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Thursday, October 11, 2007

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"Done," Chasesaid, grinning.

Kelly slid down the dancer'slegs and startedto lick aroundhis cloth covered prick; she fondledhis balls withone hand, grabbedhis arse withher other, thenlooked over tome and winkedright before shepulled his thongoff, then openedher mouth andtook as muchof his shaftdown her throatas she could.With her hairpulled up bythe dancer, hestarted to giveher a throat­fuckingto the beatof the Finally,about the timeI thought Iwas going tohave to restmy jaws again,he said, 'Ohhhh,Baby, I'm goingto come. Don'tstop now.' Istarted bobbing myhead up anddown faster, licking,and sucking harder.Suddenly it swelledup to asize I couldhardly get mylips around, Johnmoaned, and Ifelt a hugethrob followed bya warm floodin my mouth.I was atthe top ofmy stroke withonly the headin my mouthwhen that firstgusher came, andwhen I sliddown there didn'tseem to beroom in mymouth for boththat swollen penis and all thatsemen. I don'tknow how muchthere's going tobe, but Ithink I'd betterswallow in ahurry to makeroom for more.Since I couldn'tswallow with mymouth wide open,I quickly removedmy mouth fromhis penis, closedit, and gulpeddown a bigswallow. I didn'tknow about thetiming of thegushers, though, andwhile I wasswallowing John wasspurting. I hadmy eyes closed so I didn'tsee it, butI felt awet, warm splashagainst the sideof my forehead,beside my lefteye, and onmy cheek andchin. Mainly allover the leftside of myface. I knewwhat had happened,so I gotthat thing backin my mouthbefore I caughtanother gusher inthe face. Rememberingmy own climaxes,I think Iwould have diedif John hadstopped licking mybutton before Iwas finished. Ithought he wasprobably the sameway, so Ibobbed, sucked, andlicked for allI was worthto give theman I lovedthe best climaxpossible. I guesshe was reallyfull,because he justkept on gushering.I learned topause for justa moment withonly the tipbetween my lipsand have aquick swallow beforeopening wide andplunging as muchas I couldof him backinto my mouthfor another gusher.He was moaningand groaning withwhat I assumedwas pleasure, andthe flow gradually diminished until therewas just atrickle.

Then sheturned towards meand said, "And,Bud, I'd likeyou to watchand help too.Why not soapup the clothfor us. Thenyou can watchus clean eachother. Or, maybeyou would ratherstep into theshower with usand we canall have ago at washingeach other."

The daybefore Christmas vacationthree senior boysmade a hugemistake. They werehaving a goodtime after theirlast period class:grabbing pocketbooks, messinghair and occasionallyfeeling a girlup. They didn'tknow whose sisterI was andfelt up thewrong girl.

"Spreadyour legs alittle, bad girl.I want towatch that littlepussy of yoursas I punishyou." I listenedand he beganto spank myass very hardand gently rubit in betweenspanks. I beganto moan constantly.

"Ifyou don't shutup you aregoing to bein more troublethan you canimagine. I amserious. No moretalking" with thathe opened hishand and smackedmy ass witha sharp suddensting. I whincedand bit mylip. "Put yourhands behind yourback."

"Rachel shouldmaybe learn tokeep her bigmouth shut," Laylasnapped. "I don'tneed her permissionto come andgo around here."

ilooked at MissHolly, sincerely surprised.i was sureshe perfectly kneweverything about theinfinite love Alyssa and i sharedand share... Anywayi obeyed: "Alyssais my Mistress,my teacher, mycompanion, my towerof strength, Sheis One withme, our soulscommunicate even whenour bodies arefar... i knowHer since manylives, i willbe one withHer forever... toserve Her, tomake Her happyis the purposeof my heart wouldbreak immediately if...if..." And iwept, Miss Holly'spain a swordin my breast.

Itwas the hammeringthat sounded likeit was comingacross the streetthat finally got her out ofbed, and shepeeped through herblinds to investigate.Two burly men were working onthe roofing ona nearly completed house nearby. Sheput on herglasses to havea better look at them, andconfirmed her suspicionsthat they weren'tthat much tolook at. Ratherdisappointed, she turnedto her rightto see whowas working nextdoor, and muchto her surprise,this fellow wasa lot easier on the eyes.Brown hair, tall,muscular body, andno beer belly,unlike the restof them. Sheguessed that hewas probably inhis mid 30's.

"So what wasit you wantedto talk tome about Val?"

