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Saturday, October 13, 2007

Arab mature sex gay

"I'll calla taxi," Isaid idiotically, asif any cabdriver in hisright mind, andyes, even themajority who aren't,would be outon a nightlike this.

Ireached around hiship and wrappedmy left handaround his stiffcock and directedit downward sohe would comeon the towel.

Withoutlosing too muchcontact with eithermy face orAnne's body, Kristinwriggled out ofher sopping undergarments and tossed themto the floor.

"Idon't know aboutyou, but I'mexhausted." Mike said,turning her aroundto kiss hersweet lips.

He hasa deeply intense look on hisface and whenour eyes meet his handsome face breaks into abeautiful smile. Hereaches up andwipes the sideof my mouthwith his finger.A drop ofcum escaped myhungry mouth, soI'd lick itoff his finger.

Insidethe closet, neatlyarranged on arow of hangerswere five identicaloutfits. Five setsof two-sizes-too-small "Fantasiescan come true"tank tops andblack spandex skirts that matched thepair that wascrumpled up onthe bathroom floorfrom last night.There was nothingelse – noteven a pairof pants.

The studiowas painted black inside, with overheadlights, one ofthose silver umbrellas photographers use anda door thatled into aroom full ofprops: hats, costumes,feather boas -you name it.

"Johnget behind yourdaughter and fuckher." John grabbed his daughter's ass,and plunged hiscock deep intoher pussy, Jencontinued to lickand suck hermother's pussy, whileher father fuckedher.

Kristy gaspedShe didn'tknow, her emotionswere warring withher. She wasa good girl,she didn't dothis, yet shewanted it, cravedit. Paul chuckledat the confusedlook on herface.

"What about him?"he asked.

They movedtogether, conjoined likeone body, fromthe soft sandof the beachinto the hardergritty sand ofthe parking lot.There were carsand buses restingall around, baskingin the sun,but no people.He seemed tohave a destinationin mind asthey weaved betweenparked vehicles. Heled her towarda blue van,the large typewith a slidingdoor in theside. No oneelse was around.They walked upto it and,still holding herwith his leftarm, he openedthe sliding door with his right.Hot air rushed out to greetthem. Marcia peered into a darkinterior open space,a private placeor ... aplace of entrapment.She felt himtry to coaxher inside withhis body. Marciabegan to feelfear now inspite of herarousal, in spiteof his touching.She hesitated atthe threshold, herbody stiffening, herhand grabbing theside of theopening. She saidto him:

"Oh great,"I said, tryinghard to soundshocked, "now mysister is havinglesbian fantasies aboutme." Angela lookedcrestfallen. "Don't worry,"I continued, myface splitting intoa broad grin,"for some reasonthe notion isstrangely appealing."

There'ssomething about thatfirst time whentwo becomes one.Hannah stopped breathing;the tingling wasso intense andstrong. She couldfeel every inchof him fromher inside, everyvein, every twitchthe feeling sostrong and goodshe choked onher own cryof passion. Herbreath let gowhen she felthim thrust hard,all of himfirmly in herwaiting body.

"Well Dina,I don't thinkI'll keep youin suspense muchlonger. Terry just got out ofa really bad marriage, and whenI told himwhat was happeningwith us, hesuggested that hepleasure you sincethings with meand the campaignjust occupy far too much ofmy time," Jamesexplained as hebegan soaping herbreasts.

I lifted thestick off herass and herwhole body tensedeven more.

Iglanced over hershoulder. The onlyother door intothe room wasthe door tothe bathroom myold bedroom shared with dad's office.It was closedtight.

The parking lotwas dark anddeserted, but theslight thrill ofbeing discovered onlyadded to ourlust. Once outside,I leaned herover the hoodof the car.Her tight young ass was pointedup at meand I leaneddown to lickboth her holesfrom behind. Thoughshe didn't needany warm-up, Ihave never knowna woman torefuse an orgasm.

"Areyou ready togo?" she asked.

Yandra'smen were inthe same stateof undress whenZenoi gave methe signal tountie the hostages.He moved likea tiger tothe naked Yandra who had Ushapinned beneath him.Zenoi pulled himoff Usha andthrew him againsta tree. Thenaked Zenoi moved with lighting speedand before Yandracould use hismagical powers, overpoweredhim. Usha helped her fellow warriors and set themen from Kharbahrunning naked intothe night.

"Good moves."The woman said closing her coatto hide thepistol.

I wore blacklingerie underneath myclothes, sheer black stockings, a blacklace garter belt and a blacklace bra. Iremembered my bathroomplay earlier inthe week, though,and dispensed withthe panties. Easieraccess that way,I grinned.

Marcussnarled and leaptat her, missingby a goodmargin and crashingto the floor.She landed oneblow on theback of ishead and hepassed out. Shenodded to thewoman standing inthe doorway, whowas looking nervouslyat the manlying prone onthe living room floor.

I laughed, andat Debbie's insistence,repeated the toast,as I'd givenit, and asYeats penned it,at least asfar as Icould recollect. Thingswere getting alittle fuzzy.

"No!" shesaid, a littleindignantly.

GRANNIE (head pokesout from underbed, between theirfeet)
Trying toget out fromunder this bed,which would bea lot easier if you'd bothlose some weight!

MyGod, he's gorgeous.I'm tall, soat six feet,it's nice toknow people whoare taller thanme. Standing at6'4" I literallylooked up tohim. He waskind of skinny,but he didn'tlook unhealthy. Hischestnut hair wasstill wet fromhis shower, andthe ends curled just a littlearound his ears,forehead, and napeof his longneck. His blackand red workoutshorts were new,I noticed, andhis shirt wasone he proudlyhad gotten forfree. It wasblack and hadsome silver wordson the upperbreast. I haveno idea whatthey said, becauseI was toopreoccupied.

She looked atJason's reddened face where she'd slappedhim. It hadfelt good tolay it onhim.

You feelthe building upof pleasure andpull forward, furtherthan normal andgrab the toy,pulling it freefrom you.

"What stuff?"

Liftingit to thelight she admiresthe shine. Hecared for theblade, he cleanedit daily, makingsure it wasin top shapeand sharp enoughto give himthe right amountof sting. Twistingit in thelight she sighs,turning to him.Steadily walking forward she rests thecool metal againsthis reddened flesh,just drawing thetip down justbarely touching him.

I knew Icould trust herto be discreet.I knew enoughabout her pastto ensure shewould spend athe rest ofher life injail should Iever feel theneed to 'spillthe beans'


At October 14, 2007 at 10:42 PM, Blogger MotaVenger said...

All fags must die


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