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Friday, October 12, 2007

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Entire hulls were ripped opened by spikes ofjagged coral andhidden rocks, somevessel seem tojust rest againstthe reef, asif they wereanchored, while othershad coral growth on their entirehulls. A fewships had beenhere for manydecades while otherswere here forcenturies, these beingcompletely covered bycoral without anythingof the originalstructure showing.

Thiswas my onechance. It wasnow or neverif I wasto indulge myforbidden desires. Myhead was racing.I gave Lliam the "smile andlook"- you knowwhat I mean.Then I partedmy legs abit to drivethe advance home.The look onhis Our firstday and nightof camping hadbeen a funand interesting one.First, there wasme taking awalk and spyingon a manthat was campednot too farfrom our campsite,and then himsaying hello tome as Iwas headed back to my camper.

Youwill feel thetips of myfingers move inside the band ofyour briefs, slidingthem over yourbody and tothe floor... myhands reaching downand pressing softly against your abdomen.

"Youbetter not belying." She gotup and wentover and satat the bar.

I cried onher breasts andshe stroked myhair with herhand. We thenclimbed into bedand I hadmy first ever,to my knowledge,"sloppy seconds."

Don nowput his handson either theside of herhead and helpedher bob upand down. "Christ,baby, I'm goingto cum! Ican't hold itback any longer."

Twomen step intoEmily's cell andshe feels rough hands grab herand place herin cuffs similar to Eric's. Soonher clothing isremoved in thesame manner asEric's and theyare looking acrossthe room ateach other, bothnaked, both helpless,both bound, andhanging in theair.

The next daythey docked, andTeel was takento her newquarters. She sataround in hersumptuous surroundings witha host ofservants anxious toensure that shehad everything thatshe wanted andwas ready andwaiting for theirleader. Teel wasbathed and perfumedand then dressedin one ofmany new clothes.She stood stifflysurveying her newwardrobe, while listeningto the servantsooh and aahover the richcolors of thevibrant fabrics. Teelobserved the thinclothes with asardonic grimace, andjust managed tosit still longenough for themto wrap onearound her.

Jennywas sitting onthe shady sideof the tree,leaning against thetrunk with hereyes closed. Itwas close tonoon, and shereserved her strenuousactivities for thecooler part ofthe day. Stevehad walked quietly through the brushand he reachedthe edge ofthe cleared area without Jenny noticing him.

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"Oh, Tiffany, baby!"my dad groanedas he rammedhis swollen pole balls-deep inside mytight fuckhole.

"Are youtrying to tellme, that youtwo..." her wordstrailed off, asshe watched metake the headof his cockinto my mouth.Her mouth hung open, as wideas mine, onlyhers was empty.

Damn,but the dildofelt so goodto both women!Debbie finally began fucking Janet, thrustingthe big dildoback and forthwhile hanging ontoJanet's tits. Janettold Debbie notto take thedildo out, butto let herlay on thebed so Debbiecould get ontop and fuckher, she wantedto feel Debbie'sbody on herswhile they fucked.Debbie pulled thedildo out farenough so thatJanet could turnaround and together,they lay backon the bed.

Sittingback down onthe carpet Conniesaid, "Well comeon down, thatbad boy filled me up good."

Thenext man beganto dance withme and hepulled me close,as he didI noticed hishand between us,he was loweringhis zipper andpulling his erectionfree.

From the speakerbox came somecommentary. "It lookslike we mightget to seesomething. I wishwe had chairsand maybe somepopcorn." The twogirls erupted intosuppressed snorts andgiggles. Jack tensedslightly at thenoise but Karenjust smiled. FinallyJack relaxed enoughto realize itwas funny andhe chuckled just a bit.

face wasundeniable. Shock mixedwith sheer delight.He moved overto the couch,climbing over thearmrest, easing himselfup between mythighs. "I wantyou to makelove to meLliam." I stated.The look onmy face saidit all. ThenLliam replied, "OhSarah, do youhave any ideahow much I'vewanted this?" Idid in fact.He and Idid our fareshare of flirtingwhile Natalie wasn'tlooking- and sometimeswhen she was!

