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Thursday, November 29, 2007

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The onlyproblem we haveis that herjob requires herto leave ontrips quite frequently.Not only doesthese cause problemsin our lovelife, but, itis very hardfor me totake care ofthe boys andbalance my careerat the sametime. My wifeand I finallycame to thedecision that weneeded a babysitterto help out.Since we knewvery few peoplein the townI went tothe local college to see ifI could finda suitable babysitter.I was directed"You've got adate!" I sayprovocatively. "About 7pm?"

"You are alwaysin a hurry."


Almosta week hadgone by sincethe party andthe get togetherwith Bill, butTom and Iwere still feelingits influence. Fromtime to timewe'd find ourselvesgrinning for noapparent reason, andthe sex betweenus was asred hot aswhen we firstmet! I'd beena little surprised that Tom hadshown no signsof jealousy orof feeling threatened,even though he'dnoticed how differentI'd been withBill, more vocaland more demanding,in fact heseemed to takegreat joy inthe fact thatI'd given everyindication of lovingevery minute ofthe sex withBill, and hadnominated as thehighlight of theevening for himthe look ofutter blissful lust on my facewhen Bill shothis load inmy mouth thevery first time!he reckoned Isucked Bill sohard and solong on thatoccasion he wasafraid I wasgoing to suckBill's balls outfrom their socket!I asked himat one pointif he wantedme to bethe way Iwas with Billwith him, andhe just laughed and said theway I waswith him waseverything he couldwish for, andthe whole ideaof being withsomeone else wasto explore different aspects and differentfeelings.

"And who willyou use, MisterSims?" Harlan asked."I fully expectthat I willown your Jim."

"Youbitch!" I said,feeling the cornerof lip andchecking for blood."That hurt!"

I giggledand said, "Ittickles when Iwash my feet!"

Shemade her wayinto the mansion.Jennifer called outfor him. HELLO!JOE, where areyou? She hearda noise fromabove. Looked upto see himstanding there naked.Are you readyhe said! YES!MASTER!

"I thinkthat you're thebest thing that'shappened to mein a longtime," she saidas we boardedthe elevator. "We'regoing to havefun."

"Oh, God." Mylegs gave way.I sank tomy knees andstarted to cry.The thoughts hadcome so quicklyafter his statement,and I realizedthe other motivationbehind this andI couldn't standit. He kneltand reached forme. I putmy hands outas a signalto stop. "No!Don't touch me!"He backed away."I don't deserveit. I don'tdeserve you."

"I'm notvery good atplaying with someoneelse's pussy," Itold her.

He lookedaround as ifexpecting someone tojump out andkill them. Hecould see theglow from astreet lamp atthe other endof the building.She walked upto a doorand knocked, asif tapping outa series ofnotes. A smallwindow in thedoor opened formoment, recognizing herthen opening thedoor. Mark couldsee a smallcamera above thedoor also. Therein the doorwaystood one ofthe most beautifulwomen he hadever seen. "Kerri,"she said, asshe reached outand pulled thetwo of themin, closing thedoor behind them.Kerri, so thatwas her name.Hell, they hadtalked, and hadsex, yet itwas the firsttime he hadheard her name.

I rise; hesitatefor a momentI have neverpissed on anyone.I lift myleg and spreadmy other legso I amright over him.I wonder ifI should moveback but helifts his faceto get closerto my pussy.He touches mypussy with verycold hands andI shiver. Ishake like aleaf as Itry to letmyself relax topee. Ryan teasesme as blowslightly on me.

Itell you thisto explain thepoint of thisstory. My wifeand I havebeen married justover two yearsand we aremore fascinated anddeeply in lustwith one anotherthan we wereon our weddingnight. It showsno signs ofdiminishing only accelerating.

'Right I've gotan idea.' SaidPam. 'David, yougo and getus all anotherbrew, whilst Itest the waterwith Rachel andSue.' The othertwo looked inquisitively at Pam asI picked upthe teacups andheaded off totop them allup. 'David!' Pamshouted as Iwalked away, 'Takeyour time.'

He couldn'twait to getto the bedroom.Unzipping his pants,his cock leaptout, the headred and swollen,wet with precum.Standing behind her,they faced thebathroom mirror, andhe watched herface as hecaressed her breasts,the sides ofher body, hishands sliding toher waist. Shebent over thecounter, and hewasted no time,his hardness slipping easily into herwet pussy.

