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Monday, December 3, 2007

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"I hopeit's not..."

"Damn itJack we're stuckin the middleof nowhere andour clothes aretrashed." Her struggleseased only abit.

Toni just stared at the floor.

"No,I'm not. ButI can't imposeupon you anymore,Mr. Ostermeyer."

After somesmall talk, Iasked her "Wouldyou mind doingsomething special forme? I getaroused watching anaked or toplesswoman smoke. Wouldyou just sitin my lapand smoke whileI These werethe qualifications thehopeful Sadie took to California withher.

"Uh, sorry tohave startled you,jeez what timinghuh?" she grinnedas she rolledher eyes andlooked closely atmy belly.

She smiledat his unhappyface, "Sorry Charliebut that's theway it is.You are whatthose in thebusiness call acurrent item ofinterest. I wantto interview youbecause it willhelp me improvemy reputation inthis cut throat business. I promiseI will notdo or sayanything to hurtyou."

The KirovOpera had madethe effort tocome to Melbournefor the ArtsFestival - all240 musicians andsingers ignoring thedangers of flyingover the MiddleEast to honourtheir commitment toAustralia. So whatelse could wedo but showour support forthem, we beingthe gorgeous Cate and I. Wewent to thematinee performance ofSalome, the RichardStrauss opera, choosingthat session becauseour own friendRichard was comingaround for dinner,a long-standing arrangement.

"Ohmy God!"

"I should",she whispered, "butI don't evencare, I can'thelp doing it,it feels sogood".

Leslie was hammered,but she wasnot that easy.She knew shecouldn't have sexwith him, butshe would atleast suck hisdick. The bestway to avoidgetting fucked wasto keep herclothes on, evendrunk as shewas, she knewthat. She pushedup his shirt,breaking the kiss.She took offhis shirt andthrew it onthe floor. Shebegan to slowlykiss down Scott'sneck and chest.At that moment,Danny slept peacefully in his bed,no idea thathis girlfriend waspreparing to suckon another guy'scock. No ideathat a fewmoments earlier, anotherguy experienced just how wet Lesliegets as heslid his fingersin and outof her.

Ipulled her closeas she continuedto masturbate me,enjoying the wayshe slid heryoung, nubile bodyup against me.

Shecontinued to explainabout the class,and seemed toevery once inawhile glance overat me andsmile. It wasthese looks andsmiles that hadmy mind thinkingall kinds ofthings. Well, Iwas a teenager,I was male,and I wasnormal.. and Shewas beautiful. Schoollooked a wholelot different atthat point. Iwas very interestedto see whatI might learnthis semester. Littledid I knowwhat was aboutto happen.

"Thanks," Isaid , notknowing how elseto respond tohis compliment, butproud none theless that Icarried out theplot so well.

Theflowered patterns amongthe wall weredelightful now thatthe room stoppedspinning. I wouldalways remember thisas the roomwhere I finallyreached the ageof majority, theage of majority,21 years aftermy lover andI met. Ofcourse, when wearrived, in thewee small hours of the morning,I hardly noticed anything in theroom but thevision now lainin front ofme.

Even if he'dbeen expecting anapology, it certainlywouldn't have beencarried by awoman's voice, comingjust as ahead popped fromaround the corner

Don't Think YourThe Man-Be TheMan!

Naked, and drippingwet, Miss Simonswatched as Sashadried and coveredherself with twotowels and followedher back tothe benches wereseveral other nakedand wet cheerleaders were sitting onthe floor waiting as well. MissSimons joined themon the floorand patiently waited for Sasha tofinished drying upand getting dressed.

Thismorning I wokeat 5:27 am,I dreamt ofyou last night,not that Ihaven't done sobefore.

She greetedme with asmile, and said;"oh hi Brian.Here for yourphysical?"

Traci looked up, startling herfriend.

"You know," Amywas unsure howto ask, "I'vebeen thinking aboutwhat you said,about your .. . er,other writing .. ."

fondle your breastsand suck onher nipples?"

'Youcould do witha stiff drink,'he said, takingmy things anddropping them inthe bedroom hehad prepared forme. 'Take abath at thesame time, thewater's hot. Ihave pasta onthe go, it'llbe ready whenyou're done.'

"You're areright about the"what needs tobe done", whatwe are goingto work onnow is howto do itright. As oversexedas you claimto be Idon't think yourexperience has givenyou the chanceto develop thefiner skills forseduction and yourown pleasure, soour lessons willcontinue through theday. The firstthing you needto learn ishow to doa striptease. Whatyou did beforewas just undressing to music. Iam going todemonstrate the rightway to seductivelystrip for aperson be theymale or female.When I havedone the striptease,I am goingto demonstrate, ithas always resultedin some ofthe best sexI ever had.What I wantyou to duringthe demonstration isto sit therewith your legsapart. Actually oneof the rulesyou must followtoday is tonever cross yourlegs. They mustbe together orfloating apart likenow. Another pointis that wheneveryou feel inthe mood youmay touch, fondleor caress anypart of yourbody. Now whereis that reggaeCD I loanedto you. Ithas the perfectbeat and moodfor stripping."

Betrayed byall those whohad professed theirlove, she laythere lamenting hernaivety, her trustand her stupidity.She lay alone,abandoned, deserted onthe cold coarsecarpeting of herfloor with noone to hearher plea forhelp.

John knew thatshe would doanything he askedfrom now on.He also knewthere was ahole on thislittle bitch's bodythat hadn't felthis cock, buthe knew thatwouldn't be long.He couldn't waituntil he heardher cry outin pain ashis cock spreadher asshole opento let himin. Janet keptriding and hedidn't want tolet Ben catchhim here so,he allowed himselfto release andhe filled hercunt with hissperm. Janet gasped as she felthim explode insideher and shewent over theedge for thesecond time asshe settled downon his cock,feeling like shehad been filledto the limit.John pulled herclose and kissedher and toldher that hehad to leave.She rolled offhim and hesaid, "Look atthe mess youcaused, you slut.Clean me upso I cango."

"This iscalled ‘Roger FreeingAngelica'. Ingres painted it in 1819and it's basedon a poemby the Italianpoet Ariosto. Isaw the originalwhen I wentto Paris lastyear and visitedthe Louvre. Itwas absolutely stunning!I was rootedto the spotfor some 20minutes before Icould move. Whatdo you thinkof it Sophie?"

Robturned and shruggedhis shoulders.

If explicitwriting of sexscenes offends youor upsets youin anyway pleasedo not carryon reading.

I wasstill in twominds as toif I hadmade the rightdecision. I nowknew that shewas my bossand wondered ifI could putthat knowledge tothe back ofmy mind. Ididn't think thatI could.

Dr. Abbriellenodded as shestepped out ofher skirt. ThisWAS a welldefined psychosis. "Andcan you 'control'more than oneperson at atime?" She tookoff her shoesand then slidher pantyhose off,glad to beout of them.

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