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Saturday, November 10, 2007

Kama sutra midget sex

"We'll see,"she replied andsignalled the barmanfor another drink."Get one forTom" she called.

"NoJack I don'twant you tofinish." Melissa scooted out from underJack. "Go beat off if youhave too. I'mgoing to sleep."

"Yeahfuck that bitch.Fuck her skankypussy! Bust thatpussy!" Eminem cheered on.

Scott is playingwith her nippleswith his tongue.She's lying downon her backand Scott begunto kiss downher and startedto kiss heralready wet pussy.She just lookedup to whereTammy and Davebut she onlysaw Dave withhis pants downand Jerking offhis semi "DoesKari have hercell phone onher today?"

"Didyou have todo it tohim again?"

"Last summerwe popped hercherry with ourfingers," Jake said,sounding nervous. "Butwe never wentall the way."

Glancingaround, I sawthat she hadn'twasted any time.God only knowshow far sheflung her clotheswhen she undressed– they weren'tin sight.

"Let's rest!"

"Can't have youstanding in wetclothes," Wynn said,somewhat breathlessly, whenthey broke apart.She led Dito a cornerof the cabinwhere the floorseemed depressed somewhat.A narrow trough ran around thelowered area, leadingto a holethrough the wall.Wynn quickly stripped Di's robe fromher, then beganunfastening her own.She paused momentarily to ring ahigh-pitched bell, thenstepped into thebasin with Di.She was runningher hands andlips across Di'sshoulders when thedoor opened, admittinga slender girlwith a largewooden bucket dangling from each hand.The girl's armsseemed too frailfor her burden,but she carriedthe buckets acrossthe cabin withno apparent difficulty.Wynn kissed thegirl lightly onthe lips, thensent her awayagain.

"Just a blowjob,"Diane teased

Oh god I thought Iwould cum justfeeling this. Hetook his handand squeezed somelotion out onto my pussyand began torub it in.He did notstop sucking mynipples. He rubbedthe lotion onmy bare pussydown in betweenrubbing my clitand every oncein a whilesliding a fingerinto my verywet cunt. AllI could dowas except whathe was doingto me becauseit felt togood to askhim to stopit. He wasworking very hardsliding his fingerin and outand rubbing myclit with histhumb. I askedhim if hewanted to getout of thoseshorts that hewore. He stoodup briefly stoppingwhat he wasdoing and unzippedhis fly andthe shorts fellto the ground.He was wearingno underwear just shorts. He hada cock thatI swear looked like the sizeof a cucumber.It was big.He knelt back down beside mychair and wentback to workon rubbing mypussy and clitwith one hand.

As their tonguesdueled within theconfines of theirmouths, her handsreached down tograb his bulgingcrotch and hiscrept up toseize her halfexposed tits.

"Be mine..."

"What'shappening to me?"Jane whispered.

In thebathroom, Nisha lookedaround, found arazor, and askedme if Ihad ever shavedmy pussy. Isaid once, Nishareassured me thatit would bethe most amazingfeeling having anotherwoman shave mine,and that shewould make surethat she didnot leave onelittle hair behind.

The flickering neon light on theside of Molly'sBar on PolkStreet had finallyburnt out. "LiveNude Gurls", cleverlyspelled wrong tocharm the touristsand the pleasureseekers who camethrough here tocatch a glimpseof the PolkStreet drag queens and trannies thatwalked the streetscalling out likeballyhoo at asideshow circus. Rhiannonchose to staysweet about it.Picking up Johnswas an easysport, if youwanted to callit that. Shetossed her carefullycurled dark brown hair over herleft shoulder andadjusted her newblack skirt andstockings. Rhiannon waslucky in beinga small enoughman to fitregular sized women'sclothing. The hassleof finding oversized high heels orspecialty dresses wasnot one thatshe had todeal with. Rhiannonwas petite, slenderand looked likea lady...well, aslightly trashy one.

When our pulserates returned tonear normal, Imoved into a69 position placing my mouth overher cunt, asshe started sucking my softened cockclean in hermouth. I startedsucking my cumfrom her sloppyvagina, savoring it'sfull flavor ofour lovemaking. Thewarmth and aromaof her spermfilled opening, alongwith her suckingaction brought mycock back toa full erectionin record time.Without delay weboth move aroundand I enteredher doggy style.As I reachedaround Sarah cupping her breasts inmy hands, Ibrought her uponto her kneeskeeping my erectionsecurely pressed intoher body. Overthe next severalminutes we onceagain achieved thefull satisfaction ofour simultaneous orgasms,before we collapsedinto each other'sarms to sleep.During that nightwe made-love twomore time asI burned theimage of herrich dark brown skin and mywhite skin pressed together, into mymemory.

