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Wednesday, October 10, 2007

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He excusedhimself over theprotests of thewomen, and walkedover to wherethey had been.He saw themout on thepatio, and Jameswas stroking Jamie'sarm as hetalked to her.He could clearlysee her nipples,hardened by thecool night air,clearly visible throughthe thin fabricof her skimpybra and tightdress. It wasalso obvious thatshe was makingno attempt tohide them fromthe gaze ofthe man whocontinued to softlystroke her armwith his fingertips.

Wasthat why she'dplayed those sexygames with Mel?To rehearse andJill sat downand faced herfriend, who wassitting on someold guys lap.Jill noticed thatSue had alsodressed to thrill.More endowed inthe tit department,she wore alow cut powder blue tank top,which did littleto hide herample breasts. Herslim midriff, marredonly by thesmall golden Dolphin that pierced hernaval, was fullyexposed. A tinybrown leather mini skirt completed heroutfit, and fromthe way shewas sitting onthe guy's lap,with one footresting on thesmall glass coffee table in frontof her, shehadn't bothered withunderwear either.

'No time.More urgent business!'

"Youdon't look tooexcited." Spike chuckledagain and reachedfor his bottle.

I'vedecided that it'stime to takeyou over thetop. I stopslurping you downmy throat totell you, "Makelove to mymouth, baby! FUCKMY FACE!" Youdo as Iask and holdmy head inboth hands andstart fucking. Itis such atotal turn on.I am soHOT and mypussy is sowet from suckingon your beautifulcock and frommy face fuck.I want youto get thatfirst cum overwith so wecan really getdown to business.You're so closenow, fucking myface furiously. Youtell me thatyou're about tocum and Ijust grab yourass and pullyou to me,swallowing your cockas you explodedown my throat.Stream after streamafter stream ofyour hot cum coats my throat.

"Yes, you could."Kevin said breathlessly,noticing the goldenflakes swimming inthe irises ofher eyes. Heraised a handto gently strokethe line ofher jaw andnoticed the blushthat spread acrossthe soft skin."You can askfor more thanthat."

"No baby Idon't. You've mademe feel sowonderful. But well youknow its..."

She satquietly in thehard chair. Shehad already triedprotesting her innocence.They didn't care.And here, whatthey said mattered.She only hopedsomeone would eventuallycontact her embassy.The door behindher opened andthe men inthe room snapped to attention. Adeep, harsh voice asked questions towhich one ofthe men replied.She didn't understanda word. Asharp command andthe men left.She was alonewith whoever wasstanding behind her.He moved aroundto where shecould see him.He was atleast seven feettall, massively muscled and coldly handsome.His odd topaz eyes studied her.She met hisgaze steadily.

"Ohhhhhh!!!" Carolsaid as passionflamed in herbody. "God, Lee,your touch ismagic!"

He laughed andsaid, "No, thatis not whatI mean. Sheis a greatfuck. A Ziplessfuck is onein which thereare absolutely nostrings attached. Youcan have funand fuck yourbrains out andjust enjoy withoutworrying about whatcomes next."

Movingto the leftin little steps,Ivy lowered herface and lookedup at himseductively.

Nibbling lightly onthe spongy head,I sucked injust the mushroomcap. I stuckmy tongue intothe slit andtasted his saltyprecum. Then Ilicked down thesmooth shaft untilmy nose wastickled by hispubic hair.

Extendinghis hand, Wallyhelped his longtime teammate andbest friend upoff the floor."Sorry Wally, Ididn't see you.I've got alot on mymind." Smiling atthe speedster, hereplied, "I guessyou can saymy morning's offto a reallybad start."

Helen putdown her knifeand fork, hereyes sparkling. 'Oh!Mummy, Duncan andI are takinga picnic andgoing punting withfriends.'

"I'm goingto enjoy fuckingher cute arse."

Sheclosed her eyesand in afew moments, whenshe looked somewhat asleep, I grabbedher hand smoothlyand slid itdown into mypants, allowing herto touch mydick. She gaspedlike earlier, onlymuch more sharper,and I sawher lungs bring in a herdof breath intotheir fences.

