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Monday, October 8, 2007

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I servedbeers (and theyhad other recreationalsubstances) and weput on somemusic and almostimmediately started talking about sex. Shesaid she wantedthe tall one(Devin who lookedlike a modeland was handsomeand muscular), butnot the shorterone (Paul whowas only 21and kind ofscrawny looking). Devinwas VERY interestedin having sexwith Missy, butwanted to bealone with herin the otherroom. He mayhave been alittle nervous, butafter talking andpartying with ushe got comfortable and started touching"I told youto hold allof my calls!Now, go backin there andtake a message."

Istood up anddid as sheasked. As Imoved in frontof her, mycock was standingup like aflag pole infront of herface. Paula gave it a fewstrokes with herhand as sheadmired it, thenbegan licking thehead. She lickedall around thesensitive head, thenup and downthe underside ofthe shaft beforeshe took thehead all theway into herhot mouth. Shemoved the headin and outof her moutha few times,then started takingmore and moreof the shaftinto her mouthas her headmoved back andforth. She reallyknew what ablow job wasall about! Onehand was movingup and downthe shaft intime with hermouth, and theother was verygently massaging mycome filled balls.I was reallysurprised when shewas getting halfof me intoher mouth, butshe kept workingon it andit wasn't longbefore I couldfeel the tiphitting the backof her throat!This was incredible."That feels sogood." I moaned.She stopped takingquite so muchof it intoher mouth, butstarted going faster.I could feelher tongue workingon the undersideof the headas it camealmost out ofher mouth. Thehead of mycock start toswell as Istarted to getclose to coming.I was justabout to saysomething about thatwhen she tookit out ofher mouth.

"You guys have been togetheralmost everyday sinceyou met. Ithink this isgetting serious."

So afterdinner that night,after Colleen headedupstairs to doher homework, probablyjust chatting onInstant Messenger onthe computer inher room, nohomework involved, Icommented to Terri,"Hey I sawThong Girl atthe Jewelry store".She broke outin laughter asshe knew just who I wastalking about andshe said "yea,doesn't she havethe sexiest tight ass?" I maybe 44 andgraying but I'mcertainly not dead,I thought inmy head. Ican look allI want, justwatch where thosehands go, althoughwith me itis usually tomy cock, butthat might comelater. It wasthen we heardthe rustle ofmovement at thetop of thestairs, Colleen hadheard our littleexchange regarding "Thong Girl". We assumedshe was inher room doing her homework, yeahassuming again witha teenager, alwaysa mistake. Territurned this mostdelicious shade ofred, nailed byher daughter. Itwas priceless.

Standing therewith only hernavy blue bra covering her chest,Lindsey watched asGeoff playfully rolled her shirt inhis hands beforetossing it aside.She then mewedlike a kittenwhen he easedhis fingers upto her palewhite shoulder andteasingly slipped oneof them underneathher thin bra strap.

The warm greeting took him bysurprise. "Hi, Harry."Candy's low andsurprisingly husky tones,sure enough.

"Don't." Sheheld up ahand. "That wasn'tyou. Actually, itdidn't even happen.The monks justplanted those memories."She expelled abreath. "Let's nottalk about that.All I meanis, I don'tthink you canhelp me. Youdon't know whatit feels like."

Hesettled into thewater and edgedback to allowher room tojoin him. Shedropped to herknees and startedto lather upthe wash cloth and wash hischest.

When hewas ready, hegot on hisfeet again anddragged me bythe hair, myface right infront of hiscock which wasstill erected andpulsatingly dropped sperm.

Withmy husband overseas it isvery lonely hereon the base.My husband isa Captain inthe Air Force.We met andmarried on awhirlwind engagement andwedding all inless then threemonths time.

Itwas on aSaturday, like anyother, at leastthat is whatI thought whenI got outof bed thatparticular morning. Thisday was tobe very differentindeed. I hadplanned to gogolfing that day,so I gotup early soI could befinished before theheat of theday set in.I leaned overto kiss hergoodbye and saidthat I wouldbe back bynoon or so,but she insistedthat I behome at oneo'clock, no sooner,no later. Beingas I hadjust woken up,and had agame of golfon my mind,it never dawnedon me whatshe had plannedfor our afternoon,so I justtrotted off andplayed my gameof golf oblivious to what shewas getting ready for me. Noonrolled around andI had beenpretty much golfedout at thatpoint, so Iheaded for thecar, thinking abouthow glad shewill be tosee me early.That is whenit dawned onme how insistentshe was thatI be homeone o'clock sharp.Could she havea surprise waitingfor me? Aninstant flash ofheat came overme as Ithought about whatwe had talkedabout just theother day. Mycock got sohard that Ithought it wasgoing to burst,but I stillhad an hourbefore I wassupposed to behome, a verylong hour indeed.What did shehave planned? Aftera long hourof horny anticipation,I was aboutto find out.

