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Sunday, December 23, 2007

Free nude celeb toons

It hadnot been agood day forthe pizza delivery girl. She'd alreadydone her stairmasterfor the dayand more, havingclimbed maybe tenflights total inthose motels withno elevator, andthese people werebeing very stingywith their tipstoday. And totop it alloff, she hadn'tgotten laid inweeks. One ofthe perks ofdelivering in abeach resort town is that youget to checkout hundreds ofbeautiful, barely clothedpeople every day.She would passthem in hercar and think"doable, doable, throwdownable, totally fuckable."But it wasvery frustrating, lookbut don't touch.

AsI told sheused to livewith my uncleand family andgrandmother. Granny wasvery old andwas not mobilefully. Every ********************************************

Forgettingthe instructions sheran to thesteps and followedthe figure downthe path tothe village graveyard,losing it sometimesin the softlight. She followed,ghostlike herself inher white kimono,long black hair trailing behind. Keepingto the path,she came tothe clearing wherethe houses ofthe dead caststrange shadows inthe moonlight. Lookingaround, she foundthe figure kneeling in front ofone of theChristian crosses. Shemoved towards himslowing as shecould see hisback shaking violently and deep sobswere wrenched fromhis throat. Asshe moved upbehind him shesaw his armorwas coated ingore. She reachedout to puta hand onhis shoulder.


Ash sat in the boothby the window,sipping a glassof iced teawhile Wanda satacross from herand nibbled ona burger. Cheryland Jessica sat several booths away,watching, but tryingto be unobtrusive.

Anew series ofswish and slap,much harder, alldirected in thesame little area at the centerof my ass,soon had mecrying against thefruit. I writhedon the ground,struggling to keepmy ass upfor her, allthe while pleadingwith wordless voice.

Their hands met at the lastbutton of theblouse, and heunsnapped the fasteningsat the wristsof the leathergloves. As shefumbled to removethe gloves, heopened the frontof her blouse,and peeled ifoff of hershoulders and downher arms, pinningher arms behindher as thehalf-off gloves tangledin the blousematerial.

"What isit John," sheasked, checking hermakeup.

"If your Queenaccepts my dealto make itvalid she willhave to comeand visit meat my court,"said Thomas. TheAmazon tried topull up fromhis penis andsay something butThomas merely pushed her back downonto his cock."If your Queenwants her peopleto be sparedshe will walkright up tothe foot ofmy throne, getdown on herknees…" Thomas pausedbriefly for effect,"And then shewill suck mycock right therein front ofmy court toprove she ismy servant."

Neither ofthem were awareof my presence,which was okayby me, Ienjoy seeing myBecky in action.Besides, my new-foundbride fetish wasgoing full-steam, soI was *really*getting a majorkick out ofwatching them go.Carson suddenly pulled his cock completely out of Beck'smouth and beforeshe had achance to putup much ofa fuss, helaid her down,hiked up herdress, stripped offhis damn tutuand plunged intoher cunt inone stroke.

It lookedbeautiful, and Chestnutwriggled her appreciation,turning to thankmy Partner witha kiss.

"Oh God!I have tobe at ourexhibit booth by10:00! I'll nevermake it!"

"Fuck Noel..You're a realsweet peace ofass. I hopeyou like fuckingbecause were goingto do alot of it."

"Hi," I said,almost dazed bythe animal magnetism that oozed fromhis very being.

"We'rehaving a partySunday if you'dlike to come."Melina offered.

"It wasno dream Mike.You did fuckme, my assanyway and sharedyour cum withme too. I'llnever forget itand I wantyou to knowI'm in lustwith you, asmuch as youare with me.You just won'taccept what happenedon the beachthat day, willyou?" Darlene said,as she beganto massage mychest, her handsdropping lower andlower.

