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Saturday, November 24, 2007

Games sex party erotic

"How doesthat make youfeel, wicked slut?"

Jakescock went flaccid he was scaredfor him mom,it was allgoing wrong, hewatched as oneman took hismom by thearm and liftedher off theground, he slappedher face again,and ripped herbikini top off.Her firm titswere now nakedto their eyes,the first guy,took one ofher nipples intohe mouth, Ronnawas "Damn goodquestion, young man.Come on inand let's findout.", said Frank."I'm Taylor's UncleFrank." He shookthe teen's hand.

"Shutthe Fuck Up!"

Iput on theR&B channel oncable and settledin to Terry'sarms as Bridgidand James startedto really kiss and touch eachother. Terry andI sat andwatched the actionwhile lightly fondling each other. Bridgidwas rubbing Jamescock through hispants and Jameswas all overher breasts. Iwas amazed athow bold Bridgidwas being withthis guy. SoonBridgid's shirt came off; her breastsheaving to herhard excited breathing.James face wasdeep within hercleavage. I hadnever seen Bridgidso out ofcontrol. My quietpretty soccer mom was now acomplete sex crazed whore, and doingit right infront of me.She had nointerest in anythingbut what Jameshad to giveher.

She chose tolead me overto the toysection for thenight.

"Cum damnit."

"I'm very sorry,Alison."

"Yeah, yeah. 'Course."Tom agreed regaining his feet, waiting.

MasterDaman walked towardshis new slave,so frightened, hislovely lavender eyes looking much likehe'd been caughtin the headlightsof an oncomingtruck. Daman wasthat truck, atleast in Eko'smind, of thathe was certain.The truth washowever that Damanliked that look.He enjoyed thefear that flutteredacross those beautifulamethyst eyes. Itmade him wantto take thesprite of aboy into hisarms and drinkin the scentof that fear,taste it onhis lips, smellit on hisskin.

I've been singlefor about sixmonths now, andhad been invitedover to Jayand Maria's fordinner. I waslooking forward togetting out ofmy flat. Jayis one ofmy best friends – we haveknown each othersince we werefive years old.Jay is myage, average height,and has close-croppedhair as hestarted going bald a few yearsago. He isfairly fit though,and keeps inshape running andcycling. His wifeMaria went toour high school,and seems towear the pantsin the relationship.Adventurous, outgoing andoptimistic are wordsthat I wouldnot usually useto describe her.

Ialmost laughed, rememberinghow Linda hadfelt after herfirst black lover'sten inch dickhad pummeled herwhen we hadbeen in theislands.

"Licks arse likeshe was bornto do it,"my mistress boasted."You love lickingmy arse, don'tyou whore?"

Both Tinaand I laughedand told herlater we wereshort on time.She started topout and stayedon the bed.I was notabout to havethis little slutmake us latefor the eveningI had plannedso I approachedthe bed withmy dick swinging.She thought Iwas going togive in asI sat downon the edgeof the bed.

After talking forawhile, catching upon each otherslives, he tellsher there isa possibility thatthey could meetagain, that night,in the park.Seductively she tellshim it wouldbe worth hiswhile...

So now Ikept looking athim and hiscock. I couldnot stop lookingat that cockit was sobig. He sawme looking andgot up andsat right nextto me. Jerrystarted to saysomething, but Isaid it wasok, so welet him stay.Well I couldn'tresist, as Icontinued to playwith jerry's cock,I reached overand took thismans dick inmy other hand.I had neverdone this beforeand I couldnot look athim as Idid it. Ialso shocked thehell out ofJerry. But hereI sat stockingtwo cocks, whilebeing totally exposedto about sixother men ina movie theater.Jerry all thistime had beenfingering my pussyand now thisgentleman started tofondle me also.He started onmy tits andsince I hadstarted playing withhis dick therewas no wayI could tellhim not to.I was aboutready to explodewith excitement.

"Seethis?" he askedpointing at theknife. "Well, thislittle fellow overhere says thatyou ain't gonnaleave this tunneluntil I ripthis tight, littleasshole of yours!"he said.

still in shockand let himhave his waywith her. Shewas willing tolet these twomen have theirway with herbefore, but nowthey were goingto do iton their terms.

"Don'tget all moralnow incest boy.Pull it out."Roanelle said, stillstroking her clit.

Asif all theseevents weren't enough,Tammy tells methat there ismore to come.I couldn't helpwondering what Idid to deserveall of thisexcitement. How quicklymy life hadtaken a turnfor the better!

"Thelast time wewent out, hecame in mymouth then saidhe wanted togive me aspecial treat."

Mr. Addemlyand Mr. Kennestlooked at eachother, and atme.

Jillian looked atthe thick, mushroomhead of hiscock for amoment before runningher tongue aroundit gently. Shecircled his helmettwice before kissingit softly. Sheopened her mouthand slowly took him inside.

1994 came,making me 29and Jan, aneven more gorgeous,28, as faras I wasconcerned. Five, lonely,years had passedfor me. Inever involved myselfwith anyone, feelingI had butone love inmy life andthat was mysister. Oh, Ioccasionally bedded onemodel or another,but nothing serious.I always lookedforward to ourfamily gatherings, duringthe holidays andJan's surprise flashings,which gave merenewed hope, ofour somehow beingtogether, in someweird way.

Weheaded to lunchat a nearbyrestaurant. She'd toldme that I'dget to havelunch at therestaurant of mychoice, and Ipicked Ruby Tuesday's.Mostly I likedit for thestrawberry shortcake desert,but the entreeswere enjoyable aswell. Before wegot out ofthe car Iasked Mary ifI could makespecial requests aspart of mybirthday. She saidyes and thatshe would doanything I askedif it wouldmake my birthdaymore enjoyable. Happyto hear that,and with ahuge grin onmy face, Itold her whatI wanted.

Henry mighthave dropped hisgun then andthere, had henot been aprofessional. He stoodhis ground, askingnow "Who thefuck are you?You a stripper?Who sent ya?"

"I would lovethat," she said,almost in awhisper. She wasnow fascinated withhim as herhand caressed thehard lump underhis jeans. Shewas amazed atthe size ofhis organs. "Areyou the policeofficer this time,or am I?"she asked, notsure if thiswould be ataboo subject.

"Whydon't you getsome?" Maxine asked.

Fora short moment the guards didn'tknow what todo but thebig guy wascoming round andstarted shouting instructions to them. Theytook Judy andshoved her ina vacant cell.She was dressedin nothing buta pair ofhigh heels andskimpy black panties.Jim was throwninto the cellnext to her,between her andthe cell holdingthe other men.There was alot of cheeringand whistling fromthe prisoners. Eventuallyafter a bucketof cold waterwas thrown overhim Jim recoveredconsciousness.

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