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Sunday, November 4, 2007

Arab blonde sex pics

It tookforever for Sarato rub andthrust and ruband grind herbody onto minewithout relieving myneed. And Itook it likea trooper, noteven once attemptingto rush things along.

The sales guy rambled on aboutthe mattress, somethingabout coils perfoot and stitchingand things, butAngie had stoppedlistening. With herarms over herhead, The driversaid we arehere looking inthe rearview mirror.I could havedied on thespot. The driversaid that willbe $22.00. Myhusband said, "Sir,this is a$100.00 dress willthis cover thetab?" Before Icould protest thedrive said, "yep,now hurry upI got morefares to pickup." We steppedout of thecab into thenight air andthe driver pulledoff leaving mewith the lastbit of protectionfrom viewers.

"Imean them themost," Lucy laughed.

'Withdraw and cleanyourself with atissue. Stop moaningOfficer Flain. OfficerGoodnight, kneel downand use yourtongue to bringOfficer Flain toorgasm. Now Mrs.Colferne, we needto identify theguilty party. Imay also saythat this incidentbrings the wholefuture of theclinic into doubtand I shallneed to discussthis with youlater. You. Yousay you cannotvisually identify theculprit? You sawa patient's clothingbut nothing else?Then there isonly one possiblemeans of identification.'

Asour palms crossed,I gently caressedher wrist withmy fingers, justenough to lether know itwasn't accidental, butnot enough tobe truly overt.I gripped herhand firmly, butnot tightly, andsqueezed once, smilingmy 50-megawatt smileand making eye contact. She blushedagain, and Ilet her handgo. Oh yes,I thought tomyself, this wasgoing to beso easy.

"Not tolate. What isit six?" Iwatched how gracefullyshe moved asshe walked overand sat downon the stepleading out intothe yard. "Besidesit's Saturday andsomeone kept meup late."


We sat ina window set of one ofthe street bars and watched theworld go by.It seemed thatthe whole areahad its mindon sex. Thelong fishnet legged hookers who clip-cloppedup and downthe street intheir high heels.The couples leavingthe sex shops with carrier bags full of goodiesor the singlemen sloping ofinto the seedycinemas. Even thecouples in thebars seemed topay more attentionto one another.Kissing briefly butpassionately in public.Savouring the timeuntil they areback in theirapartments or hotelrooms.

"I slipped offthe sexy underwear before I arrivedhome and wentdirectly to thebathroom to washmy skirt.

The womanonly giggled asSteven rushed tocover his deflatingpenis with thetowel he haddiscarding just afew minutes ago.

Astheir kiss continues,He takes holdof the toyand slowly startsto work itin and outof her pussy.Her juices makeit so easyfor Him. Asoft, barely auditablemoan escapes herlips, her bodybeginning to shakeas her thoughtsturn to liquid…the only thingthat matters isHim and whatHe is doingto her body.With His lipsnext to herear He asksif there isanything special sheneeds right then.Her thoughts arefragmented by thesensations she isfeeling and beforeshe can answerHim, He pullsthe toy allthe way fromher pussy.

"Thank youvery much," thewoman responded. "Ican't believe howcrowded the poolis today. Myname is Jill."

ButI was intrigued,so I waddledover on myknees to theside of thebed next toher.

The woman lookedconfused.

I alternated frombreast to breast,sucking and bitingeach of hernipples in turn.Debbie's chest wasn'toverly big butit was theperfect size forher petite frame.Each breast wasperfectly round andfirm to thetouch, as ifthey belonged toa girl halfher age. IfI hadn't hadthem in myface I wouldhave wondered whetherthey were realor not.

"Your hopesand aspirations areworthless, Elizabeth, andthey always were,"the CEO's voicewent on. "Fromnow on youwill give yourselfonly to thehopes and aspirationsof your keepers."

"Whatis it?" Iasked, "Raheem orGrandmaster?"

While still staringinto to myeyes, she movedher head downand touched hertongue to thetip of mycock, tasting theprecum that hadwelled there. Turningher head abit, she movedher mouth overmy cock andbegan to moveher head upand down onme, sucking asshe moved. Ileaned back, pushingmy hips forward,giving my cockto her mouthcompletely. Holding thehead in hermouth, she beganstroking my shaftwith one handwhile her othercupped my balls.

"Mmmmmmmmmmm,it was worthit," Shelly said."You tasted sogood."

herjacket had fallenopen, leaving herbreasts in thewhite top exposed.As she watched,her nipples hardened under the fabric.Was he looking?Could he seehow they stoodup so hardand pointy overher soft mounds?She though shesaw his eyesstray, but maybehe was justpeeking over thewall to theselling floor below.

"Ugly fucking bratoo. You needa makeover teach.Get it off,now!" The girldemanded.

At onepoint, he interruptedher daydreaming andasked, "Bridget, areyou okay?" Shereassured him thatshe was fine,just a littleput off bythe heat ofthe day.

Slowly shesucked my hardcock into herwet warm mouth,and began tobob gently upand down thelength of mycock. Now I'mnot huge soit was easyfor her totake the wholealmost to thebase into hermouth. I couldfeel just alittle more ofmy cock neededto go infor her tohave it all.

The second voice added, "She wasMiss November afew years back."

"MMMMMM, that's feelsnice," Sandra cooed.

"Gorgeous," Julia said,with more admirationthan she hadwished.

"No way."

"Yes Idid...but..."

Opening the box,Marie finds somepanties and apanty shield. Lookingat him strangely,she asks, "Whatis this for?"

Thenhis mouth movesupwards and rapshis lips aroundher clit andring and beginsto suck. Herbody thrusts upward and she startsto scream louder and louder, "OhPhil, OH OHOH.OH MY GODI LOVE YOU!"

"YeahI got apair of khakicargo shorts ifyou wanna wearthem? I've gotplenty of T-shirtstoo so haveyour pick.

He goesto his pileof clothes andretrieves a dagger.He stares atit as hebrings it closerto you. Youcan't seem totake your eyesoff it ashe hovers itover your nakedbody. You feelextremely exposed andvulnerable now knowingthat he couldplunge it intoyou without anyresistance whatsoever.

She hada happy childhood growing up. Untilher mother diedafter months andmonths of beingsick. She wasseventeen then, herfather told herthat she wouldhave to stillfinish school anddo all thehouse work cause that was "women'swork" she dideven when shedidn't want to.On her 18birthday, her daddycame home earlywith a hugebox wrap inbright pink paper and a hugepurple bow. Hesat it onthe table andwalk into thekitchen asking herwhat was fordinner. She toldhim and heopen the pantrydoor pulling outa old dusty bottle of winesat it inthe ice box.

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