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Friday, October 19, 2007

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Ivan's opalescenteyes stared past behind her. Penelopecould see inhis eyes thatsomeone was behindher back. Soshe turned back around.

She stood upand continued torub me throughthe material ofmy shorts aswe kissed againand sat downon the bed.We lay back and I beganto rub myhands over herstomach letting themrise to herbreasts and beginto fondle herthrough the satinmaterial of herbra. She reachedinside my shortsand gripped meproperly and slowlybegan to tossme off insideTwist each clothespinto the outside,¼ turn, andhold them forabout 30 seconds;then twist themback straight again.Then, twist them¼ turn tothe inside, andhold for about30 seconds beforeyou straighten them.

We tossed acoin to seewho would gofirst, and Vickywon. My auntpositioned herself betweenmy legs andleaned over, lickingat the tipof my dick.Her huge melonspressed up againstmy inner thighs,and I felther warmth upagainst my balls.

"Idon't know," hereplied. "The enginejust seemed tolose power."

So, afew minutes later,Sean found himselfin the bedroomcloset, with hisarms tied behindhis back anda cloth stuffedin his mouthand tied aroundhis head. Thecloset was stuffedto the brimwith clothes onhangers, so hefound himself ina narrow spacebetween the clothespressing against hisback and theslats of thedoor a fewinches from hisface. The bedhad been movedright up tothe closet sohe could havea better view,based on thedownward angle ofthe slats. Therepositioned bed alsotrapped him inthe closet, sincethe closet doors opened out, andnow they couldn'tbe opened outward.

Aftera few quickthrusts of herfinger into hersoaking wet pussy she turned toface me. Shetook off herpanties and thensquatted down infront of me.Her mouth wasalmost touching mynow painfully hardcock as shebegan to ruband tease herpussy again.

Lauri mumbledsomething about "oldmen" and turnedback to gazeout the stormdoor again. "Whydon't you givethem a littlestimulation?" suggested Eileen.

"Well Sir, it'sdifficult to explain,"replied Kathleen.

The 'benefits'showed up betweenfour and five,every weekday afternoon.For the mostpart they wereaffluent young housewives who stayed onthe island duringthe summer months.Their husbands worked in the cityand only cameto see theirfamilies on theweekends. As thesun's tanning raysbegan to dwindlein late afternoon,the bikini-clad womenwould migrate fromthe beach tothe clubs onthe bay sideof the island.(The sunsets werebreathtaking, and afterdark, the viewof the bayand the citybeyond had muchmore appeal thanthe lifeless ocean.)

MrsAEdanced with allof us. Inoticed Jonathon's handunder her topand down theback of herpants. She worenothing under herpj's. Richard, too,was enjoying her.During one fastnumber, she turnedher back tohim and pressedher ass againsthis hard dick.He immediately movedhis hands underher short topand then broughtone down intothe front ofher bottoms. Kenwas less obvious,but did notpass and opportunityto enjoy herassets.

"I'm so sorryI wasted yourtime, I reallycan't afford morethan $150."

When Igot to myroom I wasstill a littleshaken but asI sat onmy bed Iwas more thana little intrigued.I had toadmit that Iwas lonely andcertainly horny. Istripped off myclothes and climbedinto bed naked.I closed myeyes and triedto come upwith an appealingfantasy. Inevitably mymind went back to the prettyBree sitting atthe bar. Iwondered what itwould be liketo kiss herand what wouldshe do tome. I wasshocked at whatI was fantasizingabout, but stillmy mind continuedto play outthe enticing scenario.My fingers slippedeasily past myswollen labia andinto the slickwet folds ofmy pussy. Icould not rememberever being thiswet when Imasturbated.

For severallong minutes, Tonyand I weretreated to thebest blowjobs Anik had ever given.Time and timeagain she broughtus both tothe brink oflosing our minds,only to pullher mouth backand shift herattention to theother cock beforeher. Finally, whenhe could takeit no longer,Tony jumped upand told Anikto lie downin his place.She did, andwhile I positionedmyself near herhead, Tony climbed between her legsand rammed histongue into herpussy. Anik gaspedin pleasure, thentook hold ofmy cock, danglingabove her face,and drew myshaft into hermouth once more.

No other womanexcited Alicia sexually as much asCarrie did. Theend of theolder woman's three-yearhiatus from sexualgratification after theugly end ofher prior relationshiphad left hervery interested intrying a multitudeof sexual games.Their first sessionas a couplehad involved light bondage, spanking, analplay and fisting.Neither of themhad been ableto move quiteright the nextday, but neitherof them regrettedit. She wasa little afraid that they mightrun out ofthings to try,so they hadengaged in moreconventional sex acts in the interim.It didn't seemto matter. Thesex was stillfantastic.

"Give him ablowjob," he instructedhis daughter ashe arranged himselfbehind her up-turnedass. On allfours, Amy started to suck onher brother's dickas her fatherpushed himself intoher wet pussy,further fueling thefires that hadstarted to burnthere.

