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Friday, October 12, 2007

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Our roadstarted in thewomb. For ninemonths, we sharedthe same womband we grewnext to eachother, crowded eachother. Or, asmy sister likes to put it,held each other.When finally wecame out, ourparents knew withina matter ofdays, they said,we needed eachother. Mother wouldtry to batheus separately atfirst, since shehad a smallinfant tub onlyone of uscould fit in.She'd wash one,but the wholetime the twoof us werein other rooms,we'd both fussand cry. Eventuallyher nerves gavein, keeping ustogether. It wasthe same growingup. Mom andMy cock wasstill hard. Igrabbed Mother andsat her onmy lap. Ifound out that...herpussy was soaking.I ground mycock against her.She gasped, "Ineed to get...thisto the Doctor'soffice in thenext 30 minutes.This must waituntil later."...She gotup and movedoff to getdressed. She pokedher head outof their bedroom...doorand said, "Getdressed if youare going towatch my examand learn what...happens.It will providean excellent learningexperience for you."

Hepoured her ascotch, and theysat down totalk, he couldn'thelp but noticeher cleavage asshe was leaningforward in thechair. He realisedthat he wasgetting a boner,and crossed hislegs in orderto hide theevidence. Her voicewas soft, asshe told himof the dayshe had had,but his attentionwas being directedmore and moretowards her breasts.Every now andthen as shewould shift herposition he caughta mere glimpse of a nipple,which informed himthat she wasn'twearing a bra.Then she caughthim staring, whichwas an embarrassment,but she laughed.He felt uncomfortable,but she merelycarried on talkingseemingly unaffected byhis attention toher bust. Thenshe asked himfor a refill,offering her glass.He reached overto take theglass then stoodup, his cockmaking a morethan obvious bulge in his pants.She noticed, butsaid nothing, andthen while hewas pouring thedrinks she suddenlyappeared behind him.Placing her handsonto his waist,then moving themaround to reston his cock.He moaned softly as his cocktwitched uncomfortably inhis pants, knowingthat he wasabout to score.

"What'swrong, Kev? Areyou bashful? MyGod, we've goneway past modesty,haven't we? You'vesucked on mynipples and playedwith my titties;I've played withyour manhood andmade you shootoff. Why areyou so protectiveof your upperbody? Here," Isaid hoping torelax my brothera little more,"I'll remove therest of myclothes. Will youdo the same?"With that Islipped out ofmy shorts andpanties with onemove. "Now," Isaid with ahuff, "my assand everything elsethat I ownis in theopen."

"Sorry." I murmuredas I startedto turn around.

Cherylcame into theroom after theplanned break. Thevery first thingshe did wasto draw hishead back togive him adeep kiss onthe lips. Asthey broke away she pulled offthe blindfold andtossed it ontothe floor. "hello,my submissive one,"she said, "Timeto fit youwith a newfriend." At thisshe dropped anew, larger plug on the bedin front ofhis face. Hehad no choicebut to ponderits girth andlength as sheexplored the plugshe had lastforced into hisass and therope harness Karen had devised tohold it in.Carefully she untiedthe harness, notingits connections sothat she couldput it backinto place withhis new plug.

Her lips behindthat pubic mask of red werebare, she shavedoften I guessed,or they wouldn'thave been sosmooth. Soon Ihad Leslie jerking her hips andsliding her quimspastically along mytongue so Icould tickle herclit. I exploredher soft butquickly distending labia,too, and theywere silky smooth.I felt likeasking her how,but I wastoo busy withher juices, formy manipulations werebringing her toclimax.

I nodded."You like theway it feelsto touch yourself...tomasturbate...don't you?" Isaid.

"Please do. Andorder a fullbreakfast. I seemedto have workedup an appetiteduring the night."

SoonBill said, "NowI'm ready tofuck!"

"I mean, I'mmoving out. I'mgoing to getmy own placewhere no oneportions my foodand sabotages me."

Igot the picturesback from Nickyand placed themin a safedeposit box thatno one knowsI own. Igave him andLou $50,000 eacha year later.Both of themcouldn't stay outof trouble forlong, Lou wasarrested for identitytheft and waskilled in prison.

Lyingin the warmaftermath of theorgasmic tidal wave her dark lover had just put her through, Mirandawondered with nosmall amount ofdismay if itwas over.

I pullout of herand fall onthe couch besideher.

his one armand a bagin the other.He was areally good-looking guyand I couldtell that Sueliked him alot! She lookedat his sixfoot six frameand started askingquestions; she wasn'tquite sure whatwas set upbut she seemeddetermined to findout. I guessmaybe I hadn'tgiven her enoughto drink.

