimmmmmeeeeeee!!! Oh, gimmmmmmmeeeeeeeeeee!!!!Nowwwwwwwww!!! Nowwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!!!!!!!! Nowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!!!!Nowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!!!!!!!" And, asshe screamed, sheexploded into paroxysmsof ecstasy.

I patchedthe squad up,there were noserious injuries, thoughseveral of themcould be lifethreatening if theygot infected, I'dhave to stayon top ofthem. While Ihad been workingon the worseinjuries, the oneswith only scratcheshad gone alongthe top ofthe pass andthrown every bodythat they couldfind down intothe valley.

Synapses fired in his brain;stepping out intothe cool summerbreeze, an intoxicatingaroma flavored withthe lush sweetnessof flowers, trees,and moist earth.The sod soothingly enveloped his worriesand woes ashe pressed toes like roots intothe soft loam.Stars burned againstthe fading curtainof night, alast twilight beforea golden tidepainted the worldto reflect anoverlooked miracle; Life.So he paused,waiting until thefirst crest ofday passed thecanopy, basking inthe first gloryof a newday, offering amoment in respectfulsilence. A nearforgotten ritual honored since the beginningof time, stillpracticed by few,though the memoryof why lost.

Hesettled for acautious hug, carefullysqueezing her shoulderswhile avoiding hertender midsection. Hepulled back andplastered on asmile. "How's mybest girl?"

"So good...sogood...more....harder" – shemoaned, punctuating eachword with anupward thrust ofher hips. Jamesobliged and beganpumping his cockslowly and deeplyinside the nowdelirious Linda. Itdidn't take long before James knew he would haveto get relief.He always lovedthe moment whenhe emptied hisvoluminous load ofinside a newpartner. Deeper thananyone or anythinghad ever been.This was virginterritory. This wasJames' property.

Afterwe got back to the tablemom went underthe table againbut this timeI was hertarget and wowcan she givea blowjob Ijust about passedout from thestrength of theorgasm. I didnot even noticethat what shewas doing tome was beingvideotaped.

"I want youto leave Tartarusin an hourand fly toearth."

"What do youthink I shoulddo with it?"

We talked somemore and sheasked what Ihad planned andI told hernothing and Iwas at herdisposal. She said,"Later I'm goingshopping at themall with somegirls and thenat night, takein a moviewith them anda few drinks."

"Holyshit! I thinkshe's clean!" Sarahbegan probing deeper,until her fingerwas straining againstthe walls ofKim's hymen. Asadistic smile crossed her lips.

"Yes, mylady," Betsy replied,as she openedthe door.

Lastcall had beenmade, and thehouse lights wereturned up. "Readyto go?" Danasked.

theblond – andall this wasbeing filmed.

Jim handsher a glassand they holdthem up andclick. Jim (leeringat her thighs)Damn! Mrs Stern.You are sofine. So elegant,so sexy… Emi(trying to befirm) Jim. Pleasestop that. Thisis nothing personal,yunno. Jim (hegives her asincere, shy, smittenlook and speaksin a soft,deep voice) Iknow. But Ijust want youto know thatI feel real flattered at theopportunity to makelove to sucha fine, topnotch white woman like me. Anigga like mecan only dreamof such afine white lady like you. EmiStop flattering me.(but her smiledeepens) Jim Iswear I amgonna give yourhusband the bestshow of hislife. He aintnever seen aman make loveto you likeI am goingto. Emi (voicefilled with lust)Great. Just aslong as youdon't forget tolet him suckmy pussy offthat beautiful blackcock of yours.Jim (shakes hishead) Now howthe fuck didsuch a punkget a topnotch bitch likeyou. Ma'am, youneed a Niggalike me totake care ofbusiness. Then youwont be needingno other cockbut mine. Gimmea chance andI will proveit.

Shug drove up that roadfor two hoursbefore he stopped.I was furiouswith him.

Dale thoughanother moment thensaid "I'll havea double bourbonneat."

They kissed againbefore she turnedto reach forthe door again.

Icould see thelook of reliefin Dee Dee'seyes. But Icouldn't let whatEmma had saidpass. I said,"Emmy, you aren'tsupposed to usethat word!"

Together weresumed a pacethat got usboth worked up.Rhonda diddled herclit and withina couple ofminutes we wereboth on theverge of cumming.And that's whathappened. As Rhondacried with joyand masturbated herselfto completion, Ishot my finalload of cumup into herbowels. We bothmoaned and sighedas we drainedourselves for thelast time thatnight.

"Yes, I've seenthose, but youknow how awkwardit can befor a womanto walk intoplaces like thoseby herself. Itwould be somuch easier ifthere was someone to gowith. Your girlfriendis lucky, Carlos,to have you."

"Fuckme now. Iwant your hardcock inside myass."

When he wasdone, another manstepped up toher, and againshe watched himstroking on hiscock in wantand primal desire,lubed with abottle of oliveoil that hadbeen brought fromthe kitchen, untilhe, too, unloadedhis cum onher face aswell. After aboutten guys, therewas enough coveringher eyelids thatshe thought she'dbest leave themclosed. Still, shesmiled and laughed,joked around withthe guys whenthey introduced themselvesas she wasblinded, and moaneddelightedly as eachejaculated on herface.

posted by butler2930sa @ 1:20 AM 0 comments

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Marie laughed,a silvery rippleof sound. "Ithink we allare, babe. Whyshouldn't we?"

I getfeedback enough...

Finally, sleepcame.

He grabbed meand rolled meover and forcedme to getup on myknees. I knewhe was goingto fuck me.And part ofme wanted hiscock inside me.But when itpressed against myasshole I froze.At first Ithought that hehad just misjudgedhis position. Butsoon I realizedthat he wasintent upon forcinghis massive her,but she couldsee from hisarms that hewas unbuttoning hisshirt.

Even harder thanlosing Paul wasthe absence ofmy two childrenJason and Christi.That was theonly thing Pauldid that wascruel. Using myinfidelity as aweapon, Paul hadforced me intogiving him fullcustody and thecourts had agreedon visitation everyother weekend. Icouldn't even letthem see Karlsince the conditionsof the visitationwere that myvisits were supervised.Karl had metthe children buthad not beenable to spendmuch time withthem. Their losshurt deeply buteven that losswas not sufficientto stop myobsession with Karl.

She felt coldness against her neck,then felt aslow ripping sound and the room'sair hitting herback. She knewwhat he wasdoing and despitethe thought thather beautiful blackdress was beingsplit open, thefeel of theside of thecold knife onher skin andthe air rushing in made heralmost fall overwith pure eroticism.

"Ihave a feelingI'm close. Mom,I'm going tohave to askyou to standup." Mom stoodand had topull down hershort skirt.

"Her mouthtwisted into anotherwarped smile. "Howdoes it feelbeing naked witha woman somuch older?" Shelooked down atmy quivering hard-on."I see thatyou aren't turnedoff like yourfriend."

"Oh not youlove I wastalking to Jim.That's it rightthere sweetie. Ohyes now yourdoing it right."

Iguess she neededa little verbalreminder. My heartwas racing asI slowly pulledher panties down.I could feelthe sweat buildingup on mybrow as Iunveiled my prize.And what aprize it was.Her pussy wasbeautiful and completelybald. She wascompletely shaved. Itwas amazing howher skin got darker between herlegs. She musthave just shavenit cause itlooked so smooth.There wasn't acunt hair insight. My mouthwas drooling. Andwhen I placedmy hand onthe smoothest cuntI ever feltin my lifeI thought Iwas going tohave a heartattach.

