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Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Adult cartoon stamina sex

The firstspurt of cumhits the backof her throatand she takesdown every bit.Jake's salty-sweet cumspills down herthroat. She takesall of itand then startsto lick upand down hisshaft again, cleaningevery last bitof cum offof it.

Amber wasn'thome when Ientered the apartment.I figured shewas either outshopping or withfriends. I feltmuch better afterI got ahot shower; atleast my legshad quit aching.I took acouple of aspirinsand stretched outon the bed,gradually falling asleep.I tried toput thoughts ofSteven out ofmy mind, butSafia didn't struggleor make asound as hekissed her andgently pulled herharder against him

Iwas still inher cunt andhad slowly deflated while she wasgetting splattered. Butall that Isaw made mehard again. Ibent my kneesto position mythrobbing cock atthe entrance toher steamy treasures.I heard adeep grunt asJeff took overand shoved hishuge prick intoher vacant mouth.Her underarms verywet and moistand Brad waspushing his limpdick into herunshaven matted pits.

Wehadn't planned onbeing together oneweekend when Iarrived on Saturdayafternoon and foundno one athome. I wentnext door, wherePolly told methat Jen wouldbe gone allweekend, visiting heraunt in atown several hundredmiles away.

"That wouldbe the ultimatefantasy," he chokedout as Elaine'smoans intensified andher hips buckedeven harder againsthis. He drovehis cock homewith each word."I'd love towatch another manfuck you."

I tookone of thebottles and openedit, taking along drink beforeI said anything,Finally, it occurredto me shewas by herself,and I askedwhere her husbandwas.

"Listen, Lisa, Ithought I oughtto apologise forlast night." Tanyasaid. "I don'tnormally drink thatmuch. It's just. . ."

One day, shewas lying inher extremely comfortablewaterbed, reading aromance novel whenher mind driftedoff to herbrother.

There I was,dressed, ready andwaiting. Was therestill a wayout, a wayto escape? Icould feel theknot in mybelly growing larger at each passingsecond. I wishedI could disappear.

"JamesCounty Emergency Operations Center dispatching Engine and Ambulance 18,and Medic 15,"the radio said."Report of awoman with chestpains, the Brennerresidence, Bellingham Road,one-half mile fromthe intersection withthe old Jamestown Road."

We all settleddown and wewere off. Isettled back andwas falling asleepto the patterof voices aroundme and thedrone of theplane.

Hall watched the young woman squirm as heentered her frombehind. The drynessof her pussywas uncomfortable tohim at first,but he knewthat she wasn'tready to bebanged. He wasreally making apoint to her.He wanted herto know thathe could takeher wherever andwhenever he wanted.Hall wanted togive Julie theultimate reminder thatshe would beforced to servicehim at hisconvenience and thather marriage wouldnot change that.

His fingers slidup to tanglein her hair."Was that theonly relationship youhad? The onlyexperiences you've known?"


Kylie,the aforementioned cute blonde frequented thebar throughout thesummer. On occasion,we had struckup friendly bartender-patronbanter, mainly centered on making funof the tourists.Beyond her smokinghot body andtoo cute smile,I didn't reallyknow much abouther. She wasin her earlytwenties, recently graduatedfrom college, butI had noclue what shedid for aliving. I hada hard time keeping my eyesoff her; shehad a Scandinavianfreshness and aSwedish Bikini Team body.

I had asweat building onmy back fromthe exertion oftrying to getmy cock tocome out herback as Islammed it harder.I held myselfabove her withmy arms outstretchedby her shouldersand watched asher flabby tits bounced when Islammed my cockin her pussy.Melinda had gottenher vibrator outand was usingit on herwet slit, watchingme as Ifucked her oldersister, her eyeson my slickcock sliding inand out ofBeth's hairy pussy.I could feelthe wetness onmy balls asI continued tofuck her roughly,her head rolling side to sideas she cameagain. Her mouthhanging open trying to catch thebreath that wasbeing knocked fromher when Ifucked her hottight cunt ashard as Icould.