Withher kneeling onthe bed, heretrieves something fromthe black bag.When he turnstoward her, hecatches her takinga glance backat him. "Itold you notto look back."

Iswitched the televisionon to lessenthe oppressive atmosphere but my mindwas elsewhere. Backto the summerof 1976 anda sweet-faced girlon the brinkof womanhood.

dad wantedus in separatebedrooms from thestart, and sothey prepared twobedrooms. He usedto tell usit took onlyone very longand tiring night to convince themto wait. Eachtime they triedputting us inseparate bedrooms afterwards,as Rene andI grew older,always met withfailure, until weturned 10 andthey felt theyhad no moretime.

She stepped closer as another streamshot out tomeet her, thistime striking heron her stomach.Terri took anothersmall step asshe reached outand grasped mystill hard dick.She pulled gentlybut firmly onme as anotherjet erupted onher forearm. Shecontinued to pumpon me untilI had finished.Then she scoopedthe deposit fromher breast andbelly and smearedthem across bothbreasts before lickingthe remainder fromher fingers.

"I likewords, too honey.Tell me whatDarling is doingto your prettylittle pussy that'smaking you feelso good."

As Elainestarted to openthe door, Georgehad to ask,"Uh Elaine, waita second. Whenyou, uh, whenyou kissed me,I'm, I'm tryingto figure outwhat that tasteis, I can'tquite…"

"Ok, let metell you abit about whatwe do here.First, I'm JackiePayten. I ownand operate thisplace. It's calledAngel Productions. Thereare a lotof porn production places in LA.I like tothink Angel isdifferent, a cutabove the rest.I consider thisa kind offamily operation. Itry to runa classy operation here and sothere are thingsI do andthings I don'tdo but beforeI get intothat, I wantto know whatyou don't do,"Jackie said.

He scrubbedthe thong thoroughlywith a smallscrubbing brush, andthen I gavehim permission torinse.

"There is aplane out atthe airport thatwe can use,"I said. "Butgetting to itis going tobe tricky ashell. There arechangelings all overthe place, andwhen we tryto start theengines on theplane, the shitis going tohit the fan."I paused tolet them absorbwhat I hadjust said. "Ifthe plane doesnot start, thenwe're going tohave to fightour way outagain. If itdoes start, we'llall have tobe aboard andsecure within aminute, or elsethe Changelings willtear us apart."

Likeall those employedin the mansionI had beenraised on theproperty—schooled by theteachers in themaster's employ, broughtup by parentswho had beentaught the samelessons in thesame little stonebuilding when theyhad been children.I had beenlessoned very thoroughlyand very strictly,like all theboys and girlswho had grownup with me,on matters ofmorality and propriety.Then, like allthe other soulsbelonging to LordMelchior, on mytenth birthday Ihad left myfamily and movedinto the boys'boarding school tofinish my education.What I hadseen, what Ihad been madeto do thatnight violated everythingI had beentaught. Everything exceptthe one rulewhich was understoodto be supremeabove all theothers: that LordMelchior was tobe obeyed ineverything, without question.

Ididn't reply. Ikicked out myboxers and attackedher right away.As I waskissing her withmy tongue deepin her mouth,I could feelher nipples harden.Her hands sought my balls andshe gently squeezed them as Icupped her ass.We fell ontothe couch, withher on top.She slid slowlydown, while lickingmy chest, bellyand reaching homebase. She tookmy cock inher mouth andcupped my balls.She began licking the head andthe length ofmy cock, asI was moaning.She looked upto me andsmiled, spreading mylegs. She reachedmy asshole withher tongue andlicked the wholeway from myasshole to thetip of mycock. Then shetook all ofthe now-huge meatinto her mouthand forced myasshole with herfinger. Aaaarrrgh, Iwas about tocum, so Igot her awayand pulled herto myself, tokiss her mouthtasting of myass and cock.

Heloved how tightlythe rim ofher anus gripped halfway down hispenis.

"You're still sixteenand it willgrow more, sodon't be ina hurry!" Isay to her.

"AAAUUUURRRRGGGGHHH,GODDDDD!!" I yelled,and spit abouthalf a pintof my goointo her inone mighty charge.The next coupleof surges seemedto come fromthe base ofmy balls. Istroked deeply intoher then, asI milked therest into herslippery canal. Shemoaned steadily thewhole time.


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