"I'm surehe's getting anice eyeful ofyou."

"Yes?" he replies,his Barry Whitetone vibrating deeply in the woman'spussy.

They chatted aimlessly as they inchedtheir way towardsfood, Johno thenchose an opensandwich piled full of roast beefand salad, anda large coketo keep himawake for thedrive ahead. Afterpaying at thetill, he wanderedaround the crowdedrestaurant looking forsomewhere to sit;eventually he founda small table near the rear.He watched asthe blonde roamed the seating area also trying tofind somewhere tosit. It wasthe first timehe was actuallyable to takea good look at her figure.She was aroundaverage height, thetight black dress she was wearingcurved around herfigure accentuating large breasts, narrow waistand shapely buttocks and thighs. Itwas hard toput an ageon her, probablyon the wrongside of fortywhich was tenyears older thanhimself; but shewas still oneheck of adesirable lady. Asshe got closer,Johno put hishand up toattract her attentionand then pointedto the emptychair opposite him.She flashed hima lovely smile as she placedher plate onthe table; henoticed a bottleof red winebeside her food.

Jappled the wayto Sister Bernadetta'sroom, located inthe rear ofthe main wing.Each nun hadher own roomand several peekedout from behindcracked doors, watchingthe elegantly-dressed Poirotstride down thehall and gingerlyopen her door.

them. Groaningappreciatively I lether continue asI slid ahand inside oneof the cupsof her bra.and began torub her nipplebetween my fingers.Then moving downslowly, my handcrept to herpanties and beganto rub herpussy through thethin silky cloth.She gasped lightly as I beganand soon Icould feel herdampness begin tocreep through thematerial. I slida hand insideand began torub at herincreasing dampness andshe gasped outas I pushedfirst one finger,then two intoher.

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She takesus to theguest room andwe unpack ourclothes and hangthem in thecloset and putssome in thedresser!

Selphie excitedly answered,"That sounds likefun. I'll go."

Therewas an awkwardsilence while welooked into eachothers eyes. "That'sa long time,"he said atlast.

What are yourBDSM limits? WithYou Sir, none.i expect Youto set anylimits You feelare appropriate. iwill abide byYour decision. Withany other Domi'm not sure.

Blake'sfingers circled aroundHeidi's nipples, nottouching them. Heidiimitated her movementsand Blake arched her back slightly,reflexively pushing herselftoward the othergirl. Blake pinched Heidi's nipple suddenly,cupping her breastin her handand rolling thenipple between herfingers. Heidi gasped.She could feelthe wetness inher boxers. Shebent her headand took oneof Blake's nipplesin her mouth.Blake moaned softly,biting her lipas Heidi ran her tongue quicklyover the pinkflesh. Heidi sucked and licked Blake'snipples until Blakewas lightheaded anddripping wet. Blakewas pinching andteasing Heidi's nipplesin return, finallytipping her headdown to Heidi'schest and lickingthe hard peaks,her tongue rasping against the crinklesof the girl'snipples, her salivaglistening in theuneven light fromthe candle.

Knowingthat he wasturned on bywhat he saw,completely relaxed meand within secondI was completelyhard inside Christy.With confidence Istood her upand tenderly moved her to herback on thefloor. I thendove my tongueinto her soppingwet pussy. Herorgasm had filledher with sweetjuices that Ibegan to lapup with mytongue.

Ten minutes laterhe was atthe base, whichby coincidence wasonly a fewblocks north ofthe station, ina non-descript officebuilding on LexingtonAvenue. His fellowstalkers on thepursuit team werealready there whenhe and Fourcame in together.Four was notlooking forward tothis, but Onecould not havebeen more understandingor calm.

After grabbingeach tiny pieceof cum, shebegan to suckon Michelle's clit.Michelle jerked andspasmed as yetanother orgasm ripped through her, andDesarae began tomoan between sucksdue to thefucking my cockwas giving her.My balls weresmacking on Desarae'spussy and asMichelle was relaxingfrom her latestorgasm, she watchedus lustfully whileshe rubbed hersensitive clit.

She kepther book tidy,and it wasnice to seethat every timeI fucked herwas still beingrecorded. Counting secondand third encountersin the sameday (which ofcourse I didwhen I foundher black book),I had fuckedGina over fourhundred times inthe first tenmonths I knewher. She hadbeen fucked byother guys anothertwo hundred andforty times. WhenI tell youshe likes tofuck, I amnot exaggerating.

"Itjust might work,either of thelittle girls canprobably whip yourtoughest deputy." Oneof them ishere. See thegirl at thedesk over there.She is mywife and partner.She can lookten years youngerif she needsto. I wantyou to meether anyway. Dorisplease come overhere, I wantyou to meetan old friend.Dori, this isan old friend,Sheriff Doyle Donaldson,Doyle this isDoris Larson, mywife and farbetter half."

Cyrus waslosing control. Shewasn't listening; shewasn't even interestedin listening. "Youhave to understand."

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