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Wednesday, October 31, 2007

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" She'sout there onthe island."

Dammit, itwas all three.

Ihadn't noticed thelatticework closet offto the sideof the cabin.I could seenow that itwas an outdoorshower. Not therustic single spigot,cold-water only affairI remember frommy youth. Thiswas a largespace, surrounded byelegant woodwork andbordered by hangingflowers and vineson all sides.Wahab waved hishands in protest.........crack this timethe leather strapslanded on thedick and hecovered it asif in pain.

"Youworthless piece ofcrap. You betterget that tinydick of yourshard if youknow what isgood for you.I don't haveall night totry to teachyou a lesson.What I oughtto do isput you ina pretty pink dress and takeyou down tothe gay bar and let themhave their waywith you," Mollyscreams at him.The humiliation andmention of beingused does thetrick and thepouch fills out.

Maxreplied in adowntrodden tone: "Thankfullyit was onlya wooden crateI used asan end table.But they havenot been herevery long, howmuch more willthey break beforethey leave?"

In manyways the dayhad really begun36 hours early when she hadfirst had sexwith Shehu. Whenhe was donehe had madethe announcement thatshe was nowto be availablesexually to allof his men.Elvis and Antonhad been inher bedroom andshe fully hadexpected to befucked right thenand there butMillie the housekeeperhad chased themfrom the roomstating that Nisidastill needed rest.She had notfelt she neededmore rest butthen within minutesshe had fallenasleep once again.

The way Erin gawked at herbody made Juliewish she'd hadtime to getproperly dressed. "Youlook 'interesting' thismorning," Erin said.She tugged onthe far tooshort hem ofJulie's nightgown. "Dressedto impress?"

'You've droppedout?' I loweredmy voice toa more conspiratorialtone.


We climbinto bed, andI lay behindyou. You takemy soft cock from between yourlegs and massageit, while placingthe head onyour ass, moaning.."hmmmmmmmmmm.. and tothink... we've gotthe rest ofthe night... "

"Mika, have youever done anyBDSM before?" Iasked suspiciously.

"It isstill a littlesore but itis better."

"Me andCoot fuck theshit out ofher," Hoot answered,his eyes shifting back to Pat."Between me andCoot, the bitchgets about twentyinches of blackcock in herwhite cunt andass. When thewhore leaves, she'llfuckin' well knowshe was horsefucked. You canhave any mybitches you wantto keep youcompany while welong dick yourslut. You canhave a copyof the videotape we'll makeof it. Howdoes that soundto you?"

"Yes Darren"I replied.

"Here, baby,"Jack said. Withthat, he putboth his handsunderneath her perfectround ass andhoisted her intothe air. Heslid her upthe door andshe wrapped herlegs around hisbody. In thisposition, her pussywas opened andpressed against hislower abs. Hegroaned when hesaw that shewore no underwear.

"Yes I loveit – Iam a slut– I amyour slut"

"Please, John.Why do youwant to dothis? How doyou think mybrother would feel?Don't do this...wecan both forgetthat this everhappened," I pleadedhim while tryingto push himaway.

Sarah would notlet me intothe bedroom whilstshe got ready,Paul turned upwhist she wasstill dressing soJane and Ientertained him. Heturned out tobe a reallynice guy andnot fazed byour newfound relationship.I felt verymuch in aweof his 6foot black muscular frame. Just thenSarah came intothe room. Shelooked stunning ina pink boobtube with amatching white skirt.Her top didnothing to hideher erect nipples.Without looking atme she crossedthe room, puther arms round his neck sayingI have beenlooking forward tothis moment darling.She then kissedhim with along lingering kiss running her tongueround his lipsthen plunging itinto his mouth.After a fewminutes they cameup for air.Paul said nowthat's what Icall a friendlywelcome. The eveningwent in ablur. Sarah satnext to Pauland they chattedas if theywere on adate alone leavingJane and Ito talk toourselves. I noticedSarah was verymuch into touchingPaul at everyopportunity and withhis hands oftenbelow the tableclothI could guesswhat he wasup to. Aftercoffee and liqueurswe headed back home. Whilst Paulwent to thebathroom Sarah said to me, wouldyou mind ifI slept withhim tonight, onlyif I couldwatch first timeI replied.

Theblonde did asshe was bidand I soonfelt the tipof her tonguegently running upand down thefull length ofmy shaft. Hertongue made darting,teasing movements overthe full length of my circumcisedcock and itwas all Icould do tostop myself shootingmy load overher beautiful, angelicface.

We alldrifted off tosleep and whenI awoke, youand I werealone, naked ineach other's arms.We had sleptlike babies becauseof all thelovemaking last night.Your warm andtender breast waspressing against myarm as youslowly stirred inyour sleep. Thenipple hardened, orwas it justmy imagination?

There werethree large, circularshowerheads suspended fromthe ceiling, whichresembled a combinationof an arborand grape trellis.When Ellen turnedthe water on,the spray coveredall of theleaves of theplants and thescent from theflowers was overpowering.It was breathtaking,like being ina garden ina warm summerrain.

Digging into oneof the boxessearching for herfavorite cookbook, shestarted planning themeal. Then shegot down towork with tryingto make thehouse look presentable for tomorrow evening.

Now, every timeI took offmy underwear atthe end ofthe day, Ihad to passthem on toWill. He wouldwear them foranother whole day.Of course, hewas an Englishprofessor so heactually taught classeswhile wearing mypanties.

I continued topush my meatin and outof her whilekeeping watch ofthese guys –I finally figuredout that therewere three ofthem and thatthey were playingFrisbee.

We stopped onlylong enough tocatch our breath.Our voices resonatedthroughout the house.

"No,mom...well. Maybe's been busy..."

Caroldid not answer.Her sex life with Frank, shepondered, had beennarrowed down tounimaginative quickies sandwiched in between trialsand depositions. Frankhad turned intoa flabby workaholic and the lasttwo years oftheir marriage hadbeen frustrating. Overthe last fewmonths she hadoccasionally imagined asexual situation witha stranger. Theincident with Charliehad excited her,as she hadnot been inyears. Carol hadnot pursued therelationship but hadoften masturbated tothe memory ofher only sexualadventure as amarried woman.

That waswhat he worriedabout with Carrie.He loved her,there was nodoubt of that.She had agreat body andshe was smart,and she madehim laugh. Butdid he loveher enough tomarry her?

I wouldhave had tobe rather foolishnot to knowwhat he wasreferring to, soI decided tobring it outclearly.

Again she noddedand He placedan enormous barof soap inher mouth andwalked away. Sheheard Him setthe timer andbegan to countin her headthe number ofclicks. Her mindfaded as hersaliva dried upand she beganto gag. "Ann,do you needthe soap removed?"she shook herhead no, shehad already enduredsomething like 300clicks and shewas not willingto start again.She felt vomitrising in theback of herthroat, but sheremained still. Asshe regurgitated intoher own mouth,she still didnot move. Thetaste of soapand vomit mixed in her mouth,but she didnot move. Sheconcentrated on countingthe clicks, andher focus amazed Him. He watchedher with amixture of pityand admiration asdrool and soapyvomit dribbled downher chin. Hebeamed with pride,knowing she wouldindeed be agood submissive.

"What?" Iasked.

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