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Friday, December 21, 2007

Anime sex clips stories

"Yes .. . whileyou do, Iwill tell youthe next rule,"he stood stillfor her, allowingher to undoa couple ofbuttons before speakingto her again."I'm going toeat you outslut."

Franklin raisedhis head upand looked ather in abrand new light."What? I didn'tdo anything Julie."

"Mostlyit itches," Jillreplied about hernew tattoo.

"Hey therebig boy!" Kellysaid looking upfrom Meg's crotch."Get over hereand let mehave some ofthat."

Selecting Justin wasof course notthe same ashaving him agreeto my littleplan. Over drinksone night, Ibroached the subjectwith him. Hewas enthusiastic fromthe start. Perhapstoo enthusiastic. Eventhough new toour firm, Justinhad already etchedin his mindan image ofthe sexy woman who had adornedmy arm atour recent Christmasparty. I wasoffering him achance at gettinginto this gorgeouslady's pants. Hetried to staycool, but Icould sense thathe couldn't believehis good fortuneat landing thisassignment. I warnedhim there wereno guarantees aboutwhat might happenbetween them. Itwas simply atest, and couldhave any numberof outcomes. Lisahad been aloyal wife tome for sometime now. Heshouldn't be disappointedif she refusedhis advances.

"A fuckbuddy," Kelley said,laughing at me.

Still,she acts asif the gameis all shewants and thatsex itself issomething she wouldrather not do.Occasionally, though, sheis betrayed byher sensuousness, whichsometimes takes over,and this storyis a perfectexample. If Ihad not beenlucky enough tobe there andwitness this, Iwould never havebelieved it ofher.

"Hi," she saidas she openedthe door. "Sorry,I guess Itook a littlelonger in theshower than Imeant to." Waterdripped down herbare brown legs and puddled aroundher red-painted toenails.

ErinGault cleared herthroat softly, obviouslyembarrassed. She turnedon her heels,and fled thebathroom, closing thedoor quietly behindher.

She entered shallowerwater and huddleddown to keepher body underwater and awayfrom my view.Suddenly she stumbledover an underwaterrock. In anattempt to regainher balance, shestood up. Wasthat a sightfor sore eyes!The skimpy materialof her brabecame totally transparent when wet andher hard nippleswere clearly visiblethrough the fabric.The wet garment also did notlend much support(not that sheneeded much!) andher boobs swayed and bobbed aroundas she triedto steady herself.Eventually she regainedher balance andrealized that shewas exposed. Shequickly crossed herarms over herbreasts and squatteddown in theshallow water.

"Yes, mistress."I dropped myhand down tohis eye level and had amini-orgasm as hesucked on myfingers, licking eachone clean withhis long tongue.It was soerotic. When hewas finished, hegave me asmall smile. "MayI take youto the bathroom?"He must haveseen the confusionon my face."Get on myback and I'llgive you aride in."

Allie giggled."Oh, yes, I'mvery ready."

Tim played with her largebouncing breasts ashe shoved hisdick with greatenergy in andout of hispanting sister. Hisballs slapped againsther as instinctand speed finallytook over.

Brigadier GeneralJoananne Roberts, U.S.Army, watched asthe column ofher trucks moveddown the highwayheaded toward Mississippiand Louisiana tohelp with thehurricane relief. Thecolumn was madeup of Humvees,6X6s and bigsemi-tractor trailers. Shesat in hercommand Humvee andwatched as herOperations Officer, LieutenantColonel Mike Murphy,counted vehicles. Sheheld back asmile. She admiredthe man. Hewas a much-decoratedcombat veteran. Hewas older thanshe was bya couple ofyears. He hadstarted as anenlisted man andshe was aWest Pointer. Sheknew she hadadvanced very rapidlybecause of severalfactors. She wasa very prettyblack female lesbian and was giftedwith a brilliantmind. She spokefour languages fluently.She had beenin the rightplaces at theright times andwas a darlingof the NAACPand Woman's RightsGroups and Gayand Lesbian's RightsGroups even thoughshe never oncevoiced their policies.She was totallyapolitical.

As wewere introduced andexchanged pleasantries Icould feel Tanyalooking at mewith a kindof fascinated curiosity– we bothknew what sheknew about meand yet we'dnever met. Imust say theatmosphere was highlycharged.

I smiled andgiggled as Ifelt my pussyget wet withexcitement. I wantedhim right there,but knew Imust wait.

I decidednow was thetime to startmy little game.I quickly changedinto my bikinitop and puton a pairof cut offdenim shorts on,but no panties,but neglected tozip them up.So they werejust kind ofhanging open onmy hips.

"Will youtell me something."

Afterspending over anhour getting ready,making sure everythingwas perfect, shegot into thecar and droveto the MandalayBay. As shegot closer andcloser, she couldfeel the moisturebuilding between herlegs in anticipation.She knew thatshe was goingto be ravagedand pleased morethat night thanshe had everfelt before. Hernerves were beginningto show asshe got outof the carand handed thekeys to thevalet. As sheentered the casino,she could seeall of thepeople around herwatch her andshe loved it.She loved beingthe center ofattention. She knewthat they wantedher; he wantedher.

When we bothcame off themountain, my legsslipped off hershoulders and shecollapsed on topof me. Mycock was stillin her cuntand it wasstill throbbing andpumping even thoughmy cum wasspent.

"Gosh that wasunexpected. Gee, Ireally miss Rogerright now. Ohno, I'm reallyhorny. Maybe Ishould swing by"Shareholders" and checkit out again.I still havetime left onthe one-month trial.No I reallyshouldn't, that wouldbe putting toomuch temptation inmy path. Well,I'll at leastdrive by andsave the finaldecision for thevery last minute."She thought toherself.

"If we loveeach other, everythingwill be easyto solve".

My wifelooked up atme in amazement.Slowly, a sly,lustful grin came across her faceand she staredinto my eyes.Her eyes thendarted to thissexy stranger.

"Whydoesn't he?"

"Not badfor an oldguy," he teasedher.

"It's where Ihad the tattooremoved," winced Sammy,walking through tothe kitchen asI motioned herto with myhand. "It's beenover a week,but it stillstings."

"First of all,are you doingit or doneit with anyone else?"

"Quit stalling!Kiss him already!"Someone called out,and Orin realized he had beenso busy teasing his friend hehad forgotten thatthere was anaudience. A chorusof "Yea" cameup, and hegrinned up atthem.

Gail nudged himin the ribswith her elbow.

Whenshe realized whatwas going onaround her, andhow her reactionhad been shewas embarrassed andblushed crimson.


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