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Sunday, November 18, 2007

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I didexactly as shetold me todo and shecame up behindme and forcedmy legs evenfurther back. Iwas staring directly at my cock.

I could feelthe big head spread me. Hepulled back out,then moved inagain a littledeeper. He keptslowly moving back and going ina little deeper each time untilhe was fullyburied. We shareda very longsexy open mouth kiss while welaid still. Ipulsated my pussyon his cockcausing it tojerk in responseto each squeeze.

Thecrowded room washot, and filledwith the "Afterwhat just happenedI'm never goingto do thisagain," he said."I swear!"

"You likethem, Ms. Aguilera?"Mara cupped hertits and ranher gold necklaceacross her teeth.She was hotin every senseof the word,frantic to gether antiquated outfit off her skin.She unfastened herskirt and letit drop, steppingout of thedress with herunderwear and blackheels still firmlyattached. "How aboutthis waist? Andthese legs, littlegirl?"

{{ It wasn'ta weapon, }}Boomer interjected. {{It was astraw-man. }} WhenVicky looked confused,he continued. {{It's kind oflike a straw-manargument . .. something weakthat is thrownout there justto see howstrong the responseis. That wasn'tan attack, itwas an intelligencegathering operation, andmaybe a warning.}}

"Here, use this"she said abruptly,handing me asmall plastic card which I wavedin front ofthe box onthe side ofthe driveway. Theimposing portal slowly swung open.

"Jane? Didn'tAnne tell you?"

I do toyou what Ithink you like,what I thinkwill feel good to you…as thesethings feel good to me. Youreyes start toclose as myhands stroke yourbreasts. I reacharound you tounclasp your braand remove myhand from yourbreast so thatyour bra falls to the groundin between us.

He licked betweenthe fleshy lipsof my cuntand suckled myclit like anipple until mybody trembled withecstasy. Chills randown my spineand heat upmy legs. Ithought I wouldblackout from allof the passions.

Marlawas laughing herselfsilly.

After being silentfor I whileI said: "Thatlittle bitch. Shegot us bythe balls."

She openedher mouth tospeak but hecut her off.

Turningher over Ikissed her openlips, Neena wasa great kisser and our tongueswere deep intoeach other's mouths.Her deep hot breadth had smellof Smirnoff butthe smell ofher being wasreplacing it. Hermouth was dryand as wecontinued kissing away to glory shehad her legmove over myleg and likeaunty Lizy, evenshe made mefeel her vagina.Since she wasnot wearing anypanty now, shehad a directlightning running throughher cunt. Iconcentrated on feelingher cunt onmy thigh andalso bent myknees to feelher flesh completely.The kiss wasforgotten for sometime as Iassisted her tofeel her clitorisrub against myside. I askedNeena if wecould have somemusic playing, shewas not leavingmy arms andcontinued kissing, Itook her awayslightly and askedher again.

I beganto rub thesmall of yourback with onehand as Igently stroked theback of yourhair with theother. As wegently swayed back and forth, Idropped my handto your perfectass. Feeling noseams, I wonderedif you weregoing bare, orwearing pantyhose. Exploringfurther, I encountereda thin stripof cloth coming up from thecleft between thecheeks of yourass. A thong!My favorite. AsI stroked yourbeautiful behind, youstarted to grindyour lower bodyinto mine. Yourbreathing became quicker,and I couldswear I feltyour heart beat faster. Your actionsbegan to havea physical effecton me asI became aroused.Not a badthing, but Iwanted to savethat for later.The song endedthen and Iled us backto our table.In our absence,your husband hadordered us anotherround. His wasalready nearly empty.

Shedidn't know whatto do andfinally Melvin madethe move theyboth wanted. Hewalked over andslid his armsaround her waist.When he pressedhis lips tohers she respondedwillingly and theykissed each otherhard. Their tonguessparred in eachother's mouths. Hesqueezed her ass,pulling her tohim. She feltthe large bulgein his shortsmoving against her.

'I will doas you tellme.'

"Do what?"

This wasa little morethan he wantedto do, andit must havemade him veryuncomfortable, because hetold me thathe refused todo this andwould rather takeme home. Icontinued walking, andas we debated,we wound upa few holesdown the course,when he finallyhad enough andsaid "How abouthere?" It lookedas good asany place tome, so Iturned to himand kissed him.

