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Thursday, December 20, 2007

Beastiality jewish sex stories

Amanda smiled at me, awicked smile. Thenshe spoke. Clearly.Decisively. "Drop thetowel, Audrey."

"Yes, Iwas spanked yesterday,"I told him,"and I thinka bruise wasleft on myass."

I put mymouth on hercunt and stuckmy tongue inas far asI could. Then,I licked herfrom top tobottom before Isucked her clit.When she came,she said, "Isure hope wedo this againreal soon."

I raninto Jenn inthe graduate dining hall one eveningafter I had"My name isMichael. Either callme that orMike." He aroseand the romancequickly disappeared ashe yanked uphis pants. "God,I'm stupid." Hepushed the cashregister drawer closed with a bang,his back turned to me. "Iactually thought youwanted me."

Red-faced, Sarahsmiled. "Sorry, butI am abit nervous. Thisis the firsttime I've everdone anything likethis. Thanks everyone,maybe I willjust sort ofedge into it."As the othersfinished undressing, thenewcomer stripped downto her braand panties butno further. Shetook a seatin one ofthe chairs andbegan to fortifyherself with aglass of wine.

Iloved everything abouther: the wayshe smelled aftera bath orduring a bath,the weird laughshe tried tosmother when Itickled her, thefeel of herhair in myhands when Ikissed her, thelittle snore shedid not knowabout, the wayI felt withmy dick stroking in and outof her frombehind.

"I want todance," Allison announced,and we allwent out ontothe dance floor.The lighting waslow and themusic was deafeningas we pushedour way thoughtthe growing throngof people. Wefound a spotwere we coulddance and Allisonand Derrick pressed tightly together leavingme feeling likea third wheel.

Rachaellooked back despairingly."Um...n- not really."

ThenI came. Onceagain my kneesbuckled and hecontrolled my fall,positioning me onmy elbows andknees. I knewwhat was coming,and I couldn'twait. I foldedmy arms andburied my headin them. Icould feel thecoolness as thegentle breeze swept over the partsof me thatwere wet withsaliva, KY, andcum, namely myass, my buns,cock and mythighs, where alot of KYhad run down.Then I felthis hands onmy hips, raisingmy ass upinto a betterposition (if thatwas possible) anda more suitableangle for hisendeavours.

They all repliedat the sametime, "NO."

Michaelthought about tryingto get herboot off bysimply pulling itoff her foot,but then realizedthat the bootwas entirely tootight on herfoot and calffor that towork. With asigh, he beganto think thathis chivalrous gesture was for naught.But then, whenhe tried onefinal, gentle, nonchalantpull on thezipper... glideddown its tooth-linedpath as ifit had neverbeen stuck! BothMichael and Lynnstared in wonder.They looked ateach other, eyeswide in disbelief.

Istepped forward andsaid, "Oh yes!I like verymuch."

I want tokiss you likewe did whenwe were fifteen,but this timeI want tokiss you allover and imean ALL over.

"You, Me......and t-h-r-e-e othermen!?"

Let me startoff by sayingthat I amnot married. Iam a collegestudent and Ishare an apartmentwith my girlfriend.Her name isJulie. We weretogether for abouta year beforewe decided tolive together. OriginallyI was goingto go inwith some guysI'm friends withto get anapartment. But Julie'sfamily was ratherpoor, and theycouldn't afford topay for herto live inan apartment. Shereally didn't wantto live inthe dorms againand I didn'twant her tolive far fromme so wedecided to getjobs and getan apartment togetherwith me footingmost of thecosts.

"Sure! I thinkthat would bea lot offun. I likeyou. You seemlike a funperson and, Imust say, you'revery pretty."

Then, shegrabbed my topand ripped itopen! My largebreasts spilled out.I lay back on the bedand my Melaniebegan to suckeach nipple, whileI shoved mystrapped heel clad foot between herlegs and rubbedher cunt. Itmust have beenmore than shecould stand, becauseshe sat up,arched her backand grabbed meby the calfand shoved meeven harder againsther cunt.

Thetwo detectives tooktheir decision toPete. He thoughtit over.

been workingon the examfor almost threedays. When Itold her thatI had finishedit, Jenn frownedand got astrangely serious look on her prettyface. Being carefulthat nobody overheadher, she whispered,"Can you comeup to myroom for acouple of minutes?"Of course Iagreed.

Pointing the tipof the bladebetween her breasts,at the veryspot he nickedher earlier, hesaid, "Listen, bitch,I don't wantto hear anotherword out ofyour mouth. Shutup and spreadyour legs orI put theblade up yourcunt and takeyour life andvirginity at once!"

"No it's not.I think it'svery nice andcreative."

"It was madeespecially for you,"Leigh said witha grin.

Charles worked his head inand she yelpedand he workeda couple moreinches in andLaura said, "It'stight, it's tight,please go easy!"

Withher pride ruffleda little andher feelings ruffled a lot, buther determination stillfirmly intact, shestormed back intothe bathroom. Withgreat care, shepeeled the photoof Tyra Banksfrom the mirror,along with thetape holding it.Carefully carrying thephoto facedown inthe palm ofher hand, shestomped back intothe bedroom, andslapped the photoright in themiddle of thepage Grant's eyeswere focused on.Before he hada chance toopen his mouthor she hada chance tochange her mind,she barked, "That'sa photo; apiece of paper!This, on theother hand," shepaused long enoughto strike apose like thephoto and slidher hands slowlydown over herhips, "is thereal deal! Canyou see thedifference?"

"I guess we'llsee," Ken said,taking the bottleout again. WhileKen poured someglasses, I putout some chipsand sandwiches, andboth of ussat down onopposite sides ofthe bar inthe middle ofthe kitchen. Wewere talking aboutnothing at all,but I gota tingle seeing him glancing atmy chest aswe ate. Thefortified wine went right to myhead; I actuallyfelt pretty good,knowing I wasturning him on.The sherry musthave been older,than he said-- probably asold as Iwas -- perfectlyblended with aromaticgushes of fruitiness.I drank twoor was itfour glasses, andfelt the numbhappiness of intoxicationslowly come overme. I nolonger knew whatKen was talkingabout. Down betweenmy thighs, Icould feel mypussy getting wet.

"Ohyeah? You weren'tsuch a littlewhore with yourpreviously boyfriends?"

"Hi Tammy.This is Betty,from church. You'rejust the personI wanted."

We bothhugged and roaredat that.

Charles stood there with hishands on hipsand looked ather hair. "DearLord! Did Martinebutcher your hairlike that, girl?"

She has anodd look onher face asif she wasfighting something, butChristian couldn't seeany signs thatshe was puttingup a struggle.Pudgy looks likehe's had enoughteasing and quicklyslams her fleshytail down onhis monster organ.He grunts andgroans as heforces her toride his horsedicked body overand over. Shefinally starts torespond to themovement after beinglimp and justtaking it. Tallfinally responds tothe action himselfby grabbing hislong, semi-hard cockand stroking it.Once he wascompletely hard hegot behind thecouple rocking onthe bed. "Ohmy god, hewouldn't!" Christina yellsout loud. "Ohyes I would!"Tall replies whileshoving his slimJim up herass. The oldlady lets outan ear-piercing screamas these twoguys ream herat the sametime. Tall doesseem to havesome pity forher, he takesa bottle ofbaby oil offthe floor andpours it allover her asscrack and hiscock. Then heplunges back inand gets back into the rhythm.They just keep giving it toher and overand over again,while one thrustsin the otherpulls out andvice versa.


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