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Tuesday, October 23, 2007

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I amso glad Ihad decided tofilm this becausethe look onher face waspriceless. Her eyeswere wide open,a look ofpartial shock andlust on herface, her jawactually dropped. Shelooked up atme holding thecamera and juststared at me."Go ahead sweetheart,enjoy. Happy anniversary!"with that shereturned her attentionto the twoblack studs infront of herwho had steppedforward and werenow within herreach. Her handstrembled as shereached for Marcus'tent and rubbedits length. Shegrabbed his shortsby the waistand 'Let mereveal to youtoday, this dayof days, allCindy's hidden charm,'and with onebrisk movement Steve tore down Duncan'spanties.

"Do what?" Donnaasked distractedly. Shehad her morningcup of coffeein one handand the NewYork Times inthe other. Sointent on readingthe paper, Donnaonly half heardwhat Kory wassaying to her.

"Yesma'am, there isa UPS storenearby." Linda thankedthe concierge atthe Marriott Hoteland hurried outthe front door.

"Soyou work forAlexsandr?"

She slid offthe bed andwalked around thebedroom surprised atthe ease atwhich she couldignore the presenceof this alienanal probe. "Ohboy a littleSci-Fi sex fantasy."She remembered thepanties. Monica slippedthem on andinserted the egginto her alreadywell lubricated pussy.She checked theremote. "Yesssssss. Thatis nice." Shehad a pairof high heelsin the backof her closetso she triedwalking around inthem. They addeda whole newseries of sensations;because of theway the heelsexaggerated the swingof her ass."I can seehow I couldwear these aroundwithout anyone knowing"she thought asshe turned tolook at herselfin the mirrorfrom the rear.She loved theway heels madeher legs look,"so long withcalf muscles tight and defined. Notbad for thirtysix." She preenedand punctuated herthought with asharp slap toher rounded ass.This was naughty—deliciousfun.

Our taximade its wayout of theairport and turnedleft onto TropicannaBoulevard and proceededto the cornerof Tropicanna andLas Vegas Boulevard.At the cornerwe made aright and passedbetween The MGMand New York,New York. Fromthere it wasjust another fiveminutes to theFlamingo Hotel, wherewe would bestaying for thenext few nights.

Her breathing nowreturning to normal,my wife began feverishly licking andsucking the twomen off. Theywere very close,and finally Chris stood up, followedby Tim. Theyboth began tobeat off quicklyand then aroundthe same timesprayed down mywife's face andchest with theircum. The collegeboy cum landed in globs allover her cheeksand mouth, drippingdown onto thenape of herneck. An especiallynoticeable dollop inthe weak lightlanded right inher hair, justinches from herear. Gathering upour respective clothes,each man took his turn wipingmy wife clean of cum andsweat with thetowel she hadbrought (always beprepared in nature).We were justabout to getdressed, when weheard voices andthe giggling ofa woman atthe mouth ofthe cave. Quicklygrabbing the flashlight,I shut itoff right beforewe saw twofigures enter thecave. All ofus remained silent,listening to them.

"No one atall?"

"He was kissingme hard, likemy husband useto, and Iguess I wasliking it, causeI was kissinghim back. Ididn't realized hehad raised upmy skirt untilI felt hishand on theskin of myback above mypanties. He slidhis hand intomy panties andwas feeling mynaked behind. Ireally was mortified,and sort offroze as hishand made it'sway around myhip and infront to touchmy privates."

If onlyI had knownas I startedto wriggle forhim that daythat I wouldsoon be performingregularly for him.Perhaps then Iwould have refused.I would liketo think so,anyway. As thingswere, however, itwould not belong before Iwould not evenwait to beasked - asingle snap ofhis fingers wouldsuffice as asignal to startdancing. And twosnaps of hisfingers would signalto me thatI should stopdancing, curtsey, andkneel at hisfeet.

"It's all right,sir," he said,as I washanded a cupof hot, sweettea. "We got it all onCCTV."

Kat turned herhead to oneside as herbreathing became deeper,faster. Steve leaned forward and squeezedher breasts again,gently kissing herexposed neck. AsKat's breaths becameshorter he quickenedhis pace, thrustingin and outof her asshe started tosigh. "Oh Steve...."she moaned, andthen arched herback as shefelt her orgasmapproaching. Steve continued to thrust hiscock, feeling thewarmth of her.His hand tookhers and astheir fingers entwined he whispered "Ilove you Kat."

"Andwhy do whitegirls fall sohard for I have?She blushed.

"I neverfelt anything likethat before," Berniestated," it feltreally good. I'dlike to doagain."

