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Sunday, November 4, 2007

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"I see that you likemy bikini," shesaid as shecontinued to strokemy hard cock.

"Tuchez." I lookedtowards the housegiggling, then turnedmy attention backto him. "Thatis a beautifultie. Is itsilk?" I saidreaching out totighten his knot.

Shecould feel herbody burning fromdesire as ifit was onfire as shefingered herself. Butwhat she reallywanted was touse her newtoy. When shehad first seenit slide outof the boxthe size ofit had frightenedher. But nowshe wasn't scaredat all asshe placed thehuge head atthe opening toher pussy. Knowingthat she didn't"DADDY! STOP IT!STOP FUCKING ME!"Tricia screamed itout to me,and I paidno attention toher at all.'Course, by thatpoint, having beenat the brinkof cumming, mynuts were achingand really readyto fill herfull. She wasa bit slickernow...wetter now....hmmm?

Pulling offthat stupid nurse'suniform that noself-respecting nurse wouldbe caught deadin, she felta little better,but that dreadof what wasgoing to happenin the morninghad saturated hercompletely. She slippedoff her dampunderwear and droppeda nightshirt overher curves beforegetting into bed,her body stillshaking slightly fromthe experience shebeen through thatnight.


"Whatare YOU DOING?"Jimmy wondered.

I pushedas instructed andthe front ofthe cage andthe entrance flapfell down ontothe floor withthe padlock stillin place. Istayed still, waitingto be instructedto exit.

"But you'remarried," I said.

Andshe gets right back into action.

Dad put hishand behind myhead and startedto fuck mymouth slowly atfirst, giving metime to adjustto his size.It didn't takelong for himto get going,I was reallyenjoying this. Istill had mycock buried inmom's ass; shewas bucking furiouslypulling on herown nipples smilingat us. Hollyhad slipped intoa 69 withher mom bothon their sidesso they couldwatch the show.

"Goodnight, Chloe" whisperedNila.

Collen twisted thebottom end andthe vibrator came to life witha humming noise filling the room.

"Thatwon't be necessary,I am goingto see alawyer and Iwant half ofeverything not allof it. Youkeep your carand I willkeep mine, wewill sell thehouse and splitthe profit." Igathered my clothesand personal belongings and hurried backto Bill!

"Excuseme, could youhelp me." Iasked.

My silence seemedto further inflameher. Stacy thenspat in myface as Iwiped the bloodfrom her temples.I figured abit of tolerancewould go along ways andI just brushed the spit aside and continued mywork. Stacy's nextaction brought mytemper to aboil.

The blaring noisejarred Alex fromhis slumber. Itdidn't take agenius to determinethat the partywas already underway.Alex glanced atthe bedside clock:Nine p.m. Hewas surprised hehad slept solong. He hadnot set hisalarm, figuring thathe would beup long beforethis. He rolledout of bedand hurriedly slid into his costume.He really needed to visit thebathroom, but hedidn't want tobe seen outof costume. Dressed,he made hisway to thehall bathroom, whichwas thankfully unoccupied.

"Doyou like myshoes today? Lickthe soles clean for me rightnow," I laughed.This was somuch fun. Inever knew married life could everbe this muchfun. Matt lickedmy shoes likea sick little puppy.

"I see,"she said, hereyes narrowing anda small smilepulling at thecorners of hermouth. "Whatever Isay, huh?"

have a lotof time shequickly rammed itin and hadto bite hertongue to keepfrom screaming asshe felt itstretching her lipsto their limits.

Jameslooked at me,I nodded myhead yes, indicatingthat he couldanswer her. "Justlike any otherman, Ma'am," hesaid humbly. "Ijust don't makethe impression othermen do; notwith my pricklett."

"Youlook nice," shesaid and theninquired, "Job interview?"

Paulgot-up and movedAnne down thebed so thather bottom wason the sideof the bedand her legsdangled over theedge. Paul slipped a pillow underAnne's bottom thenknelt in frontof her andgently kissed andlicked her navel.His tongue traced a path downher tummy andclosed over herpubic mound.