"And what itcould mean, forus, too. Tohave the freedomof obedience andnot having todecide, ever again;and to beliberated by painand so lovingits embrace; andthe sheer exhilarationof being ownedlike that. Itwas freedom... Freedomand passion andlove." Ellen hadher fingers inher cunt now."I want tocum so badright now," shegroaned. "But Ican't, and thatmakes me happy. Ilive for Master'spermission now, andhis blessing. Weboth do."

But theinstant Nick heard Alyssa's slightly sleepy,wholly aroused voice ask, "Do youwant to fuckme now, Ben?"all rational thoughtdrained out ofone head andpumped hot blood into his otherone. He nearlysoaked the frontof his pantsjust from hearingthat vulgar wordused by hisbeautiful Alyssa. Hestroked himself throughthe cotton ofhis pants, unableto help himselfnow, and steppedcloser towards theliving room, carefulto stay inthe shadows.

Heput his headforward and bitand nibbled ather neck, shouldersand ears. Hegroaned one moretime and wentrigid as thespunk began toflow from himinto the girl'stwitching, gripping rectum.He felt asif he wasemptying his verysoul into thecompliant body asejaculation followed ejaculation."JEEEZ!" he saida third time.His heart slowed but his breathingstill came inragged gasps asfinally he fellaway from thejerking female tofall backwards ontothe carpet. Hecouldn't move, butjust lay there,an arm overhis eyes. Ashe slowly becamefully aware againhe got ontohis hands andknees, shaking hishead from sideto side. Thenas his breathslowed he glancedover at thegirl to seeDanny taking histurn at thenow open arsehole.Danny was thebiggest built ofthe group andas her buttockswere again pulledapart Jimmy couldsee her anusmaking clutching movements as it flutteredin spasmodic jerksaround the monstercock that wasburied deep inher bowels.

My heartwas racing. Panicflowed through melike a torrent,tearing away atmy insides andmaking me nauseas.

Thistook me backto before Iwas married. Thatstrange metallic taste in your mouthwhen you knewyou were goingto get fucked.Your faked reluctance and his easyseduction, getting youhot and pantingfor it beforeyou gave upthe pussy. Hiscock as itfirst slid intoyour slick fuckhole as youhumped to getit all. Andlater buried deep in you andfilling your cuntas you wrappedyour legs aroundhim and humpedand romped towardclimax. The feelof his throbbingcock as itswelled just beforehe came. Theforce of thefirst spurts ofhis hot cum,the erotic sounds of the bedand the groans,moans and cries.The wet thighs and the wetspot and thenastiness of itall. There wasnothing else remotelylike it.

"What's wrong?"

Ithad been aboutten minutes beforeJami reluctantly spit him out andbegan to undress.John took thistime to catchhis breath andtry and stophimself from cummingright there. Jamipulled off hersweatshirt to reveala silky, redbra and matchingthong. She letdown her hairand turned aroundslowly.

"Oh, she's justan old friendI met awhile ago. Andshe asked meif I wantedto go toGay Night fora drink. AndI said yes,since I haven'tbeen there since'that night'." Isaid.

cockinto my virginass. I triedgetting away fromhim but heheld me tight.I begged himto stop butmy cried fellon deaf ears.His cock pressed hard against myanal ring. Iscreamed in painas it brokethrough and beganshoving deep inside me. The agonywas unbearable. Soonhe was allthe way insidemy torn assand was thrustingme hard. Icould feel hishairy balls banging against my soakedpussy as herammed into myass. My fingersclutched the carpettight as Itried to endurethe pain. Butit was toomuch for me.I thought Iwould pass out,and wished thatI would toescape the agony.But it wasnot to be.He continued bangingmy asshole harderand harder. Iheard him cryout and hiscock exploded inmy ass. Thiswas a mixedblessing. The wetnessof his cummade it easierto take hiscock. But histhrust increased andbecame harder anddeeper as hecame inside me,which brought aboutmore pain aswell.

After she gother drink sheworked her wayover to thedance floor wherebodies were packedlike sardines. Shesqueezed thru thecrowd until shefound a coupleguys that shethought looked hot.The combination ofthe booze andRon fucking herto the brinkof orgasm hadher horny ashell as oneof the hotguys asked herto dance. Sheusually hates dancing,but she knewa slut hasto do whata slut hasto do andshe accepted.

Ijust smiled back.We both knewthe answer wasyes.

"Excuse me?" Laurasaid coming outof her ownthoughts.

"Baby, please. I'vewanted you forso long. You'vedriven me crazyin my dreams.Please baby. Makelove to mypussy. It's allfor you," shespread her pinklips wider andher dark pussy fur was nowmatted with hersweet, cunt cream.

Shemoved forward inher chair. "Well,I think righthere is fine.Just come overhere."

He comes tothe side ofthe bed andsets the boxnext to me."So, do youknow what I'llfind in here?"I nod andbury my head.I know exactly what's in thebox, and Iknow it well.All of ourtoys, and Ihave never imaginedsomeone else openingthe box, seeingwhat I crave,what drives me.

Myhusband celebrated bymaking one ofhis rare visitsto my room.As he undressed,and I waitedwith long-since dimmedhopes, I thoughtof turning myselfover onto handsand knees, andbidding him takeme in thatfashion. But Icould not bringmyself to doit.

However thisone-day in summerwhen we wereon a vacationin London mysister and mewere living athome alone. Mysister went outwith our cousinsand there friendsas usual (mycousins lived inEngland and gota social circle there with Englishfriends, so mysis also hada couple ofB.F among thoseEnglish friends). Soafter her departureI went toher room tofound some nicesexy pics ofher and herfriends including myfemale cousins (allof which arehot). I alsowent into herbathroom and foundin the laundrybasket her pantyand bra thatshe wore lastnight. I tookit with mein my roomand smelt it.It smelt sooo nice. I thentook out my8-inch penis andrubbed it allon the braand the panty,which was blackin color. Iwas just imagininghow my sisterwould look inthem.

She immediately spread my legs wideand began kissingmy thighs andlicking my pussy.


He began tohump a littlefaster again. Shegritted her teetheven harder andagain humped backagainst him asshe furiously rubbed her fingers acrossher clit.

posted by butler2930sa @ 12:13 AM 0 comments

Thursday, December 27, 2007

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Yet hedidn't just flinghimself at her;he starting mumbling a little abouthow he's notsure they shouldbe hanging outin her bedroomafter just meetingan hour ago.My shy friend,though, had enoughself-possession to givehim a coaxingsmile and proclaim,"Neil, as Itold you already,I'm really attractedto you, butit's now ornever! So, pleasequit stalling andgive me akiss."

Darn. I hadwanted to finallymeet the manto whom myonline submissive wasbetrothed.

"Kiss. Give herMy cum fuckpig."

About25 black men stood side byside stroking themselveswaiting their turn.The plan wassimple. Jade wouldbe passed toeach man tobe What happenednext was worse,as Paul steppedup and hismassive cock wasat our eyelevel. Jill turned her head, hercheek less thanan inch frommy lip andPaul gave hiscock to her.His pelvic bone rested against mytemple as Jilltook as muchof his cockas she could.All I couldsee was hiscock disappearing intoher lips. Theycontinued until firstTony then Paulbegan to come.Jill moaned withher own orgasmand as Paulsoftened and slippedout of hermouth she turnedher head andkissed me, spittinga huge globof cum intomy mouth. Pauland Tony laughed,as I recoiledand began tospit on myself,of course Iwas pinned beneaththem with nowhere to go.Then Tony pulledout and Jillbegan to talk.

"You'regonna love this,Tonya. Max isreally good," shesaid sort ofsoftly, looking downwhere his mouthmust be atme.