Chriscontinued to lickwith the furyof a chargingbull. He stuckhis tongue deepand lapped atthe juice andquickly deposited itdown his throat.

"Have a goodday at worksis." He saidquietly as shewalked out.

Shetoppled over toone side crying out in ecstasy.He strengthened hisgrip, not lettingher get away.Her body shook and shuddered asher orgasm ripped through her body.Her hands clenched the sheets asher body wastaken over bythe sudden strength of the orgasm.Her body twitched and convulsed forwhat seemed aneternity.

He pushed hiships forward ashe removed hisfingers, his cocktaking their placein her rear.

"Shewouldn't go forit."

Chris movedto stand atmy head, histhick cock displaying a pearl ofpre-cum. It glistened,beckoning me totaste it. Herubbed his cockalong my lips,and I openedmy mouth, mytongue slipping outto taste him,invite him withinthe warmth ofmy mouth. Hewilling obliged, slidingits length intomy mouth. Ilicked and sucked,my tongue caressing his shaft, teasingthe head. Icould not stopmyself. I wantedthis...and more.

About halfan hour later,Dan heard somemoaning from downthe hall. Hisfirst reaction wasthat maybe shewas hurt, andhe ran outof his roominto the hallway,when he realizedthat those soundswere coming fromhis own daughtermasturbating. He quietlyopened her doorand peaked in,to find hisdaughter pushing adildo into hertight pussy. SubconsciouslyDan opened thedoor and pretendedto be shocked.

music, andshe was takingit all.

She rolledme over ontomy back. Iwas pleased, itusually took muchmore coaxing. Herhead dropped tomy midsection, along pointed tongue licked my throbbinghead. My hipspressed forward atthe moment ofcontact, silent evidence of my arousal.I moaned asshe kissed thehead then ranher tongue downthe length ofthe shaft.

PART2 Eric's pointof view

He permittedthe disoriented wifeto catch herbreath, then toldher to putit back inher mouth, suckit, and makeit hard again.Lynn looked atthe black cock with reverence andworshiped it withher mouth untilit grew tofull size andshe could nolonger fit itin her mouth.He spread hercreamy legs wide then penetrated hertight pussy withhis ram-rod. Shecried out, "Noplease, it istoo big, ithurts meeee! Ohno, take itout, you willkill me, pleaseeeesss!"

Iancontinued, "Slut, doyou like tosuck cock?" Lorishook her headup and down,"Good because Ilike to havemy cock suckedand deep throated.Before I fuckyou and beforeyou can cum,you will berequired to takemy entire cockinto your throat.Once you holdit for athree count Iwill allow youto fuck it.Now reach underthe table andfeel me. Ismy cock isbigger than yourhusbands?"

To the oneswho like gaystories, please forgiveme if I'vebotched this up.I'd like toknow if I'vemissed the pointfor this kindof story, andI'll try notto feel hurtif you'll tellme where I'vegone astray. Ofcourse, if youlike it, Iknow I won'tbe hurt ifyou'll tell me.Remember, for usunknowns, the votingdoes little butgive us whiplashwhen we seethe score gofrom awful, tostratospheric, then backto awful withno discernable logic.

A hot jet of water hisCourtney's face, startlingher. She feltthe hot water spraying her faceand soaking herhair. When itmoved down toher tits, sheopened her eyesand saw thatVlad was pissingon her. Shesmiled and rubbedthe piss onher tits. "You'reone filthy slut."Vlad hissed. "Youmight never getoff this ward."

I was surprisedmy ass couldtake another cockin it. Ilove anal sex because it reallymakes me feellike a naughtydirty girl, butI had neverhad my assfucked this manytimes in atwo day periodever. I startedwondering if myass would beok, but assoon as Ifelt Hunters pubic hair on myass cheeks; Iforgot all aboutmy poor ass'scondition and startedriding him withall my might.

"Onebed sounds good,thanks." Oh mygod, Milene thought.Anita seemed verymatter of fact,but Milene wasmortified. Two girlsgetting a roomwith one bedin the middleof the day- what couldbe clearer??? Milenecould feel theheat in herface as sheturned absolutely crimson.

"No,Craig! I've toldyou, I'm notgoing to dothat. We cando it atyour place ormy place, butI'm scared thatwe will getcaught if wedo it outside."

"Goodgirl, you willcome when Itell you to,and not before."Then without anotherword he enteredher dripping went passage, and beganto move quickly,grunting at thefeel of hertight pussy gripping his throbbing cock.



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