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Tuesday, November 6, 2007

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I soonfelt her cockswell as shebegan filling myass with whatfelt like apint of cum.She didn't stop.She just keptcumming and cumming– spurting morecum inside ofme than Ifelt she couldpossibly have.

"I didn'tquite mean itthis way." Katiereplied with asoft giggle.

Kathy smiled enigmatically and sigheddeeply. "I feelabsolutely great," shesaid. She leanedacross suddenly andkissed my cheek."I feel sogreat that I'mliable to jumpyou any momentto get somemore of whatmade me feelso great, solook Then, finally...She connected theTV cable.

Read ChapterOne for anintroduction to theLord and hiscaptive.

When Michael madeher come withhis fingers shesucked hard onhis cock andMichael knew hehad lost control.He had amoment to warnher before hespilled inside her.

"Iknow, she said."

Howietold us hisformer girlfriend measured his cock onceand when Howietold us theactual size ofhis horse sizeddong my husbandand I almostkeeled over inamazement.

Throughout the eveningthe party got more and morerowdy, and thecrowd grew steadily more friendly. Kristyand I bothknew all ofthe couples there,but some ofthem we knewwell and someof them weknew only theirnames. Several ofthe women werehelping Jean refresh snack trays andkeep the coolersstocked. Virtually allof the guyswere flirting withwhichever woman happened to be closest.On a coupleof occasions Inoticed guys touching Kristy in non-sexualways: a touchon the arm,or a handon her hip.If she hadbeen dressed anyother way Iwouldn't have readanything into it,but given howher body wasquite emphasized byher costume, Iread even moreflirtation into everytouch.

'What about now?'She asked, tiltingher head toone side andlooking at medirectly.

She grabbed hisjaw, pinching untilhe moaned inpain. "I thinkyou forget yourplace, Juan. Youare my slave.Your cock belongsto me." Shegrabbed his cockand gave itseveral hard strokes.He gritted histeeth, trying notto enjoy itbut his bodyresponded, just asit always did.She leaned inand bit hisnipple, a smirkon her lovelyface. "Do youdeny that?"

"I justhappen to bevery good atBaseball. Not thatI intend tomake it mylife but itwas my ticketto college andfortunately my gettinginto some academictrouble over somecourse work ishow I metJane. She wasa god send.She has takenover my lifenow and Ihave totally reevaluatedmy other acquaintances."

"Ms. Picard, I'mEnsign Wesley Crusher.I'm to beyour attaché whileyou're on Enterprise."The adorable young man offered mehis hand. Imet his eyesand smiled asI shook hishand. "Would youlike to beshown to yourquarters?"

"Oh sweetie, youneed it baddon't you?" shesaid in asoothing voice.

This timeit was afaint whimper andher entire bodytrembled. His purrdeepened and heleaned over, lipsbrushing her earas his lowvoice spoke intothe delicate curve."What is it,Arashi? Tell me."She shuddered again,shaking her headquickly, unable tospeak. He rumbledsoftly, setting asidethe tapper andusing another alcoholpad to wipethe ink andblood from herback, deliberately takinghis time indoing so. Hetossed it away,then trailed histalons down herspine, watching hershudder. "Tell me,"he said again,a hint ofcommand in hisvoice.

"If you wantto see itthat way. Isuppose we coulddo that also.But the mostimportant thing isthat we betogether. Will youdo it, sweetie?"

Lindapushed him ontohis back andcareful of herankle, moved betweenhis legs. Shehungrily took hisextreme boner againinto her mouth,taking his ballsin one handand using theother on hisshaft as shemoved her mouthover him. Shewanted to pleasehim as muchas he hadpleased her. Shemoaned onto hisorgan and madesure it wasnice and wetwith her salivabefore using herhand. It wasslick and slideffortlessly up anddown. Mark groaneddeeply, thrusting hiships to her.

