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Monday, November 12, 2007

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"You'll needone eventually. Forone thing, itwould be requiredfor any identification.If you aregoing to functionin any waynormally in thissociety, you willneed a SocialSecurity Number, driver'slicense, all thatstuff. Would thisfall under thosebasic abilities youmentioned, helping you'blend in'?"

She waspurring like akitten full ofcream and smilinglike the Chesirecat. I headedout the doorand past themain beach house owned by Rayand Lisa. Priorto Kel calling,I had wantedto look throughtheir bedroom andsee what elsemight pop up.I hurried past the house andmade the shorttwo block walk to the SeaCow Eatery. Islowed my pacethe last blockattempting to formulatethe questions Iwanted to askKelley. What wasblowing my mindwas that allthe girls thatI hoped wereon the tapes,including Jolene, wereall still verygood friends witheach other includingRay and Lisa.What the fuckwas this allabout and whatthe fuck didKelley know? Iknew I wouldhave to askthe right questionswithout looking likea drooling idiot.

"My, aren't youthe gentleman?" shegiggled. "I guessby now you'veheard all kindsof things aboutme. Mostly thatI'm a witch."

Theysat in silencefor only afew moments beforethey both wereovercome with theurge to fillthe void. Speakingat the sameinstant, they bothlaughed. The barmaidarrived with hisdrink and knewthere was nothingshe could doto get themto place anorder so shemade her wayback to thebar to pickup another patrons'drinks. Greg wasthe one tostart again.

"It iswell-padded sweetie, don'tworry about makingit too sore."I told him,pushing myself closerto him sothat his hardcock rubbed againstmy belly.

"Oh, c'mon!"

"Goodone, Joey" saidSam.

"I love it!"You cry out."Fuck me! OhGod! Fuck me!"

Therewere no hotguys on thisstage, and thearousal she feltthinking about Chriswas still withher. Her eyeskept meeting withthe third girl,and she foundit very exciting.She imagined kissing this girl, andfelt a tingleover her body.Sarah began totune out therest of theevening, focusing allof her attentionon this gorgeouscreature. It wasn'tjust that shewas so beautifulphysically, though shewas so beautiful,but there wassomething so sensualand seductive aboutthe way shemoved and theexpressions on herface. As theshow progressed, shefelt eye contact lock with thegirl, first shortand fleeting andlater sustained andpronounced.

Amy leanedacross the desk,her voice avicious snarl. "Theproblem is Iearn my 90s.I don't getthem from myown personal slut.Brian gets perfect scores for nothingand from nowon, I expectthe same treatment."

Hequickly moved overher again, placinghis hands onher shoulders andstarting to exploreher body withthem. Lightly, hetouched her throat,her upper chest,and slowly, sensually,covered her breastswith both ofhis hands. Celicesucked in herbreath as hemassaged them, feelingher nipples standing out even throughher shirt andher bra. Heran his thumbsover them andfelt her bodyjerk. For amoment he forgotthat he wastrying to becareful. He grippedeach side ofher shirt inhis fists andripped it open,the buttons popping,revealing her creamywhite breasts, spillinginto her lacebra. Again, hetook them intohis hands, thistime lightly pinching her nipples. Celice'sstruggles had weakenedbut not stopped.

"I'mreally sorry todump this onyou on suchshort notice, Keith,but I don'thave any choice,"Jack Barrington said.

Haynes propped uptwo pillows underher head sothat Manjula couldwatch the wholefuck session...she couldwatch how thismonster cock enters her deep cunt.

The man tookout his largeblack organ andI got onmy knees thistime to reallygo at it.He had alarge mushroom head that I lickedall over gettingit nice andshiny. I tookhim into mymouth, my redlips stretched, andbegan sucking. Ifondled his ballsand played withhis ass, thewhole time Tonyalooking on. Ashe came itfilled my mouthto more thanI could swallowand it begandribbling down mychin.

"Plus you're kindof cute. Ina 'I'm sounapproachable, look atme, I watchJeopardy every night"kind of way."She said witha wrinkled nose,still nodding.

"Oh that'sa good question.I am surethat Paul andI may wellmarry." She drankmore of herwine. Then startedto eat herstarter.

"Of course, Denisemight not understandthat kind ofextravagance. Make sureyou shop someplace reasonable so shedoesn't feel tooconcerned with pricessince you're buying.And make surethat part ofyour shopping spree includes lingerie."

My wifedid as shewas told andexposed her tits,which had veryerect nipples onthem. It tookEvan and Paulno time todisrobe and siton the couch.Both had veryerect cocks. Evanwas very averagein length andwidth, but Paul'scock was atleast eight inchesand very thick.

"Idon't know ifI'm going tobe able tohold up throughmuch more." Rickmurmured.

"YesSir," I replied,still trying toswallow down allthe taste ofhim. Then, Ipaused as Istood to leave."I still don'tknow what thismeeting is, Sir."

TheSarge was comingto, his mouthspitting fluid ashe too wasgripped by aguarding bug. Herecognized the officerwho had socourageously first communicatedwith the creatures.However it onlytook a fewmoments to realizesomething was notright. Her voicehad a metallicbuzzing ring toit, almost hypnotic;her eyes evendarker than normal,almost lifeless.

"So,"Daniel said, asLinda reached downand massaged hiserection, "he knowswhat's going on?"

Crossingthe dark kitchen,still glancing intothe kitchen Inoticed something movein the livingroom, probably Garfield,I thought. Grabbingthe doorknob separating me from thebasement I heardsomething from theliving room, Iglanced over tothe dark livingroom. What exactlydid I hear;was it agrunt or amoan?

"Good girl! Butlook some ofthe piss hasrun into thebath , whydon't you bendover and startslurping it up,you don't wantto miss anydo you?"

After severalhours of housecleaning, Lana satat the kitchentable, was enjoyinga glass oflemonade, and wasconsidering calling Dee when the phonerang. To hersurprise, it wasThelma Stone; Thelmawanted to visither for lunchand champagne, andoffered to bringit over. Lanainvited Thelma toher home.

"I see.You're awfully sweatylooking though. Haven'tyou had ashower since school?"he asked impishly.

Shereached down andtook the hardshaft in hersmall hand. Sheran her handup and downthe smooth shaft cupping his testicleswith her otherhand.

"So, when andhow did allthis happen?" Iasked.

That's how Igot here. Itwas about afifteen minute drive to her housein a nearbytown. As Iarrived, she cameout of herhouse. She waswearing a tight-fittingblack dress witha high-cut hemline.Her long, redhair was stilla bit damp,apparently from ahastily taken shower.She was wearinga pair ofblack pumps thatclomped deeply onthe sidewalk asshe walked toget into mycar.

Amanda's bikini bottomsfloated to thesurface as shelet them go,and the errantpiece of clothingwent drifting towardshore. Spreading herlegs slightly apart,Dave slipped hisboxers down overhis straining cock,and positioned himselfat her entrance.Pulling her bodytightly against hischest, Dave hugged her tightly tohim and slowly,began to slideinside her body.

"But you savedmy life," Iswooned.

While Mike hadbeen fucking awayat her, bothhands gripping herhips tightly, he'dcaught my eyeand nodded downat her. "Gether bra off."

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