The bedroom lights came on. Istood looking atDanny laying onMelissa Kern, withhis cock stillin her.

weekend my uncleand family goes to the aunt'shouse and thenI used togo and staywith my cheriyammaand granny. Thismade my desirestrong but atthe same timeI never wantedto hurt herfeelings as Iloved and respectedher. But itbecame uncontrollable Ithought of waysof having sex with her. Herbuttocks gave mesleepless nights forme and Imasturbated every timeI stayed there.Finally I decidedto make themove one night.Whole that dayI was nervousand she noticedit I toldher I amhaving a headache. I wasconfused how toapproach her andif she resistshow I willlook at herface and theway she willbe hurt shemay do somethingdrastic, this alwaysbothered me. ButI knew shelike d mea lot andshe will forgiveif something backfires.Finally I decidedto tell hermy feelings andplead her toallow once. ButI was afraid.But I feltso much lustfor her bodyI decided toact. I waswaiting to becomenight and myuncle came allof a suddenand told hehas to takegranny to townthat day itselffor a cataractoperation which wasfixed two dayslater. He toldif he takesher today nextday morning hecan show herto doctor ratherthan taking herin the morningsince he stayedin the town.I was disappointedas I feltmy aunt willalso go buthe told herto stay back with me ashe did notwant to keepthe house lockedin the night.I was sodelighted because meand aunt willbe alone inthe night.

"Betyou didn't expectto see mein here, didyou, Virginia?" shesaid as shelightly squeezed hershoulders.

"I'm sorry. Iwasn't deliberately trying to come lastI just wanted someone else towin. Besides Ididn't think fora minute thatDi was actuallyserious. Look, ifyou feel thatbadly about it,we'll get ittaken off tomorrow."

"Shhh!"she replied. "Trustme."

Needless to say,I said yes,and had anabsolute ball.

Lindabegins to re-explainagain that sheloves Dave verymuch and thatthis is justgoing to bemeaningless pleasure andthat nothing isgoing to comein between herand her husband."Yeah, ok babewhatever." was hisresponse. Linda leadshim to theroom and letshim in. Hesees Dave onthe bed asleep.

I smiled. "BeforeI met you,I learned afew things; thingsI can't waitto experience withyou," I saidand crawled uphis body. Istraddled his lapand began togrind my pussyonto his semi-hardcock. My thongwas juicy wetwith my honeydewand clung tightlyto my sex.I unhooked thefront clasps ofmy babydoll unfettering my breasts, whilecontinuing to grindMarcus's cock. Moistureseeped through mythong.

The final part of the testwas treading waterfor fifteen minutes.Kurt timed uswith a stopwatch,having us holdour hands aboveour heads anduse just ourfeet each timehe blew hiswhistle. It wasa lot harderto do itthat way. Isuppose that wasto condition ourlegs. When thetest was over,I was tiredbut the classwas just starting.

Ifelt her pussycontract around me,her juices wet and warm. Shepushed her hipsupwards, I drewher breast furtherinto my mouth,and she came.Her mouth hungopen as shecried out, herjuices poured fromher pussy, aspleasure and releaseran through her.I kissed hernipple softly, teasingher just alittle, helping herdown from herhigh. She pulledmy fingers fromher, and suckedon them, tastingher juices.

Itseemed that shedidn't need tohave any nervousfeelings as Josh'sarm went aroundher waist andhis other handbegan to slideup her front.His fingers slippedunder her braand squeezed gently,she moaned intohis mouth withexcitement... the gentletouch was makingher very hornyand wet. Astheir kiss deepened,the touch onher breast becamemore firm, hemassaged her boob,squeezing and caressing.When his fingerstouched her hardnipple she gasped,the intense pleasurerocketing through her.

Shewrapped her armsaround my boundform and pushedthe final inchof Stryker intome.

There isa nightclub afew doors downthe road, andthat's where weare heading. Itspacked when wemake it inside.I take thelead and walkyou to adark corner. Westand behind apillar, slightly outof sight ofmost of theclub, and Isqueeze you upagainst the pillar.Its hard pressinginto your back,and as Iget closer youcan feel thehardness of mycock pressing againstyou also. Ilean forward further,and start tokiss you. Slowlyat first, mytongue lapping againstyours as wekiss. My handsare at yoursides, caressing yourhips, then Islide them underyour cardigan andstart to caressyour back withthem. My fingernailsstart to scratchat your spine,running my handsup and downthe small ofyour back. Scrapingdown to thetop of yourarse. Your backarches and youpush closer tome.

Turning back tothe bar, shedidn't see whohad approached. Shenearly choked onher wine whenshe heard thatdeep Aussie voice.

Candy'svoice is gentle,"He's really amazing,isn't he?"


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