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Monday, October 22, 2007

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Once, asshe was headinginto the weightroom, one ofthe glorified towel boys they titled"athletic assistants" yelled out, "Pardon me,sir, but wewill be shuttingdown for maintenancein fifteen minutes."And another woman,who Allison actuallythought was attractivecalled in avery flirtatious manner,"Hey guy, areyou through withthe Stairmaster?" afteran intense workout left her leaningon the rails,head down andbreathing gutturally.

"Oh,Kevin," I groanedalong with myson, "that's it!Shoot your wonderfulcome inside me!Come inside me!Come inside Mommy!"

I"Do I turnyou on?"

My ownmaid?

They pressed theirhips together andshe can feelhis rock hardorgan against herstomach letting herknow he's morethan ready forthe love shehas for him.She reaches betweenthem and slidesher hand downto her swelteringplace of passion,sliding in acouple of fingersas she retrievesthe glistening droplets of her love.She offers thisdelicacy to him,and he acceptsher offering bysucking her juicesoff her fingers.He moans deeply and says "What an exquisite taste."She licks hisbeautiful mouth sampling her sweetness thatremains on hislips.

"Lucky for you,you don't haveto choose," sheexhaled, that wickedgleam returning toher bright eyes.

I took acold drink andsomehow managed tocalm myself down.Rob and Igot back towork despite hiswife playing withherself on thelawn a fewfeet away fromus. As thingswould turn out,I would nothave to waitor hold myselfback for verylong. In fact,Carrie lost herselfand gave into her carnaldesires first.

"Don't beso impatient," Ihear you say.You climb back on top ofthe bed, Ifeel you straddleme, your anklesresting against thebacks of myknees. You spreadmy ass cheekswith your hand,drizzling something coolover my anus."I've been wantingto do thisever since youtold me youwere disappointed thefirst time yourass was fucked."

Atthat moment, Iwas pissed beyondbelief. I tookmy cock outof his assand punched him.

She'dbeen aware ofEric watching herfor several months.It was allharmless stuff andshe had gottena bit ofa kick outof flaunting herbody in frontof him. She'doften walked outof the bathroomor bedroom withher robe looseenough that itaccidentally revealed abreast, or elsewhile wearing alow-necked t-shirt bentforward to talkto her sonor serve hima meal, andsince early thatsummer she hadoften sunbaked outthe back inan almost obscenebikini. She hadtaken to visiblynoticing his discomfortwith a growingerection at suchtimes, and healways blushed ather enquiring glances.

Shortly after Wandaand Betty slepttogether, Wanda stoppedgoing to theporn shop looking for Nan Humpers DVDs. She decidedthat she wouldnever have anythingmore to dowith her formerfriend. Her lifewas with AnneFranklin, and shewould dedicate allher love toher Mistress.

"Morning" Jadesaid as shesat opposite meat the breakfasttable.

"Thanks. I'llmake this asquick as Ican."

I would havefelt sorry forhim. If hehadn't been socute when hewas flustered, andif I hadn'tbeen quite soaware of thefact that Iwas standing infront of anincredibly attractive guy who happened tobe fully clothed while I wasnot. Normally, Iwasn't at allsensitive about mylooks. But... Leah'sbig brother wasa hunk. Ahwell, "all goodthings..."

As long asshe wasn't tellingme to stop,I didn't givea shit whatshe said.

Master's breathwas short Icould see bythe heaving ofhis muscular chest.My last fewsteps brought meto him, withjust a sliverof cotton covering my breasts andshaven cunt. Hedragged me downto his armsand ripped themfrom me. Thecheers from theKnights did notstir him. Idid not stirfrom his look.His whole bodywas trembling atthis point andhe commanded ina harsh whisper.

Quickly,she got oneof her promisesas the vineslowly moved inside of her now-soakingpussy, as wellas sending amuch smaller vine into her asshole,making her moanwith both pleasureand pain; asmuch as thisfelt good, itfelt like thevines would neverstop moving in.She squirmed, whichonly made hermoan more andgot the tentacleeven deeper insideof her, thenher eyes bulged slightly as shefelt yet anothersmall vine beginto rub thehard nub ofher clit (asthough she reallyneeded it!). Thatis when sherealized this… thing…just wanted tofuck her! Shelooked at it,then gave in…happily… as shepushed herself ontoit. This seemedto surprise it,and it startedmoving out… thenquickly thrust itselfback in, makingher moan very,very loudly. Itdid this quitea few times,then it stoppedcompletely… and thevine in herass started moving back and forthin the samefashion. She suddenlyhoped that itwouldn't make bothmove at thesame time… thenhoped that itwould. She gother second hope.

