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Saturday, December 29, 2007

Aguilera nude pics gallery

Marie laughed,a silvery rippleof sound. "Ithink we allare, babe. Whyshouldn't we?"

I getfeedback enough...

Finally, sleepcame.

He grabbed meand rolled meover and forcedme to getup on myknees. I knewhe was goingto fuck me.And part ofme wanted hiscock inside me.But when itpressed against myasshole I froze.At first Ithought that hehad just misjudgedhis position. Butsoon I realizedthat he wasintent upon forcinghis massive her,but she couldsee from hisarms that hewas unbuttoning hisshirt.

Even harder thanlosing Paul wasthe absence ofmy two childrenJason and Christi.That was theonly thing Pauldid that wascruel. Using myinfidelity as aweapon, Paul hadforced me intogiving him fullcustody and thecourts had agreedon visitation everyother weekend. Icouldn't even letthem see Karlsince the conditionsof the visitationwere that myvisits were supervised.Karl had metthe children buthad not beenable to spendmuch time withthem. Their losshurt deeply buteven that losswas not sufficientto stop myobsession with Karl.

She felt coldness against her neck,then felt aslow ripping sound and the room'sair hitting herback. She knewwhat he wasdoing and despitethe thought thather beautiful blackdress was beingsplit open, thefeel of theside of thecold knife onher skin andthe air rushing in made heralmost fall overwith pure eroticism.

"Ihave a feelingI'm close. Mom,I'm going tohave to askyou to standup." Mom stoodand had topull down hershort skirt.

"Her mouthtwisted into anotherwarped smile. "Howdoes it feelbeing naked witha woman somuch older?" Shelooked down atmy quivering hard-on."I see thatyou aren't turnedoff like yourfriend."

"Oh not youlove I wastalking to Jim.That's it rightthere sweetie. Ohyes now yourdoing it right."

Iguess she neededa little verbalreminder. My heartwas racing asI slowly pulledher panties down.I could feelthe sweat buildingup on mybrow as Iunveiled my prize.And what aprize it was.Her pussy wasbeautiful and completelybald. She wascompletely shaved. Itwas amazing howher skin got darker between herlegs. She musthave just shavenit cause itlooked so smooth.There wasn't acunt hair insight. My mouthwas drooling. Andwhen I placedmy hand onthe smoothest cuntI ever feltin my lifeI thought Iwas going tohave a heartattach.

"And what itcould mean, forus, too. Tohave the freedomof obedience andnot having todecide, ever again;and to beliberated by painand so lovingits embrace; andthe sheer exhilarationof being ownedlike that. Itwas freedom... Freedomand passion andlove." Ellen hadher fingers inher cunt now."I want tocum so badright now," shegroaned. "But Ican't, and thatmakes me happy. Ilive for Master'spermission now, andhis blessing. Weboth do."

But theinstant Nick heard Alyssa's slightly sleepy,wholly aroused voice ask, "Do youwant to fuckme now, Ben?"all rational thoughtdrained out ofone head andpumped hot blood into his otherone. He nearlysoaked the frontof his pantsjust from hearingthat vulgar wordused by hisbeautiful Alyssa. Hestroked himself throughthe cotton ofhis pants, unableto help himselfnow, and steppedcloser towards theliving room, carefulto stay inthe shadows.

Heput his headforward and bitand nibbled ather neck, shouldersand ears. Hegroaned one moretime and wentrigid as thespunk began toflow from himinto the girl'stwitching, gripping rectum.He felt asif he wasemptying his verysoul into thecompliant body asejaculation followed ejaculation."JEEEZ!" he saida third time.His heart slowed but his breathingstill came inragged gasps asfinally he fellaway from thejerking female tofall backwards ontothe carpet. Hecouldn't move, butjust lay there,an arm overhis eyes. Ashe slowly becamefully aware againhe got ontohis hands andknees, shaking hishead from sideto side. Thenas his breathslowed he glancedover at thegirl to seeDanny taking histurn at thenow open arsehole.Danny was thebiggest built ofthe group andas her buttockswere again pulledapart Jimmy couldsee her anusmaking clutching movements as it flutteredin spasmodic jerksaround the monstercock that wasburied deep inher bowels.

My heartwas racing. Panicflowed through melike a torrent,tearing away atmy insides andmaking me nauseas.

