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Thursday, December 20, 2007

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The tapesped forward againand the scenewas the sameaccept my wife'slegs were furtherapart and Rachelwas reaching intoa box forsomething as shepushed her freehand under Sam'sthong. Again thetape swept forward and Samantha's legswere again furtherapart, her thongwas being pulledto the sideby Al asRachel pushed asilver vibrator upinside my wifeand she wasshaking at theknees a bit.
Hegathered himself, sittingon the curbto investigate theseverity of hiswounds. Blood flowedfreely from thescrapes along hisforearm, glass froma broken bottleprotruded from wrist,and he knewwithout looking thathis kneecap wasbadly misplaced. Agrim smile ofmorbid humor sparked his features. Itwas quickly replaced,and with lossof blood twilight crept across hiseyes. Despite theglare of earlymorning, shadows veiled his vision, andsomewhere in thedark a faintrhythm drummed. Fromthe shade animage transpired, smokyand dim butgrowing more intenseas that terriblerhythm slowly faded.Cloaked in velvetnight the strangercalmly stood, patient.Just out ofreach, yet soclose as tobe disturbing, thefeatures of thisimage were hidden,but its purposewas understood. Hetried to lifthis head, tomeet the eyeshe knew glaredcoldly upon thefading warmth ofhis soul, butfound his strengthexhausted. The faintthunder slipped underthe darkness, echoedamong the absence,yet those eyesremained transfixed andburning with thecoal of hell.He allowed asingle tear topass in mourning,and then anotherfor the joyof this longawaited release, butstill could notbring his gazeto meet thecloaked stranger thatwas masked bysilence and stillas death. Thelast of hisstrength failed anddarkness crept throughhim, enveloped him,and gulped himdown. Falling, tumblingdown through thebroken shards ofdream and memory,beyond the voidof nothing, fallingout of timeand space andmind, he fellpast the falling.

"Iam going tofuck your asstill it isred and rawslave," Mistress Staceysaid, "You aremine right now."

"Ididn't think youwould be gettingup anytime soon,"Katie continued. "Wethought we wouldhead out andI would showmy friends aroundtown a bit.You know, showthem my oldhigh school andmaybe do someshopping. You wantto come?"


Ike winked."Care to beasshole buddies?"

I laughedwith him. "Ofcourse. Especially ifit's something naughty."

"Whatare you doingher Tiff? Whatthe hell areyou thinking?" Tiffanylooked up ather sisters eyes,her own werebeginning to wateras fear andhumiliation were beginningto over takeher.

As she kneltshe offered methe rope.As Ilifted the ropeand added alittle tension herlips returned toengulf my cockand I wasinstantly the hardestI had everbeen. This timeshe brought meexpertly to acrashing orgasm andswallowed every dropwith, I suspect,no small degree of satisfaction.

"So, howdo you wantto do this?I can suckcock, jerk youoff, tittyfuck, youname it."

Then theystarted to laugheven more.

Vincent grinned,"Now that's agood idea. Takeoff your clothes,Alexis, or I'llhave the boyshelp you."

She lookedvery sophisticated ina slutty way.There was nodoubt that herdate would getthe message. Herhair was partedon the sideand swept intoa French bun.Her eyes flashed silver as sheconsidered her largebreasts, curving waist,shapely legs andgently flaring hips.Licking her lipsinvitingly, She touchedher own breasts,rolling the nipplesbetween her fingersand pinching hard.Feeling the moistnessbuilding between herlegs she movedone hand underher skirt andmoved the strapaside to playwith herself. Herfingers explored thefolds of heatedflesh until shebegan playing withher clit inearnest. Just asshe felt thefamiliar clenching ofimpending orgasm, thedoorbell rang.

I openedmy eyes intime to seeher direct herplaymate toward me.She took meby the handand led meto Anne's sex.I, like Jenniferbefore me, pressedmy face intoher sex andbegan my minstrations.I could feelher sex welcomeme. I couldfeel her nubpush out towardme. I couldfell her bodyspasm as Itasted her.

"Leavethose fuckin' hands there or I'llslap you sohard you won'tbe able tosit for aweek," I growl,"Now hold stillbitch!"

Just as hewas about tojump up offthe couch andrun into thekitchen for aBud, a startlingvision captured hisattention on page4 of thesports section.

"Sure,"Becky answered feeling the heat inher face. "I'llfind him anold, experienced, whiteman to representhim. Will thatsatisfy him?"

Pete, someone'sbreaking in andI think it'sRonnie. If itis, he willeither kill mehere or takeus to theold apartment whereMykal stabbed himthe first time.I hope youget this beforehe has achance to killus. Sorry, Fy.

Thebound brunette sobbed softly. "It is.I have tobe strong forhim."

Black Ox wasnot, by anymeasure, an averageGorean.

"You gotsomebody there huh,"you stated.

"Please,dear God, don'thurt me."


Tony took his place directlybehind Roxanne, standingover top ofher as heglided his revitalizedblack manhood upand down thecrack of hercreamy white ass with his righthand... Sneaking hisleft hand downto Roxanne's side,Tony grabbed thewoman's frail arm and twisted itbehind her backuntil her fingertipswere pressed againsthis straining prick...

Pulling me towardsthe bed, Jowas fumbling aroundfor something inher bag whichshe'd dropped onthe floor. Shepulled me ontothe bed, andwe rolled aroundfor a fewminutes, giggling inthe darkness. Itwas strange tofeel her bodynext to mine- so familiar,the soft femininecurves, yet pleasantlystrange. Every timeher cock pushedinto my thigh,or against myown cock, itwas a surprise,renewing with eachglancing touch theerotic strangeness ofthe night. Ifelt her handson my cockat last -they felt oddlywet, and aftera second Irealised she wasrubbing some sortof oil orcream into it.There was avery mild burning sensation to thecream, which mademe all theharder, and Iheard some furthersquelching that Icouldn't quite place,then Jo threwher bag backon the floorand resumed ourlovemaking. "Come ondarling, it's time"she whispered, andpulled me ontop of her.Instinctively, I wentthrough the motionsof easing myweight down, feelingher thighs parting,her legs liftingand widening, asI had feltwith other girlsmany times before.This time Ifelt a littlepuzzled, but needn'thave worried. Jo'shand guided mycock smoothly belowher hairless tightballs, and Ifelt her cockpush against mypubic bone andfelt the heaton my cockas I enteredher. In thedark, it feltlike any woman'swell-wetted vagina, tightyet yielding, hot,slippery yet grippingjust the rightamount. I pushedvery slowly, afraidto hurt her,but her handguided me inmore forcibly, yetshe never madea sound. Ifelt her smileas her lipsbrushed mine, mylips on herteeth. "Welcome homelover" she whispered,and after afurther minute savouring the sensation "...nowfuck me good,hear?"

"Ummmm, Red, that'sstrong, that's sogood. Ohhhhmmmmmm. Incredible."

Amyfelt the brushof his touchthrough the denimof her jeansand as hedrew them downtowards her kneethe sensations ran in the oppositedirection, up herthigh and intothe bubbling cauldron of her achingpussy. She swallowedand tried tospeak without betrayingherself.


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