Just then Marywalked in. Billinstantly became silent,Amy could sensehim tighten uptoo. Amy wasconcerned about Bill.

Iwas covered inman goo asI kept strokingtill the laststreaming jet came.I must havehad eight streams.I was fullof cum forLisa, and shewas so turnedon by itnow that sheherself was aboutto orgasm. Iwatched her asmy functions returned.Then, with whatlooked to bea loud scream,she let outjuices all overher chair andin her hand,which she thenrubbed onto herbreasts.

"Yes please, butonly one. Ihave to pickup Katie fromwork...and please call me Amanda ifI can callyou Steve."

She thenproceeded to stareat me untilI felt that,check my zipper,impulse again. Hereyes raked upand down mybody until shereached my faceand narrowed hereyes. Did Isay she lookedlike Liz Taylor?Patton was morelike it. Apparently,whatever she'd beenlooking for wasthere, because shestarted to grin.

'Ask for mycane first.'

As herhigh and mightyfeet whisked herthrough the cavernousmain hallway, Loriwas eager tobegin her nightof pampering andpleasuring. There wasno room inher plans foranything short ofinstant obedience onThomas's part. Shewas much toosexually energized forthat. She neededto be fawnedover, catered to,and completely satisfied.So idle pleasantries were out ofthe question.

"Usually. I'lldo it later."She said reddeningjust a little.

Thatnight, Chris andI were ina local bardrinking a fewbeers. Nothing unusualin that forme, but sincehis marriage, Chrishas spent alot of eveningsin with Kirsty.I couldn't blamehim for that,but it hadbeen great tosee him outat last. Asusual, our conversationhad turned tomatters sexual quite quickly - wehad exhausted thesubjects of sports,politics and religionby the timeour second beerarrived. Chris hadenquired about myrecent bed partnersand I hadinformed him thatthings were currentlyvery slow inthat department. Iwanted to askhim about Kirsty,but remained tightlipped; I didn'twant to disrespecthim or hiswife. It wasChris that broughtthe subject up.He must havestill been underthe impression thatI needed convincing as he continuedto talk meround.

"Why don't Icome with you?That would saveyou some timeas I canlook at theshoes and decidewhether I wantto try themon or not."

Annelowered her headto avoid hisgaze and triedto reach hernotes for themeeting from wherethey were neatlypiled next tothe monitor withoutbending over herdesk to exposeeven more ofher stockings. Sheknew she wasblushing a nervouspink, but thethrill of whathe had justdone to herwas already takingits toll onher clit andher nipples. Itwas like someonewas alternating touchingthem with ahot candle's breathand an icyrock of frozenwater.

Lovingly andgiggling softly, Lucywiped his faceand still stiffcock with tissues.

"Suck my cock,please suck me."

Iheld on tight,my tongue workingup and downher slit, andfinally realizing thatthe little bud at the topseamed to bea real goodtarget, as faras getting areaction from HERwent. A fewseconds of suckingon it pushed'Becca over thetop, and shelocked her sexy,nylon clad legs around my head.She moaned loudly,keeping the pressureon for whatseemed like anhour, but wasprobably only aminute or so.

usedas they sawfit. One byone they usedher willing body.Some men stood up and slammedJade down ontotheir cocks fucking her hard andfast standing upand using herass for leverage.Others threw herto the floorand bent herover beating herpussy or sawinginto her ass.No one camethey just stroked and stroked drilling her holes withabandon. When Jadereached the endof the lineand the lastman had histurn the crowdformed a circlearound her. Jadewas placed onher knees inthe middle andcocks were offeredto her tosuck and jerkto explosion. Oneby one everyman in theroom shot theirload into hermouth onto herface and titsand all overher body. Oneman made herbend over andspread her asscheeks and drownedher asshole andpussy with agallon of cum.Three others placedthemselves on eitherside of herand in frontand simultaneously blasted her pretty face with black cock juice. Finally Jorelstood before herand he wasin a stateof extreme arousal.Seeing his sluttruly covered incum and lovingturned him likenever before. Heshoved his dickinto her mouthand savagely fucked her mouth. Hisballs bounced offof her chinas he stuffedher mouth. Hehad a handfulof hair andused it toguide himself inand out. Thecrowd anxiously awaited the grand finale.At last ithad come andJorel pulled outand stroked himselfinches from herlips. "Here itis baby getit all!!!! Ahhhhhhhh!!!!!"Jorel then unleasheda torrent ofcum few mencan ever achieve.His cock jerked and twitched likea unmanned fire hose drenching Jades face with yetanother load ofcum. Jade opened her mouth tocatch some butwas quickly drowning in goo. Cumshut her eyeslike glue andstreaked her hair.

Bythis time, Iwas hard again.I removed thesheer top offof my wife.She wanted tobe fucked sobad that shedid not evenbother to removeher thong. Shesimply moved itto the sideand straddled mycock and quicklylowered her pussyon it.

To mygreat surprise shedidn't burst inlaugh, not evengave me smile.She only staredright in myeyes and toldme, now witha bit morefrightened expression onher face, "Pleaseunderstand, I amserious."

Nicolle was kneelingbetween one kid'slegs sucking hiscock and takinghim deep. Hewas enjoying thata lot. Nicolleis an incrediblecocksucker. I don'trecall that I'veever seen herstruggle taking acock down herthroat. She hasa way ofpositioning a bigengorged cockhead right at the backof her mouthand swallowing it.The feeling asit enters thewarm tight constraints of her throatis enough tomake any manblow his loadalmost instantly. Andnow this youngkid was therecipient of Nicolle'stalents.

"Rise strongerFelicia. Rise stronger."

Around 6PM wearrived to theoutskirts of Zagreb,another half anhour drive andwe arrived infront of Dan'sbuilding. We gotout of thecar and grabbedour bags. Icould see thatDan was quitea bit nervous,from what Igathered it wasbecause he didn'tknow how hispartner/boyfriend Brad wouldreact. As faras I gothold of thefacts this Bradguy was somepiece of work,and Dan waslike his bitchand right nowDan was ananxious bitch fearing his master.

Peggy couldonly grunt throughthe ball gag and shake herhead yes.

"Well,if you wantto give outsome copies ofthe user software,or preferably couponsto download thesoftware for freefrom the website,you can withouthaving to payhim for thelicenses of thosecopies. As amatter of fact,he suggested giving out coupons toeveryone for afree download ofone of thevideo simulations wewould normally chargefor. He figuresthat, if allthese guys know that they cango download andexperience a blowjob from theirfavorite adult star or whoever â€"once they areavailable, of course- it willbe a greatextra incentive tobuy the simulator."

Jackie looked upand ran hertongue over herfull lips. "Ooh,...spurt lots ofhot cum onme. Do itright on myface and tits..."She let hertongue slip frombetween her lipsand ran itaround and aroundthe head ofhis cock. Jeffspasmed and grabbedher with bothhands, pushing hiscock into hermouth, fucking hernow, using herlovely mouth likea pussy. Hejerked his cockout of hermouth and furiouslybegan to strokeit. She closedher eyes andturned her faceup, reached outand wrapped herhand around thethick slab ofmeat and helpedjack him off.It took maybefive or sixstrokes for himto start spurting cum all overJackie's neck. Thick,white streams ofsperm splattered acrossher chin andthe top ofher chest, thenmore of itspurted across hernose and forehead.

"Well, I wasjust wondering aboutwhat you thoughtabout everything youhad experienced inthe last coupleof days, andabout me," Ireplied.

posted by butler2930sa @ 4:41 PM 0 comments

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

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The boysquickly pulled offtheir clothes untilthey were starknaked. Scully stood in the middleof the roomand Matt knelt down in frontof her, andpressed his noseand mouth intoher crotch, coveredby black panties,soaking in theheat and dampness.

