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Sunday, November 11, 2007

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We walkeddown the hallwayinto her room,when she openedthe door, therewas soft glow coming from within.There were candleslit threw outthe room. Iturned and lookedat Kenya inquestion. "Well, Itook the chancethat I couldget you inhere. I seenyou watching mewhile I wasgetting undressed." WhenI started todip in myhead in embarrassmentshe continued Ithought I wasin the Zonewith Eric, aguy who livedin the roomnext to mine.We had flirteda little, teasedeach other alittle, and madeexcuses to toucheach other. Butone night hewas drunk andcried on myshoulder about hislast relationship… andafter that, Iwas his goodol' buddy. Great.Swell.

"Thank you."There was apause. "You cancheck for yourself,if you like?"she said, hervoice soft.


She shookher head.

Hopelessness embracedher after therepulsive deed wasfinished. Her mindquestioned why shehad agreed towhat she haddone, and shefeared what waited.Danielle's green eyes looked up, uncertainwhat was next.He motioned forher to continue.She glanced downat his swordthat was nowmore like adagger, but athis insistence placedit back intoher warm mouth.She reluctantly lickedand sucked onthe stem, andafter a timeit swelled andreturned to itsformer size. Theywere still quitea distance fromthe castle, andmuch time remained.

Shehad me trappedinside her hotpussy. The feelingwas wonderful andgetting...better. I feltthe diaphragm eachtime she slammeddown on mycock. The...resistance wasinteresting. I thenfelt the spermboil out ofme and Istarted...spurting rope afterrope deep inher pussy. Ifelt each spurt.There must have...been15 of them,I had nevercounted them whenI jerked off.She was inher...orgasm now andhad her eyesshut. She slammeddown on mycock and justground...her pussy againstme for anothercouple of minutes.She stopped andcaught her...breath. Shekissed me deeply.

Ismiled and lookeddown at hislittle hard 5-inchblack cock andsaid, "Well howabout I jerkyou off againnow. Would thathelp Lucky?"

I laiddown next toher and sheknelt over meand went back to sucking mycock. I knewshe had neverhad such agood cock before,just from theway she wentafter it, andI started thinkingmaybe I neededto keep thisfat slut arounda while. Maybebring some ofmy buddies into show themhow good shesucked cock. Shewas really gettinginto it andpretty soon shemoved over andstraddled me ina sixty nineposition. What thehell, at leastthis way Igot a goodview of hercunt and ass.I let herstraddle me butI wasn't reallyprepared when shelowered her fatpussy onto myface.

Dee Dee'seyes finally opened.She gazed onme with alook of apprehension."Wait, Andrew. I'mnot sure youshould go there."


"Sally turn around,"Josh thought tohimself.

I enjoyed feelingSue's weight uponme. I heldher in placewhile several moremiles passed beneath us. We kissedand caressed untilour senses returned.I hated tospoil the moment,but I askedSue to readmy watch. Shefound the buttonthat lit thenumbers. We'd beentraveling about 90minutes. We'd madethis trip enoughtimes to knowDad's first stopwas about 15minutes ahead.

Stephanie, whilethis was allgoing on, waspartially viewing herselffrom a distance.Where was thisall coming from?She'd never beenso demanding before,and surely notlike this. Butnow that itwas happening, shewas getting really turned on; bythe ordering, andmost of all,by the factthat Reggie wasdoing what shetold him to.The power tripwas really making her pussy juice up.

He came upbehind me, pressinghis whole bodyagainst my back.Once again Ifelt his breathas he spokeinto my ear.I had afeeling that thiswas his favoriteposition, his frontto my back."Baby, you havethe ass ofa goddess. Ican't wait tosee you onall fours withmy cock deepin your cunt.Are you ascreamer, little one?Am I gonnahave gag youso the neighborswill not knowwhat Daddy isover here doingto his littlegirl?"

