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Sunday, November 4, 2007

Sex lubricant positions animated

He wasembarrassed, he's sucha nice man!He explained that,if we wentstraight upstairs tobed he wouldfeel as ifhe was treatingme like awhore and herespected me toomuch to dothat. Can youbelieve it, Iwas gagging forit and hewas being thegentleman. I triedkissing him (andI could feel8 inches thatsaid he washot) but heinsisted on coffeewhich did allowboth of ustime to cooldown, me bynot very much!.

Icould see hersmiling at mein the moon-light.

Idrove past thetrack and parkedmy van in"I'm David. It'sa pleasure."

"Youmean you putin Vodka andPeach Schnapps? Wow,those will bebutt kickers." Karentook two andwaited for Delilah.

"Hi Justin," Tristasaid as sheturned over acoffee cup andfilled it.

I couldbarely move, itwas so tight,and my everymove was causingher a combinationof intense pleasureand pain.

"Because,I'm a blackcock slut," Ireplied as Iwalked toward himand dropped tomy knees.

"IfI had wouldyou have marriedme?"

Becky felt shewas had justlanded back inthe dark ages."What kind ofattitude is that?"

"IsMike really thatclumsy?" I asked.

"Youcan't be ser—uh,I mean, arethose handcuffs, Mistress?"he asked, carefullychanging his accusationto a clarification.

Thepanty shopping trip was fun andeven though Iinitially resisted it,I knew thatit was somethingthat was inevitablefor me. Withor without Julie,it was destinedto happen, Iknew that now.The fact thatwe met Cathythere was icingon the cake– simply sheer luck and fatethat Julie usedto her benefit.The whole thingwith Cathy offering to take melingerie shopping andall the impliedthings that gowith that, suchas trying themon in frontof her, wasa surprise, butI have thatfigured out now.Even the strap-onsession following theshopping trip whereJulie started calling me "Little Girl"is all resolvedin my eyes.It all makesperfect sense, andif I'm right,I know whereall of thisis headed andI'm not goingto resist ifI'm right.

Shealmost shook asshe said, "There'sloud music coming from some-where, Ican't sleep".

I noticedthat Julie wasnowhere to beseen for aminute, then shecame out ofthe bathroom witha robe onand carrying abottle of lubricant.She began massaging the cold lubeinto Luke's asshole.He shrieked atthe sensation andcouldn't help askingthe question healready knew theanswer to.

"Oh Jeff…ohso good baby…ohso good…….Jeff baby,"she cooed ashe continued hissuckling. He beganto kiss hisway down toher stomach, whilehis hands continued to massage herswollen breasts. Sheinhaled sharply asshe felt hismouth on herbutton fly ofher jeans. Slowlyhe began tomanipulate his mouthand she moaneddeeply as shefelt his tonguepush the fabricof her thongand her jeansdeeper into hersoaking wet pussy.

My face musthave turned beetred. I wastempted to tellher to getlost, and drinkit anyway, butthat would onlyembarrass her infront of herboss, so Iwould wait untillater to talkto her aboutthat.

It took onlyabout 15 secondsfor me toprocess all ofthis information aboutthe women. Staceythen brought meout of mymini-trance. She hadpicked up avideo recorder; shehad been tapingduring my blindfoldedtime. She hadmoved next toLori.

After heartfelt apologies(and who ismore heartfelt thana minister introuble), he toldme he hadtwo flat tiresand was overdueat his churchto escort agroup of youthto a weeksretreat at Glorietta.(note: For thosenot familiar withthe splendors ofAmerica, the Baptistfolks have ayouth camp onthe road betweenSanta Fe andLas Vegas, NewMexico). He alsomentioned that hewould be spendingthe week atcamp with theyoung people. Mylecherous heart skipped a beat.

"Dope! Ialways pay offmy debts! Ijust don't losevery often! I'vereserved a roomfor us ata great hotel.Earliest check-in timeis 2:00 p.m.When can youget there?"

