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Friday, December 7, 2007

Gay boy christian sex

Hestood up andfaced us again.He unbelted andunbuttoned his cut-offsand slowly lowered the zip. Hepulled the flapsapart and revealedthe tiny red pouch of hisbriefs, which clungto his dicklike a glove.He turned round and slowly lowered his cut-offs. Thebriefs turned outto be athong. His beautifulfirm buttocks wereslowly revealed.

I blushed."Oh really?" Imoved my "Wait.If I givethem to youI get untilthe end ofnext week tocome up withthe money right?"I asked.

She kepther finger inand out hisasshole as hesteadily screwed herpussy. After awhile he suddenlystopped and tookhis dick outof her cunt.

"Oh,Eric, I knowyou have avery pretty girlfriend.What would shethink to hearyou say that?"

"Let's go tothe bedroom" shesaid. Jason gave her slit onemore lick, beforestanding before her,smiling. He pulledher small, nakedbody close, andthey kissed passionately,his hands kneading her soft ass.Erin could feelhis naked, massivepole pressed againsther bare belly.Suddenly, he bentand scooped herup into hisarms, one armcurled under herback, the otherunder her legs.She giggled, surprised.

Shestood a shortdistance away fromme, as shehad done onthe first day,looking down onthe floor. Onceagain, it seemedshe was abit hesitant anddidn't know whatto do next.Without looking atme, she saidgoodnight and leftthe room.

"So howdoes Shelly usuallyhandle this problem?"Camille asked, thinkingfor sure thather roommate hasdone this before.

"J-just 'c-cause."

Christine andI looked ateach other puzzled.I put afinger under Cerys'chin. "I havenot always thoughtof you asa brat. Ithink you're abeautiful young woman.Yes I haveteased you. YesI have beena complete jerk most of thetime. And Iam so profoundlysorry for whatI've done toyou. But youshould have saidsomething. If notto Chris, thento me. Iwould have understood."I looked upat Christine. Shewas smiling. "Butthis put mein a difficultposition. Because Ihave feeling forthe both foryou. Granted, I'vebeen in lovewith Chris foras long asI can remember.But you startedto catch myattention already ayear ago. Twoyears ago Iwould have swornon my lifethat I wasnever going tohave feelings forCerys McQade. ButI would alsohave sworn thatI would neverbe with ChristineMcQade. Now Ifind myself havingstrong feeling forthe both ofyou. I findmyself waking upwith you both.I have fuckedyou both andI love everysecond I'm spendingwith you both.But it's confusingand I honestlydon't have oneclue, what soever, about whatto do next.At this pointI think itis impossible tobe only withone of you,and if thatwas the caseit would properlynot be ahappy time. Iwould think aboutthe other toomuch, knowing whatI know now.So it leavesus two choices.Either we figureout a wayto stay togetherall three ofus, or weare not togetherat all." Icouldn't believe whatI was saying.Let alone whatI was hearing.I settled backin the seatand starred outthe windshield.

In agrave voice Max read out alist from acard he pulledfrom his pocket.The names werelike the tollingof a bellin the greatspace of thechurch. "Raymond Hunt... Arthur Foster ... Ben Newton ... Henry Appleby... Brian Spencer ... Peter Thomaston ... John Garner ... Nicholas Menzie... Richard Harper... Robert Henderson ... Barry Jones... "

Shehu reachedup and tookher hand offhis chest.

"Wellyou are inno position tosuck on mycock, nor areyou in avery good position to be eatenout. But god,you should seeyour ass. Itis basically inviting my cock. Yes,that's what I'mgoing to do.I'm going totake your assfirst. Dry."

"Well,he just tore it up."

"Back the couldn't bewrapped, but it'schilled. And whenI walk inthe door at6:30, be inthe bath, ina mountain ofbubbles. And saveme a place!"

Ibroke off mykiss. "Of courseI will. Debbie,sit up." Debbiedid, settling deeperonto my cock."Now come straddlemy face, Beth."