Hesaid, "You likedicks?"

J: Please let'splay more andif I lostagain I willpay!

'Good girl. Isee you dressedas you weretold. "Well, Icertainly never didanything like thatwhen I wasa teenage girl"snorted Barbara. "Anddon't you wishyou had?" repliedCarol. "Didn't youever wonder aboutall the hardonsin high school that you didn'tget to holdin your hand,much less inyour mouth?" Nowthe guys wereall grinning, includingPete, Barbara's husband."Think of themissed opportunities" saidCarol, seductively smiling at her circleof friends. Thenshe cooed "somany cocks andso little time"with a pouton her faceand that hadeverybody chuckling.

Now itwas her turnagain. Lying onher back, sheopened her thighsand allowed himto look ather lovely mound.Then, she slowlyreached down andspread the lipsopen, revealing themost beautiful pinkness Chad had everseen. Her scentfilled the air,arousing him evenfurther. Her fingersmoved into thepinkness, sliding upand down, makingthat delicious wetsound. Up anddown she movedthe fingers, occasionallyplunging them deepinto her pussy,but always continuingon her wayagain soon. Shecircled her clit,closing her eyesand moaning witheach touch. Herhips moved now,up and down,imitating the fuckingshe wanted. Finally,she removed hershiny little fingers and offered themto Chad. Heleaned forward andsucked them intohis mouth, enjoyingthe sweetness ofher.

"Now we shouldtake our dinner"Roma said putting her glass intable and rushedme to theother side ofthe deck. Thedinner was fabulousas Roma indicatedearlier. I heardabout French cuisine,but never tastedso many Frenchpreparations at atime. But amongall sumptuous preparations Oyster preparation wasthe best.

I said,"You heard meget your assout of myhouse. Leave! Gosomewhere else butyou can't stayhere unless youdo what Itell you. Idon't care ifyou want todo it Louise.I don't careif you wantto remember it.I want toknow what myloving wife didwith her loverfor three days!We may notmake it anywayso maybe youshould just leave now and noteven try. It'sup to you.I'm very triedand I'm evensicker than youare. I'm sickall over fromknowing you werewith him andbeing a whorefor him. Ifeel like shitfrom what youhave done tous Louise. ButI now knowI need toknow it all.So decide nowwhat is itgoing to be?Decide and doit quickly! Or,get your whoringass out ofmy house!! NOW!!!"

Hecomplied obediently, gladthat he hadworn his mostfashionable underwear forthis occasion.

She wasfive-seven and maybe115 pounds. Shehad light brown hair that sheused to wearlong but wasnow cut ina short shag.Either way itlooked great onher. Her eyeswere large roundpools of honeythat drew youin until youthought you woulddrown in them.But her bestfacial feature washer lips. Theywere full andred and justscreamed out tobe kissed. Ofcourse, now thatI knew abit more theyalso screamed outfor a cock.

"NowMr. Brodie, whatbrings you tothe house ofthe insane, wherepeople stick theirhands in ...comfort?" Dr. Arnoldasked with asmile, still testingRandy's full faculties,eyeing his patienceself interests. "Itsay's here youdestroyed your ownapartment. You showedviolent tendencies andappeared self-destructive andresisting arrest"

She followedclose behind meas we madeour way throughtraffic to TheOld Mexico Café.At a stoplight,I looked back to see herfussing with herhair and makeup.It was onlya few minutesbefore we pulledinto the parkinglot. The darkeyed hostess seated us at aquiet booth inthe corner.

"I'm hisex," Emily pipedin. "Just visitingfrom out oftown."

In and out,in and out,over and overI fucked herass. I couldtell she wasn'tan anal virgin,but she sureas hell couldhave fooled mewith how tightshe was! Shemoaned and cried,whined and groaned,biting and clawingat the seatcushions as Ifucked her assfaster and faster,my orgasm approaching quickly. She wasrubbing her clitas I fuckedher, and itwas beginning tohave an effect!She shrieked shrilly.

"Theone on theright is thepost office," Isaid, "but I'mgoing there myselfso why notwalk with me?"

"Thisslut is wetand ready tofuck. Where didyou find herGreg?"

Debbie's slick skin seemed to seepeven more asJoannie lapped atit running hertongue along thelength of Debbie'sslit and backup again. Thetaste of Debbiewas intoxicating andJoannie covered hersnatch with herwhole mouth. Joannieopened her mouthwider and pushedher tongue insideDebbie's slit. Joannieflicked at theinside of theteenagers pussy anddarted out againand ran hermouth up towardsDebbie's clit again.

He taught myDad how todye chicken feathers in red andyellow to hidethe big treblehooks, and myDad taught me.The big heavy blades flutter just right, the modernstuff is lighterand spins likecrazy. My Dadtold me nofish in it'sright mind wouldbite those, sothe big heavyblades were allwe ever used.

Shestood there waitingfor a reply,feeling her eye'srun over herbody taking inthe new Cathy.She was dressedin a shortskirt with a6" split upone side whichshowed the nakedflesh just abovewhite stocking's, ifshe twisted shecould see thesuspenders as well,the top wasa short jacket,almost bolero butnot quite, itwas held togetherwith two buttonsjust below herbust line, thesuit was acerise pink andunderneath she hada white blouse of the sheerestchiffon, laces upthe side's heldit together, lowcut and nofrills or buttonsto spoil theview when shetook the jacketoff. She couldwear the suitwith or withoutthe blouse, eitherway it wasa turn on,but without abra she wouldhave to wearthe jacket, butdidn't have towear the blouse,either way shefelt really feminine and yes, evensexy. It wasa shame shecouldn't afford toget more clotheslike these butshe was happywith her buyand would wearit to worktomorrow, for nowshe was goingto spend therest of theday with herson, and latershe would bewith Rob, andshe would lovehim like shehad never lovedhim before.

While Imade my wayinto the bedroomI heard hersay to Jan,"That was reallyfun wasn't it."

No pantiesto get inmy way.' Heyanks her handsbehind her backand tells oneof the guysto donate theirbandana. Bandana's ofall colors appear.Spade grabs oneand ties herwrist together behindher back. Thenhe kicks herfeet apart, throwingher a littleoff balance. Hetakes her skirtand throws itup over herass and overher head. Baredass flesh forall to see.Spade reaches betweenher thighs anddrags a fingeracross her clitand between herlips.

She hadfought the gagreflex and trieddesperately to relaxand accept him.He just keptpushing more andmore in untilshe was forcedto take thetip of hiscock slightly downher throat. Theexperience scared her,but she trustedhim and didas she wastold and shown.

Ken was wasted,and could onlyjerk from thefeeling as Sherrypulled her cockfrom his ass.He could feelthe remaining lube run out ofhis open hole,then Sherry's fingersprobing inside ofhim.

The third installmentof Summer 1971 features the reunitingof David andhis best friendKenny, home fromcollege and visitingat Lake Georgefor a fewdays before headingback out westto school.

"I'm afraidso, darling."

"Yeah, Iguess so. Youwant to dance,or something?"