James opened a drawer inhis desk, andsurprisingly withdrew abottle of whiskyand three tumblers.As he pouredthe alcohol liberally into them hesaid: "Fate haspresented me witha unique opportunity.Two attractive, young,nubile women, dependentupon my goodgrace." He pushedthe glasses acrossthe desk. "Takea drink –it'll calm yournerves. You couldalso look uponthis as ablessing for you.You must bothhave been livingon your nerves,wondering if Iwould find out.Of course youwon't be ableto steal anymore money, butif you chooseto reach anaccommodation with meyou should haveno immediate fear of prosecution."

"You know,that would befine. I gota sense thatthis is alittle awkward foryou – Iknow it isfor me –but there area few thingsI'd really liketo go into.And, you're right,here isn't theplace. Why don'tyou give meyour address andI'll see youtomorrow night? CanI bring anything?"

Bebesaid "let's findout" as shebegan to slowlyslide up anddown on hispole taking himslightly deeper witheach stroke.

Theblows stopped assuddenly as theyhad started andCarson hung withall her weighton her armsas her legscollapsed below. Shesoon shifted andtried to relievethe pressure onher shoulders bystanding straighter andall her effortbrought was painas a solidobject slammed intoher pussy frombetween her legs.The object –solid, pointed, andrough – stayedthere and shesoon found thatany relief fromthe agony ofsitting her whippedtender cunt onit was bystanding on tiptoe.Her legs tiredand she fellback on theobject and whenshe couldn't takethat anymore, shewent back ontiptoe. She hadno idea howlong this lastedas her alternatingtook less andless time asshe grew moreand more weary.

This is whatdrove him insanewith unbridled passion ever since she'dachieved her desiredresults. Tanning heralluring body completely...Well not exactlycompletely. Yeah... Lyingon her stomachthere wasn't aninkling of untouchedskin which hadn'tbeen perfectly bronzed,kissed by thesun's golden rays...However... Lying onher back? OhShit!... Mimicking thetiny bikini sheso provocatively modeledwere the exacttriangular patterns exposing the enticing swellsof her breasts,showing off thetrue creamy white color of hernaturally God given skin, barely containingher cat-eyed shapedareolas and exposingthe excited, erectstate of hernipples. Also, hidingat the presentbeneath the minimalconfines of herbikini bottom? Onlya few centimetersbelow the startof her alluringtan line, evenlycentered amid thecreamy presentation, laya dark, thinlymanicured strip ofhair leading downward as if guidingone to thepalace of pleasurehiding, protected betweenher luscious long legs. With thatsmall exception matching the color ofthe dark brown waves outlining hersensuous face, everythingelse was bareas the dayshe was born:soft, smooth, invitingthe lone luckyparticipant to aflawless canvas ofsoft sensuous delights.

Wantingthe night tobe perfect, Icooked a nicedinner and setthe table withmy finest china.The candles werestanding in theirbrass holders just waiting to belit. More candlesdotted surfaces throughoutthe house. Inthe living room,a fire roared in the stonefireplace. Champagne chilledin a silverbucket while twocrystal glasses reflected the light aroundthem.

"I'm hoping Ican make itin time. I'llsee you later."He rushed outthe door anda few minuteslater she heardSpirit's hooves trotting down the frontdrive. She slowlywalked through thesitting room intothe music room.She sat infront of thepiano and ranher fingers overthe keys. Shehad taken lessonsas a littlegirl but shebarely remembered anyof it. Shegot up andwandered into thelibrary. She hadn'tspent much timein here yetand thus shewasn't familiar withits contents. Nowis as gooda time asany she thoughtto herself, scanningthe books alongthe shelves. Shefound a fewof interest andcarried them overto one ofthe chairs. Shebuilt a firein the grateand was soonabsorbed in herbook.

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