Paul. Shesmiled when shethought of him.She should reallyhave tried forhim. He hadpotential. Great tongue.It had beenthe first timeanybody had puthis tongue upher ass hole.It had justseemed the naturalthing for himto do especiallyas she wasstraddling his headon her kneesat the time.And when he'dmade her comethat time inthe toilet cubical.That had beenthe best.

a field entrancesome distance away and then ranas fast asI could acrossthe field towardswhere they hadheaded. I workedmy way cautiously along the hedgerowas I camecloser to thecoppice. I couldsee the carparked on thetrack and Imade my wayround the backof the trees,eventually finding aplace between twodense yew trees,only about 15yards from wherethey were parked,where I couldwatch them completelyunobserved. He hadleft the carengine running, presumablyto keep thecar warm becauseit was acold day, butit also servedto prevent thewindows misting upand leave mewith a clearview into thecar. As coldas it was,I could feelsweat on mybrow and runningdown my backas I lookedstraight in throughthe windscreen. Icould see themlocked together ina passionate embracein the backseat.

I leashedin my impulses,but it washard. My newroommate was astempting as acup of bitterblack coffee; Addto this histragic expression, whichstirred my overzealous desire toprotect and avengeand you couldsay that Iwas in love.

Careful not toawaken her, youslide slowly atfirst, in andout, then faster,watching as herbreasts start torise and fall,her breaths quickening slightly, her headmoves slightly asif trying toshake off thefog, but unableto do so,your cock drivingin and outas you watchher breasts moving with the rhythm.You feel theorgasm starting tobuild and leanforward, taking anipple in yourmouth, sucking gently at first, thenharder as theorgasm gets closer,building in strength,your cock impalingher on itsshaft. You cansee her strugglingto react, hermind sensing andreacting to thestimulation, but hereyes unable toopen, or herbody to doanything but passivelyrespond to yourthrusts. You releasethe nipple butyour front teeth seize a smallfold of skinjust outside ofthe dark aureole of her breast,pinching it betweenthem as youdrive your cockinto her fasternow, the finalthrusts burying itslength inside ofhe.

"Test her,Sir."

"Is what supposedto be thatway?"

Everything stopped asshe came. Shemoaned, grabbed Tim'shead and thrustsher pussy athis hungry mouth.She lay therelooking at Ken'scock inches fromher mouth. Movingoff the bedshe said,

Hearingthat made mycheeks start toheat, then Iperked as aslow song started up. Gilbert O'Sullivan'sAt The VeryMention of YourName, I quicklyrealized as Reikaslipped onto theraised platform set in the middleof the roomwhere the dancersdid their routine.

"B-e-t-t-e."she answers, herface lacking anytrace of humoror curiosity atyour request.

"Getthings adjusted?"

She didn'tapologize. She saidnothing. Meanwhile, Erikawalked to theside of theroom. She pusheda button, andwhen she did,the mirrored-wall beganto rise. Asthe wall raised into the ceiling,Sasha and Icould see alarge group ofpeople in seatswatching us. Wewere the performersin Veronica andErika's next sexact.

As she saidthis she slippedthe shoulder straps off and pulledthe dress downoff her tits.The bouncer responded with a long,low whistle ofappreciation.

Kathy was curledup in thefetal position, fingersstill inside herpussy, hands clamped tightly between herthighs and alook of purejoy on herface. When Dianefinally dismounted andsat on thecouch, Tim slidthem both tothe floor andheld them tenderlyin a three-wayembrace. At histouch, Kathy unwoundher position andembraced them fulllength, kissing Timon the mouthwith a caressingtongue.

"Well, it lookslike you andI are theonly ones notdoing that" shesaid pointing towardsthe T.V. Thescene she pointedto was ashot of mydad lining himselfup behind her,her protruding ass cheeks waiting forhim to getbetween them andslip his lubedup cock intoher pussy. Ashe slid intoher on screen,my sister scootedover to whereI sat strokingmy cock. Takingmy hand away she wrapped herhand around mymeat and beganstroking me. Slowlybringing her facetowards me, wekissed passionately. Reachingfor the waistbandof her robe,I pulled itopen, sliding myhand up toher left breastI felt hernipple harden atmy touch. Trailingkisses down herneck I workedmy way downto her tit,sucking her nippleinto my mouthand flicking itwith my tongue.

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