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Friday, November 9, 2007

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That Fridaynight I wasat Beth's andmy favorite club,a little piano bar called "Clyde'sPlace", waiting onDan and Sandy.It was mostlyempty for thefirst set ofthe evening.

"Ithink I canwait," I toldher a bit"What did hesay?" Gloria asked.

"Well,"Mose said. "Aloneat last. Isure hope Mister Blevins is okay.I've met himseveral times. Seemslike a niceperson." I toldthe big black man I hadn'tmet Mikes parents.

TheHaroun family hadmoved into townwhen I wasa ten-year-old boy.They were CopticArabs from Syriaand the wife,a tiny yetvoluptuous dark-mahogany-haired creature,had to bethe most beautifulwoman I'd evercome across. Fora ten-year oldto acknowledge thisspoke volumes forher beauty! Oh,she was alooker all right.As we hadvery few ethnicpeople in ourcommunity, Lena's obviousexotic beauty andmuddy skin tones,not to mentionher heavy accentadded to herpopularity.

She walkedover to Johnand hugged him.John broke thehug and walkedover to theunconscious Ron andkicked him ashard as hecould more timefor good measure."Steal MY wifeasshole? I don'tthink so."

While rubbingher right titI slid myleft hand downthe front ofher pants andrubbed her clitthrough her satinpanties in thesame motion thatI sucked herear and rubbedher breast. Hersweater began todampen and Islid my fingerdown her pantiesto find thatthey were wetas well. Therewere still afew dished leftwhen mom turned around in myarms, having tolean back overthe sink asI was sopressed against her,and held theside of myface with onesoapy glove andkissed me, pushingher tongue deepinto my mouthand wrapping herlips over mine;breathing heavily throughher nose. Shepushed me backand fumbled withthe front ofmy pants, butcouldn't get mybelt open withher gloves on.I leaned back and opened themfor her.

Havingtaken his pleasurein my mouth,Bob got offof my chestand grabbed myarms, pulling themover my headwhere he pinnedthem to themat with hislegs. I watchedas Will slippedon a condom.It was amazinghow much biggerand thicker Will'scock looked nowthat he wasgoing stick itin my upturnedand waiting assthan it hadwhen he hadmade me suckit!

As my handsroamed to herfront, she leanedback into me,and I felther firm breasts,and her nipplesthat had grownso very erectfrom my touch,or was itbecause she wasthinking of him?Oh the demons,they just kept coming from nowhereand causing meto wonder. Notin a jealousmanner, but ina needing toknow way. Asmy hands went further down herbody, to herneatly trimmed pubic hair, I againmarveled at howshe always kepther pubic hairtrimmed so nicely.Was that forhim also? Myerection came withoutneed of anyhelp, and itstood proud andtall. She turnedtoward me andbegan soaping meup, paying specialattention to myback, front, arms,legs, feet, andmy balls, butnot my penis.She was amusedby my involuntaryreaction to herbody, or thethought it evoked,and gave mea playful smile,almost a smirk,but more justa smile indicating she was pleasedshe could stirup a responsefrom me aftereverything that hadhappened that day.I wondered ifshe showered withher friend, orwas this uniqueto us today.

"We'llsee." I smileddevilishly.

"Yeah right," repliedBecky as shetook one endof a newspaperand began atug-'o'-war with Roverwho had theother end andwas growling ashe pulled back as hard ashe could. Beckygave a low,playful growl inreturn which caughtRover by surprise.For a secondhis jaw dropped a millimetre andBecky snatched thenewspaper out ofhis mouth. Shefell back inthe chair laughing as Rover came bounding towards her,tail wagging, inan attempt tograb it back.

She nodded. "Tellme why you'rearoused."

"Damn, your cockis big inmy ass! Iwon't be ableto last long!"Selene said while"playing with theMan in theBoat".

I wassomewhat surprised atthis request becausemother was avery moderate drinker,and I hadnever known herto drink Scotch.Not for meto reason why,I obeyed herrequest.

Paul returned towork in January,confused about hisfeelings, afraid toever face heragain. Paul tried to console himselfby thinking Ravenwas a happilymarried woman, withkids and ahome, and thathe was justsuccumbing to someromantic fantasy. Ravenwore a ringon her ringfinger, but hecouldn't tell ifit was awedding ban orjust jewelry. Paulshould have asked,but he wasafraid to. Lookingback to thosedays, Paul wassure that hewas afraid offinding out thetruth. Paul visitsto the counterwere now moreoften. A casualstop and gobecame hours ofstanding next tothe counter. Nobodyseemed to mind.Who would mindhaving a policemanwith a blackbelt in karatestanding by? Paulwas a verywelcomed commodity, afreebie.