Caryn and Katehad been friendssince their firstday of universityand ever since2nd year hadbeen roommates. Theyshared everything, butCaryn had beenkeeping a secretfor 4 long years. Ever sincethe day theymet Caryn hadwanted to makelove to Kate,but they bothhad boyfriends andshe didn't knowhow Kate wouldreact.

"No, just stretching."I tried toget Kathy tostop but shekept at me."I suppose youwant to hearabout the meetingwith Tom?" Iwas trying notto let mybuilding excitement show in my voice.

out, Matt!"

"Whydo you thinkI bought thebathing suit Idid and thentold you Iwould only wearit for you?I want toturn you onDad. I wantyou to wantme. I knowwhat you dowhen you excuseyourself and goto the bathroom.Do you reallythink that Ididn't know youwere getting hardwhen I wouldmove my headaround on yourlap? I usedto sneak upto the bathroomdoor and listento you jerkingoff, wishing Ihad the courageto open thedoor and helpyou. I loveyou dad andI don't thinkthat I wouldever want tobe with anyoneelse. I feelas weird aboutthis as youdo but Ican't help myfeelings. I wantto be morethan your daughter,I want tobe your woman."

My husband told me that whenthey could hearme moaning theyknew something wasup. The otherguys started tolook at eachother smiling andwanting to knowwhat was goingon in there.They looked atme as ifwaiting for meto get upand charge intothe motor homeupset.

Miranda's mindwas still buzzing,and her heartwas beating sofast and hardthat it hurt.She'd had suchhope, when Chasehad offered tohelp her out,but afterwards he'dleft without hardlya word toher. I don'tunderstand, she thought,leaning against thewall of theelevator she wasstanding in. Whywould he helpme if hethinks so littleof me? Notthat she blamedhim. It wasMiranda's fault forbeing so dishonest;she just wished he'd let herexplain. The factthat Chase hadshut her outso completely reallyhurt.

It didn'ttake long forme to getused to thetiny white bathing suit. I woreit all thetime around thehouse. Yes, Ieven started referring to it asa bikini. Thefirst time Kathycalled it abikini I kindof balked, butshe just laughed and pointed outthat the underwearthat I'd beenwearing exclusively forabout a yearnow at hersuggestion were called"bikini briefs." Shehad me retrievea package frommy dresser. Sureenough, Kathy wasright. They werecalled bikini briefs.Well, I shruggedmy shoulders, Iguess I waswearing a bikini,after all. Whatwas the bigdeal? I alsofound that Iwas no longerquite so self-consciousabout being half-naked.I suppose thatKathy's encouragement helped.She was constantlytelling me howcute I lookedand how shethought my dietand exercise regime was already showingresults.

I walkedback to myroom totally confused.In my mind,that presentation andthe fiscal plancould have beendelivered or mailedto each officethroughout the worldwith a lotless fanfare ordrama then thismeeting. Oh well,it's not mymoney. I walkedinto my roomand quickly packedmy suitcase andgarmet bag. Inthe room therewas a smalltable and onthe table wasa champagne glassand small icebucket with avery small bottle of Champagne init. A notein front ofthe Champagne said,"Thank you forattending, good luckin the yearto come!" Ilaughed, opened thebottle, poured itinto the glass,toasted the company,and drank thecontents. I wasready to leave.Picking up mybags, I tooktwo steps towardsthe door. Myhead begin toswim and myworld went black.

"Okeverything ok withyour breasts," Isaid to herreluctantly walking away from her tits."Now its timefor your pelvic.""Ok, now justprop each legon these plates."

"Oh,come on, itwill be funand we bothcan have asurprise for ourhusbands."

Wanda and Idid not domuch in theway of swappingwith other permanentemployees. The focusfor permanent employeeswas 'training parties.'

Hesaid nothing, andyet, he watchedthe wheels turnslowly in myhead. I relentedsomewhat.

When we gotto the tableshe look atme and said,"now what?"

Atthe hotel thatevening, her travelingcompanions clearly looked worn out. Aftershe made thesame lodging arrangementsas the nightbefore, she askedthe men tostop by herroom after theyhad showered andsettled in sothat they couldplan the followingday.

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