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Thursday, November 1, 2007

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"What seemsto be yourtroubling you myyoung friend?"

She didand she wasalmost touching myhand when shesaid, "Damn, heis splitting mewide open," shemoaned.

"Would you likea cup ofcoffee?" he asked.

Common,vulgar words weresomething she totallyabhorred in company,though in herprivate thoughts sheused them allthe time. Theygratified her underlyinglust. They rebelledagainst the primattitude of "Great."I shut myeyes again.

They alltook a dipin the poolto cool off.It was timeto go. Gregand Mary gotout and puton robes. Theyhanded Sue andPaul towels todry off with.When Sue started getting dressed Paul stopped her andtold her tojust put herhigh heels on.They all wentto the frontdoor to saytheir good-bys. Paulwas fully dressed and Greg andMary had theirrobes on andSue had herheels and earrings.Mary opened herrobe and huggedSue chest tochest. Mary insisted that Sue come back and playsoon. Mary thengave both ofSue's nipples ahard pinch andlet Greg takehis turn saying good-by. Greg gave her a bighug and thenstuck two fingersinto her pussyand told herto raise herarms above herhead and squata little sohe could seehow many fingershe could getinto her pussy.Greg had bighands and fatfingers. Sue started to climax atthree fingers andnearly passed outwith pleasure whenhe tried toget four in.Mary and Paulhad to holdher up asGreg finger fucked her to yetanother orgasm.

Theincident is nowconsidered closed andrebuilding goes onapace.

For the firsttwo days, Ikept away frommy family. Myroutine was thesame. I'd donbaggy shorts, atee-shirt and headfor the beach.I enjoyed walking the beach, andat least oncea day, I'ddo about a6 mile run to work upa good sweat,and work offmy frustrations. Itwas after oneof these runsthat I wasabout 100 yardsfrom the houseand stopped tocatch my breath,my chest heavinga bit inthe Florida heat.

Whenshe came tovisit him inthe hospital andasked if therewas anything shecould do forhim, he saidyes and askedfor a date.One date becametwo and twobecame three andbefore he knewit, Jeannie washis girlfriend. Hewas as surprisedas most ofthe other studentsbut he neverlet her seehis nervousness. Henever let herknow how highthe pedestal wasthat he puther on. Hetreated her likea piece offine china, tenderlyand with muchreverence and careas he couldfind. He wasso lucky.

"So then,what's the problem?"Brad asked.

Jaimeenodded. "I hosta number ofevents as partof the job,so I'm oftenout of theoffice or traveling."

Itwas too lateby then, theyhad seen everything.I just carried on as thoughI was wearinga bikini.

Now, whenhe would serviceher, she wouldalways stand, alwayspositioned above him.He would haveto kneel uncomfortablyworking to reachher pussy, givingup his comfortfor her pleasure.

"Canyou step outof the carplease," I heardthe female officer say.

"Hey Scott,is this jerkbothering you?" Georgeasked with amenacing smile.

"Sure," Isaid, thinking Ibet it's number14 of Penthouse'sstandard 23. Ormaybe number 9.

"Shedidn't touch itMy Lady, butshe made mewank myself offfor her"

"We haveto be quiet,"I said downto Syd. "We'llwake the others."

"Oh,honey, they're justlike I rememberthem," he said."They're ideal, they're--"

Therest of thedrive to theclub was donein silence. Whenthey pulled upto the back,Fred's eyes widened.There were somany people there!There were screamingfans behind redvelvet ropes andthere were photographerseverywhere. Some unsuspectingperson would thinkthat it wassome kind ofbig Hollywood premier."Wow."

"Who's your daddy?"As I braceagainst your orgasmicrhythm a thirdor fourth orfifth time--who cancount or tellwhen one stopsand the nextbegins--you cry theanswer, responding atlast to myfinal jerking andspurting deep withinyou, fusing pastand present inone timeless moment,

her parents- her motherin particular. She,too, was astrikingly beautiful woman with a full,firm figure. Penelopewas brought upto be lady-likeand genteel; neverto show herteeth when shesmiled; to greetcomplements with aslight inclination ofthe head. Pennywas not allowedto be herself,only what hermother wanted herto be. Soshe would sitquietly with herparents, thinking foulwords, knowing howhorrified they wouldbe if theyknew what shewas thinking. Fuck.Cunt. Shit. Fuck.Prick. Tits. Fuck.Balls. It gaveher pleasure -and aroused herfertile body.

"Hope youdon't mind, Ineeded a showermyself after theyardwork. Now let'syou get sometea and I'llhave a lookat that report."He looked upat me andcaught his breath."You look likea real woman after all thatcamoflauge comes off,you know that?"I just blushed.

Nicola'saddled mind screamed out the ridiculousnature of thesituation she foundherself in andyet she lovedevery humiliating second of it. Godhow she wishedshe had exploredher submissive side before, she hadmissed out onso much, amistake she knewshe would notbe making again.

Whilewe had exchangedthe cash Bazhad been lookingat the restof the furniturewith the eyeof a manwho knows hisbusiness. But suddenlyhe said, "Hey,something wrong withyour television MissHollis?"

She couldn't believethis was happeningto her.


She laughed atthat and smackedmy arm withan open hand."Flatterer, I'm justsorry that Ihaven't had anychance to getdown and seeyou myself." Sheturned to faceme. I tookher in myarms and kissedher. It wasa long, passionatekiss that promisedas much asI really coulddeliver. Our tonguesmet and twistedaround each otheras I heldher close, feelingthose magnificent breasts crushed against mychest. I felther hands betweenus as shebegan unbuttoning myshirt, then mytrousers until herhand found thezipper tab andpulled it downits full length.Her hand wascool as itencircled my cockand lifted itfrom its covering.

They went upthe elevator toBob's apartment. Whenthey arrived theywent right inand sat onthe sofa, thesame sofa thathe and Shirleyhad used fortheir rendezvous. Heoffered her asoda or water,which is allhe had tooffer but shedeclined.

I told herthat I hadsome extensive experiencein that departmentand would befar from grossedout. I beganto finger herass hole. Itwas very welllubed. I toldher to rollover on herfront and beganto softly rimand then morevigorously tongue fuck her delightful littlebrown eye, whilecarefully fingering herclit.

"Jade please stepinto the adjoiningroom and undress,"Dr. Mann's voicerang out. "We'llstart with yourexamination and thentake a lookat Warren."

Iwas spending mynights with Mattand Lyta. Olderlovers really arethe best. Itwas like beingback with Boband Liz.

"Iarranged for yourstuff to beflown up withus earlier, Ineed someone tochat to." Britneysaid.

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