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Saturday, October 20, 2007

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"In twodays, Thursday. Wehaven't even begunto pack!" Elizabethexclaimed. "I'm soexcited about thetrip. I've neverreally been anywherebefore."

By this time,Barb and Cindywere fondling Gregsdick and assas he stoodby the sofa.I looked forJohn. It wasn'ttoo difficult tospot the onlydark skinned person in the room,as he "Mysister is goingto suck yourshitty cock, andyou will suckthis one ifyou know what'sgood for you!

The chair wasstill warm fromhis body- hisbody- and Marieleapt up asif scalded, intenton putting adistance between herselfand whatall mightharbor his essence.

Angie extended herright hand butwas shocked asAllison pulled herinto the hugshe was sharingwith Jon. Allisonwas a largegirl, not heavy,but tall andvery full figured.As her longarm drew Angie to her, theshy young girl could feel thesoftness of Allison'sbreasts press warmly against her body.Conscious of howhard her nippleswere, Angie tiredto pull away,but Alli's armkept her closeeven as shelet Jon slipout of hergrasp.

She gave thepot a laststir, then kneltbeside her sleepinggiant. She sighedas she lookedat his beautiful,naked body. Histan skin waswithout mark. Itshowed no signof the abusesit had sufferedthe day before.His thick, longneck was withoutscar and thebroad table ofhis chest boreno hint ofviolation. She smiledat her handiwork.

I pulled Nancy'sg-string over herhips, and onceagain her scentfilled my mindwith desire. Ikissed the softsmall bush just above her clit,as I slidthe panties tothe floor.

The conversationstopped there andAngela spent therest of thetaxi ride homein deep thought.She excitedly relatedthe whole storyto me whenshe got home,and she saideven though shedidn't have anylesbian tendencies shewas determined notto let thisbecome an issuebetween them. Iwas a littledisappointed to hearthis as Imust admit Iwas initially veryturned on bythe idea ofmy wife andher sexy newfriend sleeping together.But as shehad no desireto it Inever raised thesubject. I nevermentioned to Heidithat Angela hadsaid anything tome, and everythingcontinued, just thesame as before.

Dave sat downon the edgeof my bed.I closed thedoor and satdown next tohim. "What isit?" I asked.He seemed closeto tears.

"Showme your butt."

"Ooh,com'on, you're solazy."

Carla still inher bikini answeredthe door andI started closerat her Icould feel anothererection coming on,so I decidedto go upto my room,but before Idid I wentup to Carlaand said, "Thanksagain for thebooks."

Together theyjerked off, bothlaunching streams ofcum onto herface. "Use yourfingers and eatour cum," Christopherordered and theylaughed as sheate their cum.

WhenLisa began suffering a series ofphysical ailments combined with her subsequentaddiction to prescriptionpain killers, wineand barbiturates, Kentsteadily came torealize his dreammarriage and dreamlife for hisonly child wasn'tgoing to workout.

"Anything you wantbabe" replied Jenna in a lovingsexy voice.

"Well, keysare in it."

Hunterwas very pleasedwith himself. Hewasn't quite surehow he hadgotten into thissituation, but hewas very surehe would takeadvantage of it.He found thatif he concentratedhard enough, hecould project himselfinto the subconsciousthoughts of whomeverhe chose. Asshe had beenthe inspiration ofmany nights ofmasturbation, his youngersister Marley seemedto be theperfect subject forhis newfound talent.

Ofcourse he wasblack. It wasanother cop, hisuniform shirt wasstill on, unbuttonedand open, revealinga large musculartorso. He radiatedmasculinity and strengthas much asthe men fromthe airport orE&I modeling.

"Idid, don't knowhow much funit was forone of thegirls though. Comewith me, Iwant to showyou something."

Tok stoodfrom his chair,and took theknife, placing iton a highshelf, far fromher reach. Heturned back toher. "We fucknow." He said,reaching for hisloincloth.

slowdanced with oneof the olderladies while threeothers watched. Sheheld onto hisrock hard buttocks,and although hissnake was coveredby her dress,I knew shewas in ecstasy,holding onto sucha beautiful body.I was jealous,but reminded myselfthat I ama married woman.I again lookedat Greg andCindy. The futurebride was nowsitting on thesofa closely infront of him,studying his uncircumciseddick. My curiositygot the betterof me, andI went overto Cindy andGreg. Barb wasstill there too,and urging Cindy on. 'This isyour last nightas a singlewoman, Cindy, whynot go outwith a bang?'she told her.

Whiledoing the Frenchkiss, I slowlyran my handsover her breastsand then pinchedher nipples.

I hesitatedbefore turning toface the woman.

"I'm one ofher supervisors, butshe'll tell youeverybody is herboss up there.So it soundslike you tworeally hit itoff last week."

"Thedoctor is outon an urgentcall at themoment" the nursesaid smiling. Sheran her fingersthrough her longblonde hair.

Grant wasin charge ofpurchases at ourRanch and oncehe headed ofthe city becausehe had somebusiness to takecare off.

"Want meto help youwith it Mom?"I asked, feelinga tingle inmy pussy.

"It looksmuch better already."Sandy commented.

Jen turnedto look downon me.

Feeling forher, Giorgio walkedto Danicka andtook Isobel fromher. He closedthe apartment door behind him andshrugged his jacketoff. It turnedout that Danickadid need help.He could seeDanicka walk tothe kitchen andfollowed her. "What'sgoing on?"

I whisperedto him whilestroking his cockhead: "I tastedmy dad's precumand it wasdelicious!"

I staredout into thedriving rain, mylean 5'5 formwhipped by thewind. My darkbrown, chest lengthhair clung tomy neck andback as Ipeered through thedarkness at thelights moving whereour small town used to be.

Debraturned, leaning againstthe door fora moment, asshe sighed inrelief. That wasclose. Too close.What was shethinking? She shouldhave known betterthan to engagein anything withinher own home.Not with LongIsland's very ownP.I. living acrossthe street fromher. From nowon she wouldhave to bemore careful.

Underneath shewore black rubber thigh highs withmatching hipsters. Thelower part ofthe habit covered the top half of her breasts.If things hadn'tbeen strange enoughup until thatpoint…

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