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Sunday, November 4, 2007

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"Would youlike to suckon it anddrink from it?Look, there's somejuice already flowingdown my legs.You did itwhen you chewedon my rightnipple; that oneis more sensitivethan the leftone," she explained.

Inthe center ofthe cabin werea complete dining room, kitchen, andliving area. Justabove the kitchenwas a secondfloor sitting room,with an openrailing looking downupon the sittingarea below. Awide staircase rose to that level.Tall double doors in the centerof the upstairsliving opened westward toward the mountainsand onto anarrow balcony. Fromthe balcony Suddenly Gloria started tobuck her hipseven harder. Itseemed that Lucy'sefforts were goingto make hercome already! Markwatched as Gloriaopened her eyesa little andlooked at him,trying to smilethrough her ecstasy.She reached downand pushed Lucy'shead hard againsther. Several timesher body convulsed,tensing then relaxingin quick successionbefore she moanedloudly and herbody shuddered againstLucy's face. Shecollapsed back, givinga few moreshudders before herbody finally relaxed.Lucy lifted herface from betweenher thighs. Herpretty face wascovered with herjuices. Mark couldsee it shiningon her lipsand cheeks. Lucymoved up andkissed Gloria full on the mouthbefore leaning acrossto Mark andsaying 'I betyou want ataste of hertoo!' Lucy stuckher tongue deepinto Mark's mouthso he couldsuck Gloria's juicesoff it. Thiswas the mostaroused he hadever been, yethe was stilldressed and theyhadn't even gotLucy's panties offyet! He waswondering just howlong he wouldbe able tolast!

"Not thinking abouttaking anyone else?"Denae was tryingto be coyand Tara kept throwing quelling looks at her overFrank's shoulder.

The homeopened into ahuge, sunken grandroom with windowsthat faced towardsthe front. Wewalked through thereinto the formaldining room, andthat led intothe kitchen. Thedining room hadbay windows whichlooked into thevalley. The viewwas marvelous; therewere far fewertrees in theback yard thanout front, andthe hills appeared over the lushgrass of thefairway in abreathtaking perspective. Thekitchen had somelarge windows, too,facing in thesame direction. Slidingglass doors just past the breakfastnook opened onto a woodendeck.

"You're evil." Hesaid in jest.

Iset their icewater glasses downbeside them andMom said toJulie quietly butso I couldhear, "Look, Julie,now Ben isgoing to takehis pants off."

"Whatmovie did Isee her in?"

Lisaturned on thebuzzer and twirledthe dildo aroundlike a clock.In and outlike a realcock she slidethe metal toy in and outof Chris's asshole.Lisa's pussy wason fire asthis was turningher on morethan ever. Itwas a hugepower trip.

"Sowhat if youhave? I amnot denying that.But my answeris no." Cormran his handsacross her ass,pausing for amoment to squeezeone firm buttock."Now, go insideand take ashower."

In 20minutes they weregone, leaving William and I alonewith Susan. Itdidn't take arocket scientist torealize William wasn'tfinished slamming hisBlack cock intomy wife's bodyand it wasjust a matterof time beforehe picked herup and spreadher out onthe bed withher legs spread wide.

"Damn motorbike," mutteredSteve, and thenhe smiled asKat offered herhands, and theysat, hand inhand across thetable and hesoon felt thewarmth of herseeping over him.

Auhtor'snote: This storytakes a longtime to getto the sexparts. The beginningis vital tothe story, soif you don'twant to waitfor the jerk-offpart, press theback-button now.

"NO!" shemanaged to sayto loudly, "whydon't you lookat it firstand maybe youcan figure itout what's wrongwith it andif you can't,we'll call themechanic...I just hateto spend moneyon a towif you canget it started..."

I could feela bulge growingin my ownpants as theconversation continued.

I stoodthere in shockas the erectionin my pantsgrew in strength.I had alwayswondered what mywife's mother wouldbe like inbed and now,seeing her; mydesire to fuckher rose likea volcano insideme. As Istood there asthe man rolledoff Susan andextracted his condom-coveredcock, with abulge in theend of thecondom where hissperm was deposited.Her eyes werestill closed asher partner gotup and grabbedhis cloths movinginto the bathroomwith the usedcondom still onhis semi-erect cock.Before I recoveredfrom my shockSusan, my mother-in-lawrolled onto herside and noticedme standing there.Our eyes met and we smiledat each other.My eyes wereattached to thesmall stream ofher vaginal fluid still leaking overher thigh andher, clean shaven,swollen labia. Iknew this wasthe opportunity Ihad been waitingfor.