He shook hishead. The ragestill burning inside him as hestared down athis little sister."I am notgoing to havea slut fora sister. Iknow you fuckedhim. If Iever hear youdo it againI will beatyou fucking stupid...Do you understandme." He clenchedhis fist ashe spoke.

Icould see thegleam of interestin Doreen's eyes."You have informationabout your formerwife on aDVD? Exactly whatkind of information?"

"Lickit, I wantit nice andwet for yourass. I wantevery swat tosting. I wantyou to knowthis as punishmentand not agame." His voicealmost cruel. Hisgrip loosened onmy head atthe same time.I knew itwas His love,I was aboutto feel.

They entereda secluded glen where a springbubbled up intoa crystal clear pool of watersurrounded by softmoss covered rocks and fragrant flowers.Lounging around theglen and inthe water wereabout a dozenexquisitely beautiful women,the nymphs. Someof the nymphswere singing, dancing,laughing and playingwhile others werebeing serviced byvery handsome men;their captives. Theywere so unbelievablybeautiful and theirvoices so heavenlythat Kaia wasimmediately overcome bylust. She droppedto the softmossy ground andimmediately began furiously finger fucking herself.Within seconds ascreaming orgasm, drawingthe attention ofmost of thenymphs. She stood,her legs abit unsteady, andher pussy stillached for moreattention. She approachedMikhal who wastalking to agroup of threenymphs.

"Now don't belike that. Ipurposely undress infront of thedoor, hoping toget some reactionout of you.Looks like Idid. So Iguess you couldsay, my plannedworked. Your inhere aren't you?"she said witha grin.

"Whatbrings you hereFather?" Sister Teresasaid as shegreeted her friend.

Jordan remained silent and finally pulledaway from Mattaltogether. "I needa drink."

"Trust meJen, when youget some gooddick everyone willknow."

She roseand started towardthe kitchen.

I quietlymoved across thepool toward them,keeping my bodyunder water. "Personally,I'm tired ofall these littlegirls acting likefucking tramps andthen not puttingout, aren't youDirk?" Tommy askedas he pressedhis body againstthe little blondegirl.

It was timeto lay youdown so wecould really please you.


"Yes, or course,"he croaked.

I toldJohn I wantedto feel himinside my pussy,and he askedif I couldhandle that nicebig cock Isaw in thepicture I hadseen online…I saidyes, I wantedit…give it tome…I wanted tofeel his whitehot sperm filling me deep inside…bynow my hubbyhad put hisfingers inside meand was fingerfucking me silly,and my orgasmwas just mereseconds away….He keptsaying "Tell meDebbie, tell mehow much youwant it, youneed it, thatbig hard cock deep inside youtonight," and Idid…And as Iuttered those wordsover and overI could hearhim grunting andmoaning and straining,his breathing wasgetting heavier andmore labored bythe second.

Kat hada student work assignment in theoffice of theDean of theSchool of Business.She was onduty the dayRay arrived toconfer with hisadvisor. She wasimpressed with histall, good looks,his positive attitude and self-assurance.

Evewas out withone of herfriends for amovie Tory hadn'twanted to seeanyway. Perfect: shewas alone. Andit was now8 o'clock, thetime when Justin,her boyfriend, shouldcall her. He'dbeen away forthe past twoweeks, on aschool trip toGreece, and wouldbe back intwo days. Torymissed him andwas anxious forhim to return,but if everythingwent according toher plan, hewas going toget a bigsurprise. The phonerang.

I smiledas I walkedclose to itsaying quietly tothe trailing bride"Get up hereor hear thefat lady sing."

iwatch, as Youlie on hand slidesup to Yourtit, and iwatch as Yousqueeze Your nipplehard ... theother hand buriedin Your panties...rubbingYourself. i cansee that Youare forcing Yourfingers into yourself...andi see howwet Your pantiesare becoming...

"Mmm...yummy"she said, lappingat it.
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