Cynthia gotup off herknees and awayfrom my hugedick. She walksup to mymother an says" Your right.Looking at thebulges in yourchest I cansay you're prettygifted yourself." Withthat, she startsto unbutton mymom's shirt. Icouldn't believe thatI was finallygoing to getto see mymom's tits inall their glory.My dick startedto throb afterthrob, watching eachbutton come undone.Soon, Cynthia slidesmy mother's shirtdown her shouldersand off herbody. Her enormouschocolate breasts werespilling over themassive bra cups.The cups werevisible so herhuge tootsie rolls like nipples wereeasily seen. "Mmmmm.They look sodelicious," moaned Cynthia.She slips hersmall hands inside my mother's cupsand one byone, pulls outher giant chocolate breasts, topple withhuge dark areolas and huge thick black nipples. Theysat high onher chest andwobble a littlebit due totheir releasing. "Ohmy god. Sogorgeous. Can't waitto taste thesehuge tootsie roll nipples," moaned Cynthia,grabbing my mom'sbreasts from thebottoms and squeezingthem. She immediatelyattach her mouthto her leftnipple. Sucking thenipple hard andchewing on itwith her teeth.She also cramas much ofthe dark areola into her mouthas possible.

" Okay"I said "get between herlegs and rubyour cock onher pussy" Istraddled her faceand pushed myown hard cockinto her mouthwhile I fingeredher swollen clit.Jim slid histhick rod intoher and startedpumping. "Just rubthe outside ofher pussy. Shecan't squirt witha cock inside"Itold him. Jimpulled out andjust pushed thehead in andout while Ifingered her. Mariannewas squirming underus as shegot closer tocuming.

"Problem is, thoughsometimes when I'mwith a chickand we playwith dildos, evenstrap-ons, I've nevermet a chickwho I couldreally get intoit with anally.I mean, thewhole nine yards.Dildos, fingers, fucking,the works."

posted by butler2930sa @ 8:17 PM 0 comments

Monday, December 24, 2007

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Whoa! Culturalshock time, duh…there is nobirth control inthe jungle! Thesewomen were allhoping to becomepregnant, have mybabies, and hopingfor male ones at that.

They werejust walking outthe front doorwhen Fiona turnedto him andsaid, "I Thiswas it, hereshe was aprostitute, no awhore about toundress for herfirst client. Thenmoving somewhat stiffly,she went totake took herheels off.

"We won.We won. Whatdid we win?"Ask Shawn witha clueless lookon his face.

"What'sthat for?"

Chapter 11 The Pool Hall Gangbang (pt1)

"I bloodyhope not, son.You've only justmet her."

Chapter 2:Off to College

"Dothey, Kiran madam?"Subbu was immenselypleased to hearthat.

He scoopedmy hair tothe back ofmy head andheld it tight,his hips pushed up forcing hiscock further into my mouth,"Come on MrsBrown, start suckingyou don't wantme to startdriving this monsterof mine downthe back ofyour throat, ordo you"?

And asluck would haveit, when theystarted to fillout the forms,the young PFC dropped his cover,which is militarylingo for 'hat'.As he bentover to pickit up Igot a spectacularview of butt.I popped aboner instantly. Itwas so roundand perfect thatthe image wasimmediately seared intomy brain. Ihad to forcemyself not tostare at him.

"Mom!What was that!?"

'That'sgood, cause Iwas going toask you ifyou came hereoften.'

That was easyto say, butit was notso easy toslough off thememory of whathad happened tome, like asnake shedding itsskin.

Weekend activities washed away any memoryof the meetingI'd arranged. Atabout 10:20 onMonday I wasamong the packof journalists thatburst from thecouncil room, trailingthe mayor downthe corridor andfawning like beesto honey. Hisbudget just got passed and wewanted to knowif he wouldgloat.

Bet gave hera skeptical glance.

Aaron finished dressing,and proudly waitedfor his Mistressby the frontdoor. As usual,his Mistress didnot tell himwhere they weregoing. She instructedhim to driveto a partof town thathe had notbeen before, andfinally to stopin front ofa large house.

Sheanswered the doorwearing a burgundyfloor length see through silk robe.I could barelytell that underit she hadon nothing. Shewas gorgeous. Shelooked at meand stepped asideto kind ofsweep me in.I came insideand turned toface her andshe had mein her armsand was kissingmy lips feedingme her tongue.I know Igasped at thesuddenness but thenkissed her backhard sucking onher tongue andlips—biting a teenybit.

It wasthe second daywhen we metLinzi and Chris.Christine and Iwere splashing aroundin the watergetting wet, justhaving a goodtime, when wealmost bumped intothis cute younggirl. After aquick apology wechatted awhile. Hername was Linzi.She was anexceptionally pretty girl about five footeight, dark auburncolored hair andWOW,... that bikinisure was holdingan incredible pair of tits.

forgot mysunglasses."

Peter andI exchanged glances.This was notwhat we hadbeen expecting. Hildacontinued, 'In factthe amount theyare prepared topay is twomillion dollars, each.'

Daraquenstood staring fromthe doorway, movingfrom her hidingplace and lookingat the oldman. She wasforbidden to enterthis room byher grandfather andso remained motionlesson the thresholdgauging the situation.After running allthe alternatives throughher head shefinally ventured.

"Whatare we goingto do withall that pizza?"I asked, cumdribbling out ofmouth and downmy chin. "Andhow did youget it withno money?"

When wewere all dressedthe officer (Becky)took us backto our carand we gotout and readyto drive, whenwe saw Becky walking back upto the car.I rolled downmy window andshe handed mea ticket andtold us tohave a niceday.

Jessica said."I hope thereisn't anyone Iknow here tonight."

"I tried callingyou at homelast night, actuallythe last fewnights." Jeff paused to gulp ashe considered hisnext sentence, dreadingmany of thepossible replies. "Iwas wondering whenI might seeyou again?"

"I didn'treally do anything."

"Ido sincerely apologise,Isabel", said Anton in his deep,clipped slightly accented voice. "I dorealise that yourparents are away,but I washoping that yourfather may haveleft a letterfor me."

"Your turn."Kary unbuttoned Jeff'sshirt as fastas she couldand pushed itback away fromhis. She startedto lift hisundershirt over hishead, but becausehe was muchtaller, he hadto help her.She ran herhands over hischest, down hissides, and finallyone hand downover the bulgein his jeans.

Butthat didn't helpmuch: She washis fucking mission.

Finallyit erupted. Hecame for awhole minute, sendingthick syrup straight up to herfertile womb andoverflowing, splashing tothe floor.

posted by butler2930sa @ 9:39 AM 0 comments

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John lifted her slightly. Heloved to hearher beg likethat, even thoughshe had noneed to.

Afterfucking Bill for10 minutes itseemed Sandy wasabout to cum,but apparently shehad done toogood a jobon Sean's cockand he camein just acouple of minutes,unable to wait.She sat onhis lap withhis cock stillinside her fora minute, thenpulled it outand took offthe condom. Itspilled most ofhis Finally, theytold Mandy thatshe could stop,but instructed herthat she mustgo into thesauna for amassage before shecould leave, asthey did notwant her musclesto cramp fromthe strain shehad put onthem. They followedher and hadher remove herskimpy t-shirt andshorts, then madeher lay downon the table,naked except forthe tiny redthong beneath thefluffy white towel.Coach Hudson thenbegan to kneadthe back ofher calf withstrong, skilled handsas Coach Richards did the sameto her shoulders.Mandy hated toadmit it, butit did feelgood.

When they reachedthe other cartJill selected apitching wedge. Sheput the ballfar forward inher stance andmade good contact,sticking it onthe green onlytwo feet fromthe pin.

It wasthen our eyesmet again andI pressed herneck downward sothat our lipscould meet. Nohesitation now; ourlips melded togetherlike two torrentialtributaries joining araging river. Kathy'stongue tasted mine first and nowit was myturn to cryout in passion,breaking the kissjust long enoughto murmur hername gently intoher ears andto take herlips again.

Hall politelytold Julie thathe wanted totake a bitof her time.

