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Saturday, November 24, 2007

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"Renee, thatwas incredible! I'venever cum likethat before!" Jillexclaimed, throwing herarms around Renee.

"Don'tsweat it Jamal.We'll have thetech boys edit the video. Nowlets fuck thissnooty bitch. Nevereven glanced atme the lowlyjanitor when youwalked on by.Now your hookedon black dick."

Iglanced up intohis face. It"Um, no." Ianswered, not daringto look ather.

"Excellent, now comesit on thecouch with meand watch themovie" he said.I moved tothe end ofthe couch oppositehim and satdown. "No," hesaid, "Next tome."

And sherealized that shecouldn't risk sexwith strange men.That would befar too risky.It could evenput the safetyof her children,not to mentionherself, at risk.Yes, Patricia wanted a familiar man,one who shecould trust, onewho had justas much toloose as shedid. A familiar,safe, man. Andthen the fantasywent one stepfurther. Wouldn't itbe nice ifJoey, her husband,her lover (heused to beanyway) knew allabout this? Wouldn'tit be niceif Joey supportedher? Wouldn't itbe nice ifJoey too, knewand was familiarwith this chosenman? Who knowsmaybe even Joeywould like it.Maybe Joey andthis familiar man could be friends.Maybe, dare shethink it, Joeyand this familiarman could "shareher," sexually, atthe same time.Trish went nuts at the thought.She thought, "Ishould've bought thatdamn vibrator. Wherethe hell cana girl geta good stiff piece of vibratingplastic when sheneeds one?"

"Not much,"she replied witha sly smileon her poutedlips. "OK, we'vetalked and acouple of timesthe conversation wasrather intense sexually.One day lastweek we werein the storeroom and shewas up theladder. Chris wore a very shortskirt that dayand as Iheld the ladderstill I couldn'thelp but lookup and seeher thighs. BeforeI knew itmy hand wasslipping up fromher calf tojust about thetop of herthigh. I feltthe heat coming from her bodyas her bodyshook slightly andshe trembled. Iwas afraid shewas going tofall until sheslowly made herway down."

Now Iwas beginning toget my gripback on thesituation, after theinitial surprise.

"Mmmm ...nah."

His guilt returned.What was hedoing about tofuck an 18year old! Hewas 28 andshe was nearlyhis sister! Hestood quickly andlooked down ather, lying nakedon her back,he hands gripping the bed sheets to either side,knees drawn upto her armpitsand spread wide,her nipples standingat attention onswollen breasts, andher perfect cunt,glistening with amixture of hisown spittle, andher juices. Thepassion once againclouded his guilt.He bent forhis wallet andretrieved the ancienttrophy he alwayscarried "just incase." It wasa year old,but he wouldn'tthink twice ifit was amillion. He rippedopen the TrojanMagnum, slid itover his shaftand returned toRebecca. She hadrolled over ontoher knees atthe edge ofthe bed withher tight asshigh in theair. She bithard onto thesheets as Jared'smonstrous cock flooded her virgin pussy.Jared slid slowly in and out,in and out,and pain recededto be replacedby a warmpulsing pleasure. Nowinto the swing,Rebecca pushed back at Jared eachtime he camecharging forward emitting a satisfied womanlygrunt each timeher buttocks collidedwith his hips.They started swayingfaster, and faster,and Rebecca felta wave rushingat her thatshe didn't quiteunderstand. Jared reacheddown, unable tostop himself, andpushed the tipof his thumbinto Rebecca's eventighter asshole bringing her to theedge of orgasm.Rebecca shook andmoaned with pleasureand Jared, urgedon by thespastic convulsions inher cunt, explodedwithin her witha roar.

Shescreams as Imove the candlein a steadyline from herasshole to herclit. I canhear a sizzleas each dropof hot wax lands on herwide-open wet pussy.The wax begins to fill thesensitive entrance toher hole andseal her pussy.I covered herpussy with waxuntil all Icould see washer now engorgedsuper sensitive clit.I waited forher to settledown and pealthe wax fromher pussy pick up the frozencylinder and removedthe dildo shaped ice core fromwithin and placedthe tip againsther inflamed asshole.She screeches asit slides fromthat point tothe entrance ofher now hypersensitivecunt. Slowly Iinsert the icedildo into hercunt, her bodyjerks and pullat her restraints…

Usually,she flings upand down onhis cock franticallyas though themere speed ofthe act willnegate that ithappened. Today, sheis excruciatingly slow.His cock isacutely aware ofevery vibration inher pussy. Itfeels like anoven. He isbeing baked inlava. It ispainful and joyous.He hadn't realisedhe was stillcapable of suchexquisite sensation. Hisbody is trappedin a plastercast. He cannoteven twitch. Hercalculated ascent, thengradual descent onhis cock causes his brain toblur. There isBianca and hermother. His bodyburns with theheat of Cairo.The airless hotelroom stifles him.He cannot breathe.A tightness constrictshim. His chestaches with needles.

