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Sunday, November 4, 2007

Pantyhose sex with animals

I walkedaway on wobblyknees. The smellof her rightthere, the sightof her rubbingher breast likethat, and thefeel of herfoot was overwhelmingmy senses. Iquietly returned tothe table afterputting the rollaway and thetowel in thetrash, but itwas no use.I couldn't concentrate.I could seeMom rocking herleg again, pointingher foot andthen relaxing itHe went downthe hall tohis room tolook in onDonna. She hadkicked her coversoff so hewent over toher and pulledthem back up.He leaned down,kissed her cheekand for amoment her softsnores stopped andso did he.In less thana second, shewas snoring again.Mike picked upthe small prescription bottle next tothe half empty glass of waterand read theRX that wasprescribed for ElaineDumont. Mike knew Donna was notgoing to wakeup tonight. Puttingdown the bottle,he left theroom.


We wentfor a dinner,and soon enoughMike brought theconversation were healways wanted.

I stoodover Kate andhanded Alex thewhip. Her eyeswidened in fearas he raisedthe horse-hair whipand brought itdown on herbreasts. A screamwas to beheard behind thetape and tearssprang to hereyes. He whippedher again bringingan angry welton the firm,tanned skin. Irealized the sluthad been sunbathingnude. Alex grunted and whipped herfew more timeson her boundtits. They werered but noneof the lashesactually did toomuch damage -they would justbe tender fora while.

"Will youfuck me, Mike?Please, I needyour cock..."

"What?What is ityou needed toshow me," shepleaded. But herefused to answer.

Mariafelt herself shudderas the youngEmilio swiped histongue over herclit for whatfelt like thehundredth time. Sheknew she wasleaking sex fluid onto his faceand let herhands go backto her barebreasts. She couldfeel her climaxapproaching and gulpedin lungful's ofair as herfingers pinched andtwisted her puffy,swollen nipples. Sheheld her breathas she felta finger teaseand then slideinto her tightass. She gaspedonce then twiceand cried outas she came.Her legs stretched wider and herback arched asshe pushed forwardstrying to getas much contactas she could.

Steve was buckingup against heras she hadher fourth ragingorgasm. Her armswere wrapped tightlyaround his neckas she tookher hot fucking like a champ."If only herhusband could seehis beautiful innocent wife now," Ithought. Steve letout a loudmoan and mumbledthat he couldn'thold back anymore. I feltlike it wasa competition tosee who couldlast longer andI was gladto hear thathe was donebecause I couldn'thold out anothersecond. We allthree groaned andcalled out astwo cocks rocketedwaves of cumdeep into hermarried body. Herown orgasm shookher and hersexy body fell limp against Steve.Then I thought,"Steve didn't havea rubber on!"

"BoyI'm getting abuzz off theespresso."

As thedebris settled, Buffypropped herself upand looked atFaith, who wasgrinning.

She hesitating obeyed,her fingers slowly peeled her lipsopen. Her smoothpink pussy started to open, herjuices coating herskin in afine film. "Comecloser and sniffthis." He said.I moved forward until I couldfeel the heatfrom her pussyon my face.The feminine smellwas even strongernow. Was shepossibly a littlearoused by this?

Iknocked him tothe earthen floor before I realizedI had company.I offered hima hand andhe used it,the thunder split the sky andI jumped andscreamed. He heldme close.

Fortunately Alice had turned backto the Robertsso missed seeing sunset come toMilly's face.

One ofthe other blackguys pulled hiscock out ofher mouth ashe was aboutto cum. "Holdyour mouth open bitch" he yelled.Lisa who hadthis dazed lookin her eyesdid as shewas told. "Widerbitch"! She openedher mouth asfar as shecould. Everyone gaspedas he shotstream after streamof cum directlyinto my wifeswide open mouth.Some of itstarted to runout of thecorner of hermouth . "Don'tyou spill adrop bitch" heyelled at herand she suckedin quickly asif she darednot lose any."Don't swallow yetbaby" he saidas he shotmore cum intoher mouth, "justyou hold itin your mouth".Lisa did asshe was told."Now that isa load" theblack guy declared after he hadfinished shooting inLisa's mouth. Everyoneleaned over andlooked as Lisaheld her cumfilled mouth open.I could clearlysee her mouthwas completely full of cum somuch so Icould not seesome of herteeth. "Now swallowit all baby",the black said.I could notbelieve it, butLisa closed hermouth and severalgulps later hadswallowed it all.

Atthe sight ofAnnie's nipples hardening,June looked upat Annie andmet her gaze.The two womensmiled for abrief moment beforeJune relinquished hergrip on Annie'sleft breast.

again and again.I started togather my booksto head backto my room,disgusted that Iwas looking ather like awoman and notmy Mom.

Lyah suddenlyreleased my cockfrom her mouth."I know that."She said.

"Well Iam taking abeautiful woman outto eat, amI not?"

As Isigned for thepackage, the UPSguy looked intently down my shirt,and I wonderedwhat he wasreally thinking. Washe contemplating askingme out? Washe getting hard behind those brownshorts as hethought about fuckingmy large breasts?Or was hewondering what hadpossessed me towear such alow-cut blouse inmy conservative office?Either way, Iwas flattered bythe attention, butmuch more focusedon getting himto leave soI could seewhat was inthe box.

Peter pulls out slowly, turnsoff and removesthe vibrator unties me and seeingI am tooweak to movepicks me upin his arms."You did goodGirl..." and kissesme, while hishand brushes mybreast. I shiver.

"Forthe same reasonI always comeon Wednesdays," hesays; "to giveyou my milk."

Jamescame looking forme. I motionedfor him tojoin me butto be quiet.He walked overto me andsat at myfeet. He noticedthat I wasplaying with myclit and hebrushed my handaway and startedlicking me.

I hada shower andlied in bednext to Rajendra,in that nightI came 13times; I wascompletely exhausted butyet completely satiated.Now my twolovers fuck meeveryday, it hasnever affected anyonelife, my husbandis looked afterwell and rightwith the helpmy 2 lovers,I am busypreparing the weddingof my elderdaughter who isgetting married toa young manof her choicewith our entireapproval.

David hurried to catch upwith her. "Karen."

Whilethey were inthe lot hekept rubbing herarm, and talkingto her likemaybe asking herto have adrink with him,or maybe even,a date. Sheshook her headno. He followedher to themall, and theywalked around todifferent stores andthen she camehome. I justbeat her inthe house bya few minutes.

NoMinors allowed toread this story,no posting withoutbyline, no showingthis to peoplewho do notwish to readsexual oriented material,no animals wereharmed in thewriting of thisstory.

Katie offereda wicked grin,"You have noidea."

"Oh yes. Yesplease, let's dothat K," hemumbled through theflesh of hertits that werein his mouth.

"Layback in frontof me, girl.Lift your slipand spread yourlegs wide. Althoughit was painfulon her tenderand beaten bottom,Tahlia did asshe was told."Play with yourpussy, girl. Giveme a show."

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