"Unghhh!" Came themuffled reply, asif Elise's facewas covered. Iwas completely blindin the blackworld we'd suddenlyentered. But myears took over.There was ahissing. A splatter.A drippy kindof spittle-spattle sound.Then I feltit. My feetand my ankles– my legs!I was gettingwet. Elise waspissing!

scent of alcoholand smoke. Alicedidn't usually attendthese kinds ofparties, but madeexception for thisone. This wasthe last partyof her senioryear in highschool, and shedecided that onelast blowout wouldn'thurt. Alice quickly found herself caughtup in thepounding rhythm ofthe music thatflowed throughout thehouse, and thepunch that wasbeing served wasdefinitely spiked withalcohol. Alice waspopular, and eventhough she wasnot a virgin,she didn't sleeparound. Many ofthe guys atthe party hadwanted to getbetween Alice's legssince freshman year,but hadn't beenso lucky.

"I thinkyou owe mesome kisses," Juliareminded him.

OurScreen Name: yeahvery! I'm goingdown on ourfriend and myhusband is justdriving around andlooking back atus

Mark felt a familiar twinge of excitement build in his loinsas his petitewife lowered hereyes and slowlynodded her headin agreement.

Tina started kissing Jack's neckthen moved tohis chest. Jackwas caressing herbreasts as shekissed and nibbledhis nipples. SlowlyTina kissed apath down hisstomach down tohis hard cock.Tina took hiscock in hermouth and startedsucking it slowly.I looked overat Joe andcould see hewas aroused bywhat he wasseeing. I reachedover and startedrubbing his hardcock. I heardhim gasp withpleasure. Joe lookedin my eyesand knew Iwas as arousedas he was.We turned backto the windowand continued towatch Tina andJack in theirlove making.

I smileback and grabhis wrist, squeezingit tightly thenquickly twisting it."This is mygirlfriend you're hittingon here, nowI suggest youbetter head offand try tohook up withone of theother women around."The look onhis face stillsaid he wasn'tbuying it. Youwatched the entireevent unfold whenyou saw hisdisbelieving look. Quicklyyou wrapped yourarm around mineand gave mea quick kiss on the cheek.

"Youare the mostpowerful man inthe world," Yangtold him.

I wasable to extractthe condom frommy pocket asLydia removed myclothes, swiftly andwithout pretension, rightdown to myjockey shorts. Myarms encircled herlithe, compact body,my left hand trying to masterthe mechanism thatheld the narrowbra strap togetherand my righthand examining thearea below thelace that partiallycovered her asscheeks.

Casey orderedwhiskey sours forboth of them.She flirted withthe waitress whodidn't seem veryinterested, or mayberealized Casey wasfemale in drag.Bob drank hisdrink rather quicklyand Casey ordered another. "Slow downsweetheart. We're goingto be herefor a fewhours. I don'twant you toget sloppy drunkand run offwith some guy,"she laughed. Theychatted, watched thecrowd and finishedthe second drink.

Wearrived in Cannesand spent therest of themorning shopping. Wewalked past old Chalets, modern apartment buildings, and theninto the CarltonHotel where wecommandeered a smallcouch in acorner of thegrand lobby trying to look likewe belonged. Gailhad a whitewine and Itried Pernod, wetouched hands oftenwhile watching theguests come andgo. We leftplanning to lunchon the beachbut we hadonly walked afew streets fromthe hotel whenwe stopped ata small chiclooking restaurant forlunch. When theMaitre De tookus to ourtable we optedto sit ona bank, sideby side, lookingout into thesquare. A rowof tables wasagainst the windowswith the patronsfacing inward, lookingtoward us. Anelderly lady exquisitely dressed sat acrossfrom us andsmiled as wesat down, thenwent back toreading her magazine.A man inan open collarsilk shirt sat at a tableto the rightof the lady.I had noticedwhen we enteredthat he lookedlike Antonio Banderas.

Afterwards I decidedto get somework done. Iwent to thekitchen, pulled outthe bills andstarted writing checks.When I checkedthe phone bill,I was surprisedto see itwas $300 morethan it usuallywas. Upon closerinspection, I sawa whole slewof calls to1-900 numbers, whichKate and Inever call. Curiositygot the betterof me andI picked upthe phone anddialed the number.No, it wasn'ta sex phoneline, it wasa horoscope lineoffered in Englishor Spanish. Hadto be Giselle.

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