I gently draw you down tothe sand andkneel over youso that Ihave the freedomto ravish yourentire body atwill as youlie there writhingin passion. Mykisses work theirway down yourbody until Iam between yourlegs and mymouth covers yourpussy. My tonguegoes to work.First, I runmy tongue deeply into you andthen finish withflicking it delicatelyover the lengthof your labia.Then I findthe clit andmy tongue changes shape so thatit becomes adelicate pointed tool of pleasure foryour most delicateplace. Gently atmoderate speed, andthen with graduallyincreasing pressure andspeed I flickthe very tipof my tongueacross your lovebutton. Your hipsare undulating andyou are gaspingand moaning asthe tempo getsfaster, the touchgets firmer andthe tongue gets more rounded atit's tip. ThenI alternate theside-to-side movements withup-and-down movements andI can tellthat your areclose to yourclimax. One morething to tipyou over theedge...I slip myfinger into youand move itup to yourG spot whereI gently massagethe area whileall the timeworking you overwith my tiredbut eager tongue.Your sounds havebeen building andthen your hipsbuck vigorously andyou grab myhead and guidemy touch asyou explode ina burst ofecstasy.

Slowly but surely,he inserted himself,and she clutchedhim to her.This was causinga slight painto her, butnothing she couldn'tcope with, andshe felt herselfbegin to riseto meet hisgentle thrusts. Heheld her close,kissing her face,neck, anything hecould reach. Shelay back andsuccumbed, he thrustslightly harder andshe winced, butallowed him tocontinue. Soon herfeelings of anxietygave way tothe impending climax,and he sloweddown. The gamehe was playingwas simple, heneeded her tohold off alittle bit longer,he knew ifhe reached thenthat would bethat and hewouldn't be ableto continue inside her. And hewas enjoying theripples of pleasureemanating from hispenis, he feltit grow andswell and twitchuntil he wassure it wasgoing to burst.He sped up,feeling the warmwetness on hismost sensitive parts,and felt herbegin to contractaround him oncemore. This beganto send himover the edge,and soon heknew that therewas no goingback. His franticpace continued fora couple ofseconds, he felther begin toclimax too, andthen he released,the relief washingover him. God,he needed that.

Shereached down andwrapped her handsaround his shaft."Fuck me! Now!"She pushed himinto her alittle. He couldn'tkeep from shovinghimself fully intoher.

"Hey Sindy, I'vegot an ideawhich I thinkyou would like.How about wego to myroom where Ihave a mirrorwhere you cansee yourself doingthis, how doesthat sound?" Iasked.

I leaned backand looked downat my cleanlyshave white labia pressed against hisdark black skin and I knewthis was goingto be thebest fuck Ihave every had.My black lover started to humphis cock intodeeper as Irod on top.I was movingfrom one climaxto the nextas if theywere one longorgasm. When Ithought I couldn'thandle any morehe rolled meover and continuedhis penetrating attack from on top.I lock onwith my healspressed into hisbutt and enjoyedhis huge cock pressing into heback of mywomb. He wasready to climaxand I wantedhis sperm andcock to stayin me forever.As he pumpedto his climax,I had thestrongest orgasm Ihave every experienced.I could feelhis cock swellingand his ballstighten as hedumped five orsix strokes ofcum against theback wall ofmy womb. Iheld on notwanted to havehis cock leaveme. After severalminutes he pulledhis semi-hard cockout of meletting his cumflow from myvagina like asmall waterfall. Iwanted him again.

Nervously, she pulledherself out ofhis arms andstood away fromhim, knowing itwas no longerthe natural fear of his uniformthat frightened herbut it wasthe man beneathit that scaredher.

The windbegan to blowhard and Ishivered, nearly naked and cold. Youremoved your handfrom my pussyand your mouthfrom my nipple."Let's go backto the house.We won't beable to domuch here ifyou're cold," youwhispered, "and Iwant to doa lot." Iwrapped the whipcream and honeyback in theblanket and heldit in myarms, smiling asyou picked meup, my legsover one ofyour arms, myback braced againstthe other. Wewalked slowly back to the house,your eyes peering at my barebreasts from timeto time. Finallyyou set medown in frontof our door,unlocking it andleading me inby my hand.

Before I couldreflect further though,Anneke came back in with, "OhWill, give hima go. Noteveryone just wants casual sex, evenif it wasas easy fora guy toget as yousuppose. And Lachlan'sbeen divorced forwhat, nearly twoyears now. Anywayyou're embarrassing him.Not that heneeds to beembarrassed with us.You are soooooright though aboutthe companionship andlove that hehas. I mean,really, we're afamily aren't we.You're right."

"There issome one elseBut it isnot what youare think. Ihave always beenfaithful to you.No one otherthan you hastouched me. ButI have totell you thetruth. I havehad orgasms withyou but younever gave methose orgasms." Shesaid with moretears running downher cheeks.

"fuck meagain. Fuck mefuck me fuckme." She grindedagainst him.

I sawRuchi was shakyas she lookedat him fromair. Reddi ji however didn't lookedup and leavingthat penis straightin air heldher hanging sandalin his handand began kissingher feet, thistime wildly.

** * **

cumout, and shewasted no timecleaning it up,swallowing half ofit herself andfeeding him therest.

"Oh daddy, whydid you dothat?" Mary saidcrying, running offto her room.

Suddenly, she heardsirens behind her."Shit..." she saidas she pulledover. She musthave been goingfast. As thepolice officer walked towards her car,she suddenly realized that her dresswas still open.She quickly tried to button itup as bestas she could.

Mymind was awhirlas I laythere trying tofathom what wasobviously the mostintense, the greatest,orgasm anyone couldever have. Whathad we donethat had broughtit about?

"Same wayI came in."He pulled herinto his armsas she steppedtowards the door.

Marystill wasn't sureif she shouldreveal her lovefor Juliana, butshe felt thatif she didn't,she would neverget the opportunityagain. She triedto push herfear aside, andtell her, butwhat if Julianawas only mockingher, and shedidn't want herlike it seemed,when she waskissing her? Shedecided to takethe chance, hopingthat she wouldn'tregret her choice.

Now,I'm a solidseven inches anda good almost4 inches around,and it wasnothing for herto swallow ituntil I couldfeel her tonsils.She stroked herhand up myshaft fast, workingme into hermouth for whatfelt like eternity.I pushed myhips with it,really getting intorhythm, smacking mycock on theback of herthroat. Right whenI thought Iwas about toexplode, she stopped.

Itried to actsurprised, quite relieved that she wasgoing to tellme. I askedfor more info.

Hemade me sayall kinds ofnasty things toget his oldass off. Hedidn't care howmuch he washurting he justkept telling tosay things likecall him 'kingcock'. When Markstarted rubbing myclitty I squirtedall over hisballs slapping againstmy pussy lips.I just couldn'thelp it. Hewas just sodetermined. I wasrebounding from Jerry'scheating ass andMark wanted meso ferociously itmade me feelhot. Mark laughedand told mehow he likes"wet balls". Thenhe pulled hisdick out leavingme empty andspun me around.Before I couldput it togetherhe had thathuge cock ofhis down mythroat again. Ismelled my cumthat his wetballs left onmy nose whenhe pulled outmy throat tohave me suckthe head. Thesmell of myown cum onmy nose droveme over andI came againright on hisbed without anythingtouching me. Ireached up andrubbed his ballsand felt themshifting in myhands. Mark pulled my dress openand started squeezingmy breasts. Heput my handon my pussyand he startedmoving my fingerson my clit,rubbing hard andfast. He camein my mouthbefore I couldcome again.

'If? Areyou thinking ofstaying here?'