Jorelwent to thebar and ordereddrinks for Jadeand himself. Alongthe way hestopped and exchangedpleasantries with manyof the malepatrons. Occasionally themen would lookover in Jadesdirection and casta knowing glance.Jade wondered whatJorel was tellingthem. Did hetell them abouther sexual tastes?Did he tellthem she washis girlfriend? Jorelreturned with thedrinks and theyproceeded to talkand soak inthe atmosphere. Asong came onthat made Joreljump up andpull Jade ontothe dance floor.Jorel held Jade tight and beganto grind seductively on her body.Jade could feelthe heat risein her bodyand reacted toher heightened arousal.She grabbed Jorelaround the waistto pull himcloser. She wantedto feel hismanhood on herbody right now.As she lookedaround the dancefloor Jade noticed that many ofthe women werein various statesof undress. Shesaw one verycute blond witha huge black man dancing behindher. What madethis scene abit unusual wasthe blonde hadher dress hike up above herwaist and herpartner was obviouslyhard and readypoking his memberinto her fleshyass as theydanced. Jade lookedaround and sawmore of thesame. There werewomen everywhere dressesup blouses open dancing lewdly. Jadecould feel hertemperature rise yetagain when Jorelreached down andsqueezed her asshard.

"Wait, I forgotto call James,I need touse the phone."

Cathyjoined her grandpaon the couch,sitting to hisright. He ignoredthe TV, andwatched Cathy's thighpressing into him.As she hungonto his arm,he turned toher and asked,"Well Cathy, whatare you goingto do today?"

hand downand put iton my brother'serection.

"Umm, yeah. Itwas great," Istammered.

It seemedlike every timeI forced mytongue deep therewas more toswallow when suddenlyshe changed positions,apparently sitting upstraighter, and broughtthe asshole thatmy nose hadbeen pressing on,to my lips.

Butmy gawd canhe FUCK. I'vebeen fantasizing aboutthat night foralmost 3 months now. Every timeI think aboutwhen he said,"I'm going indeeper," and thenI felt itat the sametime... Felt itpass into thatdeeper part, througha deeper, angled,crevice into anotherpart of mybody, it makesme crazy allover again.

"Before beIsokelekel, boss warriorruling all islands.Look," he said,pointing up thehilly slope tothe spectacular Keprohiwaterfall. "We go?"Anu asked.

"Just offto try somethingon," you shoutto your friend,and you areoff like arocket.

"As a matterof fact, yes.This has beenone of myoldest fantasies."

"Oh yes,baby - fuckme...fuck me! Oooohhyes...ohhhh - makeme cum! Makeme cum allover you!"

I stoodthere in tears,unable to move.His words weretrue. Why wouldanyone believe thathe raped meafter I hadbeen openly nakedwith him foran hour? Ifelt so ashamedand my feetwould not move.I felt Ihad been standingthere for overhour or more,but in realityit was onlya few minutes,when I feltan arm goaround me, anda voice askingwas I OK.

Lou'shands held tothe sides ofthe boy's neck,sliding up alongunder Chris' jaw,then travelling outto his shoulders.Sleazy massaging started everywhere Lou touched.He took slow delight in pinchingthe blond's pertnipples. Yanking them.Biting them. Suckingthem red. Louleft the bedto stand onthe floor, usingthe leverage toreposition the cuffedboy for hisdocumentary. Chris soon sat with aleg to eachside of thebed's corner, bracedback on hisjoined arms. Lou'shand rubbed alongthe boy's stomachin long strokes.They trailed downChris' thighs. Backup to theboy's crotch. Lourubbed hard overthe curly whitehair encircling Chris'hooded penis. Alwaysaround it. Neverfully touching anothermanhood. It wasso much inkeeping with Lou'susual style. Tohim, a gayboy was simplya girl witha dick andno chest. PleasuringChris by anymeans but analsex was neveron Lou's adgenda.

"Yvonne?"he whispered. "Whatare you doing?"

Throughthe green canopy of the forest,a waterfall cascadesinto a splashpool. The crystalclear water foaming white at itsbase, and sendingripples gliding overthe pool's surface.The air isheavy with spray,soaking the softyellow sand andrich foliage thatcircle the pool.The forest isalive with noise,the screeches ofbirds of paradise,the occasional roar of some wildanimal and thechatter of monkeysin the depthsof the undergrowth.


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