Confused, I ceasedmy movements atonce thinking shewas done withme and wishedto talk oncemore.

She looked atMichael's feet asthough they weresexiest, most meaningfulobjects in heruniverse. Where wasall this comingfrom? Her heartwas beating wildly,her nipples weretingling so painfully,begging his touch,her cunt wasyawning wide andaching, needing himto fill her.

Iarrived in myoffice ten minutesbefore my nextmeeting. I wentstraight to thesmall fridge inmy office andtook out abottle of orangejuice and drankit straight down.Ginger took onelook at meand said

Mike withdrew,leaving me unsatisfied.It was asthough they couldsense when Iwas about tohave an orgasm,and they stoppedme just short.It was startingto drive mecrazy. I feltMike's tongue lapping at me, nevertouching my clit.I wanted toreach down andgrab his head,pull it upward.But my handswere still fastened.I tugged fruitlessly at my bonds.I needed toget out.

I re-zippedthe dildo bag and checked theclock. I hadonly been inPeter's room for3 or 4minutes; time totake a quickpeek at themags. The firstwas a regularsex mag, plentyof nice girls,all solo. Thesecond was better.It featured menand women having really good hard sex with plentyof penetration andcum shots. Imade a mentalnote to comeback and borrowit one daywhen Peter wasat work. Thethird and finalmag was reallydifferent. It featuredan older women,maybe late thirtiesor early forties,and a youngguy. The textwas a storyboard to gowith the picturesand laid outthat the womenwas the youngguy's mom. Thiswas really goodwith the youngguy spying onhis mother andthen getting iton with herin the kitchen.I had neverreally fantasised aboutincest but thisstory was reallygetting me hard.I couldn't helpthinking of myown Mom andwhat it mightbe like tofuck her. Ihad seen hertits when shewas sun bathing from time totime but neveranything else. Istarted to rubmy dick throughmy chinos andfelt the dampnessof pre-cum inmy jockeys. AsI rubbed Ijust knew Iwasn't going tobe able tohold out forlong. I checkedthe clock again– fifteen minutes gone – Peterwould surely befinishing soon andI had toget out ofhis room. Sodit just look at a fewmore pages, Ithought. I wasentranced and onthe verge ofcumming and Ihadn't even gotmy dick out.I quickly undid my fly, grabbedmy dick outof my shortsand, massaging thepre-cum into thehead jerked myself.I started tocome instantly andbuckets just spewed all over myhand. I hadn'teven prepared bygrabbing a kleenex.In the backof my mindI knew Ihad to getout quick orbe caught.


We retuned thegesture.

"My interpretation ofsensations is builton my programming,if you wishI can alterit so thatcertain sensations arepainful."

Nita blushed, andsaid, "Thank you,I'm old enoughto be yourbig sister."

Imaginehis surprise tofind her kneelingat the footof Glenn's easychair wearing onlya pair ofmodest cotton panties.His irritation athis friend's tardinessdisappeared as heeyed her bodyhungrily.

With that,Jennifer pushed John back onto thechair, slid thetable to theside and goton her knees.John gulped atthe sight ofProfessor Grey onher knees aboutto do whathe could onlyhave dreamt of.John quickly went to his beltto undo hispants, but Jenniferstopped him.

"Isee your wifedidn't come tothis shindig, unlessyou two camein separate cars."

Icould feel myorgasm building underthis new attentionand I knewthat Phil wouldbe able totell as mymuscles tightened aroundhis cock. Sureenough he beganto thrust harder and quicker andjust as Ifelt his cockbegin to twitchmy orgasm hitme.

"The usualstuff. I'm surprisedshe didn't wantto get ababysitter for us,"said Teri chuckling at the idea."Don't break theconnection when youget through --I want tocheck my email."

Asusual she wonderedwhy she almostalways woke uplike this! Sherecalled her dreamsquite vividly andthey were nevererotic in anyway, so itwas a mysterywhy her bodywas always soaroused in themorning hours …especiallyas she hadusually relieved another'ache' just beforeshe went tosleep! These speculativethoughts, combined withthe finger shewas gently trailing back and forthacross the increasinglywet entrance toher body, turnedher thoughts toher fantasies…and theman she sharedthem with…….

The finalinjection made myclit swell untilit was enormous.

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