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Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Kama sutra sex therapy

"Well," Isaid, "I watchedyou and Kimikofor a while,before I bargedin. I watchedher suck yourcock. It mademe all creamyinside. Just likenow." The unmistakablescent of wetpussy wafted inthe air. "Andyou know whatI He didn'tmove. I feltI could seeinto his mind,at that moment.He wanted totry a repeatof what hadhappened the lasttime – but,then, Janet hadhad a fewdrinks and, now,she was showingno signs ofwanting something tohappen. Hugh wanted to try something,but he wasafraid of rejection.

"isuppose not, Sir..."I kissed thetop of herforehead. "But, Sir,if You're askingabout Halloween costumes now, do Youalready have somethingin mind forme?"

"Does hepay you todo that?" Rayneasked, biting hislower lip tohide a sudden,knowing smile. Antmurmured his namein a low,warning tone.

"OKJack, give meyour hand likewe're shaking hands.Now squat downa little soI can stepon your rightthigh with myright foot. OK,now let's holdleft hands kind of different likethis."

She is takinga long timein the bathroom.My cock starts to soften. Iwalk upstairs tothe bedroom, strip,and lay downon the bed.I hear thesound of akeyboard clicking. Sheis on theInternet. I knowthis will takea while. Iget under thecovers and closemy eyes.

It seemedso long sinceher husband hadkissed her likethis. The thoughtof her husbandjerked her backto reality. Hereyes flashed open and looked upat Igwe ashe kissed her.His eyes werelocked on hers.His eyes weredark, mesmerising, andpowerful. She waslosing herself inthose eyes, whenshe again soughtto pull herselftogether.

Kneeling down nextto the bagon the floor,Todd's long fingerstook the zipperand slowly undidthe duffle bag.The sound seemedto fill thequiet room, overwhelmingme and makingmy breaths come even faster. Emotionsflooded my body,excitement, fear, pleasure,anticipation. He pulledout the leathercuffs and setthem on theground, digging throughthe bag forthe tiny gold locks we hadpurchased together. Everythingin that bagreminded me ofour relationship, theyears we'd sharedtogether, the nights,the excitement, thelove he nolonger felt forme. Rope, thesoft black blindfold,the ugly pink ball-gag that Iloathed and lovedin one breath.Piles of objectskept coming frominside the bag,our past spread out on thefloor in frontof me. Finallyhe stood up,two cuffs inhis hand.

"OH,Daddy... be myDaddy... OHGOD! Oooooh....Daddy, you're.... yourprick... right upmy bottom!! Uh!BAD DADDY!! Ohmygodthis is sonaughty....DADDY! OOOHH!! Oh,Daddy, this isreally... bad... Oh,Daddy!! Not.. supposedto... UUhhhh!! ...Fuckyour little Belinda'sbottom!! OHGODOHGOD!!

Turning herhead, Frederique kissedLaetitia full onthe lips. Theykissed deeply andpassionately, their tonguesdancing together inthe forbidden dance of love thatwas shared betweentwo women. Laetitia'shands continued towork wonders onFrederique's nipples asthey continued theirattempt to suckeachother's internal organs out.

Amber explained thatshe thought itwas funny thatthey both knewthat my peniswas named,

Idid as Iwas told, puttingmy foot upon the armof the couch,exposing myself evenmore. As Ireached down toslowly stroke mydick I couldn'thelp by beamazed by thedegree of Shannon'snastieness.

Arcey laystill, wondering ifhe would lether go. Steverose off ofher and begancaressing her tits.Admiring the beautyof the girlhe had justtaken. It wasn'tlong before hiscock was stirringagain.

"I'll say!" Kathadds. "Well done,D!"

Josh began tolaugh and Kimberlyjoined him.

Janet's clithad become enlargedand Jeff wasflicking his Mom'snipples with histhumb, which washelping to bringJanet closer toanother orgasm. Oscar'scock got harder and Janet couldfeel it swellingin her mouth,she knew hewas getting close to Cumming. Quickershe increased thespeed of hermouth on Oscar'smonster cock. Hermouth stretched toit's limit, Oscar'smonster cock gave a twitch andthe cum came blasting out ofhis cock intoJanet's mouth sohard and fastand with somuch force thatit almost poppedout of Janet'smouth. Janet triedto swallow asmuch as shecould, but withthe size ofOscar's cock andthe amount ofcum shooting outof it, itwas impossible forJanet to swallowit all, andsome of Oscar'scum, somehow, startedrunning out ofthe corner ofJanet's mouth, downher chin ontoher tit's. Janetfelt Oscar's hugecock twitch againand the lastshot of cumfrom it wasmore than mostguy's first loadalone. It wasall Janet coulddo to keepfrom gagging asshe swallowed asmuch of itas she could.Janet kept hermouth planted onOscar's cock asit started toshrink, but toJanet's surprise, itdid not getcompletely soft. Itremained semi hard.

"Nowdarlin', you madedaddy a veryhappy man. Ilove you baby."

"Ilike them fine,"I answered. Iwas comptemplating goingover to feelher up whenthe doorbell rang.

like todo when I'mcreamy?"

I thought itwas over, butthen Christa told me it wasmy turn. Sherolled over onthe bed andpulled me ontop of her.She started kissingme deeply again,and massaged mybreasts with bothhands. She flickedand tugged onmy nipples, andI felt myselfgetting even wetter.I heard Kennybehind me, andsuddenly, I felthim enter me.He pumped intomy pussy softly and slowly, slidingin and outwhile Christa playedwith my breastsand whispered dirty little things tome.

In the twoand a halfyears they'd beentogether, Karin hadnever given himhead…and now this!Being sucked throughan evil metalprison.

"So, whatis it?"

Afterthat we sattalking for awhile, he talkedabout his homecountry, his wifeand the Swedishgirls he hadfucked.

'Come here, Subhash.'She ordered. 'Comeand sit here.'

"C'mon gal!A kiss!" commandedTom.

"I wish sheand Daddy got along better," Kimcontinued, "she didn'tused to beso stuffy andinto all thatreligious crap whenshe was gettinglaid regularly."

After aminute or twoshe told meto go getthe wrist restraints from the bedroom.By the timeI returned sheseemed recovered. Shehad me turnaround and shesecured my wristsfirmly together behindmy back. Thatdone, she leftthe room tellingme to wait.She returned withthe key andremoved the cage.My cock sprangto full erection.She grabbed itlike a handleand we headedtoward the bathroom.

"Worship it withyour mouth, handsand cock son"

Totally into thefilm Deb's handjust lay onmy belly asmy still hardcock twitched aboveit.

"AAOOOHHH!!!AAAAUUNNGGOOOOOOOOOOOOAAAAAAA" AishwaryaRai gasped andpanted as Rahulpushed his cockinto her butthole.


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