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Friday, November 9, 2007

Mature best sex stories

Through her,he had metsuppliers, collectors anda number ofmodern day erotic artists whose workwas excellent. Whilein Boston, heand Tina werediscussing some ofthe extra specialworks in thecollection which werea terrific turn on, while lyingin bed andrelaxing between sexsessions, when theidea to opena gallery cateringto the manyextremely wealthy art collectors in theworld who, itseemed, would Iturn to yousmiling. You lookso sexy inyour white blouseand skirt, readyfor work. Soprofessional. I lookalluring in myblue shirt, whichI start tounbutton a bitas my eyesdraw you near.You stroll towardsme, unbidden andfull of desire.I take myhands from myshirt to yourblouse and unbuttonit a bitas I stareinto your eyes,wondering what theywill look likewhen you arefull of mycock, when youare cumming asI shoot deep,deep inside you.

I stood behindher, hands onher slight hips,the iron barin my pantsbumping her ass.She was trembling,unable to camouflageher nerves nowthat she waswearing the blindfold.Inside darkness shewas. There wastouch and tasteand smell andsound, but noseeing and notalking.

I looked overand said, "Well,you got myroses then andthe champagne, good.My car broke down or Iwould have beenhere right aftersupper for ouranniversary, but itstill not tolate to fuck,"as she movedaway from meand stood up.

"I'm guessing yourmistress wouldn't bepleased if youwent home withoutthis, would she?"

Cindywas not pleasedwhen I showedup at thehouse and toldher she hadsome choices tomake. I'm prettysure that shehad been lookingforward to 120days (minus timeoff for goodbehavior) of unrestrainedunfaithfulness so itcame as asmall shock toher to findout that Iwas going tobe her babysitter.I told herwhat Donny hadasked of meand then Ispelled it outfor her. "Youcan either movein with meor I'll movein with you.Your only otheroption is topack your bagsand leave town.As long asyou are inthis town andI can findyou I willrain on yourparade. So, ifyou stay intown the choicesare my placeor yours."

Jerry started having Sue goover to hisplace while hehosted different sports parties. He hadone of thosebig TV's andgot every channelknown to man.He would havea fellow ortwo over andeventually Sue wouldbecome the mainattraction. Sue spentmore than afew evenings describing to me howmy neighbors camein her mouth,in her pussy,and now, inher ass.

"Going tostart without me?"Judy lightly quipped as she satin the overstuffedchair across fromher neighbor anddearest friend.

"Now watchas your motheris taken bya real man."Darnell then saidto Jennifer.

Whenever Kevinheard Adrianna's voiceon the otherend of theline, his heartskipped a beat.He was neversure if shewas calling himfor a quickfuck on herdesk, or aboutsomething business related.With the darkcomplexioned boss, shecould switch betweenthe two atthe drop ofa hat.

She sitsacross the tablefrom him. Thesmoke is thickin the room,those surrounding thetable are hoveredclose, watching, waiting,fascinated by thedrama of themoment. His expressionhasn't changed inthe last 20minutes. She noteshis arrogance. Hiseyes reveal thathe is sureof his victory.Behind his expressionthere is theunderlying, smoldering lust that has ledthem here, atthis table, cardsdealt and wagersmade. She wonders,as she alwaysdoes, how shegets herself intothese situations.

"You bet!I'd like tocome over thereand give ita lick."

We cameto a seriesof pictures ofa woman suckinga cock. Itwas a bigone and shewas trying totake it allin. The finalpics showed himshooing off inher mouth, somecum running downher chin.

"Oh, shit!"Molly groaned. "Loissaid she wasjust about toleave! Lois! Lois!"she screamed asshe ran frantically out to thereception area. Itwas empty. Loiswas gone. Mollystood plastered tothe area infront of Lois'sdesk trying tothink what shecould do whenshe heard hername being called."

Even though shecouldn't invade histhoughts with hertrue powers gone,Tristanna was ableto tell thatshe had hita nerve withthat question.

That kindof pissed meoff. I saidthat we shouldhave coffee anddessert at homeand she brightened.

"Oh, just hold me steady anyway you can."

Bythe light ofjust a singlecandle we eachshowered and sluicedaway the perspirationof another dayin the tropics– even atnight the heatand humidity werestifling – then,each in asilken robe, ratherthan her bed,I lead herby the handback to therattan sofa, laydown amid thepillows and gatheredher into myembrace, kissed heron her nose,and whispered toher, "I wantyou with mealways, Babe."

pay almostanything to geta particularly importantwork of eroticart, slowly tookroot in hismind. It tookanother few monthsof thought andplanning before hediscussed his planswith Tina. Sheflipped over theidea and justknew it wasthe right decision as her husbandwas intelligent andtasteful and knewquite a bitabout art ingeneral as wellas all theins and outsof sex whichhe loved everybit as muchas she. Theyhad a veryopen sexual relationship since they hadfirst started dating and since bothwere bisexual, theyshared many interestsas well aspartners. This wouldbe the perfectbusiness for Jonand she knewhe would makeit a success.

Sadly,Susan concluded thatMartin was enjoyingsome female body other than herown, which ofcourse he was,and parted companyfrom him.

Tommy hadslipped his fingerfrom her andwas fumbling withhis clothes, tryingto get hispants off. Hiscock was hardas steel andhe wanted itin her! Heneeded her! Whenhe finally struggled out of hispants, he climbedon the seatbetween her legs.

Withthat, she drewback the cropand swished itthrough the air,landing its leathertip squarely acrossVal's bare cheeks.It struck witha loud crack and a winceout of Val,but he managedto stifle hisoutcry.

"Jack, willyou get upthis instant!"

"As youcan imagine, Iled a verysheltered life withthem, in akind of rural,very religious environment.University life andthen New Yorkblew me away!Mom and Dadstarted training meto become amissionary with theidea of sendingme back toAfrica when Iwas old enough.But, I disappointedthem. I becamefascinated with mathand computers, andthen in theway business systems work and Iswitched my universitycourses without tellingthem. That causeda bit ofa ruckus Ican tell you!But, they aregood, kind peopleand they letme go myown way inthe end. Ilove them bothvery much."

Without aword, she slippedunder the coversand crawled towardsme. She wasslim and agileand very warm.

"Funnyyou should mentionthat", I saidwith a smilethat told Erica that this wasbut the tipof the icebergfor her sexualperversion.

"Show me! Showme just howbad I was."

"Ifeel inside you.You're squeezing me.And again. Andagain."

I hurried andtook my shirtoff and threwit in apile with mykhakis and mypanties. I tookmy bra offquickly and letit join myother clothing items and I beganswimming again.

Note: Thisstory immediately follows the events inSolomon King.

Finally, spent,I stepped back.Her chin wascovered with mycome and asI watched anotherthin line wasforced from betweenher smeared lipsand dribbled downwards.Before her eyesmet mine Iturned and walkedback to myroom.

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