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Wednesday, December 19, 2007

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Jimmy hopped up and stoodat the edgeof the bed,looking down athis semi-rigid cock.Nancy sat upand came face to face withit. She poppedhis cock intoher mouth andbegan jacking itwith her handwhile she suckedhim.

"That's the namethe guys gaveit in mygym class inhigh school. Ithought Robert waslivid. I knewwe didn't havethat much cash."Do you havea phone?"

"Thirty-five minutes,Madam. Could beforty if thetraffic increases."

My onlysorrow is thatI was unableto pass thisfear down tomy children andfrom this, therewill be noretribution. I amsurely damned asif I hadspent a lifetimeof murder andgreed. With thisknowledge I don'tfeel fear anymore,just the opposite,I feel likea huge bourdon has been liftedfrom me andnow my lifehere on Earthcan begin.

"OK, fratbabies," the leadingsenior had said,"there's just onelast rite, andthen you're in.Tasha, are youready?" he saidto the prostitute,who was amblingaround. Bro thought,to get herbearings. She noddedto the senior."Tasha has walkedaround and isstarting to drip.You guys arestuds, yes, butare you _realmen_?" They'd nodded."Well, then, shewill come upto each ofyou, ... tellthem, Tasha," hesaid. She wasstanding there, cumoozing from hernaked pussy. Witha look of"now you'll getyours" in hereye, she said.


As I ateher out, mytongue darting upand down herslit, sucking thejuices from herclit like anoverripe raspberry, shemoaned, panting, ridingmy face. Ifelt her handsall over mycock, tormenting me,making me wantit even worse.I was closeto screaming fromthe dual pleasureand agony Iwas in. Justas I wasabout to crack,there was aclick near mycrotch - shehad unlocked me!Mistress Steph slowly and deliberately pulled off my cage,letting my cockthrob to rockhard pressure ina moment's time.There was stilla small securing ring fastened aroundmy cock andbehind my balls,which functioned asa cock ring,keeping me hardand full.

"Fuck off,"she hissed backlike a trappedanimal and Iloved her forit.

Joyce's hands hada mind oftheir own. Theleft on wentwandering down ajourney from Faith'ssides; hips andgliding, by lettingher fingertips send little jolts ofelectricity and accomplishingher task. Faith'sbreathing was gettingerratic from thetouches. The otherfound its placefirmly on herbehind. Her lipswent down kissingthe hipbone fromeither side. Thenshe continued lightlyblowing at thenest curls, whichmade Faith laugh.Joyce let fingersdelve inside Faith'sslick, wet folds stroking in andout of opening.Each and everytime she addedanother digit rubbing Faith's clit inher fingertips, Faith'smoans grew louder and louder.

"Wantto see meeat your wife'scunt until shescreams?" Erin hissedas her handsdiddled Wendy's snatch.Wendy let outa loud moan.

Isucked his cocklike I wastrying to swallowthe top endof a baseballbat.

"Juliet, that's inappropriate!Stop right now!"She tried toorder her.

I drewup tight againsthim, my thighstouching his hairyupper legs, myballs against his.I laid overhis back andreached around hiswaist. I fuckedhim with long,slow, deep strokes.

Idid as Iwas told. Asmy cock reachedits full erection length, I wasable to turnand face theother way.

I proppedmy head onmy hand andlooked up atDani. "Why soserious then?

"I wonder."

it wasboth funny andcool."

"I have stolennothing!" she repliedstamping her footfor emphasis, butonly succeeding indrawing his eyesback to herbreasts as theyshifted under herblouse.

The only thingCarol Ann couldthink of washaving Fred's bigcock in her.She couldn't rememberever wanting aman more!

"Yeah! Itwas. Mistress Holly found me therewatching and Iconfronted her aboutyour treatment andher friend, Josh'sbehavior. I neverdone that beforeand she instantlydiscovered I hadfeelings for you.I hurt her.She stormed outto go findJosh. I don'tknow what herintentions really wereand now, willnever know."

"Mydarling Kajal, that'senough punishment. Come,serve your mannow." He said,helping her toher feet.

"I willdo it."

Soon, Cameronmentioned to Laceythat he wasin NY. Aftera bit ofa pause, Laceyreminded Cameron thatshe lived onLong Island, lessthan an houraway. Both ofthem danced aroundthe fact thatthey were soclose, having shared many online intimacies for nearly ayear. It dawnedon Cameron thatthey had amutual friend, someoneelse with whomhe'd had "played",who lived somewherein NY. Casuallymentioning this toLacey, she confirmedthat Gina lived in NY, andthat she andLacey had oftentalked of meetingeach other. Perhapsit was theearly hour, orthe fact thatthey were botha bit aroused,but soon theywere talking aboutwhether they'd alllike to justmeet. . nothingexpected . .while Cameron wasin NY.

He followedher directions andfive minutes laterthey pulled upin the carpark of atower block ofcouncil-owned flats.

The moviewas pretty standard stuff - apetite brunette waskneeling before twoguys and wasalternating between theircocks. John wasted no time. Heunbuttoned and unzippedhis slacks andremoved his cock.John's cock wasnot fully hard but he beganwork himself up.He seemed totallyunconcerned that othersmight see himstroking himself. Whenhe was fullyhard he applieda little lube to his lefthand (the handhe masturbates with)and continued hisstroking. As Johnfocused on pumpinghis cock, Inoticed the manin front ofus begin tomove his armfaster. Everybody seemedso open andunconcerned about masturbating- well, Iguess that's thepoint of theplace.

"Oh fuckJulie, did you?"

"Ooooohbaby I lovethe way youfuck! Ride mehard--Ahhh yes likethat baby, ooohdam I amgoing to cumsoon!" he uttered.


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