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Friday, November 2, 2007

Anal sex positions roulette

She rodeme up anddown as Ifondled her, herhands grabbing mychest. Her pussywalls held onto my achingcock as Iwas squeezed outand thrust back in. She rodeme, crying, "fuckme fuck mefuck me" aswe kissed, andI felt mycome building up,holding it backas much asI could, soI started thrusting up into her,pushing with mybutt muscles ashard as Icould, meeting herdownward stroke withmy upward one,our sexes Hewas unbearably excited,his manhood throbbed hard against hisstomach, and thereality of thesituation was somuch more excitingthan anything inhis fantasies. Hisfear was real;she had notspoken one friendlyword to himsince she arrived.They had neverreally discussed just how far thefantasy would go,how much punishmenthe could take.

"Shhh,you know I'dnever hurt youhoney, I'll stopif you reallydon't like it."

He immediately felta gun pressed to the backof his head.He was toldby Brad toshut up andplace his handsbehind his back.Bud shut thedoor and Jeromedid what Bradtold him todo. But hesaid, "Well Bud.I guess youjust can't trustwhite folks."

You croucheddown and slowlylicked up mythigh, right tomy dripping pussy,tasting my juices.As soon asI felt yourtongue on mypussy, I startedcumming hard. Mywhole body wasshaking from atremendous orgasm. Youstopped licking andjust watched untilI was donecumming. "Mmmm… justlook at mylittle girl allwet, with herpretty little red ass in theair…" My assmust have beenreally red becauseit felt likeit was onfire! I lookedas you walkedover to thechest and rummagedthrough it. Youpulled something outof it andcame back. Youput whatever itwas under thetable so Icouldn't see it.


Wespent the nexttwo days together.Most of thetime was actuallynot in bedbut in planninghow to respondto the comingcrisis. I hadimmediately agreed tohelp Dani, andDaniel, of course.After all, asJefferson once said,"I hold alittle rebellion tobe a healthything."

"Is the cameraall set andhooked up tothe TV downstairs?"asked James.

After hervisit to thebank and whileMarla and Pennywere at themassage parlor, Joanniewent to MonarchAcademy to pickup Debbie andSteve from schoolas arranged. Shepurposely arrived early to check outPenny's suspicions aboutthe Principal andGuidance Counselor. Joanniehad taken offher thong pantyand put itin her pursebefore she leftthe car. Joannielocated Susan Leach'soffice and lookedin to seeif she wasthere.

She drew upthe covers, herfingers touching hercollar again, consideredopening her mindto contact himagain, apologise tohim.

Darlene approached theMC. "Tommy's readynow to perform."

"Isaid, let mego!" Karen twistedout of Rod'stight grip. Sheturned and startedfor the door.

Jeremy had beenan unexpected andbelated addition tothe family whenmom and dadwere in theirearly 50's. Hewas ten yearsyounger than me,so we hadn'texactly been closeas children. Iguess that madehis call evenmore surprising, containingas it didan invitation tovisit with himand his wifefor the weekend.I was awayat College beforeJeremy was reallyold enough toknow what wasgoing on inthe world, andnever really returned ... getting married not long aftergraduating and settlingin a townquite a distancefrom home, sowe had seenlittle of eachother apart fromthe occasional familyget together. Janeand I hadattended his weddingsome three yearsago, but thatwas the lasttime I'd seenhim.

We started talkingagain and theguys loved Megan and couldn't waitto see thisFrench Maid outfit.Megan was inthe bedroom fora while beforewe heard heropen the door.The bedroom wasdown the hallwayfrom the loungeroom so wecould only seeher when shegot to thelounge room. Shestarted walking downthe hallway, thewooden polish floors made her heelsecho through thehallway as shewalked. All oureyes were lockedon to theopening to thehallway, she appearedand we alljust stared.

"What arewe going todo about thisBill?" she asked.

"Oh yeah, hewas very hard.Then we wentto the bedand made lovefor a longtime. We fellasleep together butwhen I wokeup in themorning he wasgone. I wasso disappointed."

mixing and givingeach other pleasure,my penis wason fire, shestarted to come,crying for me,needing me, andI burned inside of her, mycome pulsing outof my cockwith every stroke,so fast now,so loud, wewere beating eachother and holdingeach other aswe spasmed, bucking,jerking, yelling, coming...together.

"Oh shit!" Myeyes flew open and there stoodAunt Mame, lookingdown at me,with her handcaught between herthighs. "Uh, sorrybout that, AuntMame. You saidI should takecare of it,but it justwon't stay down."I was stillidly stroking ahalf hard, wonderingif I hadto stop orwhat, but thesight of myaunt's hand rubbing her crotch gave me some hope.

Jakecontinued his featherytouching for afull minute beforeKim made herselfsay "I'm gladyou came over,Joanna."

"Or you canjust be apussy and takeoff," Steve said.

Hermoans of pleasureincreased as Tinabrought her closerand closer toorgasm. She feltBeth's cunt start to spasm andknew the thegirl was veryclose. Beth's creambecame thicker againstTina's assault, flowingsmoothly, sweetly underTina's loving care.

Ididn't have towonder what Peggywas up tofor long. Sheappeared next tomy head. Myeyes widened whenI saw thatshe was wearingthe leather harness with its 7"flesh colored cock and ball strapondildo. We hadused it before,but it hadtaken several triesto manage toget it intome. The dildowas about aninch longer anda bit thickerthan my owncock. Still, thetimes we'd succeededhad left mequivering and oozingcum from mycock onto thetowels beneath me.

Tommy'scock, balls, andass were coveredin saliva.

andyou have noidea the turnon it wasfor me. Iimagined taking yourcock in mymouth and suckingevery last dropof cum fromit. But it'smy hope thatI get thecard the letsyou cum inmy ass. Ihave never takena man inmy ass andI think I'mready for it."

"I'llonly be inthe kitchen babes,do you thinkI'd leave youif I didn'ttrust these guys."

"Well,you know, man,we're both ridof her now,so we canjust laugh ather expense, can'twe? Let's havesome beer, man."

"YesI was, butgirls can controlit. Guys want to fuck anythingthat walks. Girlsjust like totease and wecan control it,not like youguys shooting inyour pants whenyou get tohot,"

I was immediatelysurprised at howwarm it was.The next thingI noticed washow nice itsmelled; like lilacsand sex. Theroom was setup like astudio apartment. Therewas a cardtable with fourchairs around it,a queen size bed, a reclinerchair and atelevision mounted onthe wall. Musicwas playing softlythough I couldn'tsee a stereo.Just then, themusic cut offand I heardAmy's voice overa microphone, "Justsit down andrelax Alexandra, we'regetting set uphere." I satdown in therecliner and triedto relax, closingmy eyes andinhaling deeply. Iheard the dressingroom door open and looked overto see Jackwalking toward me.He was carryingall sorts ofwires that Ifigured he wasgoing to plantall over myhead. He hadchanged out ofhis business clothes,though, and waswearing loose shorts and a fadedblue t-shirt. Hetold me tostay put andhe slowly opened up the robe,exposing my breasts.

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