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Monday, December 3, 2007

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Silence, toostupid to speak.Emotions ran rampant through my mind.What could Isay?

He hesitantlyslid between mylegs, guiding himselfback inside mewith my help.

"I saw youpull up," shesaid as shehad now slowedup her assaulton her youngsweet pussy andwas gently rubbing her clit withher legs wideapart. I couldn'thelp Do youremember those thingsyou did withme Uncle Dave?I hope so,cause I haveand always willremember them sofondly. They areour very ownsecrets, ours, neverto share withanyone but eachother.

"What can Ido about thatnow? I havetoo much investedin this marriageto give itup at thisstage of thegame."

"Don't bother, wealready have theroom. We're inroom 609 ifyou need us."

Turningto her sideso she couldreach a fewof the scatteredfolders on herdesk, Andrea aimlesslystarted to stackand sort thepile of randompapers, hoping itwould become apparentto Carmen andCarlos that shewas preparing toleave.

Frida looks downat her clean-shavensnatch. Timidly shetouches the smoothskin.

I didn't knowif I wasbeing played forthe fool, butat that pointI needed adrink too. Iled her intothe office andgrabbed her paperwork.

"I promised," Junesaid. "I alwayskeep my promises."

"Whereare you takingme?"

A woman witha breast trapis unlikely tohave her breastsprominently displayed ina public place or in themain room ata party. Shecould trap menwithout meaning to.It could beembarrassing for herif a completestranger is forcedto writhe inecstasy between herbreasts while travellingon public transport,or in anoffice meeting, or,as happened toone of ourreporters, in thewaiting room ata dentist's surgery.He had anappointment for dentalreconstruction after hardplayed rugby match.The dentist completed the repairs withoutanaesthetic while ourreporter was stillunconscious from thewoman's breast trap.He was pleased.

For the nextseveral minutes itcontinued like this.From my positionon my knees,I had apretty good view of the entireroom and allthe fucking goingon there. Dad,Mike, and Davidhad already cumonce just beforewe came into the roomso I figuredthey would lasta little longerthan Ross orI. I knewmy balls weretingling already andthat my orgasmwould be nottoo far off.There was justso much tosee and somuch to experience.I had neverbeen involved inan orgy beforeand never reallyexpected to. Butnow here Iwas with 8other people fucking,not only 8other people fucking,but people Iknew and myparents and brotherand sister.

"Me?"I stuttered. "Whatdo you mean?"The knots tightenedmore, ripping intome. Did sheknow what hadhappened this morning?Or the daybefore yesterday, whenAmelia had usedme in thecar?

Noises that seemedto be comingfrom the garageroused her fromher reverie. Whenshe got back from the airportshe had meantto go outshopping later. Shehadn't and shehad forgotten aboutthe open garagedoor. This wasa safe neighborhoodbut you neverknow. More noiseswere followed byraised voices thenafter a longpause her doorbellrang.

"Nonsense. If heis going toagree to theprinciples and thebenefits, he willagree just aswell now aslater. I'd likeyou to beginwith the presentationright now." AndI watched asshe squirmed deeperinto the cushionsof the couchand, after kickingoff her sandals,lifted both barelegs up underher on thecouch, causing herto turn just slightly toward Sebastian,with her tucked-underknees touching histhigh.

The soft humof Sally's vibratorcould only beheard when Tedwas not talkingto her andshe was notgasping. So whenI heard itclearly for ahalf-minute or so,I listened carefully,trying to catchwhat I wasmissing. But mycareful attention wasnot necessary, becausemy wife's silencewas the buildupto her orgasm.Suddenly she criedout a long,loud and powerful,"Ooohh-Oooooohhhhhhh!", and whilemy cock hardened,my heart broke.There - rightthere, on theother side ofthe closed, lockeddoor - mywife was givingeverything to thatman. Her body,her touch, andnow her orgasm,all for him.

Irealize that thiswould perhaps bemore appropriate closer to Sept 11,but it's hardto judge exactlywhen each submissionwill come out.And so I'msubmitting it now,and it willbe here whenSept 11 istoo.

She started tomove, but James'voice stopped herin her tracks.

Shestarts whispering thatshe's sorry, shedidn't mean whatshe said- Igive her another.She gasps, saysthat she waswrong. We discussthe ways shewas wrong. Itell her toget up andgo stand inthe corner: ifshe acts likea bad little girl, she'll betreated like one.She gets up,goes into thecorner, keeping theskirt lifted somy big handprints are on display.I tell herto stay likethat. I pickup the husband,who's still outlike a light,and carry himinto the otherwing of thehouse. When Icome back, Itell her tostrip. She doesit and asksif she canturn around. Ilet her andthe discussion continues.It turns outthat it's thefirst orgasm she'shad in fiveyears. It turnsout that theold man isdrinking so muchbecause he's angry,angry he can'tmake her come.It turns outthat she's alwayshad a hardtime coming…until justnow, being spankedover my knee.

but stareat her feminineattraction as shespoke.


"Sorry aboutthat, I'd alwayswanted to seehow far downa woman's throatI could getwhen I shot.Your sister hasa narrow throat that I can'tget down. Ipromise that nexttime I willlet you havea taste." Jeffsaid.

"Then I'd makeup an excuseto go inside.I'd head upto my bedroom,strip my suitoff and thencall down tothe boys to'come' quick tomy room." Shegiggled at herpun. "I'd yellto them thatthere was asnake or somethingin my room."


Meanwhile:Rosy sat inthe tub, soakingher body. Shewas sore; shelightly touched hersphincter, feeling atender sting. Herpussy lips wereloose and spreadout, revealing thepink walls ofher pussy. Herpussy and asshole felt raw,and her bodyextremely exhausted. Shehad just leftClub Deep asthey finally lether go afterkeeping over theweekend; her mindplayed back theevents from theweekend gangbang. Bigblack cock filled her thoughts asshe tried toremember how manyfilled her body.

"Oh, no, don't.Please stop. You'rehurting me," shecried.

I wanderedover there andsaid, "Hi, Mrs.S. Need somehelp?"

Gabrielle was completelyrelaxed and herenergy level waslow after herbig orgasm butwhen I pulledmy cock fromher pussy andtook hold ofher ankles toturn her over,she knew whatwas happening nextand helped asmuch as shecould. After shewas lying onher belly, Ispread her legsand knelt betweenthem, my cockwell lubricated byher pussy juices.Gabi's ass wasready for me,still coated withthe Aquaglide. AfterGabrielle cums fromfucking with herpussy, she likesto take mycock into herass immediately sowe had lubricatedher there beforewe started fucking in her pussy.Although still weak,she was ableto reach back and spread herass cheeks toenable my penetrationand I reachedbetween them withthe fingers ofone hand andpried open hersphincter. The otherhand held mycock and Isteered the tipinto her assand gave agentle push. Thehead squeezed intothe tight, puckeredhole; Gabrielle moaned with pleasure andcontinued to holdher cheeks open for me.

Iparted those luscious,old cheeks andI swear thatlittle brown star winked at me.When I probed,my fingers slid right in. Ientered in onesmooth stroke andtickled her bottomcheeks with myshort hairs.

This seemedto particularly excite Carol, who reacheddown to myballs. At firstshe lightly brushedagainst my testicles,adding to thepleasureable sensations. Thenwithout warning shegripped my balls.

'Iwould choose you,my dear -gentlemen prefer blondes,'he lied.
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