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Wednesday, October 24, 2007

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"I havea friend. I'mgoing to takehim a present.I'm going toshare you withhim," he answered,and gave methat grin thatmeant he knewI'd agree. Heknows the powerhe has overme. I swallowedand said simply"Call me!" Dianeordered as AJsteered Ruby towardthe door. Rubywaved.

My mindstarted to getback into thediscussion only tobe firmly silenced by my cock:"Sure," I said.

Ikeep my handson either sideof its baseto keep himfrom pushing itin too deep.He goes topush it indeeper, and Ipush against himwith my hands."Oh fuck no,bitch. You dowhat I want,remember?" He pullsout of mymouth completely andgrabs his handcuffsfrom his belt,tossing them tome. "Cuff yourselfto the handrail,bitch. Do it!"He presses thebarrel of hisgun into theside of myhead. Shaking likea leaf, Ihandcuff one ofmy wrists tothe hallway handrail.Warm tears beginflowing down mycheeks, compounding tomy humiliation.

Ilick the saltwater from herneck and trailmy tongue downand away tothe top ofthe tee shirt.I pull thetop out withmy teeth andlook down ather beautiful breastssmiling. Her nipplesare rock hardand straining. Iknow they wantto be lickedand sucked uponand I movemy hands toremove her shirtso that Ican do justthat. She laughsand catches myarms behind herback with onehand and theother strays downinto my shortsas she beginsto play withme. I moanand with nothingelse to doI continue tostare at hermilky white breasts.She teases meby moving herchest around asshe tortures thehead of mycock, moving thoselovely breasts thisway and that,rubbing her nipplesagainst the roughfabric of herT-shirt and makingthem even harder.I moan loudly and the T-shirtslips from betweenmy teeth. Shegiggles and swingsher hair aroundto slap mein the face.She feels mycock jump andbegin to drip,becoming very wet.She does itagain and Igasp out, mycock now soakedwith pre-cum.

Iput her armsaround my brother.I'd never feltso blissful aroundany other malein my entire18 years. "I'mso in lovewith you Tim,"I blurted out.

"Ohmy god, Dee,that was themost erotic thing I've ever done."

Grabbingmy leash, Mistresspulled me backinto her dungeon.

He sat hisdrink down andunbuckled his belt,unsnapped his pantsand slid thezipper down. Hishand disappeared there.Trisha took anothersip of champagne;their eyes neverleft each other's.

"He'snever very happydaddy" Lori repliedputting on herinnocent face, bitingher bottom lip.He saw thisand felt anothertwinge in hisshorts,

"I'm slidingthem down mylegs. I'm leftin nothing butmy bra andblack panties. Godthey are soaked....I want acock in meso bad...."

He slippedit into hisshirt pocket andreplied mysteriously, "Wearen't going homeyet. The nightis young." Leavingme to ponderwhat else couldbe in store,he paid thecheck and escortedme to thecar.

A few yearsago, I learnedthat sometimes Ireally don't knowpeople as wellas I thinkI do. Mygrandparents proved thatto me onenight when Iwas at theirhouse for dinner,and it's alesson I'll neverforget. At thetime, I hadjust graduated fromcollege and wasworking for aventure capital firm in Chicago. Ihad returned tomy hometown ofOmaha Nebraska fora Christmas visit and had plannedto stay forabout 2 weeks.

David bought around of drinksand they managedto find atable near thewindow looking outtowards the BTtower when Karenand Angie joinedthem. They wereboth about Sally'sage but around5ft 6" tallwith lovely figures that clearly showedthrough their stylishand expensive trousersuits. Both werenatural blondes withlightly tanned complexions.David informed themthat Sally hadbeen at Uniat the sametime as them,although neither girlcould really remember her as theywere on differentcourses and theirpaths hadn't crossedtoo often.

"How?" Idemanded.

Gene eyes wereglazed as hemoved around herand knelt downof her leftside. He reachedunder her againand grasped herleft nipple. Mywife whimpered, "Please,no. It hurtstoo much. Pleasenot again." Shewas crying andpanting at thesame time. Genewas beyond himselfwith lust. Heattacked her leftnipple the sameway he haddone the rightone.

Dinner (beefbourguignon) was gratefullyreceived by bothgirls when Iplaced it infront of them.Sammy's eyes widenedwhen I placedthree bottles ofice cold Budweiser on the table."Go on," Ismiled, "It's onlylight. One won'tget you drunk,I bet youdrink far morethan that usually."I raised myown bottle andtook a swig."Cheers!"

"Thanks, Pete." Shedived into thecloset, emerging withjeans and apair of ridingboots. She gavehim a sunnysmile and wasgone, leaving thevision burned ontohis retina. Hiscousin was aknockout in herunderwear. Naked? Hecould only imagine,but he knewshe'd be sensational.He shook hishead and continueddressing.

"Alright,"and then Ismiled at him,thinking that thiswas the beginningof another wildride.

They all hopedshe and Mollyhad AIDs andworst etc. Theydidn't want her,Molly or themin the neighborhood."

"I can handleit." She saidsimply. "Can you?"

"Ihave to go,"My hard-on wasplainly in sight,and Joanne lookedstraight at it.

The trombone player shook his head,got up andstarted to puthis horn away.Lisa tried tohold his casefor him, butdropped it onthe floor. Mr.Trombone just stared at her.

"So goon and sitdown I wasjust about tochange here." Shesaid offering hima seat onthe blue velvetycouch.

Nope, I shotup inside herpussy…missionary on thestairs.

I realised just how little weknew about eachother giving thatwe shared twonaughty secrets.

"Hey, Abby,"Tom whispered, "Justshow up whenyou can ifyou can't makeit on time."For some unexplainedreason that causedme to giggle.I'm not agiggler so itsurprised me. Itcaused some ofthe other teachersto turn andstare at me.


He takes thespear and offersit to her.She opens hermouth and hepulls the papayaback. He tellsher to begfor it ashe holds itabove her. Shelunges for itand he mashesit into hermouth. Juice drips from her mouthas she swallowsthe papaya. Heoffers her anotherpiece of papayaand she lungesat it catchinghis finger withher teeth.

"Master?"her voice wasshaky, unsure, yetthe trust wasstill unmistakable toMy ears. "Isthis really happening,Master?"

"Why not" asked Terri, "Ilove to shootpool. It soundslike fun."
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