Just as Iwas about tocum, both ladiespulled away andbegan pumping meand taking turnssucking and lickingmy cock andballs, and Ibegan to emptyanother wav ofcum. Ginny grabbedmy cock tightaround the baseand feed itinto Shelly's waitingmouth as shelaid her tongueout. As shelet go, myhot cum pulsed again and again,coating Shelly's tongueand lips withmy creamy seed,and as Iwatched, they kisseddeep and hard,tongues probing eachothers mouth, andGinny licked whatcum Shelly didn'tswallow up likeit was icecream, and justthe sight ofthis made mecum again whichmust have madeGinny happy becauseshe took medeep into hermouth and didn'tlose a drop.As much asI wanted tostay with thesetwo ladies, Ihad to go.

Mysecond story wasup the followingday and Chantalphoned a littlelater than usualsaying "Have youchecked out yourfamily tree ever,you may havea long lostrelative that emigratedto Nevada thatyou don't knowabout? That storyis making mereally want somethingto happen."

slowly slid themdown around histhighs, "its huge"she said tono one inparticular. He washard already andthe head waspeeking out fromthe foreskin. IfI had tomake a quickguess I would'vesaid 8 or9 inches andthick. His ballswere pretty big too. He wascompletely shaven ofall his pubichair. She leanedforward and kissedthe head andI saw astring of precum as sheremoved her lips.

"Somewomen have ahard time getting all of theirhusband's equipment intheir mouth andholding it therefor photos. Doyou want photos?Or just video during that segment?"

Wasit the wine?What was itthat made herfreeze in placerather than scurryingto close thedrapes? She hoveredby the doorway,hardly breathing, asif he couldhear her acrossthe alley.

At thismoment, another beautifulyoung woman enters the conference room.She is verypetite and slender,about 5 feet tall. Michelle guessesthat the extremelyshort, sexy dressshe is wearingis a size0 or, atmost, a size1. The slenderreed of awoman exudes avery sensual aura,elegant and graceful.She has small,firm breasts, abouta 34B, andlong, dark, shininghair, that descendsto the middleof her back.She appears tobe just outof her teens.Though Michelle wouldhave thought thatsuch a youngwoman would beill at easein such adress in sucha formal executivesetting, she appearsquite poised, andself-assured.

"You donot remember me,do you?" shequietly asks.

I couldfeel the headof his cockpositioned between mylips, waiting topenetrate me. Iwas terrified bythe size, exhaustedby the thrillshe'd already givenme, and shakingwith anticipation. "Please,Willy... just goslow... alright? Ooohhhh..." His marveloushead of hismarvelous cock slowly started to sinkinto me. Icould feel myselfstretching. "Ooohhhh... slooowww...please... " Hewas surprisingly gentle.He pushed thehead of hismassive cock intoand out ofmy lips, eachtime stretching mejust a littlebit. My bodygave into himand I startedslowly hunching back at his invadingcock. Finally, ashe pushed forwardand I pushedback, his cockheadentered me fully."OH!"

"What the fuck"was all Riagot our asshe spun aroundto look atwho was there.

"YeahI'm OK," Camilleresponded. She hadfallen on topof Patrick's, andas she movedaround trying toget up shefelt his strongarms around hertiny waist. Suddenlyshe noticed thather left thigh was laying atop of hiscrotch, and asthey locked eyes she could feelthe bulge causedby his hardcock through thematerial of herjeans. Yet somethingfelt out ofthe ordinary. Theyboth instinctively looked down and werestunned. His cockhad slid outof the front-slipof his boxersand the plumphead of hiserection was staringup at them.

They rose upfrom the bedand threw thesheet over myspent body. Iwatched as theywalked out. Theyquickly waved goodbye smiling back atme. I watchedthem leave admiringtheir tight Asses and long legsas they leftdown the stairs.I closed myeyes knowing Iwould not seethem until Christmas.

"Oh fuck!" Amythought. This guywasn't the normalcollege boy. Mostwould have walkedaway when anolder woman yelled at him. Hewas strong, too.Too strong.

Igot home thatnight to thephone ringing. Ilet my machinepicked it up.I listened asit played therecorded message, thenthe line wentdead. The nextnight there wasan envelope taped to my frontdoor. I toreit open assoon as Iwas inside. Therewas a note,and a photographof my littlesister in frontof her highschool. The notesaid "You willanswer my calls."

Thenstarted an evenmore erotic phaseof the trip.I knew whatI had todo. I movedup & pushedMrs. Aiyer onbed. Getting upI stood behindSudha and movedher in frontof Mrs. Aiyer.

"Pleasedon't Cara, you'retoo lovely tobe covered.
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