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Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Naked nude chats teens

"Yes, Jean.I did enjoyit. It's late.Perhaps we'd bettergo now."

He justlooked at herfor he knewwhy she stillwas calling himRonny while hewas making love to her andhe didn't knowwhat to doabout it.

I nodded.I was holdingmy breath.

After hewas done heattached a leashto my collarand release theclamps that heldto the rack.Paula, well, shewasn't exactly whatAmanda would haveliked in aMother. She herselfwas a statuesquefigure, almost astall as Tom.Paula worked inan administrative positionat a localbank. She seemedcold and distant,not just toAmanda, but toTom as well.Paula would freelyadmit that shewasn't cut outto be aMom. She workedall day, cominghome long enoughto change beforegoing out severalnights every weekto spend timewith her friendsfrom work.

Already onthe couch, herknees on thecushions and herarms on theheadrest, Kelly looked over her shoulderas Laura puther mouth onher husband's cock.

"Wouldyou sit up,Mr. Abernathy?" Chaseglanced at her,noticed the loofahand soap inher hand andsat forward. Thesqueeze bottle soap was cold andhe shivered fromthat and thefeel of herhands on hishot skin. Shethoroughly scrubbed hisback and chest,then washed hisblack hair, takingextra time tomassage his scalp.She rinsed thesoapy parts andthen asked himto stand.

She coveredthe mouthpiece onthe phone andwhispered to me."Leah and Darrenjust broke up.She's trying toback out. Makeher come onthe trip."

Ire_It_ takesawhile03:And everything's okaywith you? my_queen_is_gone99:Yeah, Ire. I'mfine.

The girls laughed and then lookedat each other.They nodded theirheads and thenstood up together.Then they droppedthe blanket andstood there nakedin the firelight.Brian looked atthe girls, no,women, and thoughtto himself "itis going tobe hard toresist these beautifulcreatures. I don'tcare if theyare my children."


"Who is it?"Linda called outover her shoulder.

She knew thatanswer, of course,but I thinkshe just wantedto say thewords. Then sheasked, 'Will youlick my cunny?'

Ithad all startedwith her lustfulwatching. And nowI was doingthe same. Iwatched her, unseen,from the hallwaydoor to thekitchen.

I must admitthat, if lastnight's dinner wasany indication; thestriking Scandinavian woman could cook. Herphysical presence wasdaunting and Iwas apprehensive aboutbeing under hercharge. Still Iresponded eagerly, "YesI would loveto learn anew dish toserve at home."


Freeingher hands Iquickly unhook andunzip her skirtand let itfall to thefloor, next wenther panties, thesight of herbare ass mademy head spinand I feltas if Iwas the onewhose mouth andnose was covered.

Ona recent tripto the MideastI learned man-mansex is aliveand well. Aftera week in-countryI finally madeit to amajor metropolitan area.A local entertainmentmagazine provided bythe hotel listed four men's sexstores, featuring theusual books, vids,toys, and alsolisted vid booths,theaters, dark rooms,hot tubs, adry sauna insome of them.Only one waswithin walking distanceof my hotel.I walked tothe Sexy Store,it's actual name late in theevening. In anice, safe neighborhood,the store hadthe usual collection of videos, books,toys, condoms atthe counter fora dollar, lubeand a varietyof poppers –some the oldfashioned, good stuff.I got someof all thelatter and headedinto the separatecurtained off area.

Without waiting foran answer, Susanresumed kissing herfriend. Jennifer resisted for a fewseconds longer, beforegiving in toher own desires.Slowly, at first,the two womenbegan to exploreeach others bodies.First with theirhands, then withtheir lips andtongues. Both womenhad become determinedto hold backnothing. Everything theydid seemed togive them bothpleasure. And theydid it all.They left nopart of eachothers bodies untouched,unkissed and unlicked.Orgasm after orgasmwashed over them,each one betterthan the last.Until finally, exhaustionover took themand they fellasleep in eachothers arms.

Everyone isgoing around theroom saying thesame boring crap about how muchthey've enjoyed working in blah blah company working onthe same whateverproject for xnumber of years.And their personalcomment is usuallysomething like "Ienjoy reading technical journals." So whenthey get tome, I usuallydo something likethis: "My nameis Jake. Iworked for VandalayIndustries for 5years as alatex salesman, followedby brief forays into architecture andmarine biology beforebecoming a programmer."About 90% ofthe time noone is payingattention as Iam saying thisstuff, but that10% of thetime, it's justmagic and someonewill just laughout loud.

"So youra virgin?" Heasked.

Islowly and painfullstepped out fromthe bathroom. Withouta word heled me outinto the bedroom.He locked achain from thethe bed tomy collar.

"I don'tsee why you'reso nervous," Alyssastated. "She's justanother actress likeyou and me.She doesn't biteyou know."

To myastonishment she justsmiled all themore and replied,"Good, that's exactlywhat I wantto do!"

He satback on hisheels and loweredme back ontomy back. Ilowered my legsso they werearound his waist.Kenny began jacking my achingly hard cock. Chuck movednext to meand got upon his knees.He jerked hiscock stroke forstroke as Kennyjerked mine. Itdidn't take long.I arched myback and shotmy load ofcum onto mystomach and chest.

"Oh,poor baby," Karengently mocked, turningthe sauce downto simmer. "Making6 figures ayear is hardwork huh? Tryscrapping together ateacher's salary, evenif it isat a privateschool."

"I assume youwould accept thejob if itwas offered toyou?"

"You're reallygoing to cummnow," She toldme as Istarted the thirdglass. "And it'sreally going tomake you lasta long time too. They sayeach glass isgood for anothersquirt, and you'vehad six sofar."

* * ** *

Shelooked up athim quizzically ashe said this.

Robwalked up thetrack towards thehut still fuming.With the lightand noise coming from the jointit seemed morelikely that hewas approaching aneast end pubthan a mountainhut high inthe Alps. Susanhad left himhigh and drylate that afternoon.He hadn't mindedas he wouldrather have hada night onhis own thanput up withher constant bickering.He couldn't understandwhat was wrong.

I felt himbegin to strokemy ass, pushingin, and thenpulling almost allthe way outbefore letting mehave all ofit once more.Before I knewit, I wasfucking him back,wanting all ofhis cock deep in my ass.

GrahamRichards was Samantha,Verity's daughter's, boyfriend.He had poppedround to dropsome books offor Sam fora university projectthey had beenworking on together.He had knockedon the doorbut received noreply. He couldsee Mrs King'sPorsche in thedriveway so heknew she mustbe in, shewouldn't dream ofleaving the housewithout it, publictransport was analien concept toher. He hadgone round theside of thehouse to seeif he couldsee her inside,check she wasOK and hadglanced into thedownstairs office onlyto be greetedby the sightof Mrs Kingin a stateof obvious arousal.He watched spellboundas she thrusther fingers intoher cunt, headlolling to oneside as sheapproached what lookedlike an enormousorgasm. Graham couldn'tbelieve his eyeshe had fanciedMrs King eversince he hadfirst clapped eyes on her andhere she wasstockings and titson display fingeringherself in themiddle of theafternoon.


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