"Well,a ten-foot polewould be abit much," shesaid, a mischievousgrin dancing acrossher face. Jackcouldn't believe it.Her whole attitudetoward him haddone a 180-degreeturn in amatter of seconds.She was playingword games withhim, taking whathe said ina lewd way.Jack tried tothink of somethingclever to sayto keep theconversation going inthe direction thatshe appeared towant it togo. Jack beganto pat thepockets on hissuit and pantsas if feelingfor something.

"Now Iwant your fingersto roam throughthe hair andcaress your fleshabove your cunt,"he told her.When he saidthat word, Susan'sbreath caught andshe couldn't believethe added excitement.Her skilled fingers caressed the burningskin and eventuallydipped down tothe volcano. Whenher finger grazedthe tip ofher clitoris, herhips thrust forward wanting more.

'1,001Nights' is anepisode in aseries of interconnectedfairy tales whichtell the taleof Goldicocks. Theprequel to thisstory is 'TheLegend of Goldicocks'.

"You made itlook so wonderfulbaby. How shouldI reward you?"Lynn said witha smile, anticipatingthe girl wantingto be lickedand fingered. Instead,Kari dropped toher knees andpressed her faceinto the freshlygroomed pussy, pausingonly long enoughto ask permission with her eyes.Lynn nodded, andfelt the girlstongue dart outand lash herclit.

"Yuck...I'm amess!" Jenny saidas she madea face, thenchuckling with hermother.

Batgirl madeno attempt toresist, as thecuffs were snappedabout her wrists."Run Jen!" sheurged.

I heard everythinghe was sayingbut couldn't doanything to respond.I was barelyawake floating inand out ofconsciousness. Tim leanedover me inthe bed, heldmy face upso I couldsee his andsaid, I'm goingto fuck thatlittle hot wife of yours tonight.She needs tobe fucked bya real cock,not that dinkylittle thing you'vebeen giving her.She wants ababy and Iare gonna giveit to her.She's so horneyshe's on fire.The drink Igave her hadecstasy in itand by nowshe won't beable to Tellwho's fucking her,just enjoy it.

"Oh, no...." shegaps, still caressingmy breasts, "Icouldn't....I'd never dothat...."

"Oh man amI getting fucked good. You guysare sooooo great.Deeper now, deeperand harder....that's itfuck me." thenshe would gointo her "ohmy god" mantraagain.

had a touchingexpression of mingledemotions on it: part embarrassment for having cumin front ofsomeone else forthe first time;part pride inthe achievement; andpart anxiety asto what Imight think. Isought to reassurehim. "That wasfantastic, Maynard" Isaid. "And youdo it howoften?"


"Have you everkissed a woman?They can bequite enjoyable..." hefocused on thecrème brulet, "...likethis dessert." Nickwatched as Cassie'sshaking hand picked up her spoonand eased towardsthe ramekin. Hesubtly shook hishead. "Let medear." Nick delicately tapped the hardshell breaking throughto the creamycustard below. Hefed Cassie thefirst spoonful andwatched her savorit.

During thatevening I learnedthat I hadbeen wrong aboutJessica being indigenousMalay. Her familyhad first arrivedin the peninsularin the nineteenthcentury, and werefrom south India.I was curiousabout her namesince it soundedso Western. WhenI asked herabout it shelaugh and said,"British stay along time inMalaysia; they wantrubber and tin.Many people useBritish names. Mysister Joanne andbrother Melvyn; mymother named Florence."

Linzismirked and pushedhim right backdown onto hisback. "You've alreadysaid that."

"Oh, thigh,calf, arms. Um,stomach, back, ass.They even noticedmy chest wasripped -- Ididn't know that!I have musclesat the topof my tits;if I boxmy arms andtense my shoulders,you can actuallysee the musclesmove. They saidthose were strong,too, from thepush-ups."

"Daddy, pleeease fuck me!" She cried."I need itDaddy, please fuck my pussy withyour big hardcock! Please Daddy,Please!" She beggedhumping her pussyup and downtoward him.

Jimgiggled and thenteased me, "Betweenyou and me,I think Hal wants to watchthat nice assof yours jigglewhile you walkin front ofhim again!"

"OK," shesmiled and pushedthe strap downher sleeve andhooked it underher arm. Thenrepeated it withthe other strapand arm andthrew the braonto the bed.I was mesmerisedby the movementof her breastsas she breathedin and out.Slowly I bentdown to lickand kiss andsuck them again.She started tolick and suckmy ears andafter ten minutesof that Iwas very hotand very hard.

Shesmiled at him'I hope abeer was O.K'.

Shefrantically looked allover for somewhere,anywhere to hide.

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