"Wouldn'tyou love torub your cockbetween her titties?"she asked. "Fuckingthose boobs, spillingyour hot juicy spunk all overthem?"

I come downtownfor lunch hour,so to speak,and we nowhave less thanan hour together.We quickly findourselves in yourcar in themiddle of theafternoon in thecorner of aquiet parking lot.Occasionally people come and go, neververy near, butnot all thatfar away either.

test herability to excitea man? No,she decided. Sincestepping from theaircraft a fewhours ago, she'dbeen subjected toone sexually charged situation after another,all of whichhad taken herarousal higher andhigher until...

And whatbetter way dothat? "What doyou say wedo a jointfirst?"

My cock wasthrobbing away andwanted to bereleased. However, Icontrolled my urgeto fuck immediately.

"Ohthat's heavenly shesaid. Go andput some shortson and sunbathe with meChris."

"How about Englishpounds?" he said,not expecting meto say yes,but I knewthat Amy wasvery keen toget Buckingham bucknaked, so Ithought 'what thehell', and nodded.

Itwas the eveningafter one ofthese disappointing encountersabout one monthinto her senioryear that Jessica'slife changed completely.Samantha had gonehome for theweekend and Jessicawas spending thequiet Saturday night,soaking in thebathtub reading anarticle in awoman's magazine aboutsexuality and howmen and womenwere after differentthings in lifeand especially inthe bedroom. Thearticle explained howmany men wereonly after agirl who wasbeautiful and goodin bed. Oncethey had herfor a whileit was timeto move onto another. Theyjust wanted herwhile it wasall new andexciting and onceit became familiarit wasn't thatfun any more.They didn't wantany emotional ties,just someone tohang out withand have funwith. A realrelationship was toomuch like work.It went ofto explain thatmany women werebecoming increasingly frustrated with the menthat they dated.The men's lackof compassion, caringand basically everythingelse that womenwant.

She didjust that, withenthusiasm I mightadd. I moanedwith encouragement andsaid, "That feelssoooo good. Now,hold your lipstight as youand take medeeper into yourmouth and thenwithdraw. Keep doing that. Oh yes",I encouraged. Iknew that atsome point shewould take metoo deep andit did happencausing her togag slightly. Whenshe succumbed tothe mistake, shetook herself offof my knob.I then toldher, "When awoman sucks cock,she's in control,not the man.It's she thatcontrols the paceand the depth.You can useyour hand toprevent yourself fromgoing too deepand making yourselfchoke." All thewhile she lookedme in theeyes and herattention was intense.It was evidentto me thatshe wanted tolearn. She wasbreathing fast anddeep and shewas flushed withexcitement.

Lori recentlystarted working againas our kidshave left homefor college.

Lockingthe door shepopped the keysinto her smallblack shoulder bag and walked theshort distance tothe front door.The night washot and thedoor had beenleft open. Thenoise of astereo could beheard, thumping outa dance rhythm.There was abuzz of voices,party sounds.

"What washis name?" Ibegan again. "Yourcontact with LadyCosmetics... wasn't itConrad... Conrad Jones?I remember youtelling me onetime he wasgay. Is thatright?"

"I'm in thefront hall, sweetpea!" I yelled.

So I mademy way backoutside and walkedbehind both men.I stood betweenthem and placeda hand oneach of theirshoulders. This placedmy breasts basicallybetween their heads.I started tospeak and bothtried to turnto look atme. Of coursebasically all theycould see wasmy boobs. Isaw that bothwives were tryingto hide agrin as Ispoke: "I wantto thank youtwo for beingsuch gentlemen thismorning. It wasso refreshing sittinghere, knowing atany time youcould try toturn the conversationtowards sex. Butinstead you engagedmy mind. I'msure your wivesappreciate it, too."Then I leanedover and kissedeach on theforehead, allowing atleast one boobto "accidentally" brushagainst each ofthem as Idid. I winkedat their wivesas I steppedback and tothe other sideof the table."Now I've gotto go getthe kitchen cleanedup before Charlieand Celeste gethome." And withthat I leanedover in frontof them topick up thecoffee cups.


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