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Tuesday, December 4, 2007

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My eyesflew open hearing this command.


With that, shelowered head andher wet warmmouth engulfed hiscockhead. Brian damn near crashed thecar. He jammedhis foot onthe gas andaccidentally swerved thecar. Once hegot the carunder control, Wendy'shead was bobbingup and downon his hardcock. Her mouthwas stretched aroundthe 2-1/2 inchwidth and shewas * ** * **

-No! he said.But it's... it'sjust too good.You almost makeme come. Idon't want tocome before Ihave had achance to beinside you.

Kim lookedat me, "Wegot naked, err,nude almost assoon as wewere inside thefront door."

When Ilooked up thecar was turningoff onto adark country road.I guessed thatwe were atleast fifty milesout of thecity. We turnedinto a dark,wooded area andwe were nowdriving down adirt road.

"What aboutAmy's?"

"Matt, how aboutsome sixty-nine beforeyou leave?"

"And whenI finally thought you would noticeme, or atleast just allow me to befree, you shoutat me, youshamed me. Whatam I supposedto do, insteadof being angrywith you? This?"

Lipstick:eight dollars. Ear-rings:eighty dollars. Thelook on someassholes face whenyou go straightgangsta and fuckhis ass up:priceless.

Another knock, anotherguest. This timeit was Rajeev,who, like thenurse Kimmy, alsoquite shy. Hewas about 30years old, wearinga button downshirt and jeans.The party hadreached a sufficientcritical mass thatpeople were millingaround with drinks.There was adecidedly nervous tinge to the conversation.This put mea bit moreat ease, sinceI was nervousmyself, not knowingwhat to expect,and the knowledgethat there wereother people unfamiliar to an orgywas a bitreassuring to me.

I looked intoher eyes. "Well,you need tostop looking sodamn good!" Isaid before Icould stop myself.

Insteadshe turned Annaon her stomach,her face inthe pillows, herknees bent, herass up inthe air. Itwas a delicioussight. Slowly, Louisacaressed her asscheekslovingly, bending downto give herfleshy ass playful nibbles. Anna letout a moaninto the pillows,her knees spreadwider. Still, Louisatook her time,kissing her allover her asscheek, nibbling onit, giving itcute little love bites all over.

"I-I don't thank you,Martin...," Ann said."I..."

"What the hellare you upto Harry?" Jimdemands. He isfully dressed again."Surely you can'tmean to…?"

Jessi satup, and maderoom for hermother to sit,she wrapped herarms around hermother, "Oh mom,I don't knowwhat I amgoing to do."


That turned outto be avery smart idea.After sitting forabout twenty minutesand consuming threemore stiff drinksto speed alongthe process, themost beautiful manI'd ever seenwalked through thedoor of theShady. A shiverpassed through mybody and Ireached down totouch myself. Mypanties were thoroughlysoaked. I finishedthe last ofmy cup, andstood up toapproach him.

You canstop this, Iplead. Its nottoo late.

" Well", I hesistated," It's justthat I've neverhad such agood- looking teacher like you before!"

slowlyworking the 8inches deeper intoher throat.

'Whatare you gonnado to me?'Seth asked stillbeing hit bythe dizzy spell.

"No.I love seeingyou naked."

"Me too.Dinner then, dancingand dinner ifwe finish forth or better."

"Clean theroom. All ofit. I'll seeyou later." Herlast order beforeleaving.

"Well." She lookedup in thought."Usually he wouldsay he willbreak in duringa specific time frame and Iwould go withit."

The minute Lana'sstraining and buckingceased, Bobby straightenedup, stripped hisunderpants off, andlaid atop hisvisitor's still-quivering body.Gripping his rock-hardshaft in hishand, he guidedit into her.

Welearned a lotabout each otheronce Valerie movedin with me.I found outhow much Valerieliked anal sex.I'd never triedit before, butI found Ienjoyed it, especiallyin the doggieposition. Valerie thought it was funnythat watching hersmoke naked ortopless aroused me.She was usedto smoking aftersex, not during.

"Don'tmind him, dear,he's probably going to be assignedto help you.My guess isyou're having Kennedyproblems. I wasborn Matilda Kennedy – not manypeople around herebaring the Kennedy'sknow that. Iwas banished fromthe family bymy father Silas when I becamepregnant to FatherMcBride. Danny leftthe church andwe married.

Stacyjust laughed itoff as usualand really didn'tgive it muchattention. Evening duringthe coldest wintermonths here inNY State, shewould brave theelements and displaythose legs whileothers would bebundled up fromthe top oftheir head totheir toes.

Myname's Nathan Saunders,and to lookat my lifeyou'd think Ihad it made.I'm a successfulup-and-coming entrepreneur. Mybank accounts show I have enoughmoney to buypretty much anythingI want, butI've always maintaineda lifestyle thatlooked like Iwas just makingit. Right nowthe greatest joysof my lifeare my 8-year-oldson and 6-year-olddaughter. Concern fortheir health, growthand well beingis all thatkept me goingthose first monthsafter she left.It was hardto make themunderstand that theirloving mother stillloved them buthad to leavebecause of heraddiction. They arestill too youngto be toldthe total truth.I was herhusband for 5years, her manfor 2 yearsprior to that;and I stillcan't totally graspthe situation. Somepeople, happy intheir alternate lifestyles,may say thatI should havestayed and gonewith the flowto keep herhappy. Most ofthem never understandthat, in amarriage, meeting theother's needs notonly comes first,it goes bothways. There aresome dreams ordesires that arebetter left unfulfilled for the sakeof the relationship.

"Beautiful just beautiful look at theseand the nipson her, Ilove them whenthere this dark,come here youlittle darlings, justget yourselves inmy mouth."

She turnedcompletely white, andshe knew Iknew about theirgame.


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