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Friday, November 23, 2007

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'Fuck off'


Tanishook his head,"Thisis no good,young men. Youallow this distractionto take awayfrom your music.If the onlyway to concentrateis to relieveyourself then doso." Again theydid not move.

Itcame into view.His cock wasas Harmony hadimagined, long andthick and perfectlyproportioned. It wasn'tquite as bigas "I'm buying,Megan, and youcan get whateveryou want."

Feeling Himtap either sideof her legs,she realized thather knees weretoo close together,and she quicklyspread them apart.Then she feltthe flogger, slideacross her asscheeks. He slowlystarted whipping herass, back andforth, gentle tostart, working herup to harderlashes, to usingthe harsher toys,the ones thatwould really gether attention. Remindingherself to relax,and to enjoyit all, shehad a hardtime not tryingto guess whatwas coming next,wondering what shelooked like. Themusic seemed toget louder, andshe felt tolick of theflogger on herskin. In hermind she releasedherself, set herselffree from allthought, and onlyfelt.

"Oh yeah." Theguy said ashe ran hishand between herass cheeks andrubbed her pussyon the outsideof her spandexshorts.

Before too long,our small groupended up inthe 'red-light' partof town. Here,we hit manyof the 'gentlemen's'clubs - whereour youngest wastreated to hisfirst lap dance- and eventook in someof the moreunusual erotic shows that you reallyhave to knowwhere to lookfor to findthem. Eventually, wewanted some realaction, not justsome 'look-but-no-touchy' stuff.That is wherewe found asmall brothel thatmy bunk mate Shelby knew ofat the time.

FinallyI disengaged fromGloria, and leftfor home. Igot back twoand half-hours afterleaving Mackenzie andClaude. I quietlyentered the livingroom. I didnot sneak in,but I didnot make anyannouncement noises either.I saw theroom was empty,but could hearsoft music coming from the CDplayer. On thecouch was Mackenzie'ssundress and onthe floor Claude'sclothes. I knewimmediately what hadhappened.

As he lookedinto her eyesthere was astrange fluttering inAidan's chest thathe couldn't figureout. There wassomething about Raineythat made himwant to sithere talking toher all night.As it was,he began toabsent-mindedly stroke herpalm with histhumb. Looking right into her eyesand said thefirst thing thatcame to mind."You're amazing."


Momsmiled and leftthe room, shouting"clean up" beforeclosing the door.

Theyhad me liedown in thebathtub and theneach one cameover and pissedon me. Theguys aimed theirstreams so thatI ended upcompletely covered fromhead to toe.The chicks tried to aim, butit ended upjust spraying everywhere.A good thinghappened, though. Whilethey were pissingon me, Icould see Ed by the doorwith a smileon his face.I knew hewasn't really mad,and I startedto enjoy myselfagain. I rolledaround in theurine and dranksome right fromthe source. Drinkingpiss out ofa cock isfun as hell,but lapping itup as itstreams out ofa pussy iseven better. Itsplashes all overthe place andit feels sogood. When thelast one waspissing on me,they told meto jerk myselfoff. I musthave cum abouttwo gallons. Iwas absolutely covered in semen andpiss, and Iwas completely exhausted.

Over the otherside of thecrowded ward, however,Will Freeland wasnot looking sohappy at heart.Sitting at thedesk, filling outyet more requestsfor medical suppliesto hand tothe asylum governor,he was ahunched and haggardform. It mighthave been theend of hisshift, but evenso, he didnot look likean upbeat man.

Ilooked over atMax. The goldenretriever was stillsleeping like ababy. I grinned.Max was oldanyway. He neededhis rest.

Theold man seemedto know Ihad experienced something."I think madam felt her influence."

"Hiya, Billy," hesaid putting hisarm around him.Billy was frightenedthat perhaps hehad angered Rocco,or that Theodorahad told himhe had ahard-on when shewas dancing. "Don'tworry, Billy, everythingis cool. Comewith me," Roccosaid as heguided Billy outof the theatreto a hugeblack Cadillac parked in the noparking zone infront of thetheatre. "This couldbe your luckynight, Billy meboy."


It wasn't thatJanet didn't likethe attention frommen; it wasjust that herconservative nature seldom let her reallyenjoy it. Sheknew that mostmen were lookingat her asa sex object.Sometimes that thrilledher, making herpanties wet andsometimes that angeredher, making herfeel like apiece of flesh.Yet she knewthat many womenfelt that way,the eternal paradox.

I kissed heron the mouth,her tongue probedinto my mouthgently interacting withmine, soon wewere kissing eachother very hard.

"Tobe honest Robdoesn't know. AndI would appreciateif you don'ttell him."

her ex's,but he hadhurt her alittle anyways, andMatt was farbigger than mostof the guysshe'd been with.

Shereached for thefastening and undidthe clasps ofthe harness, lettingthe ends hang free. Without theadditional restraint itfelt insecure, andI imagined itwould be forciblyejected from myrectum and releasespectacularly the contents.But it remainedsafely I place,confirming what Iknew – thedevice was welldesigned and theright size.

Istarted pumping myhips back andforth into herface, and shewasn't trying tofight me anymore.I guess shefigured the quickerI came thesooner her ordealwould be over.Then I noticedsomething different abouther technique. Thiswhite momma hadstarted using hertongue more, swirlingit around thehead of mycock.

Jax stoppedin front ofher, tossing herthe chunk ofbread. Slave 34picked it upeagerly and beganmunching on it.Jax could tellshe was hungry.Underneath those fuckinghuge, basketball sizedmelons of hers,he could seeher ribs, andher stomach hadgotten extremely skinny.

Withoutthe champagne I'msure I wouldhave never daredto touch herbut I wasa bit buzzedso after abit of thoughtI gently reacheddown and softlycupped them inmy hands. Ihad only plannedto touch thema but thenquickly button upher shirt, butonce I startedI couldn't helptouching her moreand more. Shestarted to movejust a bitas I caressedher breasts more,I was sureshe was aboutto wake upbut I wastoo aroused tocare, I wasrolling her nipplesbetween my fingertips as hereyes opened.

Iwaited in mybedroom for aboutan hour afterhe went tobed, then tiptoedto his room.I could hearhim snoring insidelike a fuckin'ogre or something,so I slippedin and climbedinto the bednext to him,real carefully sothat he didn'twake up. Hewas only wearinghis jocks andhe was stretchedout on hisback so Icould see hishairy bod rising and falling frombreathing.

He grabbedher wrist, draggedthe frightened wife to the stage,and lifted herto the stagetelling the twotall naked women to have theirway with her.Her dress waslifted off, pantiesand bra wereremoved, and Fannywas laid onthe floor onher back. Onewoman straddled herface, lowering heraroused cunt tothe wife's lips.The other womaneagerly lapped herpussy.

Artie approached thegirls as theywere laughing andgiggling, having agood time tothemselves.

"Come on, tellme. Don't toneit down forme. I wouldn'thave asked ifI didn't wantto hear it."

"Yournew home," headded.

'My pussyis burning up!'

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