Icould not believeI had cum.I had notintended that. Iwas watching Mistress masturbate and Igot so hot,but I hadnot meant tocum. I couldsee the displeasurein her faceas she lookedat me, yetit also lookedas if shewas a littlepleased too. Iknew I wouldbe punished more.Did that pleaseher that shefound a reasonto punish memore? I knewshe loved myscreams of pain.The thought occurred to me thatI might bescreaming a lotthat night. Thefear started tobuild in meagain.

Taylor held uphis hands. "Whoa,buddy, Phoebe wouldnever go forit. She'd nevercheat on you."

Hepositioned his cockhead at herasshole and shewent stiff, awareof what heintended to doand deathly afraid of it. She'donly had afinger in there,and even thathad been recent.How was shegoing to takeanything that big?


Damn, she thought,she hadn't madea "noise" tolet him knowshe was coming,and in thebroken darkness shejust froze. Shehad put onher white robe over her shortsand T-shirt, sothere was nowhereto hide.

She reallyonly had oneproblem. She wantedto have children.David couldn't. Shehad talked tohim endlessly aboutthe possibilities ofadoption, sperm donors;but David wouldhave none ofit. Now shecried herself tosleep at nightand David sleptin the guestbedroom. He wascold, indifferent, sochanged now. Hewas unrecognizable asthe man shehad fallen inlove with andmarried.

and talking sexywith Missy. Welet him knowthat the onlyway he couldhave her isif I couldvideotape the entireencounter.

His dick plungeddeep and hardinto her until,with a lowguttural moan hebegan to shootstreams of cumdeep inside her,filling her withhis hot seed.He held hertightly against him,needing to feelhimself deep inside her, pumping hiscreamy load asthey fed andencouraged each othersorgasms, pulsating rhythmically as they bothcame hard forwhat seemed aneternity.

"Hot and stickyas usual atthis time ofyear...I think theymay get theirfirst hurricane ofthe season soon."

Iwas thinking, "Yeasure bitch. Youknow damn wellyour fat oldtits were showingoff to Tommyal the while."

Mynext assignment wasto be nudewhen I wasat home readyfor him atall times. Thiswas something newand invigorating. Knowingthat he couldring me ata moment's noticekept wet andready. If Iwas talking onthe phone withsomeone I hadto insert icein my pussyand rub myclit. LOL thathas gotten quite a reaction fromsome of myfriends. Asking mewhat's the matter.I come upwith something andkeep talking.. Whenhe calls healways asks ifI do ashe says. Sometimeshe tricks mearen't you talkingto me goget some icefor punishment. Ido as Iam told butwith a smileon my face.Because I knowI am goingto enjoy what'scoming up. Everyoneshould try theice/heat method atleast once. It'swell worth it.Which leads meto this morning.

"Don'tget me wrong,she enjoyed herself.We just happento have arelationship where shepretty much doeswhat I saywhen I want."

"I'mgoing to come,baby," I moaned.

Islowly put mylips on his,he kissed back.My tongue danced with his tongue.His hands foundmy breasts. Neverhave hands onmy breasts felt so good, sowarm, and sogentle. He teasedmy growing nipples.My pussy seemedto be wireddirectly to mynipples. I havenever had thisfeeling before. Forthe first timein my life,I had amild orgasm due to fondling mybreasts.

"No, you'refine.."

"You got whatyou wanted," Clarissaargued. Halfway betweenangry and pleading.Nice.

"I'm goingto fuck youbetter than anyblack cock everwill." My popspromised, aiming hisswollen head directly at the weepinghole. My handwas working overtimeon my dickafter I yankedit free. Ihad never seentwo people fuckin my lifeand I wasnot going tomiss this asI stood transfixedat the actionon the denfloor. The factthat this wasmy parents onlyheightened my arousal.As my father'scock initiated it'sdecent into heropen cunt lips mom came toher senses. Hergreen eyes snapped wide open.

"No,"said Tom, "Let'smake this formal.Send somebody tosay we'll visithim tomorrow."

I wasbeing a bitselfish I thought,as I removedmy trousers andshorts, but whatthe hell, Imight as wellget some pleasurefrom this.

Even underher present distracting circumstances, Elisabeth couldn'thelp but feela twinge ofpity for Catherine.Her suit wasexpertly tailored todo the bestpossible justice toher figure, but,as any passingstar fleet engineer might have remarked,ye canna alterthe laws ofphysics. And, inCatherine's case thelaws of physicshad decreed thatno amount ofsharp tailoring couldeffectively enhance adumpy body witha bust line which was farmore bust thanline. Worse yet,it was toppedoff by aface that couldcharitably be describedas 'strong-looking'. Indeedshe bore apassing resemblance toa young J.Edgar Hoover, whichwas perhaps aprofessional advantage buthardly a romanticone.


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