Thistook me backto before Iwas married. Thatstrange metallic taste in your mouthwhen you knewyou were goingto get fucked.Your faked reluctance and his easyseduction, getting youhot and pantingfor it beforeyou gave upthe pussy. Hiscock as itfirst slid intoyour slick fuckhole as youhumped to getit all. Andlater buried deep in you andfilling your cuntas you wrappedyour legs aroundhim and humpedand romped towardclimax. The feelof his throbbingcock as itswelled just beforehe came. Theforce of thefirst spurts ofhis hot cum,the erotic sounds of the bedand the groans,moans and cries.The wet thighs and the wetspot and thenastiness of itall. There wasnothing else remotelylike it.

"What's wrong?"

Ithad been aboutten minutes beforeJami reluctantly spit him out andbegan to undress.John took thistime to catchhis breath andtry and stophimself from cummingright there. Jamipulled off hersweatshirt to reveala silky, redbra and matchingthong. She letdown her hairand turned aroundslowly.

"Oh, she's justan old friendI met awhile ago. Andshe asked meif I wantedto go toGay Night fora drink. AndI said yes,since I haven'tbeen there since'that night'." Isaid.

cockinto my virginass. I triedgetting away fromhim but heheld me tight.I begged himto stop butmy cried fellon deaf ears.His cock pressed hard against myanal ring. Iscreamed in painas it brokethrough and beganshoving deep inside me. The agonywas unbearable. Soonhe was allthe way insidemy torn assand was thrustingme hard. Icould feel hishairy balls banging against my soakedpussy as herammed into myass. My fingersclutched the carpettight as Itried to endurethe pain. Butit was toomuch for me.I thought Iwould pass out,and wished thatI would toescape the agony.But it wasnot to be.He continued bangingmy asshole harderand harder. Iheard him cryout and hiscock exploded inmy ass. Thiswas a mixedblessing. The wetnessof his cummade it easierto take hiscock. But histhrust increased andbecame harder anddeeper as hecame inside me,which brought aboutmore pain aswell.

After she gother drink sheworked her wayover to thedance floor wherebodies were packedlike sardines. Shesqueezed thru thecrowd until shefound a coupleguys that shethought looked hot.The combination ofthe booze andRon fucking herto the brinkof orgasm hadher horny ashell as oneof the hotguys asked herto dance. Sheusually hates dancing,but she knewa slut hasto do whata slut hasto do andshe accepted.

Ijust smiled back.We both knewthe answer wasyes.

"Excuse me?" Laurasaid coming outof her ownthoughts.

"Baby, please. I'vewanted you forso long. You'vedriven me crazyin my dreams.Please baby. Makelove to mypussy. It's allfor you," shespread her pinklips wider andher dark pussy fur was nowmatted with hersweet, cunt cream.

Shemoved forward inher chair. "Well,I think righthere is fine.Just come overhere."

He comes tothe side ofthe bed andsets the boxnext to me."So, do youknow what I'llfind in here?"I nod andbury my head.I know exactly what's in thebox, and Iknow it well.All of ourtoys, and Ihave never imaginedsomeone else openingthe box, seeingwhat I crave,what drives me.

Myhusband celebrated bymaking one ofhis rare visitsto my room.As he undressed,and I waitedwith long-since dimmedhopes, I thoughtof turning myselfover onto handsand knees, andbidding him takeme in thatfashion. But Icould not bringmyself to doit.

However thisone-day in summerwhen we wereon a vacationin London mysister and mewere living athome alone. Mysister went outwith our cousinsand there friendsas usual (mycousins lived inEngland and gota social circle there with Englishfriends, so mysis also hada couple ofB.F among thoseEnglish friends). Soafter her departureI went toher room tofound some nicesexy pics ofher and herfriends including myfemale cousins (allof which arehot). I alsowent into herbathroom and foundin the laundrybasket her pantyand bra thatshe wore lastnight. I tookit with mein my roomand smelt it.It smelt sooo nice. I thentook out my8-inch penis andrubbed it allon the braand the panty,which was blackin color. Iwas just imagininghow my sisterwould look inthem.

She immediately spread my legs wideand began kissingmy thighs andlicking my pussy.


He began tohump a littlefaster again. Shegritted her teetheven harder andagain humped backagainst him asshe furiously rubbed her fingers acrossher clit.


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