The fireworkswere dramatic andspectacular and Racheland I watchedthem in silenceenjoying the nightand the brilliantdisplay of man'sability to controlfire. When itwas over Isuggested we headhome, but Rachelwas too inlove with thecity and thepotential excitement tocall it anight. So whenshe turned tome and said,"Come on AuntSara, show memore. I couldn'tsleep now ifI had to."I relented andagreed to takeher on acab ride toWrigleyville to seewhere people herage spent Saturday nights partying.

posted by butler2930sa @ 12:27 AM 0 comments

Sunday, December 23, 2007

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It hadnot been agood day forthe pizza delivery girl. She'd alreadydone her stairmasterfor the dayand more, havingclimbed maybe tenflights total inthose motels withno elevator, andthese people werebeing very stingywith their tipstoday. And totop it alloff, she hadn'tgotten laid inweeks. One ofthe perks ofdelivering in abeach resort town is that youget to checkout hundreds ofbeautiful, barely clothedpeople every day.She would passthem in hercar and think"doable, doable, throwdownable, totally fuckable."But it wasvery frustrating, lookbut don't touch.

AsI told sheused to livewith my uncleand family andgrandmother. Granny wasvery old andwas not mobilefully. Every ********************************************

Forgettingthe instructions sheran to thesteps and followedthe figure downthe path tothe village graveyard,losing it sometimesin the softlight. She followed,ghostlike herself inher white kimono,long black hair trailing behind. Keepingto the path,she came tothe clearing wherethe houses ofthe dead caststrange shadows inthe moonlight. Lookingaround, she foundthe figure kneeling in front ofone of theChristian crosses. Shemoved towards himslowing as shecould see hisback shaking violently and deep sobswere wrenched fromhis throat. Asshe moved upbehind him shesaw his armorwas coated ingore. She reachedout to puta hand onhis shoulder.


Ash sat in the boothby the window,sipping a glassof iced teawhile Wanda satacross from herand nibbled ona burger. Cheryland Jessica sat several booths away,watching, but tryingto be unobtrusive.

Anew series ofswish and slap,much harder, alldirected in thesame little area at the centerof my ass,soon had mecrying against thefruit. I writhedon the ground,struggling to keepmy ass upfor her, allthe while pleadingwith wordless voice.

Their hands met at the lastbutton of theblouse, and heunsnapped the fasteningsat the wristsof the leathergloves. As shefumbled to removethe gloves, heopened the frontof her blouse,and peeled ifoff of hershoulders and downher arms, pinningher arms behindher as thehalf-off gloves tangledin the blousematerial.

"What isit John," sheasked, checking hermakeup.

"If your Queenaccepts my dealto make itvalid she willhave to comeand visit meat my court,"said Thomas. TheAmazon tried topull up fromhis penis andsay something butThomas merely pushed her back downonto his cock."If your Queenwants her peopleto be sparedshe will walkright up tothe foot ofmy throne, getdown on herknees…" Thomas pausedbriefly for effect,"And then shewill suck mycock right therein front ofmy court toprove she ismy servant."

Neither ofthem were awareof my presence,which was okayby me, Ienjoy seeing myBecky in action.Besides, my new-foundbride fetish wasgoing full-steam, soI was *really*getting a majorkick out ofwatching them go.Carson suddenly pulled his cock completely out of Beck'smouth and beforeshe had achance to putup much ofa fuss, helaid her down,hiked up herdress, stripped offhis damn tutuand plunged intoher cunt inone stroke.

It lookedbeautiful, and Chestnutwriggled her appreciation,turning to thankmy Partner witha kiss.

"Oh God!I have tobe at ourexhibit booth by10:00! I'll nevermake it!"

"Fuck Noel..You're a realsweet peace ofass. I hopeyou like fuckingbecause were goingto do alot of it."

"Hi," I said,almost dazed bythe animal magnetism that oozed fromhis very being.

"We'rehaving a partySunday if you'dlike to come."Melina offered.

"It wasno dream Mike.You did fuckme, my assanyway and sharedyour cum withme too. I'llnever forget itand I wantyou to knowI'm in lustwith you, asmuch as youare with me.You just won'taccept what happenedon the beachthat day, willyou?" Darlene said,as she beganto massage mychest, her handsdropping lower andlower.

The bedroom lights came on. Istood looking atDanny laying onMelissa Kern, withhis cock stillin her.

weekend my uncleand family goes to the aunt'shouse and thenI used togo and staywith my cheriyammaand granny. Thismade my desirestrong but atthe same timeI never wantedto hurt herfeelings as Iloved and respectedher. But itbecame uncontrollable Ithought of waysof having sex with her. Herbuttocks gave mesleepless nights forme and Imasturbated every timeI stayed there.Finally I decidedto make themove one night.Whole that dayI was nervousand she noticedit I toldher I amhaving a headache. I wasconfused how toapproach her andif she resistshow I willlook at herface and theway she willbe hurt shemay do somethingdrastic, this alwaysbothered me. ButI knew shelike d mea lot andshe will forgiveif something backfires.Finally I decidedto tell hermy feelings andplead her toallow once. ButI was afraid.But I feltso much lustfor her bodyI decided toact. I waswaiting to becomenight and myuncle came allof a suddenand told hehas to takegranny to townthat day itselffor a cataractoperation which wasfixed two dayslater. He toldif he takesher today nextday morning hecan show herto doctor ratherthan taking herin the morningsince he stayedin the town.I was disappointedas I feltmy aunt willalso go buthe told herto stay back with me ashe did notwant to keepthe house lockedin the night.I was sodelighted because meand aunt willbe alone inthe night.

"Betyou didn't expectto see mein here, didyou, Virginia?" shesaid as shelightly squeezed hershoulders.

"I'm sorry. Iwasn't deliberately trying to come lastI just wanted someone else towin. Besides Ididn't think fora minute thatDi was actuallyserious. Look, ifyou feel thatbadly about it,we'll get ittaken off tomorrow."

"Shhh!"she replied. "Trustme."

Needless to say,I said yes,and had anabsolute ball.

Lindabegins to re-explainagain that sheloves Dave verymuch and thatthis is justgoing to bemeaningless pleasure andthat nothing isgoing to comein between herand her husband."Yeah, ok babewhatever." was hisresponse. Linda leadshim to theroom and letshim in. Hesees Dave onthe bed asleep.

I smiled. "BeforeI met you,I learned afew things; thingsI can't waitto experience withyou," I saidand crawled uphis body. Istraddled his lapand began togrind my pussyonto his semi-hardcock. My thongwas juicy wetwith my honeydewand clung tightlyto my sex.I unhooked thefront clasps ofmy babydoll unfettering my breasts, whilecontinuing to grindMarcus's cock. Moistureseeped through mythong.

The final part of the testwas treading waterfor fifteen minutes.Kurt timed uswith a stopwatch,having us holdour hands aboveour heads anduse just ourfeet each timehe blew hiswhistle. It wasa lot harderto do itthat way. Isuppose that wasto condition ourlegs. When thetest was over,I was tiredbut the classwas just starting.

Ifelt her pussycontract around me,her juices wet and warm. Shepushed her hipsupwards, I drewher breast furtherinto my mouth,and she came.Her mouth hungopen as shecried out, herjuices poured fromher pussy, aspleasure and releaseran through her.I kissed hernipple softly, teasingher just alittle, helping herdown from herhigh. She pulledmy fingers fromher, and suckedon them, tastingher juices.