NervouslyI looked aroundas the thoughtentered my headthat I shouldtell him Iwasn't going throughwith this.

"Well,good for you."She rose upon tip toeand kissed meon the lips.Not a peckeither but awarm plump kiss.My cock stirred.Whoa there stud.

then askedher about herlanguage when Ihad eaten herout.

As tasty asthe Cherry flavorwas, this lemon-limewas even morerefreshing and energizing!Inside her ownhead, Allison feltas though lightningwas flashing, asshe programmed themachine for herrun.

"Then say it."

Dahskanodded her headyes. And heflicked the switchon. A surgeof mystical energy flowed toward Dahskaand entered herbody through thewires clipped toher naked flesh.Her body shookwildly in it'sbindings and thenfell very still.

Jake knew heneeded to playthis extra cooland just right.He shrugged, "WellI don't know.I mean Iwas kind ofhurt this morningI may needto think aboutit."

She licked andsucked and tickledusing her hands,lips and tonguein concert, pushingme higher andhigher. While shemanaged to keepmy excitement escalating,the increase wentslow and lasteda long while!I couldn't helpmoaning with pleasureand thrusting myhips. She didn'ttry to keepme from it;she let ithelp her. Soonmy cock wasgoing deeper anddeeper and beforeI knew itshe was takingnearly the wholething in hermouth and downher throat. Finallyshe managed toget me tolie still andshe slid downon my cockto the pointof her lipstouching my pubichair, and hertongue snaked outand licked myballs. I couldscarcely believe it!With me allthe way insideher she managedto turn justenough to lookat my faceand smile aroundmy cock. Inearly lost it.I was gettingvery close tocumming and Ididn't want tohold back, Ijust wanted toenjoy it.

"You likethe mothers ofthe young girls,too, huh, Laszlo?"she smiled.

Blushing, Imumbled, "Don't worry;Bev was mylast lover; shemade sure Ihad a condomon when wedid it."

Ignoring herlast statement, hegrabbed her roughlyand spun heraround, pulling herclose. His lipswere on hersand he kissedher soundly. Shewas conscious ofhis hard penis pressing against herstomach through hershirt as shekissed him back.Their kiss wasrather sloppy, asthey were stilltrying to catchtheir breath.

Afterthe event closed,I headed homefor my showerto get readyfor the partyafter. I convincedmy other friend,to join meback at thecenter for theparty. When wegot there, wesaw some familiarfaces and wentin to seewhat might happen.But we werethen told thatProphett and Ladyhad gone backto where theywere staying forrest and thatthey had decidednot to comeback up forthe party. Itwas terribly disappointing.But I hadan ace Iwasn't showing. Prophetthad mentioned thatwe should joinHim and Hissubmissive and slavewhere they werestaying later. Soafter we stayedat the centerlong enough tomake an appearance,my friend andI left andheaded over tothe other place.

"You never cantell," said Per."I think weneed to getsome rest. Cendri,I want youto spar withKarlto tomorrow. Yourtraining was verygood, but yourstyle is rigidand repetitious. Thatleaves you vulnerableto other stylesof fighting. Wehave about twoto three weeksuntil we reachthe gorge."

"Oh yes!"I hear hersay as Icontinue to poundmy cock deepinto her steamingpussy. I pulledJamie's legs evenfurther back, exposingher beautiful pussy even more asI continue toplunge my cockdeep inside her.Suddenly I hearher scream, Yes,yes, OH YES!"as her bodyquivered in orgasm.Within seconds, Ialso cum, anorgasm that pulsatesthrough my ballslike a jackhammer.After a briefpause as theorgasm washes overme, I continueto pound mycock against herpussy, slowly loweringher legs andlaying against herbeautiful naked body.I press mygroin firmly againsthers as mycock slides inand out ofher pussy. Jamiewrap her legsaround me andbegin to kissme and runher fingers throughmy sweat soaked hair.

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