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Friday, October 12, 2007

Black phone online sex

"It ismy pleasure, Angel.I have somethingI wanted toask you andI thought thatit would benice to askyou here tomy home todiscuss it withyou," he said.

Mywife and Iwere supposed tomeet some friendsfor a nicedinner before wegot together attheir place. Etiquetterequired my wifeto wear ashort stylish skirt and an almostsee thru Anyof these arebetter than anod. Just aboutany answer isbetter than anod.

"Serena, undo thetop button ofyour shirt, "she was toldcoldly.

She yelledout, "Just aminute."

"Damn, your goodat that....your gettingbetter over time,you know that.....ohyeah....that's it....lick it...suckthat cock......yeah baby.....doit" Bob wasmoaning by now.

I was gladto be wearingthe suit asI thought itwould convey anair of strengthand would giveme more confidence.However, I wasnervous as Ientered the store,and I wasnot sure howI would explainthat I hadtried on somelingerie the daybefore and thesexy feeling ofthe material onmy skin hadmade me sowet that thejuice from myvagina had spurtedand copious soakedthe gusset ofthe pretty satin teddy. I approachedthe counter whereI was metby a fresh-facedyoung salesgirl, notmuch more than20 years old,slim and withbrunette hair whichcascaded softly toher shoulder. Shewore a palegrey and skirtand white blouse.Her name, Jennywas printed onher badge. Shelooked rather sweetand innocent andI felt moreeasy to betalking to her.She greeted mepolitely and askedif she couldbe of assistance.

Beinga part ofthis and seeingthe love betweenthese two broughtDana to newlevels of pleasureand she startedto see withinherself a possibilityof love liketheirs, if onlythe right man were to comealong. Her fingersmoved with eachof the man'sthrusts and shefelt herself beingovertaken by anotherorgasm. Her bodyshook against thesycamore and shefelt like shemight just topplethe massive tree with her convulsions.If her uncontrollableshaking didn't killthe tree perhapsher continuous wateringwith her bodilyjuices might dothe trick.

Surprisinglyexhausted from thesimple stress offear for Anna'ssafety and, thenhaving to respondto the actualthreat of herex for eventhose few momentsI collapsed intomy bed stilldressed and fellasleep before policehad left myhouse.

"Ehm, would youmind..."

I excused myselfand quickly went back downstairs. OnlyCathy and Annewere there now."Yeah," Cathy said,"Dawn couldn't seemto get outof the housefast enough. Shesaid something aboutmeeting a frienddown at thebeach. I wonderwhat that's allabout?"

"Gina, this isnot sleepy talk."

Thenext week atwork seemed tofly by, andsuddenly it wasThursday, and Iwas getting thekids ready togo to theairport. My brotherhad sent downthe tickets, ashe knew Istill didn't havethe funds, andsaid it wasthe least hecould do tohelp me out.The boys wereelated about going,but said theyreally wished Iwas coming along.I told themthat I wasgoing to workand just toenjoy themselves andI would seethem on Tuesday.With them gone,the house wasquiet. I couldnot remember thelast time thatthe three ofus had notbeen together. Thatnight I didnot get muchsleep, feeling lonelyfor the firsttime in fourteenyears.

"Shit, you aregoing to makeme cum..." hesaid. "Well, Iwon't continue unlessyou do. AndI know thatyou want meto suck yourcock so keeptelling your story."

"Oh...Michelle!"Jackie moaned. Herhips were gyratinguncontrollably as herwet fingers caressed her throbbing clit.I could seeit peeking outbetween her swollen,enflamed pussy lips,alternately hidden andrevealed by Jackie'strembling finger. Theblood rushed tomy head andI inadvertently squeezed her nipples hard.

"Hellyeah, I reallywant to seethat." I saidwith a smilea mile wide.

Brianwas blushing slightly.He was excited,but didn't knowexactly how toreact. He wasstaring at Megan'serect nipples throughher shirt.

Thecontinued thrusting backwards of her assis moving mycock further upinto her pussy,I can nowfeel her wetnesscoating the head,and the heatpermeating downwards, herlips are eitherside of myhead now andher juices areflowing down herthighs making thejuncture feel likeone large pussy,arching my backslightly, I thrustforward tenderly, aah,that's it, Ifeel my helmetpass her lipsand into thefirst part ofher pussy, godits so warm.She groans withencouragement and pushesback harder, shegroans again, murmurs

"Wellokay, just becareful."

blouse.She really looked great. Well, forsome reason orother our friendscancelled at thelast minute. Soafter dinner wetook a walkaround town.

Eric andEmily continued theirsecret affair withoutanyone knowing. Pleasuringeach other becamea daily activity.Whenever their parentsweren't around theywere all overeach other.


Harmony looked shocked and upset thathe had beenso blunt withher. Yet, hecould see resignation spread across herface as shereplied, "Ok, youwin. Kathleen didput me upto this, sortof. I oweher a prettybig favor, andshe pretty muchasked me tospy on you.She suggested inviting you over, flirtingwith you, andpumping you forinformation about yourdating and sexlife. You reallygot into thatgirl's head, youknow?"

"Okay, where areyou? I kindaneed to wakeup."

"How did Iknow what?"

"One sec,"he shouted back.He proceeded towalk the floor,stomping here andthere to checkfor rot. Hefelt a senseof pride. Thefort was stillsound. "It's safe.Come on up"

Igot a smallbowl of heatedoil and placedit by themattress. A coupleof candles anda Sade disc in the stereoset the moodas Michelle lay face down onthe mattress. Jeansat at herhead as Istraddled her legsand began workingthe muscles ofher back. Jeancontinued the strokesto her backas I movedto her feetand legs. Shehad cute feet,little round orbs of toes alignedin a curvealong the edgeof her foot.I rolled eachlittle berry ofa toe betweenthumb and forefingerand was sorelytempted to squeezethem with mylips and tongue.

Mattexplained the variouscomplexities associated withhis sport, mostof which Imanaged to followand rather surprisedmyself by becomingmore than alittle interested. Wepassed the remainderof the journeytalking about thisand that, Mattbecoming quite talkativeonce we'd brokenthrough his initialshyness.

She sighedsadly, and wasjust about toswim away toreturn to theaquatic village ofRaila, her home,when she noticedsomething odd bubbling in the ocean.She smiled toherself, could thisreally be whatshe hoped itwould be? Shedecided to sitand wait alittle longer. Herpatience was rewardedwhen a fewminutes later, thewater parted andan odd creature swam forth.

"Wellyou just neverknow do you?"He replied ashe followed meto the backof the bus,taking the seatnext to me

"Oh, my God,"she cooed, lickingthe salty jizzfrom her lips."So much cum...!"

Hehad his bighands around mywaist and beganto tug atmy T shirt.I lifted myarms and lethim lift itoff of me.We were nakednow in hisroom and hehad his handson my breastsagain, only nowhe was insideme too.


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