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Wednesday, December 19, 2007

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"They're aperfect match asfar as Ican see. Mactells me thatshe's as happyabout this situationas he is.Apparently her exwas a realpiss ant andnot at allinterested in givingher any pleasure.He would insistshe suck himoff, but wouldn'tdo a thingfor her. Shehad never hadher pussy eaten until Mac didon their Candywas dressed ina schoolgirl's outfit;red plaid skirt,white blouse, whiteknee socks andfifties style black and white saddle shoes. Her hairwas fixed intoa ponytail thathung below hershoulders and swungfrom side toside as sheskipped. Also movingaround provocatively wereher 36C breasts.

She placed herhands on myshoulders and glanceddown at mycock, smiling withadmiration. "I seeyou're more thanready for ournight of pleasure."With that shetraced a linewith her handdown to mydick and wrappedher wet hand around it, rubbingsensuously. She pressedher body againstmine allowing mydick to restagainst her washboardstomach. She pressedher lips tomine and exploredmy mouth withher tongue. Islowly wrapped myarms around herbody and slidmy palms downher back, ontoher ass. Ibegan kneading herass cheeks likedough, pulling hercloser to me.

"Have you yetread Freedom atMidnight? LaPierre wrote that one too,with someone else."

Haroldsmiled as hetongue fucked heropen slit. Helifted his headup and lookedat her wigglingher ass onthe bed. "Pullyour nipples. Pinchthem between yourfingers." He benthis head back down but lookedup along herstomach to herface. Mrs. Pinchitt'shands rubbed thenpinched and pulledon her hardnipples. Harold devotedhis attention toher cunt. Whenshe started tohump her pussyup to hisprobing tongue, Haroldstopped. "No! Pleasedon't stop! Itwas feeling sogood." Harold laughedas he stoodup. He pulledher further downon the bedand grasped hishard dick. Thenhe directed itbetween her thighs.Mrs. Pinchitt's eyesgrew wide.

Homelife was equallyas good. Hiswife of tenyears, Linda, wasincredibly supportive ofhis heavy workload. She understoodevery time hehad to worklate or cancela social event because of ameeting. She carriedthe load whenit came tothe care oftheir three children,making sure thateverything looked afteraround the home.

Myheart began torace as shespread her lipsand began torub her clitgently while Istared at herwondering what itwould be liketo make loveto her.

I feltlike my heartwas clenching insideme.

My wife, CalliePowell Taylor, comesfrom a lineageof Powell womenwith some mostunusual traditions. Asyou may recall,last summer Callie and I werechosen to initiateour eighteen year-oldniece, Sue Ann,into the pleasuresof adult womanhood with a weekof instructional andrecreational sex atthe family cabinretreat. That isa rite thathas happened withevery Powell girlsince Callie's grandmother'sgeneration.

"I think he'sgetting excited," Amycalled up toTina, "I thinkhe really likes this."

"No! Move yourfeet one infront of theother. How manytimes do Ihave to tellyou?"

As her bodyconvulse, "I amcoming again. Fuck!"

Twobig black cocks fucked her hardand relentlessly. Leasawas in anawkward position. Shehad to straightenher neck soVicious could slidehis cock downher throat easier and she alsohad to archher back tobrace the impactfrom Pummel's harshfucking.

"Hey guys.Let's not actlike a coupleof bitches andfight about this.The white boy and me kickedyou're guys' ass,"said Mike.

"Yeah that'swhat he said,anyway," I saidback to her.

Thefuneral over andthe guests departed,she was relievedto find herselfutterly weary andglad to goto bed, whereshe fell intoa deep sleep.

Roxywas wearing asimple dress madeof a soft,clinging material. Thespaghetti straps led forward to alow-scooped neck, andback to aneven lower-scooped back.It was obviousthat she wasn'twearing a braunder the whitedress, but evenwithout it, herbreasts were pert.The flared skirtswayed seductively aroundher bare thighs.

Tyroneand Lloyd's blackglistening shafts stood at full erection menacing any femalein sight.

Lisaresumed taking Ashley'spanties off. WithLisa's fingers inthe front andback of Ashley'spanties, Lisa drugher fingers downthe length ofAshley's butt crack in back. Lisaalso let herfingers linger inthe blonde patch of hair betweenAshley's legs. AsLisa pushed thepanties down tothe floor, shedidn't bend herlegs giving thefifty-year-old man anincredible view ofthe little schoolgirl'sbare behind. Lisahad to stayin that positionfor a whilebecause she couldn'tget Ashley's pantiesoff of herfeet.

firstreal date. Nowhe says shecan't get enoughof it. WhenMac told herhow you goafter me whenhe's finished fucking,she was readyto fuck yousight unseen."

"I workat night andsleep in theday. I wantsee how darkthe room gets."He explained, obviouslysensing my nervousness.

I felt likesaying "Thank's afucking lot, father",but bit mytongue and said"OK, dad" beforeresuming my brotherlyfuck of mysister. Father, stillstroking his erection,left.

Carla asked Maxine,"Your man hasbeen down therealone about twohours. How longwill he wait?"

"Youknow", she began"I can't remembergoing to bedlast night. Imust have beenreally tired. DidI ... didI get tobed alright. Iwasn't a pain... or anything.Was I?".

Ten minuteslater, Jake Walker was combing hiscurly black hair,applying deodorant andpreparing to godownstairs for breakfast.Julie would bethere, maybe evenwearing her tennisoutfit. His handsshook as hehurried along, dressingin trousers, apolo shirt, andloafers.

Kara looked intomy eyes andstepped closer. Shesneered a bitand cupped herhand between mylegs fondling meroughly. I beganto squirm asit grew uncomfortable,which made hersmile. I pulledaway slightly, buther hand followed.I tried twisting and turning toget away, butit was tooeasy for herto keep incontact, squeezing menow, almost pinching.

Haveyou been playingwith yourself sinceour last lesson?

Mycock leapt ather words, andthe fact thatshe was nowrunning her lipsdown my neckand onto myshoulders. Mom leaned in and kissedme full onthe lips. Sheforced her wettongue into mymouth, and beganto unfasten herdress.

"Oh yea, I'mcumming too." Isaid as Igrabbed her hipsand pulled downonto me.

Aftercomposing herself, shereplied to hisemail.

When we gotto the stateline they switchedvans and gotinto a muchlarger one thatheld 10 people,it had EnvironmentalProtection Agency (EPA)on the side.Again they followedme until Istopped at arest stop justinside the CaliforniaState line andleft the rentalcar. I hadbeen wearing gloves just like theother men andI still wipedeverything down withWindex and papertowels. I tookeverything with meand got intothe van. Ihad rented ittwo days agoand put mycar in theshop. The restarea was 30miles south frommy home andI reported thecar stolen earlier tonight.

I wentto see Mattieat work. Iwasn't allowed thereever and Ibuzzed her. Shecame over andlooked mad.


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