Itseemed that shedidn't need tohave any nervousfeelings as Josh'sarm went aroundher waist andhis other handbegan to slideup her front.His fingers slippedunder her braand squeezed gently,she moaned intohis mouth withexcitement... the gentletouch was makingher very hornyand wet. Astheir kiss deepened,the touch onher breast becamemore firm, hemassaged her boob,squeezing and caressing.When his fingerstouched her hardnipple she gasped,the intense pleasurerocketing through her.

Shewrapped her armsaround my boundform and pushedthe final inchof Stryker intome.

There isa nightclub afew doors downthe road, andthat's where weare heading. Itspacked when wemake it inside.I take thelead and walkyou to adark corner. Westand behind apillar, slightly outof sight ofmost of theclub, and Isqueeze you upagainst the pillar.Its hard pressinginto your back,and as Iget closer youcan feel thehardness of mycock pressing againstyou also. Ilean forward further,and start tokiss you. Slowlyat first, mytongue lapping againstyours as wekiss. My handsare at yoursides, caressing yourhips, then Islide them underyour cardigan andstart to caressyour back withthem. My fingernailsstart to scratchat your spine,running my handsup and downthe small ofyour back. Scrapingdown to thetop of yourarse. Your backarches and youpush closer tome.

Turning back tothe bar, shedidn't see whohad approached. Shenearly choked onher wine whenshe heard thatdeep Aussie voice.

Candy'svoice is gentle,"He's really amazing,isn't he?"

posted by butler2930sa @ 10:48 AM 0 comments

Saturday, December 22, 2007

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I moanedwhen I feltmy husband's cockimpale my cunt.

"No, I don't...I was witha woman foralmost 5 years,then six monthsago she decidedout of theblue that shewanted a husbandand a baby.The baby wouldhave been possible,but I couldn'tbe her husband...And I stillmiss her, alot!" Sharon's eyesmisted over alittle, and Melissaleaned to herand gave hera hug.

"Let's go upto your room,"he said.

"In time,that is, ifMark wants youto."

He took adeep breath andstepped into theflirty summer sun dress of yellowand pink pastels.He held hisbreath, his stomachfluttered, he feltdizzy and onceagain his cocktwitched and throbbed.Helen couldn't helpbut notice yetshe politely choose to ignore itinstead she concentratedon the dress.He felt thedress tighten asshe buttoned himup securely.

Amnasmiled, and thenwithout a wordunstrapped Aunt Salim'sown bra frombehind, revealing twovery round apple-shapedbut still womanlybreasts: the nippleslarge in adeep aurora ofa darker brownthan the restof her lightbrown freckled skin.She kissed heraunt tenderly onthe cheek. "Whatdo you thinkof Aunt Sally?Don't you thinkshe's beautiful?"

I lookat you. Blushingat the factthat I havenever worn anythingquite so revealing.

As she mopedalong to theshower I asked,"Did you bringyour credit card?"

'Difficult,as I don'thave her number.'I answered sheepishly.

Ihad been naughtyindeed, and itfelt so good.I couldn't waitto put itall in mydiary, the bestsurprise I hadever gotten.

Thenext morning, Robertgot out ofbed and toldEric that hewas the onlyperson who knewwhere Robert lived,so if Jessicacalled he wasnot to tellher anything. Justplay dumb.

He releasedher legs andstepped away. Eliserolled over andtried to climbacross the hoodaway from themen. One laughedand grabbed herankle. She kickedand fought asthey dragged herback across theglossy black metal,her skirt bunching up around herwaist. There handspinched and pulledat her pussy.Fingers invaded everyhole. One ofthe men, pressedhis mouth againsther and bither ripe cuntlike a juicypeach. A handclamped down overher mouth blocking her cry. Itwas not untilher struggling ceased that he calledthe men off.

Jessicaalternated kissing eachof them whilethey continued running their hands overher hot body.My wife freed herself from theirgrip and said,"Why don't yousit on thatbench over therewhile I getnaked for you?"

"Does it reallymatter? Regardless ofwhat I tellyou, would youreally wish meto stop?" Apink slip oftongue ran acrossher upper lip,slicking down herfull, pouty mouth with natural gloss.Her petite gripheld my cockin its velvetjaws. Her tongueflicked lazily overmy cockhead, massagingthe couple dropsof precome intothe hot skin of my pulsingshaft.

"What's that?"

"You're right,that's enough, thisisn't Abu Ghraib,let's be professionalhere. We'll comparenotes later," saidSonia while smiling.

I answered "Yes."

Almostas soon asshe stopped cummingshe switched theirpositions again sohe was flaton his back.This time shestraddled him andlowered her pussyonto his hardcock. With agroan of combinedlust and satisfactionhe felt hiscock easily slide into her. Shebegan to ridehim slowly, clearlyin no hurryto bring abouthis orgasm.

"Sure," saidTim agreeably, "here'sa suit". Hehad picked outsome surf shortswith a Hawaiianpattern.

I headedupstairs, looking forsomething to do.Becca kept aclean house, sothere wasn't anythingto pick upor put away.I thought aboutcalling Kyle tosee if hewanted to doanything but sinceit was aweekend, his wenchof a girlfriendwould be hangingout with himand there wasno way Iwanted to bearound her.

After Kevinhad all hewanted of mymouth, and hadcovered it andmy chin withspit from thefierce pounding hehad delivered, hestood me upand bent meover the table.I knew thathe wouldn't lastlong in mycunt; I almostlaughed out withjoy at thethought of mylover's father unloading into my wombthat had justbeen filled byCarl the nightbefore.

"Oh, God!Oh, please don'tstop," she whimpered.

Thatnight after awonderful supper, cookedby Christina buthardly touched byMay, Christina breastfed little June and then puther down forthe night. Maywearily crept offto bed.

Cockweasel wasalmost at thebottom when hecrashed into something,there was aloud metallic clang and the goblinfeel back ontothe stairs ina daze.

Hepushed the buttonwith an experiencedelbow, and waited.

Rooand Ted's doorwasn't closed allthe way andI could justsee Roo's buttshining from thenightlight. But, ohboy, I couldsee what Tedwas doing. I'dnever seen aguy, you know,do it tohimself. I'd heardall the offcolor jokes andstuff, all thereferences. But no,this was new.I watched theway he didit, teasing himselfand stopping, thengoing again. Iwanted to knowif he waswhispering something, becauseI could seehis lips move.With the fanon in there,I couldn't hearanything.

"Well sinceyou are goingto be mystudent I thinkyou should getinto the properuniform."

"And Samantha,"I continued, "aren'tyou just alittle concerned aboutpenis envy? Anddon't you watchOprah? According tothe he/shes onOprah recently, ortrannys as thetwit Brits call them, right beforethe 'operation' theyall went intoa state ofdenial, which includedhallucinations. They allexperienced nightmares andwoke up screaming,'Where's my dick?'Fortunately the drugTehrahydrocannabinal Flunitrazepam canbe prescribed tomitigate this psychologicaltrauma known asMMM, Missing Member Mania."

His hands feltlike fire asI groaned andmy ASS pulsed with desire. Ijust stood spread as he pulledmy ass intohis big handsand gyrated me,GOD I wantedcock BAAAAD!!!

Jason lowershis face andlicks your pussyfrom top tobottom making yourback arch anda moan escapeyour lips. "Don'ttease me! Iam going tocum if youkeep that up!"Fearing that itwill end toosoon you grabhis head andpull his faceto yours. Youkiss him hardon the mouthand suck yourjuices off ofhis lips. "Justfuck me! Please!"Jason kisses youagain, pulls yourhips to theedge of thecouch and lineshis monster upwith you hotcunt. You feelyour stomach knotup and youstare at thatincredible organ. Itseems to beenraged and looksvery intimidating.

posted by butler2930sa @ 2:09 AM 0 comments