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Thursday, November 15, 2007

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Chapter 4:The Last Day

Atfirst, he calmlykissed down herpale inner thighs,and as sheparted her legs,urging him toher most sensitiveplace. But whilehe teased her,planting soft little kisses down herslender thighs, Thomashad an unhinderedview of herwomanhood, that delicatepink flower nestled beneath a softtriangle of hairbetween her legs.It was magnificent,glistening in "Allyou would haveto do issuggest it toher," I edgedhim on.

Ronnie lives in a hugeapartment in midtown and Ialways have enviedher life style but could neverafford it. Inever asked herhow she managedto pay forsuch lavish livingwhen she hadno apparent source of income. Ihad my ideasbut then itwas not myconcern.

"Soon," he said."You may move when I fuckyou, not before."He brought thecrop down again.

Watchinghis mouth savor the creaming noodles I reply, "BecauseI want tomake you happyand I wantto make youproud of me.Sometimes I don'tfeel like Ido a goodenough job andI try veryhard. I justdon't want todisappoint you Daddybut I knowinside I wantto give youeverything you want."

When we gotto her placeshe invited meup saying Icould spend thenight in herspare bedroom. Ofcourse I assumedshe would sharethe bedroom withme. That isuntil she hitme with theshucky darn time of month statement.

"Hibabe!" I called,in my bestJames Dean voice.

Oneof the guyswalked in whileI was finishingup. He pushedme aside andhe gave hera big kiss on the lips.

Asshe continued todive hungrily intoheaven...again and again...shefelt her buttocksbeing grabbed byhot sweaty, hands.She felt thecheeks being spreadwide as fingertipsprobed her anus,raising her levelof arousal yetanother notch. Andthen the raginginferno that washer womanhood againcame under attackby what feltfor all theworld like adozen tongues andmouths.

John moved closer,I felt hiscock head knob touch my waitinghole. "Are youready?" He asked.

Thesilence was brokenby myself ina resounding, "So,if I doit, how longam I yoursand where". Withthis my husband,without words silently watched and waitedfor their response.

Iride with Ashleyuntil we getto a desertedsection of road,not too farfrom the localbus station. Igrab my suitcaseand am readyto walk throughthe woods sothat I canget away onthe bus beforeanyone knows Ihave been backto see Ashley.

"Youbad girl," hebreathed.

Melanie went overto talk withKevin, Mike andRob. They allordered some shotsand started withsome small talkthen Melanie Hitthem with abombshell. She toldthe 3 ofthem if theycould find aplace to fuckhere at theclub, that shewould do allthree of them!Kevin looked ather and asked"Are you serious?".Melanie quickly kissed him deeply andcrabbed his cock.Rob, wanting towaste no timeliterally ran toa bouncer andtold him thesituation. The bouncertold him aboutthe employee break room but itwould cost him$50 to useit. Rob paid him.

Marshall signed thelease that afternoonand began preparingthe space thenext day withtools and equipmenthe had acquiredover the years.A car-moving companyfetched the Mustangfrom a musty,cobwebbed shed inPhiladelphia and transportedit to BuchaRestorationsas soon asMarshall had theshop and histeam in place.

Lisahad decided beforeentering college thatshe wanted tobe a careerwoman and thisadded work wasthe price shewould pay. Familylife could wait.Now that hercareer was wellentrenched, she lookedforward to anyrewards that mightcome along.

"Well,then I'm gonnalick ya," Isay.

We got toStevie Ray's alittle before 12,and the bandwas playing well.I had aVoodoo martini andJohn had anotherbeer. We couldnot find aplace to sit,so John wasstanding on arailing that sortof divides thebar area fromthe band/dancing area,I was infront of himmaking sure thatI could feelhis cock in-betweenmy ass cheeks.The band wasreally good, weended up dancingabout six orso songs, Iwas feeling nopain at alland having agood time. Itwas now almosttwo and Johntold me itwas time togo home. Whenwe got backinto the car,I could nothelp it; Iunzipped his flyand sucked himall the wayhome.

the flickering light,its soft petalsopen and ready,at last, toreceive her husband'smouth, and thoughThomas could notsee it fromhis position, nodoubt the husband'stongue, too.

Icould hear himgroaning, I wasobviously doing agood job. Theother guy holdingmy head grippedit firmly andfucked me faceeven harder andfaster as heapproached his orgasm.His cum wasso powerful thathe drove meover the edgeand I cumin the guysmouth who wassucking me. Icould feel theother guy groanlouder as Igripped him harderand pounded myfist up anddown his cockeven faster.

Idecided that Iwould pay herback. Hell, she'dbeen showing meher ass, tits,and cunt forabout four days.I was goingto show hermy cock, andlet her knowfor sure thatshe had anice, beautiful body that could turna guy on.

Claire looked likea woman ona mission. Kneelingbehind Carl shebegan pouring liquid KY jelly intohis butt crackuntil she wassatisfied he waswell lubricated. Kneelingbeside Claire Iencouraged her togo slow giving her stud somethinghe will neverforget. Working theplum size glans into his anusCarl was alreadysquirming anticipating theworst. Threatening himwith another whippingClaire ordered himto settle downor suffer theconsequences. I beganstroking his faceand hair encouraging him to justrelax and letnature take hercourse. I remindedhim that ifhe has agood boy Iwould fuck himwhenever Claire allowedit. This seemedto calm himdown as hefantasized about thelast time hefucked me inthe ass. Iremembered to andit wasn't halfas bad asfucking I gotfrom Claire withthe new dildo.Carl was infor one bigsurprise!

"Uh, noone."

Ben's eyes widened looking at hissister. He sawher turn beet red. "Julie? Isthat true?"

"I—I---"she tried tospeak, but hervoice was gone.

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Andy rushed home,intending to immediatelypop in thevideos and masturbatehimself into unconsciousness,but to hischagrin, he foundthat his mother'scar was inthe driveway. Shewas home, then,and that meantAndy's plans wouldbe postponed.

"Wait, Bob…ok, yes, Ido."

"Well all Ican say is:'Have fun.'" Hetold me, andI assumed thediscussion was closed.The four ofus piled intoa taxi andwent to dropSean off atour hotel. Aswe pulled upto the curbin front ofour hotel, Seanturned and lookedat us fromthe shotgun seat and said, "Youknow what? Whatthe hell, I'mgoing with youguys." Paula shrieked and clapped asthe taxi driverpulled away fromour hotel andheaded towards amotel on theoutskirts of thecity.

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