Aswe walked tothe car Iwas very nervous,I felt sostrange, I feltso exposed, yetI was coveredby my coat.It took awhile to realisethat people couldn'tsee my body,but my baldpussy made mefeel even morenaked. We droveto the shoppingcentre in themiddle of townand parked inthe car parkat one end.Instead of goinginto the shoppingcentre we walkeddown this shabbystreet and wentinto a sexshop. Yet anotherfirst for me.Jon told meto look roundwhile he boughtsomething. He didn'tshow me whatand I wasn'tlooking. I wasvery busy looking at all the'toys'. We leftand headed backto the shoppingcentre, which pleasedme because Iwas getting cold.In the centrewe wandered rounda few shopsthen went intoa pub fora drink. Aftera couple ofgin and tonicsI started torelax a bit.It was thenthat Jon said,"Another rule -from now on,whenever I amnear you, youwill not crossyour legs orfeet". I wasbeginning to getused to thesesurprises by nowand did asI was told.The coat waslong enough forme not toworry about whatwas showing.

Shesmiled at meand then mademy heart thumpso much Ithought it wasgoing to invademy throat. "Speakingof lingerie, let'sgo to thebedroom, I'll giveyou a showof what I'vegot on underthis."

towardthe childcare anddevelopment department whoin turn toldme that theyhad the perfectcandidate.

"Wait a minute!Hold on! Youagreed?"

"Good. Because myleft breast isthe one youreally need toempty."

"Please don't Sir....please..."

"Ido like agirl wearing apetticoat," Jay continued,especially lots oflayers and frillsjust like yours.It is sonice to beable to seethrough your onealso. Stand upand let thepeople in thecar next tous see howsexy you are."

Renehad been openlybisexual since highschool. It hadall started ata party whenshe had athreesome with adating couple fromschool. The planwas to concentrateon the boyfriendand break himaway from thegirl. But thatchanged when Renefound out justhow much sheenjoyed the girl,and she hadn'tlooked back since.Though she nowhad a definiteinclination towards women,sometimes, as asmiling Rene wouldoften put it,you just can'tbeat a gooddick. "That's notexactly the kindof help Iwas looking for,"Alana replied, gigglingagain.

Grant sauntered overthe threshold ofhis apartment, hisbottle of boozeand suitcase full of money intow. He glancedhis surroundings over.They were moderate,though he wasgetting paid thousands of dollars foreach job, majorityof it didn'tstay around toolong to renovatehis home. Hehad to upgradehis weaponry andgadgets and hewas hardly homeanyway.

Bill closed thedoor and climbedin on thedriver's side andthey headed offtowards her house.

"Yesssssss,Bobby!!! Oh, yesssssss!!!Take meeeeeeee!!! Takemeeeeee!!!" Helen cried,pulling at hernephew, trembling withecstasy once more."More!!! More!!! Oh,Goddddddddd!!! Oh, Goddddddddd!!!!!!"Her body arched against his, hertight sleeve milking every bit ofpleasure possible outof his cock.

Rockyknelt down onthe bed betweenAnnie's outstretched legs.He slid hiscock back andforth along hercunt, allowing herjuices to coatthe underside ofhis hard weapon.As a smallmoan came fromher lips, hepushed a bitharder, putting morefriction between hiscock and hercunt. Her slitwas soaking wet,and soft asvelvet. He pushedthe head ofhis cock in,just barely entering her cunt lips.He looked downand watched asthe head ofhis cock stretchedher cunt wideopen. Her cunthole expanded asthe wide rim of his throbbingcock popped inside the whimpering mother'sslick cunt. Holdinghis cock inone hand, hepushed in abit further. Hercunt was sotight, that ifit weren't forher juices, hewouldn't have beenable to getup there atall. Annie felther cunt beingstretched. If hecontinued, he wouldtear her intwo. He couldfeel his headslip further andfurther inside ofher cunt lips,until finally itwas almost totallyenveloped by hercunt. Annie pushedher hips upto meet hisstroke, swallowing hisentire cock intoher dripping pussy.

"I need toget to class,"Sanaii looked away from his hypnoticeyes.

He saw toit that Bevwas assigned tothe projects thathe was working,saw to itthat she hadto work latewith him toget this projector that proposalout on timeand he eventook her alongon out oftown business trips.Did that haveany effect onme? Damned straight it did! Itfrosted my assbig time, butBev was abig girl andI trusted her.Besides, she knewthat Randy wasan asshole; Godknows that I'dtold her thatoften enough whentelling her aboutwhat he haddone to me.

"Wipethose fucking tear off and answermy you fuckingbitch." She said

"That'sright." I wasgetting curious. "Areyou joining theclass then?" Iasked.

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