I came backand without anywarning, parted herlegs wide andtook off thebutterfly, but leftthe vibrator insideher cunt.

it was difficultnot to thinkabout him andhis sons. Ihad ended ourrelationship abruptly, nothandling the situationwell at all.

Theroom beyond wassmall, cosy onemight say, asmall hearth set into the wallto his rightand a stone,spiral staircase leading to rooms above.An animal hadmade its lairhere, but hadabandoned it sometime ago. Hegathered wood andkindling from thedetritus on thefloor and soonhad a roaringfire going. Settinghis torch ina wall brackethe set hisbedroll and kitdown and warmedhis hands beforethe dancing flames.He set offin search ofmore fuel forthe fire andwater for hissmall copper kettle.

Alicehad decided toslip on thewhole outfit includingthe white stockingsand suspender belt(a special request from James!) beforetopping it offwith her delicatehead dress oftiny white flowers.

WhenVirginia felt thedraft from hishand rising tostrike her again,she instantly, withoutthinking, tried withall her mightto shit hisdickhead right outof her ass,straining as shenever had before.At once heresponded by pushinginto her. Theshaft of hisprick began toslither up herrectum as shepushed with allher might, tighteningit and increasingthe pain. Herresponse was topush harder, whichonly doubled hersuffering.

By thetime Friday came I was sohorny I couldn'tstand it. Wehad a coupleof glasses ofwine and relaxedfor a while.She reminded meabout her promiseto dress meup to lookexactly like agirl and Iremembered.

Once again,he lubricated heranus with theircombined secretions andfingered it gently.As it relaxeda bit, hecould push hisfinger in aboutan inch ortwo. He fingerfucked it asshe looked athim through halfclosed eyes. Clearly,she enjoyed whathe was doingto her. Shyamhad never triedanal sex untilthen, although hehad read aboutit. He wasn'teven sure whetherhe'd actually wantto insert hiscock in there.Nevertheless, he wasaroused to seeKajal's lack ofinhibitions and willingnessto let himplay with herass. Hmmm... thisneeds to beexplored further, hethought.

Still holding myhand, Linda leadsme into theliving room whereshe sits nextto me onthe sofa.

"Uh,you might needit again." Hestammered.

I'd beenlucky; I'd beenin high school when I'd donemy stint asa pet. Timeand nature hadbeen kind tome since then;I was nolonger the punyweakling I'd been.But somewhere, inthe back ofmy mind, thislittle nerd stilllived. And itbugged me tobe reminded ofit.

Inviting youto join Himat the tablefor coffee andconversation, He pouredboth cups andyou sat downto talk whileI withered intortured ecstasy! Yourconversation began ina very businessoriented fashion, discussingthe deal thatyou had closedearlier, making arrangementsfor delivery andthen both ofyou checking yourcell phones formessages. At thatmoment, I didnot exist foreither of you!I let thewarm feelings envelop me, my mindtaking me tounexplored territory. Icould feel anorgasm build, Iwas on theedge. He turnedto me, asif He knew…"Slave, you maycum at will"

Afterthe coffee wasdone, Rachel handedhim a steamingcup and heabsentmindedly brushed oneof her marveloustits while grabbingfor it. Hefroze as hewatched her mammothboobs jiggle fromhis recent touch.Tim was embarrassedbeyond belief, anddidn't say anythinguntil her bikini-cladmelon had cometo a completehalt.

When I openedthe door tothe bathroom, Iwas faced withsomething that wasscary enough tomake any Hollywoodscare film, Amirror. It hadbeen a longweekend of fishingand partying andmy hair lookedlike it hadbeen used tohold the party.This brought asmile to myface. Time togo to thehairdresser. The reasonI liked goingto the hairdresserwas the sexyblonde that workedthere. We haveoften casually flirted and once shareda kiss inthe wee hours of the morningat the localnightclub. We wereboth pretty pissed and I wasunsure if sheeven remembered it.

Well,I lost thenext round andmy trousers, andwe were nowdown to oneitem of clothingeach, as faras I couldtell (or perhapstwo for Sue,if I wasjust imagining things about her beingknickerless.)

Unfortunately, I thoughtat the time,it hadn't beenenough to breakup their engagement.


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