"Yessss,"she hissed, fondlinghis club-like cock."I want thishot meat upmy cunt..."

Jennie answered,"They are fromsouthern Georgia; Iknow they likebeef, and itshould be aquiet place whereyou can talk."

Shesighed dramatically, tossedher short blonde hair and wriggledher ass athim and spunaround, hands onhips as heapproached her.

"Here ismy evidence."

Charges wereset at alevel that onlythe very wealthycould afford, buteven so itquickly became apparentthat demand exceeded supply; there beingample moneyed men who had nohesitation in payingthe prices asked.By itself theproject was setto make asignificant contribution tothe Island's balanceof payments.

Katherine called from the kitchen,"Come in John.I'm making apot of coffeefor the twoof us."

The FourSeasons was aluxury downtown hotel.The "usual" consistedof dinner anda night inone of thehotel's suites. Itwas my jobto make mydate "happy" bygiving him whateverhe wanted.

The manwalked out andChloe followed him.The guy turnedthe corner andwalked into themen's rest room.Chloe looked back at Jonathan andthen went in.

SoI let hersuck my cockslowly, she lickedmy cock asshe sucked onit. I couldfeel my cumin my ballsstart to riseslowly, I wantedto cum realbad, but thenI wanted thispleasure to lasta while, butit was hermouth, so Ididn't complain. Mybreathing went upa bit asI came closer,I finally lether know, "I'mgoing to cumsoon baby." Ithink she knewalready because shestarted sucking really hard on mycock when Iwas about tocum, and wow,did I evercum. I camereal hard inher mouth, givingher long thick spurts of cum,almost cumming fortwo minutes; itwas so hotfor me.

"Don't getme wrong, he'splayed a fewtimes but notseriously enough. Hetires of thegame quickly andgoes too gentlyon me, ifthat makes sense."She giggled.

"Not toobad right now,Sis. I'm sureI'll pay forit tomorrow though,"he smiled, wrappinghis arm aroundmy waist.

Linda shivered,but not fromfear. Mike wasthe first manwho had stirredher from thelethargy of hermarriage and senther on thefirst of hertrips to ecstasyin another man'sarms. Earl stillshowed no hintof objection towhat she wasdoing, even thoughshe had longbefore surpassed thedesire she hadfelt as soonas she realizedMike wanted tomake love toher. He haduttered no objectionsto Tim fucking her, or evenher first blackman. Each experiencehad built onthat first oneuntil like amountain, it loomedover her, threateningto take herlife over completely.The shiver firstcame when sherealized that shedidn't want toresist the challenge.It was sobeautiful to acceptit. She murmuredher agreement towhat Mike waspredicting. Marriage hadshown her thebeauty of sex,the thrill offinding your lovertaunting you inthe early hours of the morning,the feeling ofher crotch wetwith the juicesthat allowed himto penetrate her.With that hadcome the comfortof his emboldenedflesh entering her,titillating her, untilshe felt themolten seed gushing into her. Thespontaneous and unexpecteddelight as sheherself entered heavenwith a gushof feminine juicesas she joinedher man inorgasmic bliss. Itnever failed witha new lover,as it hadoccasionally with Earl.He hadn't beenresentful; instead heheld her closeand explained thatmysterious thrill. Shestill didn't understandwhy it feltso good, orwhy he didn'tobject, but sheno longer questioned him about it,accepting instead thelong, slow, delightfulscrewing he gaveher when helearned another manhad been inher that sameday or night.She didn't understandhis need tosuck the productsof her loverand herself fromher pouting pussy,but it nolonger mattered. Shedidn't try torationalize it. Itwas far easier to accept hisexplanation and enjoythe gentle fucking that it washis "reward," lettinghim have hisway with her,enjoying the feelingof his seedjoining others insideher well-lubricated vagina.

"I'msorry, I hadto get outof that room."


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