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Saturday, October 13, 2007

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"Uhh, Marcia.We. . ."

Wordsfailed her, andshe brought hismouth to hers,kissing his lips,and when kissingwasn't enough, bitingthem too, hertongue slithering againsthis and againsthis beautiful face.He lowered hishands to herass "I don'tknow show mesomething I canonly see inSan Francisco. Orat least inCalifornia." I toldher. Her wholeface seemed tolight up atthat.

Jeff replied, "OkayGary, that soundslike a goodidea. Sorry thatwe didn't getto meet yourlovely wife, Iwas really looking forward to showingher a goodtime."

"YEAH, Babyfuck this blackpussy. Nice anddeep! Oh' Ericyou know just how to giveit to girlslow."

There is awondrous feeling ofman and woman-- of amale and femaleconnected on sucha personal levelby sharing theintimacy of eachother's bodies throughsexual intercourse. Frommy place betweenyour sumptuous thighs,I finally realize why a living,breathing man isso necessary toyour sexual enjoymentas a woman.

Postergrl42:Oh jeez... whatevershall I doto keep it?


A slight smile had started asI spoke. Itwas slow andtremulous, then rapidlyspread over herentire face. "Iwant you tolook at me.But I getto also." Inodded in agreement.

Missyread this lastpost and herbreath caught inher throat. Didshe dare tellEdna that theylived just afew miles apart?Did she daremeet her inperson? She feltso bad, andshe could rideher bike overthere in onlyan hour orso, and Ednacould hold herwhile she cried,and then makeeverything all better.She took adeep breath andthough about itfor a minute."Why not," Missythought to herself."Edna is nice,and her daughterwill probably bethere so itwill be safe."She typed inthe question shehoped might makethings better, atleast for theweekend.

Feeling that familiarfeeling rising throughmy body, Ipleaded with mystranger to 'fuckme harder' andto 'fill mypussy with cum'.I adore thefeeling of hotcum splashing againstmy cervix, fillingmy aching pussyto overflowing. Inseconds I gotmy wish. Justas I feltmyself go completely,my stranger gruntedlike a wildanimal and pumpedhis seed deep inside me.

Isaid, "I'm fineand I wantto hear everydetail."

"Ya," Iheard just overthe running water.

Sarahhad never beenwith a girlbefore. She lovedsex, and hadan academic appreciationfor other girls'bodies, but shewas straight. Orso she hadthought. There wasno denying howmuch her pussyhad responded. Shecouldn't pretend theexperience hadn't turnedher on.

Hewatched her faceto see howshe would reactto the soliddose of alcohol.Her dark-shadowed lidshalf closed, hereyes rolled up,and her long,mascara-covered false eyelashes fluttered. When sheopened her eyesfully it lookedlike they wereslightly unfocused.

Just theday before Ihad fucked myfirst ass, followedshortly by mysecond. But thiswas a man'sass. His prickand balls weredirectly in mysight and withinreach to remindme of justthat.

When the gameis over Igo into thekitchen to geta beer andJulie is cleaningthe counter topand the sinkarea. I sitat the tableand watch asshe's working. Shelooks so wholesomeand motherly workingin the kitchenbut when sheready for sexshe's a differentperson almost likea nympho!

Kathleen gaspedagain and couldn'thelp but archher back. TheSquire smiled.

and held herbuttocks, pulled heragainst him soshe could feelhis burgeoning hardnessand Neely feltalmost faint withthe knowledge thathe still wantedher.

I shrieked asI saw twomen walk aroundthe side ofthe semi. Myarms and handscovered me instantly.Marilyn started giggling.I was soembarrassed! I wantedto run butI had backedup to thesemi to useit to hidemy bare ass.I was findingit hard tobreathe.

Look, she said,this time ina firmer voice,I just don'twant to --

Iwas stunned byhis sharp command.

Shepulled away fromme, and lookedup and said,"That sure washot this afternoon".

Isqueezed her hand,looked her straightin the eyesand silently mouthed the words, "I'mstarving." She heldmy gaze fora long, longminute. Her paleblue eyes seemedto stare intomy soul, meltingme inside; Icould almost feelher thoughts ofwhat she wantedto do withme. I turnedmy eyes away,breaking the spell,conscious of mybreath coming inshort pants, mynipples sensitive tothe material ofmy bra asthey hardened, mytummy quivering andmy pussy slick and tingling. "Starving,"I repeated.


"Guystalk dear, notsuitable for alady's ears," Iteased.

"Baby, I'm gonnacum. Swallow it!Yes!" His quiethiss accompanied alow groan ashe pumped hisseed into hishand, jerking witheach spurt. Heimagined being insideher and pumpingdeep within, herwarm body wrapped around his, hertongue in hismouth. He usedhis washcloth toclean up andsettled back inbeside her, hisheart pounding likea drum. Yes,dear Gretel. Iwill always takecare of you...

"Whyare you insuch a bighurry, it's EARLY"Jodie questioned.

"What's thematter? Don't youlike the room?"


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