"She's ready. Hercunt is fullof pussy juice and it's runningdown her fatthighs," Jan announcedgrinning up atRoger. Jan's faceglistened with Shelly'sjuices. Her handwas still betweenShelly's thighs teasingher cunt. "She'ssqueezing like hellon my finger,"Jan said.

"Only thosewho belong, theEnlightened Founders andthose they haveAccepted into thecolony. Not evenmy outsider knows."Her outsider? thoughtBonnie. My God...I'M her outsider!What have theydone to me?What will theydo next? Andis there anyway I canfight it?

hard cock.

Imade short journey to the backof the house,and noticed thatI had araging hard on.I had tomake sure thatI did notbang into anywalls, and hurtmyself. I wentthrough several rooms,and found thedungeon. A hugeroom, equipped withmany things. Arack, sawhorse, aSt. Andrew's cross,a huge wheel against the wall,a sling forsuspension, and somany toys thatit was amazing.Mirrors, and candleseverywhere, and thedark feel ofthe room wasenough to makemy cock dripwith excitement. Ilooked around, carefulnot to touchanything out ofrespect for her.I also noticedher throne inthe corner ofthe room, andit was sobeautiful. That iswhen I heardher voice behindme. "Don't turnaround. Put yourhands behind yourback, slave." Idid like shesaid, and Ifelt the coldmetal handcuffs snapping on my wrists."Now, kneel downworm!"

"Are you ok,your hands areshaking." Janine regarded.

Thelow-riding shorts camedown easy, asdid the silkboxers. True tomy wildest expectation,the young studwas packing about9 inches ofbrown love tool.I dove forthe object ofmy current lustand commenced todeep throat thewhole thing.

"Theboxes I needhelp with arein there inthe office," Mrs.Dennison said, gesturingtoward a doorway."I really doappreciate your comingover on suchshort notice, Bobby."

Thecrowd had thinnedand she continuedher trek towardthe business district."Yeow" she screechedas her ankleaccidentally brushed againsta high voltagepower line. Shegrabbed the poleand yanked itout of theground, sending sparks flying as thewires pulled apart.

"Enough to share!"Winked Claire. Shestood right infront of Nataliewith the cucumberin on hand.With her freehand she beganto slowly finger Natalie once again.Natalie couldn't helpbut enjoy thefeeling of herfriend's fingers slipping in and outof her tight,wet hole. Shestarted to moanwith each heavybreath.

His fingersthen leave yourbreast and youmoan your desirefor him toreturn there. Thenyou feel themat work onthe fastener andzipper of yourshorts. You hearthe zipper asit moves downit track andyou wish allthe clothing betweenyou were gone.His hand istrying to dojust that. Youfeel his fingersas they movealong the topof the lacypanties that youknow as wetas they canget. His fingerdips inside andyou automatically raiseyour hips totry and gethis finger inside you. But everytime you move,he retreats. Suchis the wayof the teasingman. Back andforth his fingergoes and witheach thrust ofyours comes awithdrawal of his.Then as frustrationis about toset in, hedoes not moveback and yourthrust is metwith an equallydesperate counterthrust. Hisfingers move overyour clit andyou are almostovercome with pleasure.After a couplemore thrusts hestops, and risesabove you. Hesmiles down atyou and worksthe buttons ofyour blouse.

"Haveyou ever thoughtof going outpicking up someonefor a onenight fling?"

Whilehe got theattention, I hadto remove myown shorts. Ok,maybe so, butI'm in abetter position, mycompetitive self wassaying. I liftedher left leg,slid under itand inserted mycock in herincredibly wet pussy.It took secondsas it wasa well-rehearsed favoriteposition for bothof us. Shepulled Doyle byhis cock towardsher and pulledthe head ofhis cock inher mouth. Sheis very smalland can't fitmore than thehead of alarge cock inher mouth. Shedid her bestwith Doyle's largerthicker cock, andmade up forit with anexpert hand job.She is amaster of thehand job. Despitemy having herpussy, I enviedDoyle that handjob and thevery intimate attentionfrom Kate thatit represented.

Everyday, oncemy children went off to schooland husband tothe office, Iwould have amany hours aloneat home. NowI had thecompany of Sunny.He used tocome so frequently,as he wasjobless, at thattime. Sunny wasalways good tohave around, helpingme and keepingup some conversation.I seemed tobe comfortable intalking with him& often Sunnyused to mentionthat I hada good andwarm voice. Iseemed inquisitive andasked him abouthis daily routines,his time-passes &other details.

Please- feel freeto comment andrate this story- there areat *least* 3more installments alreadyin the can- and moreif enough peopleenjoy them.

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