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Monday, November 12, 2007

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Friday came and I hadalmost forgotten aboutthe date. Jimpopped in justto say howmuch he waslooking forward toit. I justsmiled and saidme too. Hetold me hewould pick meup at 8.

"'Instructor',you weenie," shecorrected me sarcastically.

"Everyone on thebus will removeall their clothesexcept Mom usheredhim to thedoor and sawhim off towork. I heardthe front door latch as momlocked it, thenshe came backin the kitchenand sat downby me. Shelooked into myeyes, brushing thehair out ofmy face withher long nails.

Anhour later shewas laden withgoodies and Benwas nowhere tobe seen. Notthat it wouldhave mattered much;she had somuch crap piled on that shecouldn't even seeher own feet,let alone anyonenext to orin front ofher. Which isprobably how sheended up flaton her assin the middleof the floorempty handed aminute or twolater. She satthere, dazed, asa burly manabout her age-- that's tosay, middle aged -- scrambled tocollect all herstuff before itgot trampled orreclaimed by anotherholiday shopper. Whenhe was done,he helped hercollect the contentsof her purse,which lay scattered around her aswell.

The twolads were draggingJasmin down ontothe carpet now.Lacey looked onas he watchedhis slut wife spread her legsin anticipation. Bradwas between herlegs in aflash, his harderection poised ready for entry. Witha lunge hewas inside her.Jasmin gasped outloud as shefelt the sizeof his weaponand cried outas he thrustdeeper into hertight body.

"I usedto work forthe agency."

"Oh Gary,that was great.Lisa is verylucky, you reallyknow how tofuck a woman,"Beth said. "Sinceyou gave mesuch a goodfucking Gary Ihave a specialtreat for you.I want youto fuck myass."

"Amanda, I've lovedyou in yourdreams countless times.It is timethat I loveyou in yourflesh." he saidstepping closer andcloser. She couldsmell the rawsensuality of hisdusky skin. Sheached to bein his arms.

"TheWindy Islanders areoccupied?" He asked,breaking the hoursof silence.

I said,"Is this agag? Is someoneputting you upto this?"

Suddenly, shefelt a tongueon her pussy.Looking down, shewas mortified tosee one ofthe transients running his tongue upand down herlips. She wasso embarrassed andyet so hot.The combination ofhis tongue andJack's spanking werereally turning heron.

"There's notplenty to doin River Falls,"Joey was becomingannoyed. Clearly herparents didn't reallycare about hernerves and werejust trying tohumour her.

As hecontinued the massageJames was nowkneading my assand small ofmy back withhis strong hands.He stopped andmoved down tomy feet beginningto work fromthem back uptowards my assagain and nowhe knelt betweenmy legs working first on onethen the otherwith his skillfulhands. As hishands reached thetop of mythighs the pressureof the massagewas changing fromone of somedepth and strengthto a caressof my whitethighs and buttocks.Then taking moreoil he tracedthe crease ofmy ass withone finger, whilewith his otherhand he squeezedthe inner thighand parted mylegs further.

Another quickglance at myMaster and Iwinked again. Thistime I tookher clit inmy teeth andheld it inplace. Making sureI had bothclit and nipplesfirmly in place,I started tosuck on herclit hard andtwist her nipplesat the samethe time. Theresults were immediate.She lurched forwardand started tobuck even harder.I kept atit as bestas I could.I wanted Master to see hercome hard. Andshe did. Shehad a deathgrip on theshowerhead and startedscreaming at thetop of herlungs. "YES, MOM,YES! OH GODTHAT'S IT!" Shewas bucking sohard that shepushed me away.When she foundher balance, sheopened her eyesand saw Masterwatching the wholething. She blushbright red whenshe saw him.

Youwhimper, unsure ifyou're allowed tospeak again. Ismile.

"What about Carl?"

"Doyou want meto take youhome?"

forthe bus driver,"Josh sent thisthought.

I don't knowwho was moreshocked, me orHeather. "Jesus, Frank,"I said, butHeather calmly put her hand onmy knee tosettle me down.She seemed tocontemplate the commentmuch more thanI did, althoughshe seemed alittle hesitant atthe suggestion. "Look,we've all knowneach other fora while, andmy husband isa good friend to both ofyou. This goesno further thanthis, so ifthat's what youwant from meto settle thebet, I guessI will."

Iwent into astall and satdown on thetoilet lid. Ibegan to goover in myhead what Iwanted to doto her. Myheart was poundingas the thoughtof my cocksliding in andout of herhot mouth caused my cock torise to attention.Thought's of kneelingbehind her andlapping at herdripping cunt caused me to shiver.I jumped upand carefully checkedto make surethat nobody wasoutside in thehallway. I glancedat the clockand saw thatthere was sixminutes yet beforeI was tomake my move.

I nodded.

For starters,she had fantasticlegs. The firstwarm day inApril I spottedher in oneof those floatysundress things andnearly missed mygreen when theimage of herlegs wrapped aroundmy waist flashed across my mind.Whoa. Where hadTHAT come from?I tried toput it outof my thoughts,but as alwayshappens in thatcase it justkept drifting inat inopportune moments.

With a shakyhand she pulledthe note fromits perch andslowly opened it.As her eyesfell on theopening line herbreath catch inher throat andshe felt herknees grow weak.

"Whywould we? Iknow I've goteverything I waslooking forward toright here."

"Fuck me!"I told himas I liftedmy leg back onto the deskand beckoned himtowards me.

"Roomfor you togo fuck mewith this bigcock." She saidas she grabbedhis crotch.

My answerwas to runmy hand alongmy tongue, thenuse my salivato lube hisdick. With ahalf mad smile,I pulled myshorts to theside, and loweredmyself onto hisdick. The tipwas thick andround, and pressedat my hole.I used moreof my weight,and the tipentered my hole.I gasped, anddrove my headinto his shoulder.I started tobite his arm,trying to mufflemy screams. Ithurt, but goddamndid it everfeel different.
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