"Well, thistime, you aren'tthe boss," Mattcommanded. He grabbedhis cock andstroked it infront of her,letting the tipbrush against hernose.

"Was she crying?"

He'dbeen so amazedby her; hergentle hands, hersoft voice, herbright eyes. Asherhad watched herlongingly that weekend,always from adistance. Although heknew she'd noticedhim at leastonce, he nevergave her thechance to actuallytalk to him.She was tooyoung for himthen. And howironic is it,Asher thought, thatshe's here now.But so differentfrom who sheused to be.

a magnificentsweeping panorama madeyou feel part of this breathtakingscene. In theupstairs living area,on the southside a talldoor opened ontoan attic wingwhere shelves werestacked with pillowsand down comforters.I imagined itwould be socozy in thewinter time, allblanketed up withthe windows wide open and thesnowy mountains lit by the moon.

Asit closed behindhim, I gulpedhard, and thenyielded to compulsivesobs. I weptaloud the restof the nightand throughout thenext day. Mymind finally started to work againby the thirdday. The realizationcame over mesuddenly that Iwouldn't really missmuch about him.I was gladto be ridof his boringpersonality and hisendless monologues ontax accounting. Hisgood looks werenot irreplaceable. Therewas only onething about himthat I couldnot live without.It was hisbeautiful cock thatwas the trueobject of myaffection and Ifelt I woulddie without it.

Wewere at myplace. My parentswere downstairs andPaul was supposedlyhelping me withmy homework. Wegot that quicklyout of theway and thenwe sat onmy bed andstarted kissing.

Tombegan to thrustharder. Leaning forward he reached formy breasts ashis cock pumpedin and outof my arse.He teased mynipples and Istroked my clitfuriously as hiscock invaded myrear. "Yes, ohGod yes! Fuckmy arse, goon fuck it!"I cried asyet another climaxapproached. The intensityof the sensationsI felt asit broke overme brought tears to my eyes.My hand fell away from mypussy as Istruggled to holdmyself up. Myarsehole gripped Tom'scock like avice as itthrust eagerly intome.

All ofa sudden shedropped the clothand her fingersbegan working onher clit evenharder. She leanedher head backand closed hereyes, thinking ofRick, and herfingers entered herpussy to thesecond knuckle. Shebegan moving herfingers in andout, fucking herself,thinking what itwould be likehaving Rick doing that to her.

"I'msorry," she lookedup at herfather, "I'm sorry,I'll never doit again."

She letgo of meand stood back,looking at myhard cock. Shekneeled in frontof me, andheld her tits.She massaged hertits by pushingthen up anddown and gettingthem fluffed up.My cock wasright in frontof her stiffand pointing herway. "Are youready baby?" Sharonsaid as sheput each breastaround my cock.She stroked mycock with hertits gently, upand down. Mycock was caughtbetween her tits.

'Icouldn't tell him,'I sobbed. 'Itried to tellhim.'

Batman dropped back down on topof her, andfor a fewmoments there wasno sound otherthan his panting.Slowly he withdrewhis long, thickcock from her.As he did,she sat up,and grabbed itin her handsand fed ithungrily into hermouth. She suckedit clean, wipingoff every bitof come andtasting her ownjuices in hermouth. Very quicklyhe began tostiffen again.

I tookthe note fromthe door andbegan to readit. There wasn't'much written, simplyinstructions that Iwas to unbuttonmy blouse andjust leave ithanging to covermy breasts. Iwas to puton the blindfoldand place theearplugs in myears good andtight. Then ringthe door bell.By this timeI could hardlybreathe! My breathingwas rapid andshallow and Iwas consumed withanticipation.

"You havebeen a verygood girl. Youfound a verygood switch. Perfectfor producing justthe right stripes on your skin,child." You reacheddown and caressedmy ass tenderly.It felt sovery soothing thatI absently released a soft moan from the pleasureof Your touch.You ran afinger down mypussy lips asYou caressed me,teasing my clitoris.Pinching my clitbetween Your fingersmaking me gaspas I pushedmy ass back into Your handwhen You sunktwo fingers inside my cunt. Youslowly finger fucked my pussy asI pumped againstYour hand. Myjuices were drippingout of mypussy and drippingdown my thighs.

"Please slide Yourfinger into myass, Jack," shesaid.

"These arefor you," shesaid to meand dropped apair of bluecotton panties onme, smiling.
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