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Saturday, November 17, 2007

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"What aboutdrama?" I said

Beinga helpless woman on my ownGreg employed theservices of oldPeter Greco tomake daily callsand look Iwas pressing myselfto his mouththe second histongue touched me.He licked upand down myslit a fewtimes, then concentratedon my clit,passing his tonguerapidly back andforth over it.I grabbed hishead and heldhis mouth againstme as Icame. He suckedmy clit betweenhis lips andkept sucking itas I writhedagainst him, callingfor him tostop even asI came again.

"Idon't feel likeit. I putsome mousse in.It'll air dry wavy."

I left herdoor and returnedto my ownbedroom. I wasconfused and yetI felt somethingnew. My wholebody felt likeit was onfire. I wantedto feel, toexperience what shehad. I wantedto know whathad caused sucha reaction fromher. I layback under mycovers and slowlymoved my handsdown over mynightclothes. I wasshocked to findmy nipples standing up hard andpressing against mynightdress. I rememberhow I moanedwhen my fingersstroked them. Mywhole body arched up. I feltthe fire spreadthrough my entirebody. It seemedto centre betweenmy legs. Everytime I squeezeda nipple, Ifelt the wetwarmness spreading there,between my thighs.It was sodifferent from theway I feltwhen Jonathon kissedme.

Jaz felthis balls tightenand his prickthrob and knewit was readyto blow anddecided to surprisehim. With herhand at theroot she startedstroking in unisonwith her mouthso he wouldfeel his wholerod was beingswallowed when shefelt his orgasmstart.

Paul and Seanjust smiled shit-eatinggrins and noddedlike their headswere attached tosprings.

Then, with aresolute thrust, shepushed herself awayfrom the fridgeand stormed backinto the loungeto have itout with him,only to seethe front door closing behind thedisappearing couple.

She triedto push himaway again, buthe pulled hereven tighter againsthis body, kissingher again. Thewhole world couldhave been watchingbut he didn'tseem to care.His hands grabbedat her ass.The more theykissed, the moreshe discovered sheliked it. Derekcould feel thechange in heras he kepthis mouth locked to her's. Oneof his handsmoved to herchest rubbing herbreasts through thethin red material of the blouse.His other handmoved down tothe bottom ofthe skirt, underit and thenup to herpussy.

"Have anotherlick of Titty'snipples," said Blossom."Grab a feel!"

Libbylooked into myface for aabout ten secondsand then answered,"Will, I havenever been unfaithfulto you, andI never willbe."

It was eleveno'clock and therewere about twentymore men gathered in our suite.Nicolle was stillin the bedroomwaiting for meto give herthe okay tocome out. Iwent in tosee her andshe kept asking,"how many arethere?" "I hopethere's some moreugly ones." Nicolleloves the reactionof men thatnormally would nothave a chanceat screwing apretty woman. Shealways gives themallot of attention.

Insecure perhaps? Oh,that is me.A feeling ofbeing inadequate? Yes,me, too.

Larry replied."Drink up everyoneand I'll orderus another roundof drinks andFrank and Iuse the men'sroom."

Again she shakesher head, herlong blonde hair swaying with themotion of herhead. "I swear,Derek, I haven'tsaid or writtena thing!"

"I can'twait to touchyour pussy, butI have tofeel your titsfirst. I movemy hands fromyour pubic hairsup to feelyour breasts throughthe material ofyour shirt. Ilike their mass,the way theyfeel under myhand. I canfeel your nipplesgetting hard asI caress yourbreasts. It feelsmarvelous.

* * *

I'mchoosing a middleground. I tooka tip fromthe movie "FindingForester" and justwrote the firstdraft straight fromthe heart. Mostof it waswhat I wasfeeling and whatwas going onin our minds.Some of itwas dialog butnot necessarily whatwe actually said.I didn't worryabout that. Thefunny thing isthat the firstdraft read asif we werecommunicating telepathically forpart of it.

"It's because Ihave been inlove with youfor as longas I canremember, daddy. Idon't want anyoneelse. And it'sbeen oh sohard to keepit a secretall this time.I thought youwouldn't want meand I thoughtyou'd be upsetwith me ifyou knew. Areyou upset withme daddy?" shesaid, ending witha pouty lipand a littlegirl voice. Hemelted.

afterthe pool maintenanceand whatever elserequires attention. Grecois a stoutfellow in hissixties who livedwith his wifea short distancedown the road.

"Haha, as always."He answered back to me, laughing.

Iwrapped my legsaround Andre's behind,pulling him asclose to meas possible. Iheld him inmy arms andtold him howmuch I wantedhim to cum.When he wasdrained, Andre collapsedin my arms.I rolled usonto our sidesand pulled Lisa to us. Ikissed her deeplyand thanked herfor sharing mewith her husband.

We all laughed.

OhGod. Why?


"Slut, herethey come!" Isaid, and pushedhard. Joy's screamwas ear-shattering asboth dildos slid in and almostdisappeared inside her.Fuck, she reallymust have hadtraining, because Ihad never seena woman's bodytake so muchso quick.

She smirkedand reached overto fondle mystill hard package through my pantsbriefly. "Just wantedto give yousomething to thinkabout the restof the day."

"Yeah…myhead hurts," Xandriresponded, looking away.

"This feels sonice." James said.

'Hmmm,I didn't reallylike it, butit made mevery competitive toattract your attention,and keep Pascal's'

She writhed underhis touch ashe stroked herlithe body. "I'venever been witha man before,"she whispered, archingtowards him.
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